Thursday, April 30th, 2019
Matt Churchfield 1:24 PM
What do you think we should call the One Unified Solver?
Dries 1:24 PM
I kind of like the simplicity of ABLSolver
or do you want a new name?
Matt Churchfield 1:28 PM
I like ABLSolver
, too, but does that capture the nature of all that it does?
Still, the ring of ABLSolver
is nicest to me.
Dries 1:29 PM
It solves atmospheric boundary layer flow
if you want to put wind turbines or buildings or a forest in there, it still calculates the atmospheric flow fields
so ABLSolver
makes sense to me
if you really want a new name, I’d pick windEnergySolver
from your list. windPlant
is too stringent because you could also look at one turbine
Matt Churchfield 1:31 PM
We could do something off the wall like JoeBidenSolver
Dries 1:32 PM
refering to you and the fact that it is a crazy mad awesome solver
sorry, terrible option
I take it back
Matt Churchfield 1:33 PM
We can just call it vanilla
Dries 1:33 PM
Wednesday, May 1st, 2019
Matt Churchfield 1:59 PM
Take a look!
[mchurchf@el2 solvers]$ pwd
[mchurchf@el2 solvers]$ ls
total 16K
drwxrwx---. 4 mchurchf mchurchf 1.0K May 1 13:58 .
drwxrwx---. 5 mchurchf mchurchf 1.5K Apr 30 13:46 ..
drwxrwx---. 3 mchurchf mchurchf 3.0K May 1 13:53 superDeliciousVanilla
drwxrwx---. 2 mchurchf mchurchf 2.5K May 1 12:51 utilities
It looks really good that way.
Super simple, Super delicious!