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File metadata and controls

461 lines (402 loc) · 25.8 KB

Telemetry Details

This document provides detailed information about telemetry events. It reflects the current state of the code and will be updated as telemetry is modified. Telemetry Events come in 2 types:

  • Application Events identify typical application usage (start the app, run tests, save a file, etc.) in ways that allow evaluation of how the app is being used, but without including any user-identifiable data.
  • Exception Events identify application errors and provide visibility into problems that users are experiencing, again without including any user-identifiable data.

Application Events

Application events are queried from the customEvents table. All application events follow the same pattern and contain 3 types of data:

  • The Common Data Properties.
  • A name property that matches one of the events defined below.
  • An optional set of event-specific properties, as defined with each event.


Trigger: Automatic contrast detection is run. Additional properties:

Name Value
Confidence The confidence of the analysis. One of High, Mid, Low, or None.
BitmapSize The size in pixels (width times height) of the bitmap being processed.


Trigger: The user clicks the "Auto detect contrast ratio" button in the color contrast view. Additional properties:

Name Value
IsNowEnabled one of true or false indicating whether automatic detection is enabled.


Trigger: The user opens a color picker popup in the Color Contrast view.
Additional properties: None.


Trigger: The user clicks on an eyedropper in the Color Contrast view.
Additional properties: None.


Trigger: The user enters a value in a hex dialog in the Color Contrast view.
Additional properties: None.


Trigger: The application was configured with a CustomUIA.json file as described in the online documentation. This event is sent only if a valid Custom_UIA.json exists. Additional properties:

Name Value
CustomUIAPropertyCount The count of custom UIA properties that were defined in the CustomUIA.json file.


Trigger: The user successfully opens a previously-saved A11yEvents file.
Additional properties: None.


Trigger: The user successfully saves an A11yEvents file.
Additional properties: None.


Trigger: The user begins event recording.
Additional properties: None.


Trigger: The user successfully opens an A11yTest file.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.FileMode Indicates the app mode when the file was opened. Current values: Contrast, Inspect, or Test.


Trigger: The user successfully saves an A11yTest file.
Additional properties: None.


Trigger: The user clicks on the "Expand all descendants" context menu in the test mode hierarchy.
Additional properties: None.


Trigger: The user attempts the "File Issue" experience, but with no confirmed success (could be fire-and-forget or it could be a network failure).
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.IssueReporter The ServiceName property of the associated issue reporter. Current values are Azure Boards for ADO or GitHub for GitHub.


Trigger: The user completes the "File Issue" experience, with confirmed success.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.IssueReporter The ServiceName property of the associated issue reporter. Current values are Azure Boards for ADO or GitHub for GitHub.
customDimension.RuleId Present only if Axe.Windows flagged an issue. Reports the rule flagged by Axe.Windows.
customDimension.UIFramework Present only if Axe.Windows flagged an issue. Reports the UI Framework of the UI Automation element flagged by Axe.Windows.


Trigger: The user starts the application.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.UIAccessEnabled True if the user has explicitly enabled UIAccess, otherwise False.
customDimensions.InstalledDotNetFrameworkVersion The numeric version of the installed .NET Framework version. If this value is 528040 or greater, then .NET Framework 4.8 is installed.
customDimensions.OsArchitecture The architecture of the current Windows platform. Supported values: x86 or x64


Trigger: The user uses the "Scan with Timer" feature with a non-default value. Note that this does not send data if the default value is used.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.Seconds The number of seconds specified by the user.


Trigger: The user invokes a pattern through the patterns UI.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.PatternMethod The pattern method that was invoked.


Trigger: The user selects a new channel and is being shown the dialog to confirm the change.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.ReleaseChannel The user's existing ReleaseChannel.
customDimensions.ReleaseChannelConsidered The user's considered selection for ReleaseChannel.


