Blip is the web front end for YourLoops system. It is based on Tidepool Blip 1.27.
- YLP-2408 Display basal safety profile in Devices view
- YLP-2692 Display basal safety profile in the PDF report
- YLP-2821 As a DBLG2 user, I want to be able to see the device tab
- YLP-3128 As an HCP, I want to see which device is used by each patient
- YLP-3145 As a yourloops user I want to do a csv export
- YLP-3262 Allow redirection to DBLG2 app from YourLoops
- YLP-3332 Rename "Pump settings" page of PDF export to "Settings"
- YLP-2543 PDF report legend label font color is wrong
- YLP-3390 Meal bolus calculation not taking into account second part of biphasic bolus
- YLP-3242 Cache-busting for static files in blip
- YLP-3310 Display Physical Activity below other events in Daily view
- YLP-3300 Legend in "rescue carbs & manual bolus intakes" table is not consistent with what is displayed
- YLP-3303 Rescue carbs tooltip in "Rescue carbs & manual bolus intakes" table is wrong
- YLP-3306 embed product labeling document (pdf) in yourloops
- YLP-3255 TDD calculated on 24 hours is wrong
- YLP-2958 Information page before user signup
- YLP-3005 As a User, I want to have an organized total of insulin doses
- YLP-3007 Display pen boluses in Daily view
- YLP-2866 Display events in a dedicated section in Daily view
- YLP-2974 Update colors in Daily and Trends views to match DBL theme
- YLP-2992 As a user, I want to see the daily numbers of rescue carbs intake / manual boluses and not the average
- YLP-3019 New design for stats
- YLP-3075 As a user, I want to be able to choose Japan or UK country
- YLP-3087 As a user, I want to see the medisafe pump event in yourloops
- YLP-3141 As a user, I want my alarms messages to be the same as my device's
- YLP-3163 As a user, I want to see the basal insulin more precisely in the daily view
- YLP-3165 Update basal color
- YLP-3177 As a user, I want to see that "micro boluses" are now called "correction boluses"
- YLP-3211 Manual bolus insulin total should not contain pen bolus insulin
- YLP-2527 Number of meal Carbs hidden behind a bolus bar
- YLP-2632 Data is uploaded with a date in the future
- YLP-2936 DBLG1 pdf settings are the ones of the current date
- YLP-3104 Fix parameters locales issues (move the locale files in the repo)
- YLP-2948 Updated failing tests because of the time change
- YLP-3144 Cleanup basal internalId field
- YLP-3172 Hide Confidential Mode label on Events graph
- YLP-2824 Display pump logos based on manufacturer
- YLP-2850 Add product name (model) in pump information card
- YLP-2851 Remove pump cartridge expiration date from Device view and PDF report
- YLP-2859 Display alarms from Dana-i5 pump
- YLP-2863 As an HCP, I want to be able to change my country in my profile settings
- YLP-2868 As a HCP/caregiver, I want to see my patient listed by alphabetical order based on the last name
- YLP-2937 Add Japanese language
- YLP-2951 Patient data not accessible (infinite loading)
- YLP-2967 Broken wizard (bolus + meal) display in the Daily view
- YLP-2122 Remove JP and GB from the list of countries
- YLP-2574 Create tool tips independently of the name of the columns
- YLP-2586 Display height in device parameters
- YLP-2724 Filter on weekday for all data types where the information (weekday) is available
- YLP-2749 Use a branded Verify Email result page instead of the Auth0 one
- YLP-2912 Hide UMM-related information
- YLP-2758 App crashes when going back to previous page
- YLP-2849 Tab title is not translated on "Target & alerts" view
- YLP-2476 Use tide-whisperer v2: route /all.
- YLP-2696 Fix some Sonarcloud bugs and code smells
- YLP-2697 App routing should reveal data dependencies
- YLP-2704 Remove settings logic from viz
- YLP-2709 Migration warm up tooltip
- YLP-2726 Cleanup tideline/viz packages
- YLP-2292 Display rescue carbs and manual bolus in the trends view for DBLG1 patient
- YLP-2299 Display DBLG1 events in Daily view
- YLP-2227 Adjustment of the stats on carbs of the dashboard
- YLP-2484 Remove level column in device change parameter history
- YLP-2609 Moved patient monitoring alerts configuration to a dedicated view for HCP
- YLP-2610 Direct link from Monitoring alerts card to "Target & alerts" view
- YLP-2630 As a user, I would like to be notified with a banner when there are ongoing issues with yourloops
- YLP-2633 Customisation of the monitoring alerts from "target & alerts" tab by HCP
- YLP-2634 New behaviour of the care team setting button in the alerts customisation section
- YLP-2652 Improve error message on app crash
- YLP-2668 Remove icons of the tabs and widget titles
- YLP-2670 Remove target & alerts view from "private practice"
- YLP-2671 Group alarms with the same code occurring in a 30 mn interval
- YLP-2683 Update alarm device event icon
- YLP-2690 Switching patient from the tab "Target&Alerts" is not working
- YLP-2438 Inconsistency in the daily view between carbs displayed on the graph and Total carbs in the statistics panel
- YLP-2572 Prevent patient from adding the same caregiver to their list twice
- YLP-2627 "Last data update" column is not sorting properly
- YLP-2642 Disabled Google Translate automated translation to avoid React crashes in notification page
- YLP-2643 Disabled Google Translate automated translation to avoid React crashes in training page
