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Dashing with Icinga 2

** As of v3.3 dashing-icinga2 will actually use** smashing and not dashing anymore.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Support
  3. License
  4. Requirements
  5. Installation
  6. Configuration
  7. Run
  8. Authors
  9. Troubleshooting
  10. Development


Smashing is a Sinatra based framework that lets you build beautiful dashboards.

You can put your important infrastructure stats and metrics on your office dashboard. Data can be pulled with custom jobs or pushed via REST API. You can re-arrange widgets via drag&drop. Possible integrations include Icinga, Grafana, ticket systems such as RT or OTRS, sensors, weather, schedules, etc. -- literally anything which can be presented as counter or list.

Icinga 2 Dashboard

The Icinga 2 dashboard is built on top of Smashing and uses the Icinga 2 API to visualize what's going on with your monitoring. It combines several popular widgets and provides development instructions for your own implementation. The dashboard also allows to embed the Icinga Web 2 host and service problem lists as Iframe.

Dashing Icinga 2


This is a demo playground with jobs, widgets and dashboards. You can use and modify them for your own needs. You can also send PRs with custom widgets and propose their use in the dashboard.

In terms of implementation specific questions, please read the development docs first.


  • The code for jobs, dashboards and libraries is licensed under the MIT license.
  • Smashing is licensed under the MIT license.
  • Chartjs is licensed under the MIT license.


  • Ruby, Gems and Bundler
  • Smashing Ruby Gem
  • Icinga 2 (v2.11+) and the REST API

Supported browsers and clients:

  • Linux, Unix, *Pi
  • Chrome, Firefox, Safari
  • "new" Edge [v79 and above]

Windows with IE and old Edge (without Chromium) is not supported since SSE (Server Sent Events) are not implemented.



The Docker image is located at dbodky/dashing-icinga2. You can also build your own Docker image from the provided Dockerfile. Modify it when needed. When pulling the image from DockerHub, the correct image architecture should get pulled automatically.

The environment variables from this project can be used to configure the container.

Example on macOS with Docker for Mac:

docker run -it -p 5666:5665 -p 8005:8005 -e ICINGA2_API_HOST='docker.for.mac.localhost' -e ICINGA2_API_PORT=5665 -e ICINGA2_API_USERNAME='root' -e ICINGA2_API_PASSWORD='icinga' dbodky/dashing-icinga2

Note that the Docker container exposes port 8005 by default. Modifying this requires you to build your own image.


Either clone this repository from GitHub or download the tarball.

Git clone:

cd /usr/share
git clone
cd dashing-icinga2

Tarball download:

cd /usr/share
mv dashing-icinga2-master dashing-icinga2
cd dashing-icinga2


RedHat/CentOS 7 (requires EPEL repository):

yum makecache
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install rubygems rubygem-bundler ruby-devel openssl gcc-c++ make nodejs

Note: The development tools and header files are required for building the eventmachine gem.


apt-get update
apt-get -y install ruby bundler nodejs

Proceed with the bundler gem installation.

gem install bundler

In case the installation takes quite long and you do not need any documentation, add the --no-document flags.

Proceed with bundling for all systems (CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian etc.)

Install the dependencies using Bundler. Do not run this as root.

cd /usr/share/dashing-icinga2

Note In case bundle complains about missing write access to /usr/share/dashing-icinga2/Gemfile.lock, add write permissions accordingly

Proceed to the configuration section.

Unix and macOS

On macOS OpenSSL was deprecated, therefore you'll need to fix the eventmachine gem:

brew install openssl
bundle config build.eventmachine --with-cppflags=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
bundle install --path binpaths

Proceed to the configuration section.


Icinga 2 API

The Icinga 2 API requires either basic authentication or client certificates.

Add a new ApiUser object to your Icinga 2 configuration. Choose the path depending on your setup type. Keep in mind that synced ApiUser objects expose the login information to other Icinga 2 instances.

vim /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf

vim /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/api-users.conf
object ApiUser "dashing" {
  password = "icinga2ondashingr0xx"
  permissions = [ "status/query", "objects/query/*" ]

Set the ApiUser permissions according to your needs. By default the Icinga 2 job fetches data from the /v1/status and /v1/objects API endpoints, but does not require write permissions. If you're extending the API queries on your own, keep in mind to add proper permissions.

