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A successful attempt to express logical propositions by symbols, the laws of whose combinations should be founded upon the laws of the mental processes which they represent, would, so far, be a step towards a philosophical language.

--- George Boole, The Mathematical Analysis of Logic 1847

Boolean values and expressions

A Boolean value is either true or false. It is named after the British mathematician, George Boole, who first formulated Boolean algebra --- some rules for reasoning about and combining these values. This is the basis of all modern computer logic.

In Javascript, the two Boolean values are true and false (the capitalization must be exactly as shown), and the Javascript type is 'boolean'.

⠕ tyepof true;
=> 'boolean'
⠕ tyepof True;
=> 'undefined'

A Boolean expression is an expression that evaluates to produce a result which is a Boolean value. For example, the operator === tests if two values are equal. It produces (or yields) a Boolean value:

⠕ 5 === (3 + 2);   // Is five equal 5 to the result of 3 + 2?
=> true
⠕ 5 === 6;
=> false
⠕ let j = "hel";
⠕ j + "lo" === "hello";

In the first statement, the two operands evaluate to equal values, so the expression evaluates to true; in the second statement, 5 is not equal to 6, so we get false.

The === operator is one of six common comparison operators which all produce a boolean result; here are all six:

x === y   // Produce true if x is equal to y
x !== y   // Produce true if x is not equal to y
x > y     // Produce true if x is greater than y
x < y     // Produce true if x is less than y
x >= y    // Produce true if x is greater than or equal to y
x <= y    // Produce true if x is less than or equal to y

Although these operations are probably familiar, the Javascript symbols are different from the mathematical symbols. A common error is to use a single equal sign (=) instead of a triple equal sign (===). Remember that = is an assignment operator and === is a comparison operator. Also, there is no such thing as =< or =>.

Like any other types we've seen so far, Boolean values can be assigned to variables, printed, etc.

⠕ let age = 18;
⠕ let oldEnoughToGetADrivingLicence = age >= 16;
⠕ console.log(oldEnoughToGetADrivingLicence);
⠕ typeof oldEnoughToGetADrivingLicence;
=> 'boolean'
**Equality and "sameness" in Javascript**

Javascript, as a programming language, is a little bit quirky when it comes to testing equality. The double equal sign == is a "loose" equality operator, while the triple equal sign === used in the examples above is the "strict" equality operator.

When we looked at variables and data types in chapter 2, we saw how Javascript does automatic type conversion. For example, it converts numbers to strings when you use the + token for string concatenation and strings to numbers (if it can) when we use other mathematical operators.

The == compares values for equality after type conversion, whereas the === compares values before conversion. Only values of the same type are equal with the strict operator.

⠕ 5 == "5"; // true because of type conversion
=> true
⠕ 5 === "5"; // false using strict equality
=> false
⠕ 5 === 5.0; // true because integers and floats are all type `number`
=> true

In addition to the loose equality with == there is a loose inequality operator using !=. Because loose equality (and inequality) is difficult to predict, we will only use strict equality in the examples in this book. However, you are likely to encounter both styles when reading other code, documentation, and tutorials.

For further reading on this topic you can read Equality comparison and sameness on the Mozilla Developer Network.

Logical operators

There are three logical operators, and &&, or ||, and not !, that allow us to build more complex Boolean expressions from simpler Boolean expressions. The semantics (meaning) of these operators is similar to their meaning in English. For example, x > 0 && x < 10 produces true only if x is greater than 0 and at the same time, x is less than 10.

n % 2 == 0 || n % 3 == 0 is true if either of the conditions are true, that is, if the number n is divisible by 2 or it is divisible by 3. (What do you think happens if n is divisible by both 2 and by 3 at the same time? Will the expression yield true or false? Try it in your Javascript interpreter.)

Finally, the not operator negates a Boolean value, so ! (x > y) is true if (x > y) is false, that is, if x is less than or equal to y.