- YLP-2661 App crashes when patient does not have a pump
- YLP-2662 App crashes for patient without enough data
- YLP-2573 Create a dedicated message for the caregiver when the account creation is complete
- YLP-2594 Handle release branches in GitHub CI workflow
- YLP-2595 Update deprecated GitHub Actions to Node 16
- YLP-2596 Add visual regression tests
- YLP-2622 Remove references to uploads in the app
- YLP-2631 Calls made to /harbour/errors do not always give an error message
- YLP-2672 Error code given by the front should be findable in kibana
- YLP-2680 Conversion error in alarm tooltips in mmol/L
- YLP-1503 Logout idle user after 30 mn of inactivity
- YLP-1932 Communication module available for all patients
- YLP-2125 Allow users to ask support to resend the verification email
- YLP-2140 As a HCP, I can only edit my medical records
- YLP-2146 Adding groups in patient list
- YLP-2151 As a HCP I want to be able to filter my patients via the new design
- YLP-2154 Displayed columns choice in the patient list
- YLP-2160 Patient list new design
- YLP-2172 Display patients count on patients list
- YLP-2173 As a HCP, I want information when hovering the monitoring alerts icons
- YLP-2174 Patient data should be computed based on the last 14 days
- YLP-2175 Implement new design system
- YLP-2182 Sort patients by number of monitoring alerts on patient list
- YLP-2183 Merging monitoring alerts into 1 column in the patient list (step 1)
- YLP-2184 Merging monitoring alerts into 1 column in the patient list (step 2)
- YLP-2185 Merging monitoring alerts into 1 column in the patient list (step 3)
- YLP-2188 Sort patients by column on patient list
- YLP-2192 Team scope dropdown for HCP
- YLP-2194 Navigation tabs for HCP ("Patients", "Care teams")
- YLP-2195 Remove the menu present in the header of 3.0.3 to access the care team settings and to create a care team
- YLP-2215 Implement specific daily visualisation of UMM bolus
- YLP-2216 Use selected team in Add patient dialog
- YLP-2218 Use selected team in Remove patient dialog
- YLP-2220 Remove "private practice" filter from patients list
- YLP-2231 Implement new medical reports design for patients
- YLP-2250 Patient list lazy loading
- YLP-2253 Dedicated error message for a patient joining a team they're already invited in
- YLP-2265 Disable Add patient button when private practice is selected
- YLP-2285 Monitoring filter cannot be enabled when Private practice is selected
- YLP-2287 Refine statistics cards of the dashboard
- YLP-2312 Teams and patients in a team should always have a field "monitoringAlertsParameters"
- YLP-2322 Pending patients should not display glycemia specific data
- YLP-2323 Add new columns from existing data in patient list
- YLP-2324 Hide certain columns when private practice is selected
- YLP-2348 New columns from glycemia indicators in patients list
- YLP-2350 Display a visual info when a patient has unread messages from another team in the chat widget
- YLP-2354 Access to the DBL settings page from every view
- YLP-2358 As a care team member, I want a new design when listing my pending patients
- YLP-2381 As a HCP, I want to manage patient invites made by other members of the teams
- YLP-2388 Select the new care team after creating it
- YLP-2390 Enlarge font of the buttons of the messaging system
- YLP-2391 Rename "Care team" page to "Care team settings"
- YLP-2392 Refine the Account preferences page
- YLP-2393 Remove fields and "Show more/Show less" logic in the patient header
- YLP-2394 Hide "Monitoring alerts" card for patients users
- YLP-2395 Update chat widget size
- YLP-2399 Cancel invite dialog new design
- YLP-2430 Add checkbox to confirm that user is a hcp
- YLP-2435 Remove "Telemonitored" filter on patient list
- YLP-2538 Correct order for device settings
- YLP-2447 Device page new design
- YLP-2552 Calculate the statistics of the patient list on the last 14 days
- YLP-2554 Delete the info icone on the tooltips displayed with mouseover on the TIR graph
- YLP-2556 Make the TIR graph title more responsive
- YLP-2560 Make sure we show N/A instead of 0% for alerts when no data is available
- YLP-2563 Add tooltips for column headers in patient list
- YLP-2044 Remove redux settings store
- YLP-2065 Migrate CBGDateTraceLabel from viz to dumb
- YLP-2066 Migrate historized settings table
- YLP-2068 Update minor dependencies
- YLP-2069 Migrate CBGSlicesContainer from viz to dumb
- YLP-2071 Change the question mark icon to accept button
- YLP-2072 Replace “Show more“ by “show less” when patient header is unfolded
- YLP-2084 Migrate trends Y axis labels and ticks to dumb
- YLP-2085 Update major dependencies with no API break
- YLP-2091 Remove withDefaultYPosition method wrapper from viz
- YLP-2092 Migrate trends target range lines to dumb
- YLP-2094 Update some dependencies with major changes
- YLP-2095 Migrate FocusedCBGSliceSegment from viz to dumb
- YLP-2096 Migrate CBG date traces animated to dumb
- YLP-2097 Migrate RangeSelect from viz to dumb
- YLP-2098 Migrate TimeInRange and ReadingsInRange stats to Yourloops
- YLP-2110 Update i18next from 19.9.2 to 22.4.9
- YLP-2113 Migrate FocusedRangeLabels from viz to dumb
- YLP-2116 Migrate TrendsSVGContainer from viz to dumb
- YLP-2118 Update axios and minor dependencies
- YLP-2121 Removing deprecated @mui/styles library
- YLP-2139 Remove weekly reports
