Building on Ben Marwick, Martin Hawksey and Tony Hirst's work on analyzing tweets with R, I started an R project for tweet analysis, namely twitter-hashtag-analytics. This project is hosted on Github and welcomes anyone who's interested to contribute. It is my very first attempt to write a package in R, so I admit the capabilities of it is still limited and its structure may be not properly planned. Any advice will be highly appreciated.
This demo, drafted with knitr, aims to show the functionality of twitter-hashtag-analytics and also available on Github. It will evlove along with this project
Before starting to analyze tweets, we will first load a few source files (libraries) in this project.
# check working directory
# note that Knitr automatically sets wd to where the Rmd file is. so if
# you wish to run code line-by-line, you should setwd mannually.
# setwd('/home/bodong/src/r/twitter-analytics/twitter-hashtag-analytics')
# load source files
Then we can retrieve a Twitter hashtag dataset by searching through Twitter API. Two other methods of retriving tweets implemented in this project so far include retriving from Google Spreadsheet archives (see here) and reading directly from a CSV file.
# get tweets by search
# this function is defined in get_tweets.R
df <- GetTweetsBySearch('#LAK13')
# save or load data (so you can reuse data rather than search all the time)
save(df, file="./data/df.Rda")
# load("./data/df.Rda")
This dataset contains 101 tweets posted by 49 unique Twitter users between 2013-02-20 and 2013-02-26.
Because tweet information retrieved through twitteR is kind of limited (see its reference manual, p. 11), we need to extract user information, such as reply_to_user
and retweet_from_user
, mannually from each tweet. At the same time, the names of metadata in twitteR are quite different from those used in the official Twitter API, the following PreprocessTweets
function in munge_tweets.R
also renames some attributes of tweets. Moreover, the PreprocessTweets
function also trims urls in tweets and put them in a new column named links
# preprocessing
df <- PreprocessTweets(df)
# structure of df
## 'data.frame': 101 obs. of 14 variables:
## $ text : chr "Professor in Learning Analytics - Milton Keynes - OPEN UNIVERSITY #jobs Anyone interested from #LAK13" "RT @sbskmi: #LearningAnalytics tutorials + practicals in #lak13 open course: Tableau, R + Evidence Hub " "Demo of Using twitter-hashtag-analytics Package to Analyze Tweets from #LAK13 " "Introducing Drake, a kind of 'make for data' from @factual: #lak13" ...
## $ favorited : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
## $ replyToSN : logi NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
## $ created_at : POSIXct, format: "2013-02-26 20:32:29" "2013-02-26 20:22:12" ...
## $ truncated : logi FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
## $ replyToSID : chr NA NA NA NA ...
## $ id : chr "306502014211354624" "306499425751162880" "306492081793282048" "306487793666891776" ...
## $ replyToUID : logi NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
## $ statusSource: chr "<a href="">Tweet Button</a>" "<a href="">TweetDeck</a>" "<a href=""></a>" "<a href="">TweetDeck</a>" ...
## $ screen_name : chr "EleniZazani" "sjgknight" "bodongchen" "cteplovs" ...
## $ from_user : chr "EleniZazani" "sjgknight" "bodongchen" "cteplovs" ...
## $ reply_to : chr NA NA NA NA ...
## $ retweet_from: chr NA "sbskmi" NA NA ...
## $ links : chr "" "" "" "" ...
Regular statuses, retweets, and replies are three main types of tweets we analyze. The GetTweetCountTable
function can easily count total tweets sent by a user, times of retweeting by other users, and number of replies a user has received.
# Count tables
countTweets <- GetTweetCountTable(df, "from_user")
countRetweets <- GetTweetCountTable(df, "retweet_from")
countReplies <- GetTweetCountTable(df, "reply_to")
# quickly check distribution of tweets per user
qplot(countTweets$count, binwidth = 1, xlab = "Number of Tweets")
# combine counts into one data frame
counts <- merge(countTweets, countRetweets, by = "user", all.x = TRUE)
counts <- merge(counts, countReplies, by = "user", all.x = TRUE)
colnames(counts) <- c("user", "tweets", "replied_to", "retweeted_by")
counts[] <- 0
# melt data
counts.melt <- melt(counts, id.vars = c("user"))
# plot (Cleveland dot plot)
ggplot(counts.melt, aes(x = user, y = value, color = variable)) + geom_point() +
coord_flip() + ggtitle("Counts of tweets, retweets, and messages") + xlab("Counts") +
To get a sense how received or valued one's tweets were within the community, we can further count the ratio of being retweeted by other users to sent tweets.
