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(Ir)reversible Unimolecular and Bimolecular Reactions


This tutorial has not yet been updated for CellBlender 1.0. Therefore, some things might not work exactly as described.

Download the blend files used for these tutorials here. You will still have to export and modify the mdls created.

Diffusion Through Concentric Shells

In the previous exercise we had verified the agreement of our MCell simulations and the solution to Fick's 2nd law. Here, we will further examine the noise properties of the counted molecules as they diffuse through a series of TRANSPARENT concentric shells.

Exporting the MDL

Start Blender. Load the spherical_shells/spherical_shells.blend file in the main project directory which contains the already prepared model geometry. Normally, you would have to create the geometry yourself. You should see a set of concentric, transparent spherical shells. Several CellBlender properties have already been applied. We will now export this geometry as MDL and create a molecule release site in the center of the shells. Under CellBlender Project Settings, select Export CellBlender Project. Navigate to spherical_shells and select Set Project Directory. Set the Project Base to spherical_shells. Then hit Export CellBlender Project, navigate to same directory as before, and hit Export MCell MDL. You have now exported your project as MDL.

Annotating the MDL

We will now add additional MDL commands to the files exported by CellBlender. These commands will allow us to count the molecules as they pass through the spherical shells. Since in this case we would also like to output the molecular concentrations in addition to raw counts we first compute the volume (in cubic microns) of each shell. Add the following variables to the beginning of your spherical_shells.main.mdl:

vol_1 = 0.00415274 /* cubic microns */
vol_2 = 0.0140155
vol_3 = 0.0332219
vol_4 = 0.0648864
vol_5 = 0.112124
vol_6 = 0.178048
vol_7 = 0.265775
vol_8 = 0.378419
vol_9 = 0.519091

shell_vol_1 = vol_2 - vol_1
shell_vol_2 = vol_3 - vol_2
shell_vol_3 = vol_4 - vol_3
shell_vol_4 = vol_5 - vol_4
shell_vol_5 = vol_6 - vol_5
shell_vol_6 = vol_7 - vol_6
shell_vol_7 = vol_8 - vol_7
shell_vol_8 = vol_9 - vol_8

PARTITION_X = [[-0.501 TO 0.501 STEP 0.04]]
PARTITION_Y = [[-0.501 TO 0.501 STEP 0.04]]
PARTITION_Z = [[-0.501 TO 0.501 STEP 0.04]]

Note: You can find any of the shell volumes yourself by using the Mesh Analysis panel in CellBlender

Since meshes (including our concentric shells) are by default reflective to all diffusion molecules we need to make them transparent via a surface class. Thus, create a file called spherical_shells.surface_classes.mdl with the following content:

    TRANSPARENT = vol1

Next, we can apply this surface class to all concentric shells in the MODIFY_SURFACE_REGIONS section. This method allows you to modify surface meshes without ever needing to touch the (often large) mesh files themselves. Create a file called spherical_shells.mod_surf_regions.mdl with the following text:

                SURFACE_CLASS = transp
                SURFACE_CLASS = transp
                SURFACE_CLASS = transp
                SURFACE_CLASS = transp
                SURFACE_CLASS = transp
                SURFACE_CLASS = transp
                SURFACE_CLASS = transp
                SURFACE_CLASS = transp
                SURFACE_CLASS = transp

Finally, we need to define a REACTION_DATA_OUTPUT block to measure the molecular concentration in each shell. To do so, create a file called spherical_shells.rxn_output.mdl and enter the following text into it:

sprintf(seed,"%03g", SEED)

    STEP = 1e-6
    {COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_1]} => "./react_data/inner_sphere."&seed&".dat"
    {COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_2] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_1]} => "./react_data/shell_1."&seed&".dat"
    {COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_3] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_2]} => "./react_data/shell_2."&seed&".dat"
    {COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_4] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_3]} => "./react_data/shell_3."&seed&".dat"
    {COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_5] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_4]} => "./react_data/shell_4."&seed&".dat"
    {COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_6] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_5]} => "./react_data/shell_5."&seed&".dat"
    {COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_7] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_6]} => "./react_data/shell_6."&seed&".dat"
    {COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_8] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_7]} => "./react_data/shell_7."&seed&".dat"
    {COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_9] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_8]} => "./react_data/shell_8."&seed&".dat"
    {COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_1]/vol_1} => "./react_data/conc_inner_sphere."&seed&".dat"
    {(COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_2] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_1])/shell_vol_1} => "./react_data/conc_shell_1."&seed&".dat"
    {(COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_3] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_2])/shell_vol_2} => "./react_data/conc_shell_2."&seed&".dat"
    {(COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_4] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_3])/shell_vol_3} => "./react_data/conc_shell_3."&seed&".dat"
    {(COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_5] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_4])/shell_vol_4} => "./react_data/conc_shell_4."&seed&".dat"
    {(COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_6] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_5])/shell_vol_5} => "./react_data/conc_shell_5."&seed&".dat"
    {(COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_7] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_6])/shell_vol_6} => "./react_data/conc_shell_6."&seed&".dat"
    {(COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_8] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_7])/shell_vol_7} => "./react_data/conc_shell_7."&seed&".dat"
    {(COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_9] - COUNT [vol1, World.Sphere_8])/shell_vol_8} => "./react_data/conc_shell_8."&seed&".dat"