- YLP-2141 Process glycemia statistics in a dedicated service
- YLP-2143 Migrate TrendsContainer to dumb
- YLP-2144 Migrate dashboard from blip to Yourloops
- YLP-2159 Get rid of connectWithTransitionGroup in viz
- YLP-2161 Migrate PrintView from viz to dumb
- YLP-2162 Migrate CbgDateTrace store from redux to TrendsProvider
- YLP-2176 Migrate CBG slice actions from redux to TrendsProvider
- YLP-2178 Remove redux store
- YLP-2186 Handle HCP in mmol settings in alarms configuration
- YLP-2196 Removed the team selection drop-down menu on the care team definition page
- YLP-2217 Bump react-router-dom to 6.8.2
- YLP-2219 Migrate SensorUsage from stats.js to yourloops
- YLP-2234 Migrate glucoseManagementIndicator from stats.js to yourloops
- YLP-2242 Fix the pop "current settings in case no data has been set"
- YLP-2244 Migrate coefficientOfVariation from stats.js to yourloops
- YLP-2245 Migrate SettingsPrintView to dumb
- YLP-2252 Bump auth0-react from 1.9.0 to 2.0.1
- YLP-2255 Bump react to 18.2.0
- YLP-2256 Bump minor deps
- YLP-2258 Bump react-markdown
- YLP-2286 Rename the "alarm" concept to "monitored alert"
- YLP-2289 Migrate Standard Deviation from stat.js to yourloops
- YLP-2291 Get the patients from the scope route when logged in as HCP
- YLP-2293 Migrate Average Glucose from stat.js to yourloops
- YLP-2300 Remove the remote monitoring invitation flow
- YLP-2301 Split ITs jobs by roles
- YLP-2307 Incomplete alert when accepting a direct share invitation
- YLP-2311 Reorganize ITs
- YLP-2328 Migrate patient-data from jsx to tsx
- YLP-2341 Pdf export in CSV is broken when a user has preferred units in its profile
- YLP-2351 Migrate average daily dose stat and total insulin stat from stat.js to yourloops
- YLP-2352 Monitoring alert tooltips "out of range" displays incorrect values
- YLP-2364 Fixed English translations
- YLP-2367 Patient list refacto
- YLP-2386 Fix navigation crash between care team and patient list
- YLP-2387 Fix the tab title when displaying the patient list
- YLP-2403 Remove caregiver and private team logic from CurrentPatientList
- YLP-2404 Fix patient list columns width
- YLP-2418 use new patient route from harbour
- YLP-2420 Translations update
- YLP-2434 Api calls are trigerred twice
- YLP-2446 Patient does not have to retrieve a list of patients
- YLP-2454 Daily view crashes on mobile
- YLP-2458 Blip auto dependencies update
- YLP-2468 Fix team management issues
- YLP-2490 Invitation confirmation string correction
- YLP-2492 Fix errors on /team when private team selected
- YLP-2495 Fix spacing between links in app footer
- YLP-2497 Fix cache invalidation of all files after app deployment
- YLP-2498 Fix chat widget minimal height
- YLP-2502 History of device parameters is not sorted properly
- YLP-2503 Device settings history is not taking timezone into account
- YLP-2510 Static dashboard does not perform calculation based on the last 14 days
- YLP-2511 In the daily view, not all graph data is taken into account by the loop mode
- YLP-2514 Add data-stonlyid to UI elements to display 3.0.4 updates via Stonly triggers
- YLP-2519 Fix refresh on Daily view disabling the forward arrow in the date picker
- YLP-2522 PDF/CSV report generation does not take into account data that was not loaded in daily
- YLP-2524 Override information is hardly visible
- YLP-2529 Fix median in trends view
- YLP-2532 Patients with only a fullname are not shown when using the search bar
- YLP-2533 Sanitize glycemia unit when retrieving the user
- YLP-2534 Sort and reduce height of patient list select (in patient navbar)
- YLP-2535 Dashboard statistics should only be computed on days having data
- YLP-2536 Gain some space in patient statistics widget
- YLP-2539 Update arrow icon in Device parameters change history
- YLP-2551 Sort device usage last settings by anti-chronological order
- YLP-2554 Hide tooltip and values on TIR stat title when one bar is hovered
- YLP-2557 Responsive for daily and trends views
- YLP-2558 Statistics panel design improvements
- YLP-2561 Manage monitoring alerts display when no data available
- YLP-2571 Upgrade SSL security policy for cloudfront distributions
- YLP-1770 Team list is not refreshed after patient accept invitation from notification
- YLP-2189 Fix error when applying team monitoring alarm params in mg/dL to user with monitoring in mmol/L
- YLP-2460 Caregiver users cannot see the "Last data update" date in the patients list
- YLP-2487 HCP non admin can see button to save new team monitoring alerts parameters
- YLP-2496 Undelivered value is not rounded in micro-bolus tooltip
- YLP-2504 PDF displays "NaN" instead of "0" for insulin value
- YLP-2506 Fix reservoir change icon always falling back to default
- YLP-2508 PDF report is missing information about rescue carbs
- YLP-2509 "Sensor warmup" icon is not shown
- YLP-2523 Fix insulin values not rounded in Bolus tooltip
- YLP-2525 The carbs information is duplicated
- YLP-2528 The "Cartridge changes" widget doesn't display the info on the 14 days period
- YLP-1682 Labels in PDF reports are not clear
- YLP-1693 Glucose unit not coherent between curves and DBL settings
- YLP-1704 PDF Report Generation failed
- YLP-1874 Broken pdf report generation button
- YLP-1976 PDF generation not showing stats
- YLP-1524 Add change password option for HCP and caregivers
- YLP-1590 Changing role caregiver to hcp with auth0
