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Homework Week 3

Here you find the readings you have to complete before your first JavaScript lecture

Learning goals for this week:

 • CLI
    • Learn output redirection, piping on the terminal.
    • Write basic shell scripts to ease the programming life.
 • Student presentations
 • Last week recap and questions
 • How to find information on the web
 • How to rebuild an existing responsive page (getting started with this week's homework exercise)

In class:

  • Task: find some info about a certain topic in groups of 2, present to each other
    • Choose one of the following subjects, look up how it works and implement it in a web page
      • CSS transitions
      • CSS animations with keyframes
      • SVG
      • Drop down menu in CSS
      • flex-box

Step 1: Give feedback

Deadline Monday

  • In Trello you are added to one of the cards of your fellow students.
  • Give feedback on the drone assignment and the command line homework of your fellow student. Please be critical but most of all give constructive feedback. If there are resources that you used and might be useful, share them.
  • Revisit you own drone assignment and command line homework and improve it with the feedback and suggestions given by one of your classmates.

Step 2: Command Line

Deadline Wednesday

Write ONE shell script to do following:
1. create a directory. Enter a directory. Create an empty file named blank. 
2. Then write the content "Hello" five times to the file greetings.txt. 
   Then copy the file greetings.txt and paste its contents into 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt, 4.txt and 5.txt.
3. Then write the text "cat" to pets.txt
   Then append the text "dog" to pets.txt
   Then append the text "hamster" to pets.txt
4. Then write the text "cat" to commands.txt
   Then append the text "ls" to commands.txt
   Then append the text "pwd" to commands.txt
5. Then find unique strings from these two files pets.txt and commands.txt
   and store the unique strings in lovelyCommands.txt

For and overview of the commands we learned in class please take a look at the overview of the second lecture. If you need a refresher you can of course also go over the commands of the first lecture

Step 3: Assignment

Deadline Saturday

Use the command line to create a directory "week3" inside your "hyf-html-css" directory. There should already be a "week1" and "week2" inside that contains your homework of the last weeks.

How to hand in your homework:
• Upload your homework in your Github repository. 
• Make sure to create a new folder "week3" first. 
• Your hyf-html-css/week3 should now contain an index.html and a main.css file (and the images folder)
• Place the link to your repository in Trello.

Step 3: Prepare for next class

Deadline Sunday morning

Go through the reading material in the JavaScript to prepare for your next class