CytoMeth - Changes
- fixed CytoMethQC script - now all data is loaded from rds results files
- samtools is used for sorting (multithreaded)
- more than one control is now available
- added BS-Snper tool that provides methylations and SNP
- adjusted start/end positions in the output .bed file
- fixed some minor issues
- updated documentation
- minor updates
- updated documentation
- updated reference files
- updated documentation
- new parameter in config file methratio_processing
- bunch of fixes and improvements
- some rare issues in exporting to bed file fixed
- improved continuation of calculation after the stop
- logging on the screen improved
- param java_mem is now memory
- BSMAP uses I parameter (automatically set up based on available memory)
- manual updated
- bam files can be used as an input
- less memory usage during CalcMethylation Step
- reshape2 fix
- updated Dockerfile and install.packages.R files
- autodetect total memory size and cpu cores and fix the config if needed
- reference data directory change
- manual updated
- new plot functions plotSitesCpG and plotSitesNonCpG allow for any min_coverage
- manual updated
- output files bed format - finalized structure
- new output files rds format
- generation of QCSummary is now independet process
- plot plotBetaValuesSummary supports data sampling and non-CpG context
- new config parameter 'ref_control_sequence_name'
- plots updated
- new fontsize parameter in plots
- picard updated
- tools.conf.yml updated
- readme file updated and extended
- output files section in readme file updated and extended
- picard updated
- checking of log files updated
- README updated
- QC extended
- install.packages.R extended by bioconductor packages
- Dockerfile added
- added
- README updated
- FastQC QC report creation added
- trimmomatic_MINLEN parameter added
- seqtk added
- GATK version 3.8.1
- improved error handling and missing file checking
- improved skipping of already calculated phases
- improved README
- fixed and added (-X removed)
- first GitHub Version
- installation process file
- picard version 2.20.1 integrated
- conda integration - all non Java tools installed by conda
- tools.conf.yml added
- and files added