- YLP-1679 Allow caregivers to remove patients from their direct share
- YLP-1850 Patient search should comply to INS standard
- YLP-1943 Training material is acknowledged after Yourloops TM is opened and read (including the new checkbox message) and before any use of YLP
- YLP-1944 Rename "Intended Use" in the footer as "Product labelling"
- YLP-1947 Add team selection dropdown on patient dashboard for HCP
- YLP-1973 User should be able to uncheck the training check box
- YLP-1989 New friendly login page
- YLP-1444 Handle user name display for Japanese
- YLP-1624 Fix error messages when inviting a patient already in the team
- YLP-1625 Display an explicit error when trying to share data with another patient
- YLP-1680 getPatientData Api method has a wrong parameter
- YLP-1726 Rework signup with Auth0
- YLP-1805 Push error to the backend
- YLP-1868 Add route to invite team member
- YLP-1873 Fix patient profile update not visible in dashboard
- YLP-1894 Retrieve pump settings in pump settings object if no upload object available
- YLP-1892 Creation of an integration test for the team form
- YLP-1900 Fix CSS in events configuration modal
- YLP-1901 CSV generation is not using the correct time frame
- YLP-1903 Timezone detection should exclude some data types
- YLP-1904 CSV generation outputs a pdf
- YLP-1906-Fix-training-modal-CSS
- YLP-1910 Retrieve patients from bff v1 route
- YLP-1916 Migrate tooltips from viz to dumb
- YLP-1919 Use user preferred units on alarm configuration component
- YLP-1935 CBG thresholds should be used from medical data service
- YLP-1942 Rename files in yourloops and medical-domain
- YLP-1945 Migrate NoBar component to dumb
- YLP-1949 Migrate Lines component to dumb
- YLP-1953 Migrate WheelPercent to dumb
- YLP-1960 enhance pipeline
- YLP-1968 Removing eCPS connection feature (revert of YLP-1182)
- YLP-1971 Product labelling page should use blip version for UDI and configuration for doc revision in bottom page
- YLP-1991 Update patient header design and add currently available patients fields
- YLP-2004 Refine dashboard look and feel (part one)
- YLP-2012 Migrate LabeledCheckbox to dumb
- YLP-2015 Replace loaders by MUI CircularProgress
- YLP-2016 Migrate BolusTooltip to dumb
- YLP-2021 Implement remote monitoring card new design
- YLP-2022 HBA1C is not displayed in profile when logged in as a patient
- YLP-2030 Remove TwoOptionToggle and BgSourceToggle
- YLP-2031 Migrate viz tests to dumb
- YLP-2037 Hide the column in the patient list related to remote monitoring option
- YLP-2045 Migrate CbgSliceSegment to dumb
- YLP-2046 Migrate table settings from viz to dumb
- YLP-2048 Migrate CBGMedianAnimated from viz to dumb
- YLP-2050 Migrate trends background to dumb
- YLP-2054 Migrate trends "no data" text to dumb
- YLP-2055 Migrate CBGSliceAnimated from viz to dumb
- YLP-2061 Migrate trends X axis labels and ticks to dumb
- YLP-2111 trace-session change on every request
- Automate copyright generation on new and updated files
- Changing CI from Jenkins to GitHub Actions
- Migrate MUI 4 to MUI 5
- Refactoring profile page code and adding tests
- Remove react-test-renderer dependency
- Update copyright on all files in
- YLP-1943 Training material is acknowledged after Yourloops TM is opened and read (including the new checkbox message) and before any use of YLP
- YLP-1944 Rename "Intended Use" in the footer as "Product labelling"
- YLP-1681 HCP can remove a patient
- YLP-1753 Fix memory leak on useState
- YLP-1837 Display training material acknowledgment
- YLP-1841 Rework of accompanying documents in footer
- YLP-1865 Add an error message if email is not valid in create team form
- YLP-1867 Use a single route to fetch user profile, settings and preferences at once
- YLP-1317 Renaming Shoreline model to a generic name
- YLP-1626 Refactor team hook to only keep functions impacting the state
- YLP-1631 Install react testing library
- YLP-1634 Fix missing UTs
- YLP-1635 Modify CSP to enable refresh once logged in
- YLP-1653 Support RTL jest dom for unit tests
- YLP-1658 Creating a note does not create it at the time selected
- YLP-1692 Improve user-friendliness of medical widget
- YLP-1697 Split patients and team members management
- YLP-1699 Rework TeamUser structure so that it becomes understandable
- YLP-1719 Remove inline CSS
- YLP-1740 Make HTTP calls to back instead of computing data in the front
- YLP-1754 Patient list not updated after accept invitation
- YLP-1767 Create package to migrate viz components
- YLP-1797 Make it possible to see what role the users are logged in with matomo
- YLP-1834 Migrate time in range stats
- YLP-1915 Migrate reservoir tooltip
- Add a route /version to display blip version
- YLP-1645 A patient can create, edit and delete a medical record
- YLP-1659 Language is not updated with user preferences
- YLP-1842 Disable sourcemap for production builds
- YLP-1260 Verify password leak on signup or password change
- YLP-1291 A monitoring team can flag a patient under remote monitoring
- YLP-1340 Remote monitoring left menu for an HCP user
- YLP-1367 The medical data can be exported as csv file
- YLP-1369 HCP can send private messages for this team
- YLP-1370 HCP and patient can communicate through messaging system
- YLP-1379 New Header
- YLP-1410 New left navigation drawer
