This is a command-line tool and python utility module to download videos, comments and thumbnail images on niconico ( And also with this you can handle your Mylists: add, delete, move and copy each items and create or remove new lists.
- Thumbnails: larger and smaller ones.
- Comments: in XML and JSON format.
- Videos: in both types, i.e. of "smile" server (older one) and of "" server (newer one).
- Concurrent download (4x faster by default).
pip install nicotools
- Python >= 3.6
By running without any arguments, we will show you a help.
For the first time you will asked your mail address and password. From the next time on HTTP Cookie will be saved in to your HOME directory, so mail and pass are not needed. Or you may specify your credentials every time you run this, as this:
nicotools download -v sm9 --mail <mail address> --pass <password>
To download thumbnails of video ids of sm1, ... sm5:
nicotools downlaod --thumbnail --dest "./Downloads" sm1 sm2 sm3 sm4 sm5
To downalod thumbnails, comments and videos of those:
nicotools download --comment --video --thumbnail --dest "./Downloads" sm1 sm2 sm3 sm4 sm5
Shorthand commands and how to specify video ids from text file (prepend plus sign):
nicotools download -cvt -d "./Downloads" +ids.txt
XML comment ("--dest" is for destination directory):
nicotools download -cvt --xml -dest "./Downloads" sm1
to list up whole contents in all LISTS (TAB separated format):
nicotools mylist * --show --everything --out D:/Downloads/all.txt
to apped videos on MYLIST:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --add sm1 sm2 sm3
another way to append: from a text file, in which video id in each lines are written:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --add +C:/Users/Me/Desktop/ids.txt
specify the MYLIST by its ID (this is shown in the LIST's URL):
nicotools mylist 12345678 --id --add sm1 sm2 sm3
to dleete items from MYLIST:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --delete sm1 sm2 sm3
to clear the MYLIST:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --delete *
to clear the MYLIST without confirmation:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --delete * --yes
to move some items in MYLIST to --to:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --to foofoo --move sm1 sm2 sm3
to copy entire items in MYLIST to --to:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --to barbar --move *
to copy some items in MYLIST to --to:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --to baaboo --copy sm1 sm2 sm3
to copy entire items in MYLIST to --to:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --to foobar --copy *
to list up all LIST's names:
nicotools mylist * --show
to list up whole contents in all LISTS (TAB separated format):
nicotools mylist * --show --everything --out D:/Downloads/all.txt
to list up whole contents in all LISTS (TABLE format):
nicotools mylist * --show --show --everything --out D:/Downloads/all.txt
to list up items in a single LIST:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --export
to list up video ids of whole contents in all LISTS:
nicotools mylist * --export --everything --out D:/Downloads/all.txt
to list up the metadata of LISTS:
nicotools mylist * --export --out D:/Downloads/all.txt
to create new LIST with name of LISTNAME:
nicotools mylist LISTNAME --create
to remove the LIST:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --purge
to remove the LIST without cconfirmation:
nicotools mylist MYLIST --purge --yes
from import Video, Comment, Thumbnail mail = "<your mail address>" password = "<your password>" xml = True # Set to True if you want in XML format, default is JSON # a list of video ids video_ids = ["sm1", "sm2", "sm3"] # directory path to save files in DIR_PATH = "./downloads/" Thumbnail(video_ids, dir_path).start() Comment(video_ids, mail=mail, password=password, save_dir=dir_path, xml=xml).start() Video(video_ids, save_dir=dir_path, mail=mail, password=password).start()