In case you want to use client certificates, set the client_cn attribute accordingly.

Smashing Configuration

Configuration File

Copy the example configuration from config/icinga2.json into config/icinga2.local.json and adjust the settings for the Icinga 2 API credentials in the icinga2 section.

The icingaweb2 section allows you to specify the Icinga Web 2 URL for the iframe widgets. This is read on startup once.

cp config/icinga2.json config/icinga2.local.json
vim config/icinga2.local.json

  "icinga2": {
    "api": {
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 5665,
      "user": "dashing",
      "password": "icinga2ondashingr0xx"
  "icingaweb2": {
    "url": "http://localhost/icingaweb2"
  "dashboard": {
    "show_only_hard_state_problems": false,
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "url_prefix": ""

The show_only_hard_state_problems option ignores NOT-OK states until they reach a hard NOT-OK state (off by default). The timezone option controls the clock widget's timezone.

If you prefer to use client certificates, set the pki_path attribute. The Icinga 2 job expects the certificate file names based on the local FQDN e.g. pki/icinga2-master1.localdomain.crt. You can override this behaviour by specifying the node_name configuration option explicitly.

  "icinga2": {
    "api": {
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 5665,
      "user": "dashing",
      "pki_path": "pki/",
      "node_name": "icinga2-master1.localdomain"
  "icingaweb2": {
    "url": "http://localhost/icingaweb2"
  "dashboard": {
    "show_only_hard_state_problems": false,
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "url_prefix": ""


If both methods are configured, the Icinga 2 job prefers client certificates.

Environment Variables

If you prefer to configure the Icinga 2 settings in environment variables, you can do so as well. This helps with containers or local development tests.

Variable Description
ICINGA2_API_HOST Required. Host where the API is listening on.
ICINGA2_API_PORT Required. Port where the API is listening on.
ICINGA2_API_USERNAME Optional. Required for basic auth as username.
ICINGA2_API_PASSWORD Optional. Required for basic auth as password.
ICINGA2_API_CERT_PATH Optional. Client certificate path.
ICINGA2_API_NODENAME Optional. If client certificates do not match the host name, override it.
ICINGAWEB2_URL Optional. Set the Icinga Web 2 Url. Defaults to http://localhost/icingaweb2.
DASHBOARD_SHOW_ONLY_HARD_STATE_PROBLEMS Optional. Set show_only_hard_state_problems configuration option, toggle with `0
DASHBOARD_TIMEZONE Optional. Set the timezone option for the dashboard, overriding the default UTC value.
DASHBOARD_URL_PREFIX Optional. Set the url prefix e.g. when running behind a reverse proxy


Environment variables always override local configuration.




Systemd Service

Install the provided Systemd service file from tools/systemd. It assumes that the working directory is /usr/share/dashing-icinga2 and the Smashing gem is installed to /usr/local/bin/smashing. Adopt these paths for your own needs.


cp tools/systemd/dashing-icinga2.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start dashing-icinga2.service
systemctl status dashing-icinga2.service


cp tools/systemd/dashing-icinga2.service /lib/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start dashing-icinga2.service
systemctl status dashing-icinga2.service


You can start smashing as daemon by using this script:


Additional options are available through ./restart-dashing -h.

Navigate to http://localhost:8005


You can run Smashing in foreground for tests and debugging too:

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
puma -p 8005

Or with environment variables:


Reverse Proxy / Subfolder

To configure the application to run in a subfolder, e.g. for a reverse proxy, set the DASHBOARD_URL_PREFIX environment variable or set the corresponding value in config/icinga2.local.json

Apache 2 reverse proxy example for DASHBOARD_URL_PREFIX=/icinga2-dashing

<Location /icinga2-dashing/>


You can install the provided logrotate script to rotate the Dashing log in /usr/share/dashing-icinga2/log.

cp tools/logrotate/dashing-icinga2 /etc/logrotate.d


Original author:

Maintainer as of May 2020:

Thanks to all contributors! :)


Please add these details when you are asking a question on the community channels.