The expression on the left of the || operator is evaluated first: if the result is true, Javascript does not (and need not) evaluate the expression on the right --- this is called short-circuit evaluation. Similarly, for the && operator, if the expression on the left yields false, Javascript does not evaluate the expression on the right.

So there are no unnecessary evaluations.

Truth Tables

A truth table is a small table that allows us to list all the possible inputs, and to give the results for the logical operators. Because the && and || operators each have two operands, there are only four rows in a truth table that describes the semantics of &&.

a b a && b

False False False False True False True False False True True True

In a Truth Table, we sometimes use T and F as shorthand for the two Boolean values: here is the truth table describing ||:

a b a || b


The third logical operator, !, only takes a single operand, so its truth table only has two rows:

a !a


Simplifying Boolean Expressions

A set of rules for simplifying and rearranging expressions is called an algebra. For example, we are all familiar with school algebra rules, such as:

n * 0 === 0

which provides rules for working with Boolean values.

First, the && operator:

x && false === false
false && x === false
y && x === x && y
x && true === x
true && x === x
x && x === x

Here are some corresponding rules for the || operator:

x || false === x
false || x === x
y || x === x || y
x || true === true
true || x === true
x || x === x

Two ! operators cancel each other:

!(!x) === x

Conditional execution

In order to write useful programs, we almost always need the ability to check conditions and change the behavior of the program accordingly. Conditional statements give us this ability. The simplest form is the if statement:

if (x % 2 == 0) {
  console.log(x, " is even.");
  console.log("Did you know that 2 is the only even number that is prime?");
else {
  console.log(x, " is odd.") ;
  console.log("Did you know that multiplying two odd numbers always gives an odd result?");

If it is true, then all the indented statements get executed. If not, then all the statements indented under the else clause get executed.

Flowchart of an if statement with an else clause

The syntax for an if statement looks like this:

  STATEMENTS_1   // Executed if condition evaluates to true
else {
  STATEMENTS_2   // Executed if condition evaluates to false

As with the function definition from the last chapter and other compound statements like for, the if statement consists of a header line and a body. The header line begins with the keyword if followed by a Boolean expression and ends with a left curly brace ( { ).

The indented statements that follow are called a block. The block ends with the right curly brace ( } ).

Each of the statements inside the first block of statements are executed in order if the Boolean expression evaluates to true. The entire first block of statements is skipped if the Boolean expression evaluates to false, and instead all the statements indented under the else clause are executed.

There is no limit on the number of statements that can appear under the two clauses of an if statement, but there has to be at least one statement in each block.

Omitting the else clause

Flowchart of an if statement with no else clause

Another form of the if statement is one in which the else clause is omitted entirely. In this case, when the condition evaluates to true, the statements are executed, otherwise the flow of execution continues to the statement after the if.

if (x < 0) {
  console.log("The negative number ",  x, " is not valid here.");
  x = 42;
  console.log("I've decided to use the number 42 instead.");

console.log("The square root of ", x, "is", Math.sqrt(x)) ;

In this case, the print function that outputs the square root is the one after the if --- it comes after our curly braces ended the conditional block.

Notice that else is not a statement. The if statement has two clauses, one of which is the (optional) else clause. However you can never use the else keyword outside of an if statement.

Chained conditionals

Sometimes there are more than two possibilities and we need more than two branches. One way to express a computation like that is a chained conditional:

if (x < y) {
else if (x > y) {
else {

Again, exactly one branch will be executed. There is no limit of the number of else if statements but only a single (and optional) final else statement is allowed and it must be the last branch in the statement:

if (choice === "a") {
else if (choice == "b") {
else if (choice === "c") {
else {
  console.log("Invalid choice.");

Each condition is checked in order. If the first is false, the next is checked, and so on. If one of them is true, the corresponding branch executes, and the statement ends. Even if more than one condition is true, only the first true branch executes.

Nested conditionals

One conditional can also be nested within another. (It is the same theme of composability, again!) We could have written the previous example as follows:

Flowchart of this nested conditional

if (x < y) {
else {
  if(x > y) {
  else {

The outer conditional contains two branches. The second branch contains another if statement, which has two branches of its own. Those two branches could contain conditional statements as well.

