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To do list |
- Do any necessary work on appleseedhq/appleseed#2811.
- Compare results of appleseedhq/appleseed#2811 with other renderer engines.
- Investigate Hosek and Wilkie Solar disk implementin.
- Investigate Other Renderers solar disk implementin.
- Finish Solar disk implementation from Hosek's paper
- Clean code and open a pull request.
- Add features to visible solar disk
- Limb Darkening.
- Red Flash.
- Mirages.
- Finish solar disk implementation.
- Add ability to tint sun and aky.
- Start research and implement algorithm to configure sun and sky with a geographic location and date.
- Implement algorithm to configure sun and sky with a geographic location and date
- Clean implemented code.
- Start to extend the model to render ExoPlanets Scenes.
- Implement the ability to rescaling wavelengths to match a different star radiance.
- Extend the model to scenarios that involve more than one star.
- Create Test scenes.
- Investigate the algorithm that Preethan and Hosek models use to generate theirdata and the necessary modification in their algorithms.
- Work on report to phase 1 evalutaion.
- Investigate and discuss with Apple Seed develop about the best way to add the algorithms to Appleseed
- Implement the algorithms to generate the Hosek data.
- Create a test scene using the Mars atmosphere data.
- Start to implement an algorithm to generate Preethan data. (probability very similar to how Hosek does)
- Cleaning up the code.
- Work on report to phase 2 evalutaion.
- Create test scenes for different planets.
- Make sure all features are working fine in all Appleseed plugins
- Work on final evaluation.