- YLP-1411 Implement the Patient list table with the new layout
- YLP-1415 Implement the team details page
- YLP-1445 Implement alerts in patients table
- YLP-1452 Implement Auth0 Login/Logout
- YLP-1453 Implement Auth0 Signup
- YLP-1462 Create Patient statistics card for dashboard
- YLP-1463 create Patient information card for dashboard
- YLP-1465 create Device usage card for dashboard
- YLP-1466 Create alarm card
- YLP-1469 Update footer with "Accompanying documents" dropdown
- YLP-1475 Implement the team details page for patients
- YLP-1476 Remove care teams page
- YLP-1494 Implement patient table for caregiver
- YLP-1495 Add success/error messages on team details page
- YLP-1496 Add possibility for a patient to add a caregiver
- YLP-1497 Change all buttons to a flat design
- YLP-1500 Patient can join a team from header
- YLP-1501 Update team details alarms management with new design
- YLP-1504 Plug team alarms configuration to backend
- YLP-1511 Display message date, status and the number of unread messages in chat widget
- YLP-1518 Implement drawer filters
- YLP-1537 Display settings page in a dialog
- YLP-1541 Plug team alarm configuration to backend
- YLP-1544 Create dialog to invite patient in remote monitoring team
- YLP-1547 Rework patient and caregiver list nav bar
- YLP-1583 Add message column in patient list
- YLP-1585 Add messages filter in left drawer
- YLP-1594 Implement the delete button for remote monitored patients
- YLP-1595 Plug prescription upload to backend
- YLP-1596 Referring doctor must be saved into backend when inviting a user to remote monitoring team
- YLP-1597 add renew dialog for a patient under remote monitoring
- YLP-1604 Update patient profile with new patient information
- YLP-1607 Ask patient to consent when he joins the monitoring program
- YLP-1609 Add button to reset patient monitoring parameters
- YLP-1612 Display an alert if account is not validated
- YLP-1613 Add icon button to remove team member
- YLP-1615 Download a prescription
- YLP-1616 Display details of a weekly report in modal
- YLP-1626 Patients not monitored should not have any alarms
- YLP-1233 Remove session object
- YLP-1256 Split Profile component into smaller subcomponents
- YLP-1319 Switch-roles dialogs CSS not consistent with other dialogs
- YLP-1320 Dynamic branding
- YLP-1345 Correct blip pdf export to display japanese chars
- YLP-1350 Auth API refactoring
- YLP-1353 Share API refactoring
- YLP-1354 Team API refactoring
- YLP-1383 Rework app routing
- YLP-1447 Skip flaky test
- YLP-1506 Skip flaky test
- YLP-1199 Stats in trends view may be wrong
- YLP-1312 Data loading may be missing some ranges
- YLP-1313 Join wizard and bolus may fail
- YLP-1356 Can't remove a pending member from a team with a user that did not invite it
- YLP-1105 Yourloops new blue theme
- YLP-1106 Switch account from caregiver to hcp should ask for the profession
- YLP-1122 Patient should enter the team unique ID to accept a team invitation
- YLP-1188 Pink theme for clinical environment
- YLP-1190 Advertise user about account deletion
- YLP-1191 Add feature flag to retrieve cbg data with or without bucket optimization
- YLP-1217 Patient should be better informed that he should not create an account through web UI
- YLP-1182 Add an eCPS connection link into user preferences (HCP certification)
- YLP-1183 Add certified professional icon
- YLP-22 Print PDF content cleaned and improved (removing useless data)
- YLP-288 Improve date selection on Trends view
- YLP-590 Date picker for PDF reports
- YLP-1088 Rework UX/UI of the YLP footer
- YLP-1120 Overview tab cleanup
- YLP-1101 Yourloops logo redirect not working for HCPs
- YLP-1109 YourLoops main menu sometimes do not disappear as it should
- YLP-1116 Missing password strength meter into reset password page
- YLP-1129 Pending patient not displayed into HCP view when already in a team or private practice
- YLP-1148 Average daily carbs is null in PDF report
- YLP-1164 Daily view device parameters tooltips display wrong hours
- YLP-1169 Fix German translation of Dietitian
- YLP-1170 Bolus sent multiple times by the handset are duplicated in Yourloops/Backloops
- YLP-1194 Time of reservoir change event in Overview page is not correct - GMT time is displayed
- YLP-1252 Settings History values are changing over the time
- YLP-1289 Wrong units displayed in the PDF for avg glucose
- YLP-1082 Improve daily view rendering
- YLP-1114 Review routes and data structure for message-api
- YLP-1172 Cannot debug unit test of blip (front)
- YLP-1174 Removing add patient functionality for a caregiver (not used)
- YLP-1304 Various minor eng changes
- YLP-67 Popup calendar on daily view
- YLP-941 Improve email validation with a better verification and error message
- YLP-996 Restructure account preferences page
- YLP-1002 Allow patients to receive the email "forgot password" from yourloops
- YLP-1011 Add profession details for HCPs
- YLP-1040 Give access to latest release notes from YourLoops
- YLP-62 Implement session timeout
- YLP-1058 Implement a password strength meter
- YLP-1012 Translation missing in Loop mode widget
- YLP-1041 Fix potential crash in YourLoops when rendering the PDF
- YLP-1083 Missing IOB on wizard (meal) bolus
- YLP-1087 Missing notification when switch team member role to admin
- YLP-1095 Patient name not displayed into remove dialog
