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File metadata and controls

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BDY making-of document (and initial conditions).

  • 4 open boundaries : South, North, Hudson, Baltic.
  • For efficiency, Northern boundary might be divided into 2 parts (West : Baffin bay, East: Gin seas).
  • For generic BDY, we will use bdy_coordinates descriptions of the boundaries.
  • We plan to use a rimwidth of 10
  • We plan to take revised version of BDY which allows for higher order schemes at the boundaries. Hence a rim-0 must be defined:
    • The OpenBoundary must have 2 ocean points behind the velocity line.
  • We plan to use GLORYS12 daily output

Getting the GLORYS12 data.

Data request made at Mercator service desk:

All index refer to ORCA12 horizontal grid, starting at (1,1).


Monthly mean of January,2004

2266 3979 1320 2745


All boundary data come from glorys12-v1 daily output.

 40W 15E 11S 5S
2976 3619 1356 1376


72W 30E  66N 72N
2758 3514 2561 2646


75W 70W  61N 63N
2636 2711 2481 2522


8E 14E  53N 58N
3496 3574 2289 2419

Data extraction

According to the evolution of the services at Mercator, GLORYS12v1 data on the native grid are available on the Mercator opendap server. The user must do the extraction by itself ( :( ).

A python script example has been provided: This script used xarray module. Some typos were corrected (i.e. decode_cf instead of cf_decode) and a more generic version was created Unfortunatly, this script is not working already (MemoryError or DataSet error randomly). The tool has been updated to an operational level (see for example ). After a first round of extraction we discover that one day is missing between the initial date and 2004-01-01 for gridT, gridU and icemod files. It is OK for grid2D, gridS and gridV. As far as the time-screening of the data is done with record index, this introduced a shift, and required some post adjustment. On the other hand, to_netcdf xarray method is crashing when we force the output to have a time unlimited dimension. Therefore, the conversion is done afterward with a trivial nco based script ( TBD : improve the time screening using dates instead of index.

Jul. 15 2019 : all BDY and Initial condition relevant glorys12 data on glorys grid (50 levels) are stored on occigen /scratch/cnt0024/hmg2840/molines/BDY36/ (110Gb). (mirror on ige-meom-cal1:/mnt/meom/workdir/molines/BDY36).

Processing GLORYS12 extraction:

  • Use SOSIE for 3D interpolation on eNATL36X grid or subgrid (BDY). For 3D boundary files, we use the modified sosie in order to get rid of eventually spurious out of range values near the bottom.
  • Build the bdy_coordinates files.
  • For South, Baffin and Gin seas bdy segments, (along constant J coordinates), we use the bdy_coord_create.f90 tool developped for this purpose. This tool takes nambdy_index namelist block to determine the position of the open boundary. It takes into account the existence of a rim-0 as an option. (This rim-0 stuff is a new developpement in BDY code aiming at a more consistent way of dealing with higher order numerical schemes near the boundaries).
  • For Hudson bay segment, we choose to have it unstructured, in order to make it perpendicular to Hudson Strait. So we first build a rim-file using BMGTOOLS, which hold a map of the rim numbers for the T points. The starting point for this process is the surface tmask file. Rim number are encoded from 100 to 100 + Rim_number, in order to keep track of the original mask. Then, the bdy_coordinates file was created from the RIM file with the bdy_mk_coordinates_from_file.f90. Note that this program assumes that the unstructured BDY segment is a linear segment in the (I,J) space. It seems to be pretty much trickier to build the coordinates bdy file in the case of a curved BDY (different number of U V and T points... ).
  • Build the bdy data files. The program bdy_mk_coordinates_from_file.f90 was also improved and parallelized bdy_mk_coordinates_from_file._mpp.f90, in order to read either coordinates files or rim files for extracting the correct data from the 3D files created at the first step of this process.
  • Note that for U and V we did not perform any rotation of the vectors as the GLORYS12 mesh is an ORCA grid just as the eNATL36 grid.