Trigger: The user begins the process of filing a bug.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.By The source of the bug filing. Current values are HowtoFix, Hierarchy, or AutomatedChecks.
customDimensions.IsAlreadyLoggedIn True if the IssueReporter has all needed config information, otherwise False.
customDimensions.IssueReporter The ServiceName property of the associated issue reporter. Current values are Azure Boards for ADO or GitHub for GitHub.


Trigger: The user begins to record tab stops.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.Scope The scope of the selection. Current values are App or Element.


Trigger: The user selects one or more tab stops that have been recorded.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.By The count of selected items.


Trigger: The user sets the selection scope via the command bar.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.Scope The scope of the selection. Current values are App or Element.


Trigger: The user triggers an automated scan.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.By The trigger mechanism. Current values are HotKey, Beaker, HierarchyMode, or Timer.
customDimensions.Scope The scope of the selection. Current values are App or Element.
customDimensions.ShouldTestAllChromiumContent If the user has enabled the advanced option to test all Chromium content (intended for debugging by browser development teams).


Trigger: The user completes an install from the Upgrade dialog.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.UpdateInstallerUpdateTime The time it took to download the new MSI, validate it, and launch the VersionSwitcher. Does not include the execution time of the VersionSwitcher. Format is Hours:Minutes:Seconds.FractionalSeconds.
customDimensions.UpdateResult The result of the operation. Current values are Unknown, Success, or RequiredUpgrade.


Trigger: The application checks for upgrade at application startup.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.UpdateInitializationTime The updater's measurement of how long it took to determine the UpdateOption. Format is Hours:Minutes:Seconds.FractionalSeconds.
customDimensions.UpdateManifestRequestUri The URI used to request the update manifest
customDimensions.UpdateManifestResponseUri The URI the ultimately provided the update manifest
customDimensions.UpdateManifestSizeInBytes The byte count of the retrieved update manifest
customDimensions.UpdateOptionWaitTime The app's measurement of how long it took to determine the UpdateOption. It is different from UpdateInitializationTime, since they start at different times on different threads. Format is Hours:Minutes:Seconds.FractionalSeconds.
customDimensions.UpdateOption The UpdateOption that was returned to the app (will be ignored if we timed out).
customDimensions.UpdateTimedOut True if the AutoUpdate process exceeded the 2 second timeout, otherwise False.


Trigger: The user triggers an install from the Upgrade dialog, and an error occurred.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.Error The UpdateResult, which is always Unknown. Note: Should this provide more useful information?


Trigger: The user presses the "Later" button in the Upgrade dialog.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.MSIVersion The version of the previously installed client. note: We already have the old version, should this log the new version instead?


Trigger: The user presses the "Release Notes" button from the Upgrade dialog.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.Error The error from clicking the release notes button note: Should this include the Exception type and/or the Uri to the release notes?


Trigger: The application starts up after running AccessibilityInsights.VersionSwitcher.exe to either upgrade or change release channels Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.ActualMsiSha512 The actual SHA512 of the MSI file
customDimensions.ActualMsiSize The actual size (in bytes) of the downladed MSI file
customDimensions.ExecutionTimeInMilliseconds The number of milliseconds spent running the VersionSwitcher
customDimensions.ExpectedMsiSha512 The expected SHA512 of the MSI file. Will be set to null if the SHA512 was unknown
customDimensions.ExpectedMsiSize The expected size (in bytes) of the MSI file. Will be set to 0 if the size was unknown
customDimensions.NewChannel The new channel if VersionSwitcher was used to change channels. Supported values are Production, Insider, or Canary if the channel was changed, or null if this was an upgrade within the same channel
customDimensions.RequestedMsi The Uri used to request the MSI file
customDimensions.ResolvedMsi The final Uri (after all redirects) that identifies where the source of the MSI file
customDimensions.Result The result of the operation. Supported values: Unknown, ErrorBadCommandLine, ErrorMsiDownloadFailed, ErrorMsiBadSignature, ErrorMsiSizeMismatch, ErrorMsiSha512Mismatch, ErrorInstallingMsi, or Success.
customDimensions.StartingVersion The installed version of Accessibility Insights for Windows before the version switch