- YLP-662 Rework events tagging for Matomo
- YLP-1029 Add a build step to verify translations
- YLP-1042 Bump some dependencies
- YLP-1049 Bump node to v14
- YLP-1051 Allow to verify with eslint js files outside main packages
- YLP-1053 Remove lolcat language and Crowdin build
- YLP-1054 Harmonize ESLint configuration (ts/js) and fix source files
- YLP-1067 Create a material-ui simple date picker
- YLP-1085 Bump cloudfront distribution script deps
- YLP-950 Generate robot.txt and sitemap.xml
- YLP-952 Add meta "description" to the index.html
- YLP-972 Add United Kingdom
- YLP-987 HCP feedbacks consent
- YLP-925 Update glycemia unit conversion in blip
- YLP-958 Review text justification in modal windows
- YLP-963 Updating urls of legal documents
- YLP-977 Re-send account activation link
- YLP-982 Harmonize units in YourLoops
- YLP-992 Modify email pronoun for a neutral form in German
- YLP-955 Sign-up consent next button should be greyed when boxes are not checked
- YLP-864 Add TU for lib notifications
- YLP-688 Cleanup translation keys
- YLP-611: Hide "go to original article" option in ZD widget
- YLP-878 Wrong settings for glucose units uploaded by the handset
- YLP-882 Wrong dates in the PDF report
- YLP-888 Threshold on the Trends graph display only SMBG data points
- YLP-910 lastName / firstName / Language translations keys should be in lower-case
- YLP-918 Caregivers bg unit change not taken without reload
- YLP-919 Yourloops do not encode correctly passwords with special characters
- YLP-926 Sanitize HTML in message note
- YLP-931 Cannot leave and delete a team that still contains a patient
- YLP-935 Email in user account should not contain special characters
- YLP-759 Add Austria
- YLP-869 Display page title
- YLP-930 Call shoreline's logout route in YourLoops
- YLP-814 Add TU for i18next integration / localization
- YLP-815 Add TU for metrics / Matomo
- YLP-816 Add JUnit reports to Jenkins
- YLP-832 Add TU for zendesk manager
- YLP-836 Add TU for lib/auth
- YLP-887 Add more HTML selectors to ease system tests
- YLP-839 Missing error string for translation
- YLP-842 Patient user click logo leads to a blank page
- YLP-851 Translation error in Loop Mode widget (DE)
- YLP-852 App crash in the daily view on mobile - on resize display
- YLP-856 Viz metrics are not updated after loading new data
- YLP-860 Adjust the display of temporay basal to workaround handset issue #220
- YLP-861 First consent login page for patient is never displayed
- YLP-862 Translation error in Italian for My Care Teams
- YLP-570 Ensure confidentiality in the Matomo reports
- YLP-813 Add TU for cookies manager
- YLP-855 Add more HTML selectors to ease system tests
- YLP-779 Caregiver switching to hcp is logged off at the end of the process
- YLP-Y82 Overview calendar day hover are hard to read
- YLP-783 Wrong wording in French for care team
- YLP-793 Sorting on TIR indicators and data upload in the patient dashboard
- YLP-791 Patient can share to the same team several times
- YLP-796 Set header x-tidepool-language for all requests to /confirm/send/xx
- YLP-799 CSS fixes for mobile display of patient data
- YLP-820 Data loading loses some days when browsing daily view chronologically
- YLP-828 Add button to display the cookies manager
- YLP-831 Missing team name on modals delete team / remove team member
- YLP-750 Support TideWhisper v1 routes
- YLP-808 Regenerate package-lock.json files
- YLP-833 Add matomo analytics for better perfs metrics
- YLP-13 Signup workflow for caregivers and hcps
- YLP-351 Main Navigation header
- YLP-491 Switch from caregiver to professional account
- YLP-488 Patient profile page for HCP users
- YLP-352 Add tabs for patients and teams in the main nav
- YLP-377 Create a care team
- YLP-380 Care teams list
- YLP-394 In-app invitations / notifications
- YLP-358 Invite a patient to share data with a team
- YLP-757 Discard a patient invitation to a care team
- YLP-743 A HCP cannot invite a patient that does not have yet an account
- YLP-708 A HCP user must not be able to invite a patient to join a team
- YLP-357 Breadcrumb “My Patients” on HCP view
- YLP-372 Possibility to flag patients
- YLP-373 Force sorting on flagged patients
- YLP-397 Manage data sharing with care teams
- YLP-552 Display Caregiver's patients list
- YLP-554 Display caregiver/teams list for Patients
- YLP-711 Update password: hcp/caregivers must give current password
- YLP-499 Add cookie banner
- YLP-464 Implement success and error snackbars
- YLP-423 Add Dexcom branding to the glucose graph
- YLP-581 Rescue carbs indicator
- YLP-558 Display sensor warm up session on daily view
- YLP-547 Bolus name in tooltip
- YLP-610 Stonly widget
- YLP-270 Choose preferred units (HCP)
- YLP-326 Get HbA1c result from DBL and display on patient profile
- YLP-356 Filters on patient dashboard
- YLP-507 Screen to renew consent when terms of use and/or policy have changed
- YLP-487 Rework patient Account preferences Page
- YLP-486 HCP account preferences page
- YLP-432 New login page
- YLP-715 Do not display Physical Activity when duration is set to 0
- YLP-693 Hide Glucose and events graph when in confidential mode
- YLP-586 Remove mailchimp integration
- YLP-482 Remove the possibility to customize thresholds for patient in YourLoops
- YLP-441 Change glucose level colors
- YLP-443 Update DBL settings table
