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As shown in the document, Xilinx IP modules constitute a large part of the project. This document lists the modules written by us to facilitate the project, and the modules that were provided by Xilinx.

Contents of the vivado_files/src_verilog directory:

continuous_monitoring_system_src Source code of the continuous monitoring system module.
custom_hdl Other hadrware modules source code.
RV64ACDFIMSUxCHERI Source code of the RISC-V processor in it's compiled form (original source code is written in Bluespec Verilog). These files were not created by us.
src_bsc_lib_RTL Source code provided from the Bluespec compiler (used by the RISC-V processor). These files were not created by us.

Key source files from the vivado_files/src_verilog/custom_hdl directory:

axi_dma_receive_transfer_tap.v Module acting like a proxy between AXI Lite source/destination, recognizing the "dma_receive_channel.transfer()" request and the requested size.
console_io_dma.v This module is responsible for intermediate storage and interfacing between RISC-V console input/output and the Python script (using AXI DMA).
console_io.v This module is currently unused, it did the same as console_io_dma.v but uses AXI GPIO instead which was much slower.
digital_input_sequencer.v Module responsible for driving external shift register to get 16 digital sensors inputs.
extension_bram.v Module responsible for intermediate storage of analog and digital sensor values. The values it holds are updated periodically and can be read from RISC-V programs at any time (in other words this module is memory mapped).
utils_rom.v Module that implements counters and random number generator, accessible from RISC-V programs.

Key source files from the vivado_files/src_verilog/continuous_monitoring_system_src directory: Watchpoint-based trace filtering implementation.
cms_ip_wrapper.v Verilog wrapper for the SystemVerilog module (because Vivado doesn't allow SystemVerilog modules to be included directly into block design). The top-level module (aside of the cms_ip_wrapper.v). Commonly used declarations.
data_to_axi_stream.v This module reads the tready signal and outputs tdata, tlast and tvalid signals used by the AXI protocol (it is useful when for sending data to AXI DMA module). Module that counts how many times performance events occured. Module that counts how many positive bits there are in a binary value (it was useful for the implementation of the watchpoint-based trace filtering). Storage of general purpose registers (GPR) given the write port of original GPR write port signals (data, address, write enable). Basic trace filter (collecting data on jumps, branches and returns).