Required Information

  • Dashing/Smashing version (gem list --local dashing)
  • Ruby version (ruby -V)
  • Icinga 2 version (icinga2 --version)
  • Version of this project (tarball name, download date, tag name or git show -1)
  • Your own modifications to this project, if any

Widgets are not updated

  • Open your browser's development console and check for errors.
  • Ensure that the job runner does not log any errors.
  • Stop the smashing daemon and run it in foreground.

Connection Errors

If the connection to the Icinga 2 API was interrupted, check for possible network issues. The Icinga 2 daemon might have been reloaded at that time.

  • Manually test the Icinga 2 API (check for the official documentation)
  • Verify that the configuration file contains the correct API details
  • Modify the jobs/icinga2.rb and add additional logging (use puts similar to existing examples)
  • Run Dashing in foreground

Misc Errors

  • Port 8005 is not reachable. Ensure that the firewall rules are setup accordingly.


Fork the repository on GitHub, commit your changes and send a PR please :)

The Icinga 2 dashboard mainly depends on the following files:

  • dashboards/icinga2.erb
  • jobs/icinga2.rb
  • lib/icinga2.rb
  • config/icinga2.json

Additional changes are inside the widgets. simplemon and simplelist have been added. meter was modified to update the maximum value at runtime. list was updated to highlight colors and change font sizes.


You can use environment variables to quickly set the required configuration settings:


Icinga 2 Library

lib/icinga2.rb provides a class icinga which is responsible for reading the configuration file, initializing the api connection and fetching data.

Several public attributes are exposed by this class already. You'll need to instantiate a new object and then call the run method.

Then you are able to access these attributes and public functions such as getHostobjects and getServiceObjects. These two functions can be called by passing

  • attrs as an array of attribute strings
  • filter as Icinga 2 API filter string
  • joins as an array of joined objects and/or attributes

A simple test runner for testing own modifications has been added into test/icinga2.rb. You can find additional examples over there as well.


These code parts may change. Keep this in mind on updates.

Icinga 2 Job

Widgets are updated by calling send_event inside the jobs/icinga2.rb file in the event scheduler.

The widget data is calculated from the Icinga2 object class.

Include the Icinga 2 library:

require './lib/icinga2'

Instantiate a new object called icinga from the Icinga2 class. Add the path to the configuration file.

# initialize data provider
icinga ='config/icinga2.json') # fixed path

Run the scheduler every five seconds and start it now.

SCHEDULER.every '5s', :first_in => 0 do |job|

Then call the run method to fetch the current data into the icinga object

# run data provider

Now you are able to access the exported object attributes and call available object methods. Please check libs/icinga2.rb for specific options. If you require more attributes and/or methods please send a PR!

Icinga 2 Dashboard

The dashboard is located in the dashboards/icinga2.erb file and mostly consists of an HTML list. It can be used as template where variables are read from the file but that's for advanced usage.


vim dashboards/icinga2.erb

<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
  <div data-id="icinga-host-meter" data-view="Meter" data-title="Host Problems" data-min="0" data-max="100" style="background-color: #0095bf;"></div>

The following attributes are important:

  • data-row and data-col specify the location of the widget on screen.
  • data-sizex and data-sizey specify the width and height of a widget by tiles.
  • data-view defines the name of the widget to use
  • data-id specifies the name of the data source for the used widget (important for send_event later)
  • data-title defines the widget's title on top
  • data-min and data-max are widget specific in this example. They are referenced inside the Coffee script file inside the widget code.
  • style can be used to specify certain CSS to make the widget look more beautiful if not already.
  • class=scrollable allows for scrolling of crammed widgets. Works for most widgets but is mostly meant to be used with List and Simplelist.

Dashboard Widgets

The widgets are located inside the widgets directory. Each widget consists of three files:

  • widget.html defines the basic layout
  • widget.scss specifies required styling
  • implements the event handlng for the widget, e.g. OnData when send_event pushes new data.