Although the indentation of the statements makes the structure apparent, nested conditionals very quickly become difficult to read. In general, it is a good idea to avoid them when we can.

Logical operators often provide a way to simplify nested conditional statements. For example, we can rewrite the following code using a single conditional:

if (0 < x) {    // Assume x is a number here
  if (x < 10) {
    console.log("x is a positive single digit.");

The console.log function is called only if we make it past both the conditionals, so instead of the above which uses two if statements each with a simple condition, we could make a more complex condition using the && operator. Now we only need a single if statement:

if (0 < x && x < 10) {
  console.log("x is a positive single digit.");

The return statement

The return statement, with or without a value, depending on whether the function is fruitful or void, allows us to terminate the execution of a function before (or when) we reach the end. One reason to use an early return is if we detect an error condition:

function printSquareRoot(x) {
  if (x <= 0) {
    console.log("Positive numbers only, please.");
  console.log("The square root of", x, "is", result)

The function printSquareRoot has a parameter named x. The first thing it does is check whether x is less than or equal to 0, in which case it displays an error message and then uses return to exit the function. The flow of execution immediately returns to the caller, and the remaining lines of the function are not executed.

Truthy evaluations

As you integrate Boolean logic into your programs, you will often encounter the pattern where you test if a single value evaluates to true or false. The Boolean condition can be written without a comparison operator because the value itself will be resolves to true or false.

if (email) {
  // send an email...

Any value that is not false, undefined, null, 0, NaN, or an empty string ('') actually returns true when tested as a conditional statement. Consider the following code:

let first = "Diego";
let last = "";
let email = "[email protected]";

if (email) {
  // this block will be executed because email
  console.log("Email evaluted to true");

if (email === true) {
  // this block won't be executed because email is not equal to true
  console.log("Email doesn't equal true");

if (!last) {
  // this block (using not) executes
  // because last is an empty string, it evaluates to false
  console.log("Enter your last name!");

In the above example we can say that email is truthy because it evaluates to true even though it doesn't equal true. Likewise, last is falsy --- it evaluates to false because it's an empty string, not equal to false.

Optional curly braces

Curly braces in Javascript are optional of the block only has one statement. This is the case for all blocks --- following the function header, for header, if and else, and others we haven't seen yet. While it is uncommon for other types of blocks, it is not uncommon to see if statements without curly braces. You may see:

if (!oldEnoughToDrive)
  console.log("You can't rent a car.");

This is identical to

if (!oldEnoughToDrive) {
  console.log("You can't rent a car.");

Some programmers consider it bad practice to omit curly braces for single statements, because it reduces readability and can lead to bugs. We recommend always using curly braces for blocks and our examples in this book follow this style.

Logical opposites

Each of the six relational operators has a logical opposite: for example, suppose we can get a driving license when our age is greater or equal to 16, we can not get the driving license when we are less than 16.

Notice that the opposite of >= is <.

operator logical opposite

=== !== !== === < >= <= >


= <

Understanding these logical opposites allows us to sometimes get rid of ! operators. ! operators are often quite difficult to read in computer code, and our intentions will usually be clearer if we can eliminate them.

For example, if we wrote this Javascript:

if (!(age >= 16)) {
  console.log("Hey, you're too young to get a driving license!");

it would probably be clearer to use the simplification laws, and to write instead:

if (age < 16) {
  console.log("Hey, you're too young to get a driving license!")

