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Releases: mixpanel/mixpanel-android

Release 4.5.3

13 Jan 22:07
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This release changes the default settings of the library not to send automatic $app_open events on library instantiation. You can enable $app_open events by adding the following to your AndroidManifest.xml file

  <meta-data android:name=""
       android:value="false" />

Release 4.5.2

10 Jan 00:25
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This release contains low level improvements to Lollipop notifications, for use with future UI features, and a bug fix that allows checks for surveys and in-app notifications to respect the DisableFallback configuration setting.

Release 4.5.1

22 Dec 22:19
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Build support - a better pom that doesn't require consumers to specify the package, and bugfixes to building in Eclipse

Release 4.5.0

18 Dec 19:07
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Release 4.5.0 contains a number of new features and changes

Introducing dynamic event binding!

Developers and stakeholders can now bind Mixpanel events to user interactions using the UI in the Mixpanel web application.

Added timeEvent, for automatically adding duration to events with a begin and end.

By calling timeEvent, you can automatically begin to measure a time duration that will end (and be reported) when you report the associated event

New configuration directives

The 4.5 version of the library allows for meta-data of the form

 <meta-data android:name=""
      android:value="YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME" />

This tag will only be useful in specific circumstances, for users with certain kinds of exotic custom builds.
Most users of the library will not require it.
(You'll get messages in your logs if the library thinks that you need it)

 <meta-data android:name=""
      android:value="true" />

When included in your Manifest with value="true", this tag disables the use of the connection
gesture to the mobile event binding UI in the Mixpanel web application. Events created and bound in the UI
will still be sent by the application, this directive just disables use the connection gesture
to pair with a Mixpanel to create and edit event bindings. If the application is run in an
emulator, it will still check for pairing with the editor.

 <meta-data android:name=""
      android:value="true" />

When included in your Manifest with value="true", this tag disables pairing with the mobile
event binding UI in the Mixpanel web application. Events created and bound in the UI will
still be sent by the application, this directive just disables the emulator binding behavior. Use of
the connection gesture on a physical device will still work for pairing with the editor.

Easier use of Proguard with the library

To use the Mixpanel library with Proguarded builds, add the following to your proguard.cfg file

-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }

-keepattributes InnerClasses

-keep class **.R
-keep class **.R$* {

Mixpanel uses the R class of your package to facilitate easier dynamic tracking across builds of your application.

The deprecated methods setFlushInterval and checkForSurvey are now no-ops

This method was deprecated in version 4.0, and now is a no-op. To change the flush
interval for your application, use the
meta-data tag in your manifest. To get available surveys, call getSurveyIfAvailable()

New minimum OS version for advanced features

The minimum Android OS version necessary for surveys, in app notifications, and dynamic event binding has been increased to JellyBean/API 16. The minimum OS version to use basic tracking features has been increased to Gingerbread/API 9.

Release 4.4.1

13 Nov 19:38
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This release fixes an issue with push notification registration in Android Lollipop/API 21. Users building with targetApi="21" are encouraged to update to this library version.

Google APIs for cloud messaging have changed in Lollipop, and users who want to use push notifications on Lollipop devices and build their applications with targetApi 21 will need to include some version of Google Play Services to send notifications to those devices. To add Google Play Services to your build, add the following line to your gradle dependencies:

    compile ""

Any version of Google Play Services above 3.1 (including 6.1.1, current at this writing) should enable your application to receive push notifications from Mixpanel.

Release 4.3.1

10 Sep 20:15
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This is a bugfix release, that handles certain rare interactions between Surveys and In-App messages and the application lifecycle.

Release v4.3.0

21 Aug 19:44
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Added (Optional) App Links tracking and exposed a method to get super properties

Release v4.2.2

29 Jul 00:58
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  • Removed lint warnings from build
  • Fixed issue that could cause NullPointerExceptions to be thrown from the library
    if a user was identified as null
  • Handle attempts to load In-app notifications in low memory conditions

Library version v4.2.1

09 May 20:11
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Fixed a bug that would cause events to be dropped when the device thinks it has a valid network connection, but cannot actually send data over it.

Library version v4.2.0

02 May 21:33
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  • showSurveyById and showNotificationById have been added for precise control over which
    survey or notification should be displayed.
  • Added several default properties for Mixpanel People profiles. Each call to set() will now
    automatically include the application version name, Android version, and manufacturer, make, and
    model of the phone.