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476 lines (312 loc) · 13.4 KB

日本語 / English


A tool for developing with Vim on a container. (Vim version of VSCode Dev Container)

It's a tool that adds and starts settings for Vim-based Dev Container development in the form of additions to the devcontainer.json file created for VSCode.

Getting Started


  • Set up a development container, transfer Vim/NeoVim to it, and start it.
    • For projects without devcontainre.json, launch a development container in a single shot
      • You can customize the arguments passed to docker.
    • Add a template for devcontainer.json to projects that don't have a devcontainer.json file
    • In a project with a devcontainer.json file, you can start, stop, and delete the development container.
    • In addition to devcontainer.json, you can add settings for devcontainer.vim to the development container by specifying devcontainer.vim.json.
    • You can define a vimrc to be used with Vim launched in a development container.
    • If the path to Vim/NeoVim is set in the development container, use it.
  • The text copied in Vim on the development container can be pasted to the clipboard of the host PC.
  • Transfer tools to be used in the development container to make them usable in the development container.
  • Tools such as vim, devcontainer, and clipboard-data-receiver can be updated.
  • Self-update capability


The following commands are installed and in the PATH.

  • docker

The following commands must exist in the container and be in the PATH.

  • which

For ARM, the tar command must be present in the container.


   devcontainer.vim - devcontainer for vim.

   devcontainer.vim [global options] command [command options] 


   run                 Run container use `docker run`
   templates           Run `devcontainer templates`
   start               Run `devcontainer up` and `devcontainer exec`
   stop                Stop devcontainers.
   down                Stop and remove devcontainers.
   config              devcontainer.vim's config information.
   vimrc               devcontainer.vim's vimrc information.
   runargs             run subcommand's default arguments.
   tool                Management tools
   clean               clean workspace cache files.
   index               Management dev container template index file
   self-update         Update devcontainer.vim itself
   bash-complete-func  Show bash complete func
   help, h             Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --license, -l  show licensesa.
   --nvim         use NeoVim.
   --shell value  start with shell.
   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version

Set up an environment in a project where devcontainer.json does not exist.

devcontainer.vim run [DOCKER_OPTIONS] [DOCKER_ARGS]

Example of running a container in an environment equivalent to the docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd):/work" --workdir /work -v "$HOME/.vim:/root/.vim" --name golang golang:1.22.1-bookworm command:

devcontainer.vim run -v "$(pwd):/work" --workdir /work -v "$HOME/.vim:/root/.vim" --name golang golang:1.22.1-bookworm

if devcontainer.json exists

Environmental start

The start subcommand sets up the environment, transfers Vim, and starts it.

For example, if you want to search for devcontainer.json in the current directory, read it, set up the environment, transfer Vim, and start it, you can do the following.

devcontainer.vim start .

You can use arguments to devcontainer (except for --workspace-folder) as they are, so if you want to bind .vim, specify it as follows.

devcontainer.vim start --mount "type=bind,source=$HOME/.vim,target=/root/.vim" .

Environmental stop

The stop subcommand allows you to stop the environment.

devcontainer.vim stop .

To resume, execute the start subcommand again.

Environment deletion

The down subcommand can delete the environment.

devcontainer.vim down .

Tool update

To update the tools used internally by devcontainer.vim, use the tool subcommand.

# update Vim
devcontainer.vim tool vim download

# update devcontainer CLI 
devcontainer.vim tool devcontainer download

self update

You can update devcontainer.vim to the latest version using the self-update subcommand.

devcontainer.vim self-update

Create devcontainer.json based on the template

The devcontainer.vim templates apply subcommand allows you to generate a devcontainer.json file from templates provided by devcontainers.

Example of generating devcontainer.json using the Go template:

$ devcontainer.vim templates apply .
Search: Go
? Select Template: 
  ▸ Go
    Go & PostgreSQL
    Node.js & Mongo DB
    Hugo & pnpm

Running devcontainer.vim templates apply will show a list of template names. You can use the key input to incrementally search for names, move the cursor with the up and down keys, and select a template with the Enter key.

Subcommand Completion

Passing the path to devcontainer.vim and adding the following code to .bashrc or similar will enable subcommand completion.

eval "$(devcontainer.vim bash-complete-func)"


Container Customization

I want to bind some things like .vim and vimfiles from the host to the bindman, but I don't want to add a mounts definition specific to devcontainer.vim to the devcontainer.json that I created for other tools like VSCode.

Therefore, the file that is read only by devcontainer.vim is placed in .devcontainer/devcontainer.vim.json. devcontainer.vim merges and executes .devcontainer/devcontainer.json and .devcontainer/devcontainer.vim.json.

    +- .devcontainer/
    |   +- devcontainer.json      # 普通の devcontainer 向けの設定を記述
    |   +- devcontainer.vim.json  # .vim のマウントなど、 devcontainer.vim のみで利用したい設定を記述
    +- ...(other project files)




  "mounts": [
      "type": "bind",
      "source": "${localEnv:HOME}/.vim",
      "target": "/home/vscode/.vim"

Generate additional settings

devcontainer.vim config -g generates a template for additional configuration files used by devcontainer.vim.

devcontainer.vim config -g --home /home/containerUser > .devcontainer/devcontainer.vim.json

Available options are as follows:

  • -g : setting generation flag
  • -o : Specify the output file for the generated configuration (default: STDOUT)
  • --home: Path to the home directory in the configuration template

Install additional runtime in the container

If you use plugins that require a separate runtime, such as denops.vim or coc.nvim, you can install the runtime in the container by adding the image ID to the features section of devcontainer.vim.json.