Processing FES2014 tidal map.

For using the tidal forcing, we need to provide bdy-files for tides, corresponding to the real and imaginary part of the tidal constituentis for sea level, and ocean velocities. Starting from the bdy-coordinates file, we basically uses the same process used for T, S, U and V, described above. The major trick was in the preparation of the tidal data from amplitude/phase data base.

Prepare boundary files.

  • When using tides on the BDY, NEMO can read either a global map of the tidal constituents, in a single file, or read different files just like for the standard BDY. We choose to read different files for each BDY segment. For each segment, therefore there will be as many files as tidal constituents.
  • The name of the files and names of the variables are hard coded into NEMO (bdytides_init), so it is mandatotry to follow the naming rules:
Constituent Field Real Imaginary File name
<WAVE> SSH z1 z2 <seg-id><WAVE>
<WAVE> utide u1 u2 <seg-id><WAVE>
<WAVE> vtide v1 v2 <seg-id><WAVE>

<WAVE> correspond to the name of the tidal constiruent (e.g M2, S2, K1 ...) and <seg-id> is the keyword identifying the boundary segment. In our case it will be SOUTH, HUD,BAF and GIN.

Original files provided by F. Lyard are gridded fields ( 5761 x 2881 ) (1/16 deg Lon/lat). Each tidal constituent correspond to 1 file, with amplitudes and phases for elevation ( elevation_a, elevation_G), eastward velocity component ( eastward_a, eastward_G) and northward velocity component (northward_a, northward_G). There are 34 tidal components, coming from FES2014b simulation.

  • Diurnal : K1, O1, J1, P1, Q1, S1 (6 waves)
  • Semi-diurnal : M2, S2, N2, K2, L2, 2N2, E2, Mu2, Nu2, La2, T2, MKS2, R2 (13 waves)
  • 1/3 diurnal : M3 (1 wave)
  • 1/4 diurnal : M4, MN4, MS4, N4, S4 (5 waves)
  • 1/6 diurnal : M6 (1 wave)
  • 1/8 diurnal : M8 (1 wave)
  • Long-period : Msf, MSqm, Mf, Mm, Mtm, Sa, Ssa (7 waves)

In our simulation we will limit the spectrum to the main tidal components (see later).

Transforming amplitude, phase to real/imaginary parts.

This is done with the program tid_conv_ri from JMM TIDAL_TOOLS.

We process the original files (on FES2014b grid) and ends up with elevation, eastward and northward variables in separated files, containing <var>_real, <var>_imag.

Interpolation on eNATL36x Grid

This is done using sosie and considering that elevation is a scalar, both real part and imaginary part, and (eastward, westward) forms a vector, needing a rotation to match the model I,J axis.

In order to prepare the BDY data we interpolate the files on the subdomains already defined for the other variables (T S U V): South, North, Hudson, Baffin.

Adapting the results of the preprocessing to NEMO requirements

In the namelist block nambdy_tide, the variable filtide define the root name of the bdydta tidal file. The code then will read <filtide> for elevation, <filtide> for eastward velocities, and <filtide> for northward velocities. All used tidal components (real and imaginary part) must be in the same file. Variable names are <Wave>_z1, <Wave>_z2 (real, imaginary respectively) for elevation. Suffixes _u1, _u2 for eastward velocities, _v1, _v2 for northward velocities.

Data file can be global or limited to BDY segments (as for other BDY data). In case of global file, variable ln_bdytide_2ddta is set to true in the namelist block nambdy_tide. For the sake of homogeneity with other BDY data, we opt for files limited to the BDY segments.

A last possibility is offered in the namelist, wether files corresponds to complex conjugate or not. This point is not clear at this stage. I noticed that in the case of the eNATL60 configuration, L. Brodeau used ln_bdytide_conj = .false. .

So the adaption for NEMO is essentially a question of renaming variables, and concatenation of used waves into single gridT gridU and gridV files.