- YLP-544 Create footer on logged-in pages
- YLP-366 List patients in table (HCP view)
- YLP-367 Add columns with indicators (TBR, TIR)
- YLP-355 Search box on the patient dashboard
- YLP-707 fix glucose level colors in generated PDF
- YLP-266 Hour format isn't updated on daily view when language is changed
- YLP-511 Wrong string used for "serial number"
- YLP-454 The Number of Login validation does not make the count for a single account
- YLP-699 Add CodeQL Analysis
- Add jenkins lock on CloudFront publication
- Fix init Jenkins pipeline
- Add https dev server (docker) for OWASP ZAP
- Fix SOUP list generation
- Fix translations
- YLP-442 DBLG1 sends units at the wrong place
- Fix translations
- YLP-215 Display Confidential mode on Daily view
- YLP-236 Display Zen mode activation on Daily view
- YLP-298 Enable Spanish and Italian languages
- YLP-317 Add Switzerland in country list
- YLP-216 Interrupted bolus is not correctly displayed
- YLP-289 RescueCarbs: recommendation is always set to 0 for automatic mode
- YLP-292 Error messages not translated when creating an account
- YLP-306 Change the language on login page may prevent the login
- YLP-318 Widget bolus / weight does not display result
- YLP-320 Matomo tracker is no longer active
- YLP-322 Units change after an update done in patient settings
- YLP-336 Block DBL settings display order
- YLP-26 Make bolus graph more readable
- YLP-52 Review clinician direct signup flow
- YLP-267 Delete BG readings calendar from overview
- YLP-280 Make France as default country for existing users
- YLP-273 Translate units in DBL settings table and display depending on patient profile
- YLP-282 Simplify Basal/Bolus insulin ratio widget
- YLP-299 Change "parameters" for "settings" in English
- YLP-305 Change patient age to birthdate in their profile
- YLP-313 Create dedicated key for bolus graph title
- YLP-324 Pump and CGM information in DBL settings
- YLP-337 Update settings labels
- YLP-342 Add missing translation keys for CBG/SMBG tooltips
- YLP-415 Change "infusion site changes" calendar for "cartridge changes"
- YLP-147 Merge blip dependencies
- YLP-211 Rework Cloudfront deployment services to use an alternate domain name
- YLP-345 Add a "maintenance state" to our CloudFront config
- YLP-247 Add Dutch language
- YLP-59 Clean HCP profil setup form
- YLP-103 Pick country and language when signing up
- YLP-109 Block units
- YLP-111 Display localized CGU and data privacy
- YLP-173 Loop mode label
- YLP-203 Change menu item "System settings" to "DBL settings"
- YLP-205 Change menu item "print"
- YLP-206 Allow name edition for patient profile
- YLP-229 Make "Daily" view the homepage of YourLoops instead of "Overview"
- YLP-265 Prevent the edition of patient name on clinical environment
- YLP-272 Display data with correct units when user settings does not contain the bgTarget
- YLP-289 Block weight units
- YLP-262 Settings are not displayed in blip with updated pumpSettings uploads
- YLP-290 Trends calendar button and text is white
- Be sure to use the fallback language if the navigator one is not supported (YLP-111 related)
- YLP-221: move to Jenkins and automatically deploy our master branch (dblp) to cloudfront preview env.
- YLP-152 Design update consent screen.
- YLP-158 Delete Consent banner from all environments.
- YLP-159 Upgrade blip, viz and tideline from react15 to react16
- YLP-180 Create separate string for bolus type
- YLP-128 Refactor to move to Cloudfront
- Prevent from security scan to run
- YLP-157 Add german locale to the list of available languages.
- Updating german translations
- YLP-92 Block patient name edition in profile
- PT-1480 Tideline 1.12.1
- YLP-107 Create lambda edge generatation script for CloudFront
- PT-1470 Update blip docker image to run as Coreye user
- PT-1444 Deduplicate Physical Activity events containing the new EventId field
- PT-1304 Display the new physical activity fields
- YLP-115 Add intermediate screen after login to renew consent
- YLP-15 Calculate coefficient of Variation with correct formula: 2 weeks CV displays the result of average daily CV of the 14 days
- YLP-72 Have two distincts fields for first name and last name in profile page
- YLP-48 Change crowdin pseudo language from 'it' to 'lol'
- Externalize languages definition (out of code)
- PT-1297 Display Bolus objects additional fields
- Translation update: English / French / German
- YLP-78 Don't let tests failed when we update a translation in Crowdin
- YLP-89 Infusion site icon missing in basics calendar
- PT-1395 Daily view: time of objects is displayed as UTC while timeline is displayed with locale time
- PT-1168 Fix display bug when updating user profile
- PT-1125 Add missing calendar translation
- PT-1345 Fix vulnerabilities and update build system
- Remove hakken and other deprecated stuffs
- Update documentation
- Upgrade most of the SOUP packages
- Update eslint
- Support CloudFront deployment
- Fix route when using index.html as an entry
- Allow to deploy in production a smaller server package (without webpack)
- Fix problems when running the dblp target server for dev (config not set)
- Allow to run test in docker
- Speed up build
- PT-1172 Display of parameter history in Device Settings page does not manage correctly the timezone information
- Blip Medical Device published as major version.
