You can easily remove all items from a cart.
{% api-method method="delete" host="" path="/v2/carts/:reference" %} {% api-method-summary %} Delete cart by Reference {% endapi-method-summary %}
{% api-method-description %}
{% endapi-method-description %}
{% api-method-spec %} {% api-method-request %} {% api-method-path-parameters %} {% api-method-parameter name="reference" type="string" required=true %} A custom reference for this cart created by you {% endapi-method-parameter %} {% endapi-method-path-parameters %}
{% api-method-headers %} {% api-method-parameter name="Authorization" type="string" required=true %} The Bearer token to grant access to the API {% endapi-method-parameter %} {% endapi-method-headers %} {% endapi-method-request %}
{% api-method-response %} {% api-method-response-example httpCode=204 %} {% api-method-response-example-description %}
{% endapi-method-response-example-description %}
{% endapi-method-response-example %} {% endapi-method-response %} {% endapi-method-spec %} {% endapi-method %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="cURL" %}
curl -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX"
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="JavaScript SDK" %}
const MoltinGateway = require('@moltin/sdk').gateway
const Moltin = MoltinGateway({
client_id: 'X'
const reference = 'XXXX'
.then(cart => {
// Do something
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Moltin Request" %}
const { MoltinClient } = require('@moltin/request')
const client = new MoltinClient({
client_id: 'X'
const reference = 'XXXX'
.then(cart => {
// Do something...
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Swift SDK" %}
let moltin = Moltin(withClientID: "<your client ID>")
let referenceId = 'XXXX'
self.moltin.cart.deleteCart(referenceId, completionHandler: { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let result):
print("Cart error:", result)
case .failure(let error):
print("Cart error:", error)
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}