I will use a simple dot product operation to dissect some internals of tinygrad. the dot product between [1,2] and [3,4] is 1 * 3 + 2 * 4 = 11. In tinygrad this will be
from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
a = Tensor([1,2])
b = Tensor([3,4])
res = a.dot(b).numpy()
print(res) # 11
You can save this script as script.py and run it with the following flags
DEBUG=5 NOOPT=1 python script.py
The DEBUG flag set to 5 will make it output a ton of useful information that allows us to see the internals. Setting NOOPT to 1 disable optimization so it's easier to reason about for learning purpose.
There are many sections that are printed. The first we look at is the generated kernel code (at the end of the output)
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
kernel void r_2(device int* data0, const device int* data1, const device int* data2, uint3 gid [[threadgroup_position_in_grid]], uint3 lid [[thread_position_in_threadgroup]]) {
int acc0 = 0;
for (int ridx0 = 0; ridx0 < 2; ridx0++) {
int val0 = *(data1+ridx0);
int val1 = *(data2+ridx0);
acc0 = ((val0*val1)+acc0);
*(data0+0) = acc0;
I'm using a macbook, so the code is written in Metal (mac's GPU API). The function that's defined is called a GPU kernel and can run in parallel. So imagine there are thousands of the above kernel running in parallel independently. In our simple case though, there's only 1 kernel being launched. Let's dissect the above (it requires some understanding of C++ and GPU coding):
device int* data0
: this is the output data pointer, we store the output by
writing to it like *(data0+0) = acc0
. Since we have just one kernel, it writes
to a memory location hard coded already, but if there are more than one kernel,
the +0
may be replaced with something more dynamic.
const device int* data1
: this is the memory pointer for our first tensor [1,2].
so to access number 1, you would do *(data1+0)
and for number 2, it is *(data1+1)
const device int* data2
: similar to data1, but for tensor [3,4]
uint3 gid [[threadgroup_position_in_grid]]
: this is referring to where the kernel
is in the GPU. Think of the GPU as a grid and has a dimension 4 by 8, then you
can launch 32 (4*8) of the above kernel, and each kernel's gid would be a struct
with x corresponding to the x axis position, and y being the y axis vertical
position. So the first kenerl would have gid.x of value 0 and and gid.y of value 0.
uint3 lid [[thread_position_in_threadgroup]]
: similar to the gid but an extra
layer of organization. The apple documentation explains it well
The body part of it is more straightforward, it initialize a 0, and loop through each element of the two tensors, add them and return the value. In python translation that would be
def kernel_r_2(data0, data1, data2, gid, lid):
acc0 = 0
for i in range(2):
val0 = data1[i]
val1 = data2[i]
acc0 = val0 * val1 + acc0
data0[0] = acc0
How are these code generated? When you perform the .dot operation, an Abstract Syntax Tree is generated, and it's then converted into a series of linear operations, and then a codegen utility takes those linear operations into the actual code.
The AST looks like this
0 ━┳ STORE MemBuffer(idx=0, dtype=dtypes.int, st=ShapeTracker(views=(View(shape=(1,), strides=(0,), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=True),)))
1 ┗━┳ SUM (0,)
2 ┗━┳ MUL
3 ┣━━ LOAD MemBuffer(idx=1, dtype=dtypes.int, st=ShapeTracker(views=(View(shape=(2,), strides=(1,), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=True),)))
4 ┗━━ LOAD MemBuffer(idx=2, dtype=dtypes.int, st=ShapeTracker(views=(View(shape=(2,), strides=(1,), offset=0, mask=None, contiguous=True),)))
The zeroth line is universal across all the operation you do, it means storing the computed result somewhere. At the bottom we see two LOAD, indicating that we are taking in two tensors, and the two are multiplied and summed across the zeroth dimension. Having this alone isn't sufficient for code gen, because writing out the code is a linear process, so we want to convert them into a format more friendly for writing code generator. Hence the below linear ops:
step Op_name type input arg
0 UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL : ptr.dtypes.int [] (0, 'data0', True)
1 UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL : ptr.dtypes.int [] (1, 'data1', False)
2 UOps.DEFINE_GLOBAL : ptr.dtypes.int [] (2, 'data2', False)
3 UOps.DEFINE_ACC : dtypes.int [] 0
4 UOps.CONST : dtypes.int [] 0
5 UOps.CONST : dtypes.int [] 2
6 UOps.LOOP : dtypes.int [4, 5] None
7 UOps.LOAD : dtypes.int [1, 6] None
8 UOps.LOAD : dtypes.int [2, 6] None
9 UOps.ALU : dtypes.int [7, 8] BinaryOps.MUL
10 UOps.ALU : dtypes.int [9, 3] BinaryOps.ADD
11 UOps.PHI : dtypes.int [3, 10, 6] None
12 UOps.ENDLOOP : [6] None
13 UOps.STORE : [0, 4, 11] None
You read the ops from top to bottom and it matches how you would read the generated metal code. the DEFINE_GLOBAL at position zero refers to data0, our output. The two that follow are for input tensors [1,2] and [3,4]. We define an accumulator with value 0 [3 DEFINE_ACC], initialize a for loop variable with value 0 [4 CONST] that ends upon value 2 [5 CONST]. Then enters a loop [6 LOOP] and load the value of the first tensor [7 LOAD] and second tensor [8 LOAD], multiply the two together [9 ALU] and add to the accumulator [10 ALU]. The next operation is PHI, it relates to Single Static Assignment. Tbh I don't understand it well enough, but the general idea is that during the loop (which ran twice) we actually created 2 extra accumulator in the eyes of the GPU. Although the metal code we wrote allow us to overwrite them but this isn't always the case with other GPU programming languages. So having a PHI is instructing the code gen to figure out which of the three accumulator (the one initialized at [3 DEFINE_ACC], plus the two that are created at [10 ALU] within the loop that ran twice) to use for the final value. Finally we end the loop [12 ENDLOOP] and write to the result [13 STORE].
The part of the code that generates these is here
And the code gen for the metal platform is here