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Releases: microsoft/m365-renovate-config


02 May 03:34
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Compare source - May 1, 2023, 8:33 PM PDT

Patch Changes

  • f6f77e3 - keepFresh: For lockFileMaintenance, rebase when behind the base branch (Thanks @ecraig12345!)


01 May 22:44
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Compare source - May 1, 2023, 3:44 PM PDT

Major Changes

m365-renovate-config version 2 makes the default preset a bit more opinionated based on testing, streamlines preset naming, and updates settings to better reflect recent improvements in Renovate.

These changes have been picked up automatically unless you specified a ref (e.g. #v1) as part of the preset names in your extends config.

Note: <m365> in preset names referenced below is a shorthand for github>microsoft/m365-renovate-config. This is just for readability of the readme and will not work in actual configs (you must use the full repo prefix).

Default preset changes

The default preset (github>microsoft/m365-renovate-config) is now a bit more "opinionated" and includes most settings that were previously defined in <m365>:libraryRecommended. These settings can be disabled either individually or using the excludePresets option.

The dependency version update strategy (rangeStrategy) has also changed as described below.

Major preset changes and deprecations

Deprecated presets still exist for now to avoid immediate breaks in consuming repos, but will be removed in version 3.

  • <m365>:libraryRecommended is deprecated in favor of this repo's default preset.
  • <m365>:beachballLibraryRecommended is renamed to <m365>:beachball.

Dependency version update strategy

Previously, Renovate's config:base would pin devDependencies and possibly also dependencies to exact versions. Pinning dependencies is usually not desirable for libraries, so v1 of m365-renovate-config omitted any pinning behavior in its default preset, and enabled pinning only devDependencies in its <m365>:libraryRecommended preset.

A recent Renovate update included greatly expanded support for doing in-range updates (e.g. updating the installed version for "foo": "^1.0.0" from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0) by changing only the lockfile. Therefore, Renovate's default rangeStrategy: "auto" was changed to do lockfile-only updates when possible (instead of pinning or replacing versions), and config:base no longer includes any pinning of versions.

Since the lockfile-only updates are likely a good strategy in many cases, m365-renovate-config's default preset (which supersedes <m365>:libraryRecommended) has been updated to remove rangeStrategy overrides and extend config:base.

Notes on pinning behavior:

  • For any versions that are currently pinned or that you manually pin, Renovate updates will bump to a new pinned version.
    • If you'd like to unpin your dev deps, use better-deps: npx better-deps unpin-dev-deps
  • If you prefer to restore the previous behavior of pinning all devDependencies, extend the Renovate preset :pinOnlyDevDependencies.


28 Apr 23:07
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Compare source - April 28, 2023, 4:07 PM PDT

Patch Changes


19 Apr 00:52
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1.8.8 (2023-04-19)

Bug Fixes

  • include more dep types in groupFixtures (ec07661)


13 Apr 09:02
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1.8.7 (2023-04-13)

Bug Fixes

  • remove renovate from scheduleNoisy (198e004)


10 Mar 12:31
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1.8.6 (2023-03-10)

Bug Fixes

  • Reduce scheduled update frequency (a99d3d9)
  • use valid schedules (2bd4e18)


21 Feb 19:53
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1.8.5 (2023-02-21)

Bug Fixes


21 Sep 23:23
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1.8.4 (2022-09-21)

Bug Fixes

  • add @microsoft/api-extractor to noisy packages rule (99ac22c)


16 Sep 23:44
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1.8.3 (2022-09-16)

Bug Fixes

  • disableEsmVersions: add ansi-regex (9e8c1f4)


13 Sep 20:55
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1.8.2 (2022-09-13)

Bug Fixes

  • default: run schedules relative to pacific time (89616d0)