Example of installing deno in a container:

  "features": {
    "": {}

The images that can be specified in features can be checked in Available Dev Container Features.

Vim Customization

Creating a vimrc that is only loaded for Vim on devcontainer.vim

devcontainer.vim vimrc -o opens a script that will be additionally loaded into Vim running in the container.

Updating this script allows you to apply settings only to Vim on the container.

Send the contents of the " register to the host in normal mode with "*yy, and in visual mode with "*y. Adjust as desired.

The default is as follows:

if !has("nvim")
  nnoremap <silent> "*yy yy:call SendToCdr('"')<CR>
  vnoremap <silent> "*y y:call SendToCdr('"')<CR>
  nnoremap <silent> "*yy yy:lua SendToCdr('"')<CR>
  vnoremap <silent> "*y y:lua SendToCdr('"')<CR>

To revert to the default, regenerate vimrc with the -g option.

devcontainer.vim vimrc -g

Vim script that should only be executed in Vim on devcontainer.vim

When Vim runs on devcontainer.vim, the g:devcontainer_vim variable is defined as v:true.

If you judge it like this, you can describe "a Vim script that runs only on Vim in devcontainer.vim."

if get(g:, "devcontainer_vim", v:false)
  " Run only on devcontainer.vim

run Customize the arguments of subcommands

devcontainer.vim runargs -o opens the argument settings file that is implicitly set to the run subcommand.

Updating this file allows you to specify arguments that you want to apply implicitly.

Mount the current directory to /work and set the working directory to the same location. Adjust as desired.

The default is as follows:

-v "$(pwd):/work" -v "$HOME/.vim:/root/.vim" --workdir /work

To revert to the default, regenerate runargs with the -g option.

devcontainer.vim runargs -g

Using NeoVim

By adding the --nvim option or setting the environment variable DEVCONTAINER_VIM_TYPE to nvim, the nvim AppImage will be transferred and launched instead of vim.

devcontainer.vim --nvim start .


devcontainer.vim start .

Using Shell

By adding the --shell option or setting the environment variable DEVCONTAINER_SHELL_TYPE to using shell, the shell will be transferred and launched instead of vim.

devcontainer.vim --shell bash start .


devcontainer.vim start .

If you want to use the transferred Vim/Neovim, run /


x.x.x to 3.5.1

In environments where Docker Desktop is not used, host.docker.internal is unavailable, causing clipboard integration to fail.
To address this issue, you need to add specific settings to devcontainer.vim.json when using the start command.

Starting from v3.5.1, this configuration is included as a commented-out template in the file generated by config -g. However, if your vim.json was generated prior to v3.5.1, please add the following settings:

By adding this configuration, host.docker.internal becomes usable, and clipboard integration will work correctly.

  "runArgs": [

2.x.x to 3.x.x

If you are using Vim with devcontainer.vim 2.x.x and will start using NeoVim with devcontainer.vim 3.x.x, you need either remove the vimrc mapping shown with devcontainer.vim vimrc -o or enclose the mapping with if !has(“nvim”) to enclose the mapping.

if !has("nvim")
  nnoremap <silent> "*yy yy:call SendToCdr('"')<CR>
  vnoremap <silent> "*y y:call SendToCdr('"')<CR>

3.1.0 to 3.2.0

Clipboard integration with NeoVim has been available since v3.2.0, so if you use both Vim and NeoVim, please rewrite your vimrc as follows.

if !has("nvim")
  nnoremap <silent> "*yy yy:call SendToCdr('"')<CR>
  vnoremap <silent> "*y y:call SendToCdr('"')<CR>
  nnoremap <silent> "*yy yy:lua SendToCdr('"')<CR>
  vnoremap <silent> "*y y:lua SendToCdr('"')<CR>


  • amd64 architecture cannot be used in alpine-based containers
  • When using NeoVim in an aarch64 container, you must use the system-installed version
  • If the NeoVim AppImage is not available and there is no system-installed NeoVim, Vim will start instead of NeoVim
  • When using NeoVim on macOS, only the system-installed NeoVim can be used If the system-installed NeoVim cannot be detected, Vim will start instead
  • If you are using WSL2 Integration with Docker Desktop, forwardPorts may not work properly, so please use appPort instead.


binary download

Latest version

go install

go install

If you want to install by specifying the version, install with the following command. † Due to an incomplete setting, only v3.0.2 or later can be installed by specifying the version.

go install[email protected]



Delete executable file, config directory(~/AppData/Roaming/devcontainer.vim), and cache directory(~/AppData/Local/devcontainer.vim).

Remove-Item PATH_TO/devcontainer.vim.exe
Remove-Item -Recurse ~/AppData/Roaming/devcontainer.vim
Remove-Item -Recurse ~/AppData/Local/devcontainer.vim


Delete executable file, config directory(~/.config/devcontainer.vim), and cache directory(~/.cache/devcontainer.vim).

rm PATH_TO/devcontainer.vim
rm -rf ~/.config/devcontainer.vim
rm -rf ~/.cache/devcontainer.vim




Copyright (C) 2024 mikoto2000

This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE

This software is released under the MIT license. Please refer to LICENSE.


mikoto2000 [email protected]