Releases: mpi2/PhenotypeData
Releases · mpi2/PhenotypeData
- Removed an extra character included in the IMPC_Release_Notes_16.0.jsp file.
- Created an archive of the data release notes for DR16.0
- Fix for the Grp gene report page bug
- Order section patch to fix loading issue for some genes
- Modified the Google Analytics code for dual tagging
- Display a star on the P-Value column and a footnote in both the significant phenotypes table and the all data table for PWG significant hits to clarify those have a different significance threshold.
- Add an additional threshold line to the Measurement's chart to display the significance threshold for PWG data
- Patch missing allele_type and allele_description on products report
- Fix LifeStage for ALT pipeline all data table rows
- Modification to to address 500 errors
- Modified the batchQueryForm to produce URLs without a double slash in the id_link
- Fix PWG links on All Data Table
- Fix broken All data table load
- Test change for RI redirect error
- Mapping allele_simple image links
- Change link for GP calls of the PWG data to go to the PWG landing page
- Change order section to read from the Product Core only
- Modified the data for the register Interest MailServiceTest to fit DR16
- Remove Allele2 Core dependency for order table generation
- Archived the release notes for DR15.1
- Modified the IDG landing page to remove the reference to HomoloGene and replace it by HCOP.
- Fix menu highlight on publications menu
- Fix XLS exporter on publications page
- Fix dropdown menu on landing pages #712