Events from Axe.Windows

Accessibility Insights for Windows provides a mechanism by which Axe.Windows is able to provide telemetry that then gets merged into the telemetry stream that already exists for the application. These events inherit all of the Common Data Properties, and appear just like events that originate from Accessibility Insights for Windows. These will be documented in the Axe.Windows repo, but are duplicated here for convenience:


Trigger: An automated scan completes.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.ElementsInScan The number of elements included in the scan.
customDimensions.UpperBoundExceeded True if ElementsInScan exceeds our upper bound of 20,000, otherwise False.
customDimensions.ScanDurationInMilliseconds The time (measured in milliseconds) spent running the scan.


Trigger: A single rule runs on all elements within a scan.
Additional properties:

Name Value
customDimensions.TestResults The JSON-serialized data summarizing the results of this rule (where it was run and the results it produced). Contains a RuleId and an array of Result objects. Each result object contains a ControlType, a UIFramework, an optional Fail result, and an optional Pass Result. Pass and Fail results can appear in any order within the object.

Here's an expanded example of the JSON-serialized object, containing a mixture of Pass and Fail results, to better visualize this data (note that the data in the telemetry stream is not expanded):


Exception Events

Exception events are queried from the exceptions table. All exception events follow the same pattern and contains 2 types of data:

Exception-Specific Properties

These properties exist only for exceptions:

Name Description Sample
type The .NET type of the innermost Exception that was thrown. System.InvalidOperationException
assembly Identifies the assembly where the outermost Exception was caught. AccessibilityInsights.SharedUx, Version=1.1.899.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
method Identifies the method where the outermost Exception was caught. AccessibilityInsights.SharedUx.Controls.HierarchyControl+<>c__DisplayClass55_0.<OnSelected>b__0
innermostType The .NET type of the innermost Exception that was thrown. note: This property exists only if the innermost Exception was wrapped by another Exception.
innermostMessage The Message property of the innermost Exception that was thrown. note: This property exists only in the innermost Exception was wrapped by another Exception.
outerType The .NET type of the outermost Exception that was thrown. This may be different from the type that was thrown by the innermost Exception. System.InvalidOperationException
outerMessage The Message property of the outermost Exception that was thrown. The specified Visual is not an ancestor of this Visual.
outerAssembly The assembly from which the outermost Exception was thrown. PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
outerMethod The method from which the outermost Exception was thrown. System.Windows.Media.Visual.TrySimpleTransformToAncestor
problemId A concatenation of the innermost Exception type and the method from which the innermost Exception was thrown. System.InvalidOperationException at AccessibilityInsights.SharedUx.Controls.HierarchyControl+<>c__DisplayClass55_0.<OnSelected>b__0
details A JSON-serialized array of ExceptionDetail objects that correspond to this Exception. The first item in the array is always the outermost Exception. [{"parsedStack":[{"method":"System.Windows.Media.Visual.TrySimpleTransformToAncestor","level":0,"line":0,"assembly":"PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"},{"method":"System.Windows.Media.Visual.TransformToAncestor","level":1,"line":0,"assembly":"PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"},{"method":"AccessibilityInsights.SharedUx.Controls.HierarchyControl+<>c__DisplayClass55_0.<OnSelected>b__0","level":2,"line":0,"assembly":"AccessibilityInsights.SharedUx, Version=1.1.899.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"}],"outerId":"0","message":"The specified Visual is not an ancestor of this Visual.","type":"System.InvalidOperationException","id":"25819492"}]
ExceptionDetail Objects

Each ExceptionDetail object represents a single Exception that was thrown, along with its stack trace. Exceptions can be nested, with each inner Exception pointing to its immediate wrapper Exception. The following properties are defined:

Name Description Sample
type The type of Exception that was thrown. System.InvalidOperationException
message The Message property specified when this Exception was thrown. The specified Visual is not an ancestor of this Visual.
id A system-assigned ID for this specific exception event. This is used to link the Exception chain. some id
outerId A system-assigned value that maps to the id or the immediate parent of this Exception. Will be 0 for the outermost Exception. some id
parsedStack A JSON-serialized array of [StackFrame Objects[(#stackframe-objects)] that identify where this Exception was thrown. Index 0 is the innermost frame, index 1 is the next innermost, etc. [{"method":"System.Windows.Media.Visual.TrySimpleTransformToAncestor","level":0,"line":0,"assembly":"PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"},{"method":"System.Windows.Media.Visual.TransformToAncestor","level":1,"line":0,"assembly":"PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"},{"method":"AccessibilityInsights.SharedUx.Controls.HierarchyControl+<>c__DisplayClass55_0.<OnSelected>b__0","level":2,"line":0,"assembly":"AccessibilityInsights.SharedUx, Version=1.1.899.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"}]
StackFrame Objects

Each StackFrame object represents a frame on the exception stack with the 4 following properties:

Name Description Sample
level The count of stack frames from the innermost Exception. 1
assembly The assembly of the indicated stack frame. PresentationCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
method The method of the indicated stack frame. System.Windows.Media.Visual.TransformToAncestor
line If available, the line of the indicated stack frame (0 if unavailable). 0

Common Data Properties

Common data properties are included with every telemetry event. Some of these properties are pipeline-controlled, and some are application-controlled. The following tables outline these properties.

Pipeline-controlled properties

The following properties are controlled by the telemetry pipeline and are useful for queries--note that this list is intentionally limited to those properties that are most likely to be useful for writing queries:

Name Description Event Sample Exception Sample
timestamp The UTC time that the event occurred. 2019-06-21T06:23:05.435691Z 2019-06-20T15:16:56.334167Z
client_City Client city based on reverse IP lookup in pipeline. Hyderabad Redmond
client_StateOrProvince Client State/Province based on reverse IP lookup in pipeline. Telangana Washington
client_CountryOrRegion Client County/Region based on reverse IP lookup in pipeline. India United States

Application-controlled properties

The following properties are controlled by the application--note that this list is intentionally limited to those properties that are most likely to be useful for writing queries. Most of these properties are included in the customProperties field of the telemetry events. Some of these values are dynamic and may change during a session, as outlined below:

Name Description Dynamic Value? Sample
client_OS App-specified value to represent the client OS version. See client_OS Values for details. No
customDimensions.Version The app version with no leading zeros. No 1.1.1467.1
customDimensions.ReleaseChannel The client's Release Channel. Current values are Production, Insider, or Canary. No Production
customDimensions.AppSessionID A Guid that allows correlation within the process session. No some guid
customDimensions.InstallationID A Guid that allows correlation of activity on a client within a calendar month. No some guid
customDimensions.View The app's view. Current values areLive, CapturingData, Recording, TabStop, or ElementHowToFix. Yes Live
customDimensions.UIFramework See customDimension.UIFramework identifiers for details. Yes
customDimensions.ModeName The app's page. Current values are Start, Test, Inspect, CCA, Events, or Exit. Yes Start
customDimensions.ModeSessionId A Guid that allows correlation within a specific mode change within a session. Yes some guid
client_OS Values

The Windows version is fetched directly from the registry. The CurrentVersion and CurrentBuildVersion registry values from the "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT" key are combined into a single string format. The current mappings (based on a blend of,, and include:

Value OS Version
6.1.7601 Windows 7 SP1 / Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1
6.2.9200 Windows 8 / Server 2012
6.3.9600 Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2
6.3.10240 Windows 10 (1507)
6.3.10586 Windows 10 (1511)
6.3.14393 Windows 10 (1607) / Server 2016
6.3.15063 Windows 10 (1703)
6.3.16299 Windows 10 (1709)
6.3.17134 Windows 10 (1803)
6.3.17763 Windows 10 (1809) / Server 2019
6.3.18362 Windows 10 (1903)
6.3.18363 Windows 10 (1909)
6.3.19041 Windows 10 (2004)
6.3.19042 Windows 10 (20H2)
6.3.19043 Windows 10 (21H1)
6.3.19044 Windows 10 (21H2)
6.3.20348 Windows Server 2022 (21H2)
6.3.22000 Windows 11 (21H2)

This table includes only officially published builds. The data in table may also include builds that were not officially published, such as insider or preview builds.

UIFramework identifiers

These identifiers are provided by UI frameworks and allow assistive technologies to provide framework-specific behaviors. This table reports the values (sorted alphabetically) that have appeared in telemetry, and their corresponding UI frameworks:

Value Framework
Avalonia Avalonia framework (.NET)
Chrome Chromium (C++, includes Google Chrome and newer versions of Microsoft Edge)
DirectUI DirectUI framework (C++)
Gecko Gecko browser engine (C++, used in FireFox and Thunderbird)
InternetExplorer Microsoft Internet Explorer
JUCE Juce framework (C++)
MicrosoftEdge Microsoft Edge (non-Chromium version)
nexacro Nexacro platform (HTML5/JavaScript)
Qt Qt framework (multiple languages)
Silveright Silverlight (.NET)
SWT Standard Widgets Toolkit (Java)
Win32 Generic Win32 apps (multiple languages)
WinForm Windows Forms (.NET)
WPF Windows Presentation Framework (.NET)
XAML Universal Windows Platform (.NET)

Sample Queries

Queries are written using the Kusto Query Language. Here are some sample queries:

How many sessions started in the last day?

| where timestamp >= ago(1d)
| where name == 'Mainwindow_Startup'
| summarize count()

How many unique install ID's have started sessions in the last day?

| where timestamp >= ago(1d)
| where name == 'Mainwindow_Startup'
| extend installId = tostring(customDimensions.InstallationID)
| extend version = tostring(customDimensions.Version)
| summarize dcount(installId)

How many unique install ID's have started sessions in the last day, broken down by app version, as a barchart?

| where timestamp >= ago(1d)
| where name == 'Mainwindow_Startup'
| extend installId = tostring(customDimensions.InstallationID)
| extend version = tostring(customDimensions.Version)
| summarize dcount(installId) by version
| sort by version desc
| render barchart

How many unique install ID's have started sessions in the last 60 days, per day, broken down by app version, as a barchart?

| where timestamp > ago(60d)
| where name == 'Mainwindow_Startup'
| project installId=tostring(customDimensions.InstallationID), days=bin(timestamp, 1d), version=tostring(customDimensions.Version)
| distinct installId, version, days
| summarize count() by days, version
| render barchart

What are the top 10 Exceptions that have been reported in version 1.1.1467.1 in the last 7 days?

| where timestamp >= ago(7d)
| extend version = tostring(customDimensions.Version)
| where version == '1.1.1467.1'
| summarize count(problemId) by problemId
| sort by count_problemId desc
| take 10

What are the top 10 Exceptions that have been reported in version 1.1.1467.1 in the last 7 days, but that occur outside of UIAutomationClient.dll?

| where timestamp  >= ago(7d)
| extend version = tostring(customDimensions.Version)
| where version == '1.1.1467.1'
| where not(problemId contains 'UIAutomationClient')
| summarize count(problemId) by problemId
| sort by count_problemId desc
| take 10

What UI frameworks have been scanned in the last 30 days, in descending order of count?

| where timestamp >= ago(30d)
| where name == 'Scan_Statistics'
| extend framework = tostring(customDimensions.UIFramework)
| where framework != ''
| summarize count() by framework
| sort by count_ desc