Two powerful simplification laws (called de Morgan's laws) that are often helpful when dealing with complicated Boolean expressions are:

!(x && y)  ===  (!x) || (!y)
!(x || y)   ===  (!x) && (!y)

For example, suppose we can slay the dragon only if our magic lightsabre sword is charged to 90% or higher, and we have 100 or more energy units in our protective shield. We find this fragment of Javascript code in the game:

if !((swordCharge >= 0.90) && (shieldEnergy >= 100)) {
  console.log("Your attack has no effect, the dragon fries you to a crisp!");
else {
  console.log("The dragon crumples in a heap. You rescue the gorgeous prince!");

de Morgan's laws together with the logical opposites would let us rework the condition in a (perhaps) easier to understand way like this:

if (swordCharge < 0.90) || (shieldEnergy < 100) {
  console.log("Your attack has no effect, the dragon fries you to a crisp!");
else {
  console.log("The dragon crumples in a heap. You rescue the gorgeous prince!");

We could also get rid of the ! by swapping around the then and else parts of the conditional. So here is a third version, also equivalent:

if (swordCharge >= 0.90) and (shieldEnergy >= 100) {
  console.log("The dragon crumples in a heap. You rescue the gorgeous prince!");
else {
  console.log("Your attack has no effect, the dragon fries you to a crisp!");

This last version is probably the best of the three, because it very closely matches
the initial English statement. Clarity of our code (for other humans), and making it easy to see that the code does what we expect should always be a high priority.

As our programming skills develop we'll find we have more than one way to solve any problem. So good programs are designed. We make choices that favor clarity, simplicity, and elegance. The job title software architect says a lot about what we do --- we are architects who engineer our products to balance beauty, functionality, simplicity and clarity in our creations.

**Tip:** Once our program works, we should play around a bit trying to polish it up. Write good comments. Think about whether the code would be clearer with different variable names. Could we have done it more elegantly? Should we rather use a function? Can we simplify the conditionals?

We think of our code as our creation, our work of art! We make it great.



: A group of consecutive statements with the same indentation.


: The block of statements in a compound statement that follows the header.

Boolean algebra

: Some rules for rearranging and reasoning about Boolean expressions.

Boolean expression

: An expression that is either true or false.

Boolean value

: There are exactly two Boolean values: true and false. Boolean values result when a Boolean expression is evaluated by the Javascript interpreter. They have type 'boolean'.


: One of the possible paths of the flow of execution determined by conditional execution.

chained conditional

: A conditional branch with more than two possible flows of execution. In Javascript chained conditionals are written with if ... else if ... else statements.

comparison operator

: Javascript operators that compare two values: ===, !==, >, <, >=, and <=.


: The Boolean expression in a conditional statement that determines which branch is executed.

conditional statement

: A statement that controls the flow of execution depending on some condition. In Javascript the keywords if, else if, and else are used for conditional statements.

logical operator

: One of the operators that combines Boolean expressions: (and) &&, (or) ||, and (not) !.


: One program structure within another, such as a conditional statement inside a branch of another conditional statement.


: A visual cue that tells the user that the system is ready to accept input data.

truth table

: A concise table of Boolean values that can describe the semantics of an operator.

type conversion

: An explicit function call that takes a value of one type and computes a corresponding value of another type.

wrapping code in a function

: The process of adding a function header and parameters to a sequence of program statements is often referred to as "wrapping the code in a function". This process is very useful whenever the program statements in question are going to be used multiple times. It is even more useful when it allows the programmer to express their mental chunking, and how they've broken a complex problem into pieces.

Conditional Exercises

You can use this repl for your exercises

  1. Assume the days of the week are numbered 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 from Sunday to Saturday. Write a function which is given the day number, and it returns the day name (a string).

  2. You go on a wonderful vacation leaving on day number 3 (a Wednesday). You return home after 22 nights sleep. What day of the week is it? Write a general version of the program which asks for the starting day number, and the length of your stay, and it will tell you the name of day of the week you will return on. You might want to use the % mod operator. You can compose this function from the one you wrote in exercise 1.