This widget is used to display host and service problem counts. The maximum value is updated at runtime too because of API-created objects.


vim jobs/icinga2.rb

  send_event('icinga-host-meter', {
   value: host_meter,
   max:   host_meter_max,
   moreinfo: "Total hosts: " + host_meter_max.to_s,
   color: 'blue' })

icinga-host-meter is the value of the data-id field in the dashboards/icinga2.erb file.

vim dashboards/icinga2.erb

    <li data-row="1" data-col="2" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
      <div data-id="icinga-host-meter" data-view="Meter" data-title="Host Problems" data-min="0" data-max="100"></div>

In order to update the widget you'll need to send a hash which contains the following keys and values:

  • value containing the current problem count
  • max specifying the current object count
  • moreinfo creating a string which is displayed below the meter as legend
  • color for specifying the widget's color


Used to print the average checks per minute and list service problems by severity.

Example for check statistics:

Create a new array containing a hash for each table row. The label key is required, value is optional.

vim jobs/icinga2.rb

  icinga_stats = [
    {"label" => "Host checks/min", "value" => icinga.host_active_checks_1min},
    {"label" => "Service checks/min", "value" => icinga.service_active_checks_1min},

Use this array inside the icinga-stats event (data-id in the dashboards/icinga2.erb file) as items attribute. You can add moreinfo which provides an additional legend for this widget. color is optional.

vim jobs/icinga2.rb

  send_event('icinga-stats', {
   title: icinga.version + " (" + icinga.version_revision + ")",
   items: icinga_stats,
   moreinfo: "Avg latency: " + icinga.avg_latency.to_s + "s",
   color: 'blue' })


Print problem counts by state as background color in a simple list.


vim jobs/icinga2.rb

  # Combined view of unhandled host problems (only if there are some)
  unhandled_host_problems = []

  if (icinga.host_count_problems_down > 0)
      { "color" => icinga.stateToColor(1, true), "value" => icinga.host_count_problems_down },

  send_event('icinga-host-problems', {
    items: unhandled_host_problems,
    moreinfo: "All Problems: " + icinga.host_count_problems_down.to_s


Print problem counts by state and coloring. Also add acknowledged objects and those in downtime.


vim jobs/icinga2.rb

send_event('icinga-service-critical', {
 value: icinga.service_count_critical.to_s,
 color: 'red' })

icinga-service-critical is the value of data-id field inside the dashboards/icinga2.erb file. In order to update the widget you need to send a value and a color as hash values.


You can edit dashboards/icinga2.erb to modify the iframe widget for Icinga Web 2. Keep in mind that you keep the template function <%=getIcingaWeb2Url()%> in order to read the Icinga Web 2 Host and URL from the configuration.

Example URL:


Add the fullscreen and compact options for those views.



    <!-- Icinga Web 2 iFrame. getIcingaWeb2Url() is defined in and reads from config/icinga2*.json -->
    <li data-row="3" data-col="1" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="2">
      <div data-id="iframe" data-view="Iframe" data-url="<%=getIcingaWeb2Url()%>/monitoring/list/hosts?host_problem=1&sort=host_severity&showFullscreen&showCompact"></div>
    <li data-row="3" data-col="3" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="2">
      <div data-id="iframe" data-view="Iframe" data-url="<%=getIcingaWeb2Url()%>/monitoring/list/services?service_problem=1&sort=service_severity&dir=desc&showFullscreen&showCompact"></div>


Original from tywhang.


A fork of tywhang's Chartjs widget, with minimal HTML changes in order to render round charts (specifically doughnut and pie in the correct size for dashing-icinga2's default widget settings.


Show the time in a specific timezone. Enter the timezone as found in /usr/share/zoneinfo on Linux.


    <li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
      <div data-view="Clock" data-title="UTC" data-timezone="UTC"></div>
    <li data-row="1" data-col="2" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
      <div data-view="Clock" data-title="New York" data-timezone="America/New_York"></div>


docker build . -t dbodky/dashing-icinga2
docker login
docker push dbodky/dashing-icinga2

Test with Docker for Mac:

docker run -it -p 8005:8005 -e ICINGA2_API_HOST='docker.for.mac.localhost' -e ICINGA2_API_PORT=5665 -e ICINGA2_API_USERNAME='root' -e ICINGA2_API_PASSWORD='icinga' dbodky/dashing-icinga2

In order to test things, add bash as the last parameter. This avoids running and allows to test further.

