//yaw - vehicle heading in reference coordinates
//desired yaw - radian from Vehicle Position to Goal Position
//distance array - distance data array from lidar
//min, max angle - start angle, end angle on horizontal of view >= 0
//Clearance - blue Point
//Obstacle - red point
//final Distance, returnAngle: green line
//final Dist1, PI1: black line
//final Dist2, PI2: red line
//finalAngle: GapAngle between obstacles
#include "FollowGap.h"
FollowGapMethod followGap;
result = followGap.Solve(yaw, DesiredYaw,Distance array, minimum angle, maximum angle);
double finalX=followGap.finalDistance/1000.0*cosf(followGap.returnAngle*M_PI/180.0);
double finalY=followGap.finalDistance/1000.0*sinf(followGap.returnAngle*M_PI/180.0);
double obs1X=followGap.finalDist1*cosf(followGap.finalPI1*M_PI/180.0);
double obs1Y=followGap.finalDist1*sinf(followGap.finalPI1*M_PI/180.0);
double obs2X=followGap.finalDist2*cosf(followGap.finalPI2*M_PI/180.0);
double obs2Y=followGap.finalDist2*sinf(followGap.finalPI2*M_PI/180.0);
yaw error = followGap.finalAngle - yaw;
//ex result=followGap.Solve(yaw,desiredYaw,inputRanges,40,140); my horizontal of view is 100.
//if(result) control