  3. Give the logical opposites of these conditions a. a > b b. a >= b c. a >= 18 and day == 3 d. a >= 18 and day != 3

  4. What do these expressions evaluate to? a. 3 === 3 b. 3 !== 3 c. 3 >= 4 d. !(3 < 4)

  5. Write a function which is given an exam score, and it returns a string --- the letter grade for that mark --- according to this scheme:

    Score Grade

    90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 65-69 D <65 F

  6. (hard bonus) Write a function isRightAngled which, given the length of three sides of a triangle, will determine whether the triangle is right-angled. Assume that the third argument to the function is always the longest side. It will return true if the triangle is right-angled, or false otherwise.
    Hint: Floating point arithmetic is not always exactly accurate, so it is not safe to test floating point numbers for equality. If a good programmer wants to know whether x is equal or close enough to y, they would probably code it up as:

    if (Math.abs(x-y) < 0.000001) {
      // x is approximately equal to y

    If you're intrigued by why floating point arithmetic is sometimes inaccurate, on a piece of paper, divide 10 by 3 and write down the decimal result. You'll find it does not terminate, so you'll need an infinitely long sheet of paper. The representation of numbers in computer memory or on your calculator has similar problems: memory is finite, and some digits may have to be discarded, so small inaccuracies creep in. Try this script:

    let a = Math.sqrt(2.0);
    console.log(a, a*a);
    console.log(a*a === 2.0);

Conditionals Lab

This section describes three lab assignments that ask you to write larger programs that are organized into several functions. To complete these labs you will combine what you have learned about variables and expressions, functions, and conditional Boolean expressions.

Lab 1: BMI Calculator Lab

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a ratio of weight to height (squared) that public health and other organizations use as a guide for healthy weights. It is expressed as $$\frac{mass}{height^{2}} =BMI$$ In this lab you will write a BMI calculator that asks the user for their age, height, and weight. You will calculate their BMI and then report a message indicating if they are at risk for being underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.

BMI can be calculated using metric or SI measurements for height and weitht. The standard index comes from metric units: $$\frac{mass(kg)}{(height(m))^{2}} = BMI$$ If you choose to use SI rather than metric measurements, you can use inches as the units for height and pounds as the unit for weight, and then convert the result by multiplying by the constant 703. The formula would be: $$\frac{mass(lbs)}{(height(in))^{2}} \times 703 = BMI$$

BMI for children and teens is more complicated, so you will not calculate it for this lab. Instead, if the age is < 20, you should show the user a message that indicates that your calculator is only for adults.

Once you have calculated the user's BMI, you should use the following chart to determine which weight category they are in. Use this table:

BMI Category

< 18.5 underweight 18.5-24.9 normal weight 25-29.9 overweight

29.9 obese

Lab 2: Simplified Chinese Birth Animals

Chinese animal signs are determined based on the year of birth and repeat on a 12 year cycle. For this lab, we are going to write a program that asks the user the year they were born and then tells them their animal sign. We will use a simplified version of the calendar which matches animal-year to the Western calendar year. Use the table below for the starting years (and then each animal repeats 12 years later). You will want to use the mod % operator for this problem.

Animal Birth Year

Rat 1924 Ox 1925 Tiger 1926 Rabbit 1927 Dragon 1928 Snake 1929 Horse 1930 Goat 1931 Monkey 1932 Rooster 1933 Dog 1934 Pig 1935

Lab 3: Bouncing turtle

This may be an interesting problem if you are comfortable with geometry and trigonometry. In this lab you'll revisit the randomWalk program that we worked on in our turtle graphics. In the randomWalk the turtle moves in a loop where it chooses a random angle to turn and a random distance for each iteration of the loop. You will modify randomWalk so that the turtle "bounces" when it reaches the edge of the screen. By bounce, the turtle should advance to the edge of the screen (aka canvas) and then turn to the angle of reflection away from the edge. To finish its "walk", it should then move forward for whatever distance remains for this iteration. Some hints:

  • Determine the maximum and minimum x and y that allow the turtle to stay on the screen. The turtle canvas dimensions are 1920 x 1280
  • Before the turtle moves forward, you will have to calculate the ending x, y and determine if it's on the screen or off the screen
  • you will need to use getHeading() to make this calculation
  • you will need to use the trigonometry functions in the Javascript Math library