{% api-method method="post" host="https://api.moltin.com" path="/v2/customers" %} {% api-method-summary %} Create a customer {% endapi-method-summary %}
{% api-method-description %}
{% endapi-method-description %}
{% api-method-spec %} {% api-method-request %} {% api-method-headers %} {% api-method-parameter name="Authorization" type="string" required=true %} The Bearer token to grant access to the API. {% endapi-method-parameter %} {% endapi-method-headers %}
{% api-method-body-parameters %} {% api-method-parameter name="type" type="string" required=true %} Represents the type of object being returned. {% endapi-method-parameter %}
{% api-method-parameter name="name" type="string" required=true %} The full name of the customer. {% endapi-method-parameter %}
{% api-method-parameter name="email" type="string" required=true %} The customer email. {% endapi-method-parameter %}
{% api-method-parameter name="password" type="string" required=false %} The customer password. {% endapi-method-parameter %} {% endapi-method-body-parameters %} {% endapi-method-request %}
{% api-method-response %} {% api-method-response-example httpCode=201 %} {% api-method-response-example-description %}
{% endapi-method-response-example-description %}
"data": {
"type": "customer",
"id": "fc4679bf-f8a8-4029-bc67-945f74b756a0",
"name": "Ron Swanson+6",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": true
{% endapi-method-response-example %} {% endapi-method-response %} {% endapi-method-spec %} {% endapi-method %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="cURL" %}
curl -X POST https://api.moltin.com/v2/customers \
-H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d $'{
"data": {
"type": "customer",
"name": "Ron Swanson",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "mysecretpassword"
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript SDK" %}
const MoltinGateway = require('@moltin/sdk').gateway
const Moltin = MoltinGateway({
client_id: 'X'
const customer = {
name: "Ron Swanson",
email: "[email protected]",
password: "mysecretpassword",
Moltin.Customers.Create(customer).then(customer => {
// Do something
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}