- Fix regression introduced in PT-1309
- Disable German language
- PT-1309 Ensure Blip SOUP list includes viz and tideline SOUPs
- PT-1335 Display legal stuff in YourLoops (such as CE mark)
- PT-1251 Display TIR result of last 24 hours in patients search page.
- PT-1205 Add timezone info on tooltips when necessary
- PT-1254 Disable Highwater from Blip
- PT-1256 Improve PDF generation
- PT-1249 Reduce blip & viz build time.
- Upgrade to Tideline 1.9.2
- PT-1231 Basics: Total basal events count does not give the correct total
- Upgrade to Viz 0.11.3
- PT-1230 CGM / BGM labels don't change with language
- PT-1218 Zendesk Contact form is not offloaded
- PT-419 Manage Language in Zendesk widget
- PT-1093 Search Page: remove date of birth as filter
- PT-1094 Search Page: remove the persona icon next to the patient name
- PT-1194 Search Page: add a way to open the patient page in a new tab
- PT-1157 Revert temporary fix PT-1115
- PT-1215 Integration with Crowdin live preview (localization management saas)
- Integrate parameters translations
- PT-1224 Remove useless link in Device Settings screen
- Upgrade tideline to 1.9.1
- PT-1206 PT-1127 Have notes in first position on the daily screen, reverting PT-1100
- Upgrade tideline to 1.9.0
- PT-1198 remove unused items from Basics screen
- Upgrade tideline to 1.8.0
- PT-1203 Remove moreInfo message in noData section from Basics screen
- PT-880 Display Parameter object change in Daily view
- PT-1027 Inform the user when he has reach a max login attempt
- PT-1189 Review support email to be [email protected]
- PT-1113 Upgrade Viz to 0.11.2 and Tideline to 1.7.2: Change basal insulin colors in widget and graph
- PT-1112 Upgrade Viz to 0.10.4: change the color of RescueCarb tool tip to be consistent with the other tool tips
- PT-1135 Remove BGLog page
- PT-1140 Split the link to the terms of Use in the footer
- PT-1009 Manage the update of the data privacy
- PT-1197 Basics screen wording update
- PT-1128 Refresh button is automatically switching to BGM
- PT-1103 Delete caps in legends (daily view)
- PT-875 Flexible period in Trending page
- PT-1008 Add a 3 months button in Trending page
- PT-1052 Rework sign up (direct link to clinician signup from home page + clinician option selected as default in signup page)
- PT-1100 Move message notes to the bottom of the daily page
- PT-1041 Rework invitation page for clinicals users
- PT-1111 Allow capacity to reset the search
- PT-338 Fix some translations.
- PT-1115 Fix wrong display due to inconsitent timezone in upload object
- PT-1108 PT-1105 PT-1114 Make Diabeloop devices automated devices.
- PT-883 Display reservoir change in daily BG section
- PN-10 Add Show/hide password in Signup page
- PN-9 Add Show/hide password in Login page
- PT-412 Add option to display password when changing password
- PT-865 Display physical activity in Bolus/Food section
- PT-836 Display list of patients to clinician as a default behaviour
- PT-869 Fix labelling issue in validation errors
- PT-844 Integrate Tideline 1.4.0 with new logo/picto for insulin sites
- PT-847 Integrate Viz 0.7.0 with new logo in pdf for infusion site. Fix date formats in pdf.
- PT-808 fix minor bugs identified after the release of blip 0.9.0
- PT-814 distinguish matomo data origin (preview vs clinical vs commercial)
- PT-728 Analytics/metrics for Blip/Front usage
- PT-755 Update naming for stopped loop mode
- PT-597 Blip does not display medical data for patients having no medical data in the last 2 months
- PT-774 Fix problems with translations in blip
- PT-719 Update translations in Blip for parameters
- PT-738 Blip build in invalid due to missing config
- PT-746 Fix Zendesk script missing when running buildconfig
- PT-401 Display rescueCarbs with specific layout in Daily view
- PT-574 Integrate latest change from Tidepool 1.27.0
- PT-415 Add german language
- PT-640 Upgrade viz to dblp.0.4.3
- PT-426 Update Translations
- Using Tideline dblp.1.1.2
- Using Viz dblp.0.4.2
- PT-370 The same "B" was displayed in French in basal section for closed loop and open loop.
- PT-545 Display infusion site changes for Diabeloop Devices
- PT-532 One can create a patient even if the application is not allowing it
- PT-376 Integrate latest change from Tidepool 1.20.2
- PT-513 Display history of parameters change in patient settings page.
- PT-304 Validation of the patient diagnostic date and date of birth uses the wrong format
- PT-365 Add Firefox, Chrome on iOS and edge as authorized browsers. A warning message is displayed for any other browser than Chrome.
- PT-169: Review look & feel for PDF generated - review translations
- Add favicon
- Add HELP_LINK variable to configure external web widget for online help in the application.
- widget gives access to helpCenter
- once authenticated, the widget form is pre-filled with user name and email
- Add ASSETS_URL variable to reference terms of use and data privacy documents.
- Remove Support link from footer
- Add Diabeloop link in footer
Other Notes
- Add/Update translations
- Change e-mail & password can be disabled for patients. They cannot be disabled for clinical accounts.
- Disable the create patient account page
- Based on Tidepool 1.12.5
- MVP for Branding
- Add integration with external tool
- Fix couple of bugs
- user automatically disconnected [PT-69]
- Fix race condition [PT-17]
- Fix Unknown DOM property class [PT-163]