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Pierre Morisse edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 7 revisions

LRez is a project that provides both a standalone toolkit and a C++ API allowing to work with barcoded linked-reads.

Using the API

The documentation of the various modules and of their corresponding functions is available at

LRez can easily be integrated to existing projects, and should be compiled using -llrez_bamtools -llrez -L/path/to/LRez/lib/.


We provide a few examples on how to use the different functionalities of the API below.

Index the barcodes from a BAM file

string bamFile = "bamFile.bam";
bool onlyIndexPrimary = false;
unsigned minQuality = 0;
BarcodesOffsetsIndex index = indexBarcodesOffsetsFromBam(bamFile, onlyIndexPrimary, minQuality);

Query the index to retrieve alignments in a BAM file

vector<BamAlignment> alignments;
string barcode = "ACGTTGCGATGGTCTG";
alignments = retrieveAlignmentsWithBarcode(bamFile, index, barcode);

Alternatively, if the index needs to be queried with multiple barcodes, the BAM file can be opened a single time

string bamFile = "bamFile.bam";
BamReader reader;
// Check if the BAM file was properly opened

vector<BamAlignment> alignments;
string barcode = "ACGTTGCGATGGTCTG";
alignments = retrieveAlignmentsWithBarcode_BamReader(reader, index, barcode);
alignments = retrieveAlignmentsWithBarcode_BamReader(reader, index, barcode);


Extract the barcodes from a given region of a BAM file

string bamFile = "bamFile.bam";
string region = "chr:beg-end";
robin_hood::unordered_set<string> barcodes;
barcodes = extractBarcodesSeqsFromRegion(bamFile, region);

Alternatively, if the index needs to be queried with multiple barcodes, the BAM file can be opened a single time

string bamFile = "bamFile.bam";
BamReader reader;
// Check if the BAM file was properly opened

robin_hood::unordered_set<string> barcodes;
string region = "chr:beg-end";
barcodes = extractBarcodesSeqsFromRegion_BamReader(reader, region);
region = "chr2:beg-end";
barcodes = extractBarcodesSeqsFromRegion_BamReader(reader, region);


Compute the number of common barcodes between the ends of a given contig, and the ends of all other contigs

string bamFile = "bamFile.bam";
bool onlyIndexPrimary = false;
unsigned minQuality = 0;
BarcodesOffsetsIndex index = indexBarcodesOffsetsFromBam(bamFile, onlyIndexPrimary, minQuality);

unsigned endSize = 1000;
string contig = "chr12";
robin_hood::unordered_map<pair<string, string>, unsigned, hashPairs> commonBarcodes;
commonBarcodes = compareContig(bamFile, index, contig, endSize);

Index the barcodes from a FASTQ file

string fastqFile = "fastqFile.fastq";
BarcodesIndex index = indexBarcodesFromFastq(fastqFile);

Alternatively, if the FASTQ file is gzipped

string fastqFile = "fastqFile.fastq";
BarcodesIndex index = indexBarcodesFromFastqGz(fastqFile);

Query the index to retrieve reads in a FASTQ file

vector<string> reads;
string barcode = "ACGTTGCGATGGTCTG";
alignments = retrieveReadsWithBarcode(fastqFile, index, barcode);

Alternatively, if the index needs to be queried with multiple barcodes, the FASTQ file can be opened a single time

string fastqFile = "fastqFile.fastq";
ifstream if;;
// Check if the FASTQ file was properly opened

vector<string> reads;
string barcode = "ACGTTGCGATGGTCTG";
reads = retrieveReadsWithBarcodes_Stream(if, index, barcode);
reads = retrieveReadsWithBarcodes_Stream(if, index, barcode);


Query the index to retrieve reads in a gzipped FASTQ file

vector<string> reads;
string barcode = "ACGTTGCGATGGTCTG";
reads = retrieveReadsWithBarcode_Gzip(fastqFile, index, barcode);

Alternatively, if the index needs to be queried with multiple barcodes, the FASTQ file can be opened a single time

string fastqFile = "fastqFile.fastq";
FILE* if;
if = fopen(fastqFile.c_str(), "rb");
// Check if the FASTQ file was properly opened

struct access* gzIndex = NULL;
gzIndex = deserializeGzIndex(gzIndex, fastqFile + "i");

vector<string> reads;
string barcode = "ACGTTGCGATGGTCTG";
reads = retrieveReadsWithBarcode_Gzip_Stream_Index(if, gzIndex, index, barcode);
reads = retrieveReadsWithBarcode_Gzip_Stream_Index(if, gzIndex, index, barcode);

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