# create new column 'ratio'
counts$ratio <- counts$retweeted_by/counts$tweets
# plot ratio for users who have at least one rt
ggplot(counts[counts$retweeted_by > 0, ], aes(x = reorder(user, ratio), y = ratio)) +
geom_point() + coord_flip() + ggtitle("Ratio of retweets to tweets") + xlab("Users") +
ylab("Retweets/Tweets ratio")
URLs embedded in tweets are important because they usually link to important resources that are of interest to this community.
# count links
countLinks <- GetTweetCountTable(df, "links")
names(countLinks)[1] <- "url"
# check top links
head(countLinks[with(countLinks, order(-count)), ])
## url count
## 1 11
## 2 7
## 3 6
## 4 4
## 5 3
## 6 3
# plot to see distribution of links
ggplot(countLinks[countLinks$count > 1, ], aes(reorder(url, count), count)) +
geom_point() + coord_flip() + xlab("URL") + ylab("Number of messages containing the URL")
An archived tweet dataset contains retweeting
and replying
as two main type of links among users. Some studies looks into following
relations, which require further queries to Twitter. So in this demo, we focus on retweeting
and replying
The CreateSNADataFrame
function in social_analysis.R
provides an easy way to create a data frame containing all edges of the requested social network. With created edges, we can easily create an SNA graph and visualize it with packages like igraph
and sna
# load source file first
# create data frame
rt.df <- CreateSNADataFrame(df, from = "from_user", to = "retweet_from", linkNames = "rt")
rp.df <- CreateSNADataFrame(df, from = "from_user", to = "reply_to", linkNames = "rp")
# begin social network analysis plotting
# create graph data frame (igraph)
g <-, directed = TRUE)
# plot with igraph (quick and dirty)
# plot with sna get adjacency matrix
mat <- get.adjacency(g)
# convert to csr matrix provided by SparseM ref:
mat.csr <- as.matrix.csr(mat, ncol = ncol(mat))
# plot with sna
We can further compute some basic SNA measures. For instance, density of this network is 0.0312, reciprocity of users in the network is 0.9412, and degree centralization of this network is 0.2405. These measures are calculated as below.
# density
## [1] 0.03119
# reciprocity
## Mut
## 0.9412
# centralization
centralization(mat.csr, sna::degree)
## [1] 0.2405
A regular task in SNA is to identify communities in a network. We can do it through the
function in igraph
g.wc <-, steps = 1000, modularity = TRUE)
# number of communities
## [1] 4
# sizes of communities
## Community sizes
## 1 2 3 4
## 5 25 2 2
# plot
We have detected 4 communities in this network. The largest community contains 51.02% of all users in this dataset.
In network analysis, people do types of tests to check whether some aspects of a network are unusual. We can do such tests, namely conditional uniform graph tests, through the cug.test
function in the sna
package. Further information about these tests can be found here.
# density
cug.gden <- cug.test(mat.csr, gden)
## [1] 0.4510 0.5419
# reciprocity
cug.recip <- cug.test(mat.csr, grecip)
## [1] 0.4332 0.5615
# transistivity
cug.gtrans <- cug.test(mat.csr, gtrans)
## [1] 0.4485 0.5477
# centralisation
cug.cent <- cug.test(mat.csr, centralization, FUN.arg = list(FUN = degree))
## [1] 0.0625 0.2585
Firstly, make a word cloud.
# load source file first
# construct corpus, with regular preprocessing performed
corpus <- ConstructCorpus(df$text, removeTags = TRUE, removeUsers = TRUE)
# make a word cloud
This task first uses ConstructCorpus
in semantic_analysis.R
to create a text corpus, and then uses MakeWordCloud
to make a word cloud. Please note that ConstructCorpus
provides a number of options such as whether to remove hashtags (#tag) or users (@user) embedded in tweets.
Next we are going to create a term-document matrix for some quick similarity computation.
# create a term document matrix only keep tokens longer than three
# characters
td.mat <- TermDocumentMatrix(corpus, control = list(minWordLength = 3))
# have a quick look
## A term-document matrix (272 terms, 101 documents)
## Non-/sparse entries: 704/26768
## Sparsity : 97%
## Maximal term length: 23
## Weighting : term frequency (tf)
# frequent words
findFreqTerms(td.mat, lowfreq = 10)
## [1] "activity" "analytics" "analyzing" "canvas" "capturing"
## [6] "course" "data" "discussion" "evidence" "feedback"
## [11] "fritz" "john" "join" "learning" "min"
## [16] "network" "peer" "recipes" "scale" "tools"
## [21] "using"
# find related words of a word
findAssocs(td.mat, "learning", 0.5)
## min analytics feedback fritz peer scale join
## 0.78 0.73 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.60
## using
## 0.54
For more advanced similarity computation among documents and terms, I am considering adding Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) capability into this package in the future.
With the sparse term-document matrix created above, we can use the TrainLDAModel
function in semantic_analysis.R
to train a LDA model. (Note: I don't understand all of steps in the code in TrainLDAModel
refactored from Ben Marwick's repo. So please help to check it if you understand LDA.) This step may take a while depending on the size of the dataset.
# timing start
ptm <- proc.time()
# generate a LDA model
lda <- TrainLDAModel(td.mat)
# time used
proc.time() - ptm
## user system elapsed
## 122.000 0.012 122.561
ThiS LDA model contains 24 topics. We can check keywords in each topic, get relevant topics of each tweet, and compute similarity scores among tweets based on topics they are related to.
# get keywords for each topic
lda_terms <- get_terms(lda, 5)
# look at the first 5 topics
lda_terms[, 1:5]
## Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5
## [1,] "contribution" "session" "john" "assignment" "data"
## [2,] "dont" "data" "research" "data" "analysis"
## [3,] "evidence" "education" "session" "expensive" "pandas"
## [4,] "maybe" "matters" "available" "human" "using"
## [5,] "meaningful" "owns" "python" "mining" "available"
# gets topic numbers per document
lda_topics <- get_topics(lda, 5)
# look at the first 10 documents
lda_topics[, 1:10]
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## [1,] 20 16 14 11 5 2 16 16 16 8
## [2,] 24 1 5 17 1 10 1 1 2 2
## [3,] 19 2 1 22 3 1 2 2 3 5
## [4,] 1 3 2 1 6 3 3 3 5 4
## [5,] 2 5 3 2 7 4 5 5 6 1
# compute similarity between two documents
CosineSimilarity(lda_topics[, 1], lda_topics[, 10])
## [,1]
## [1,] 0.8042
# computer a similarity matrix of documents
sim.mat <- sapply(1:ncol(lda_topics), function(i) {
sapply(1:ncol(lda_topics), function(j) CosineSimilarity(lda_topics[, i],
lda_topics[, j]))
# find most relevant tweets for a tweet
index <- 1
ids <- which(sim.mat[, index] > quantile(sim.mat[, index], 0.9))
sim.doc.df <- data.frame(id = ids, sim = sim.mat[, index][ids])
sim.doc.df <- sim.doc.df[with(sim.doc.df, order(-sim)), ]
# indices of most relevant tweets
## [1] 1 63 73 4 50 58
This project implements three methods (with one method that depends on ViralHeat not working) of analyzing sentiment of tweets. Let's try function ScoreSentiment
in sentiment_analysis.R
implemented based on this post.
# compute sentiment scores for all tweets
scores <- ScoreSentiment(df$text, .progress = "text")
# plot scores
ggplot(scores, aes(x = score)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) + xlab("Sentiment score") +
ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Sentiment Analysis of Tweets")
scores <- scores[with(scores, order(-score)), ]
# check happy tweets
as.character(head(scores$text, 3))
# check unhappy tweets
as.character(tail(scores$text, 3))
# check sentiment scores of tweets containing certain words create subset
# based on tweets with certain words, e.g., learning
scores.sub <- subset(scores, regexpr("learning", scores$text) > 0)
# plot histogram for this token
ggplot(scores.sub, aes(x = score)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) + xlab("Sentiment score for the token 'learning'") +
Sentiment analysis with the sentiment
scores2 <- ScoreSentiment2(df$text)
# plot scores. scale_x_log10 is used because the score is based on log
# likelihood
ggplot(scores2, aes(x = score)) + geom_histogram() + xlab("Sentiment score") +
ylab("Frequency") + ggtitle("Sentiment Analysis of Tweets") + scale_x_log10()
# plot emotion
# plot most likely sentiment category
We can further check whether these two scores are correlated.
# put them into one data frame
scores3 <- data.frame(score1 = scores$score, score2 = scores2$score)
# scatterplot with regression line
ggplot(scores3, aes(x = score1, y = score2)) + geom_point() + stat_smooth(method = "lm") +
xlab("Score by counting words") + ylab("Score from sentiment package")
Finally, this project is at its early stage. If you are interested, please fork twitter-hashtag-analytics on Github.