Lastly, create a file called spherical_shells.viz_output.mdl with the following text:

    FILENAME = "./viz_data/spherical_shells"

Run the Simulation and Analyze the Results

If you have done the :ref:`seed` section, then copy the file and that was created in that section by typing the following commands:

cp /home/user/mcell_tutorial/seed/ /home/user/irrev_rev_uni_bi/spherical_shells/
cp /home/user/mcell_tutorial/seed/ /home/user/irrev_rev_uni_bi/spherical_shells/

Otherwise, create both of the scripts listed in :ref:`seed` right now.

Run the first script by typing:

python spherical_shells.main.mdl

First, load your visualization data into CellBlender and check that the simulation proceeded as expected. Next, we can use the script to read the reaction output for each of the shells and plot the data as well as the average. To do so, open the script file in a text editor and enter the beginning of the output files you would like to process, e.g. shell_1. Then, run the command:


It is very instructive to plot the ratio of the variance to the mean number of molecules in each shell. To do so, create a file called and copy the following text into it:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

startOfFileToAverage = "shell_1"      # beginning of filenames to average
                                  # over

mol_counts = None
files = os.listdir('react_data')   # build a list of reaction data file names
files.sort()                       # sort that list alphabetically

for f in files:                    # iterate over the list of file names
    if f.startswith(startOfFileToAverage):
        rxn_data = np.genfromtxt("./react_data/%s" % f, dtype=float)
        rxn_data = rxn_data[:, 1]  # take the second column
        if mol_counts is None:
            mol_counts = rxn_data
            # built up 2d array of molecule counts (one col/seed)
            mol_counts = np.column_stack((mol_counts, rxn_data))

mol_mean = mol_counts.mean(axis=1)  # take the mean of the rows
mol_var = mol_counts.var(axis=1)    # compute the variance of the rows
plt.plot(mol_mean/mol_var, 'g')     # plot ratio of mean and variance

Observe the fluctuations in the ratio. What would you expect to see if you increase the number of MCell seeds to average over? Run a new set of simulations to confirm your expectation.

Sampling Box

In this tutorial we will examine the correlation of average number of molecules and their fluctuations. To do so, we will use a fixed size box which is reflective to all molecules and which contains and a smaller transparent box. Molecules will freely diffuse within the two boxes but can not leave the larger one. Initially, the smaller box will be nested very closely (almost indistinguishably so in CellBlender) within the larger box and we will then decrease its size stepwise to examine the fluctuations in molecule numbers.

Exporting the Blend

Start Blender. Load the sampling_box/sampling_box.blend file in the main project directory. You should see two boxes, one nested very closely inside of another. Several CellBlender properties have already been applied. We will now export these mdls and make a few small modifications. Under CellBlender Project Settings, select Export CellBlender Project. Navigate to sampling_boxes and select Set Project Directory. Set the Project Base to sampling_boxes. Then hit Export CellBlender Project, navigate to same directory as before, and hit Export MCell MDL.

Annotating the MDL

Add the following to the beginning of sampling_box.main.mdl:

box_volume = 0.05 // cubic microns, volume of the large box
                  // used to contain the A molecules
side_length = box_volume^(1/3)
half_length = side_length/2.0

PARTITION_X = [[-1.001*half_length TO 1.001*half_length STEP 0.04]]
PARTITION_Y = [[-1.001*half_length TO 1.001*half_length STEP 0.04]]
PARTITION_Z = [[-1.001*half_length TO 1.001*half_length STEP 0.04]]

Next, we create a surface class that will be used to render the inner box transparent to vol1 molecules. Create a file called sampling_box.surface_classes.mdl and paste the following text into it:


We can apply this surface class to the sampling box via a MODIFY_SURFACE_REGIONS block. Create a file called sampling_box.mod_surf_regions.mdl with the following text:

            SURFACE_CLASS = transp

Next, let's output the counts of volume molecules in the large and sampling boxes. To do so create a file called sampling_box.rxn_output.mdl like this:

   STEP = 1e-6
   {COUNT [vol1, WORLD]} => "./react_data/vol1.dat"
   {COUNT [vol1, Scene.sampling_box]} => "./react_data/vol1_sampled.dat"

Lastly, we output visualization data for display in CellBlender. Thus, create a file called sampling_box.viz_output.mdl with the following text:

    FILENAME = "./viz_data/sampling_box"

Run the Simulation and Analyze the Results

Run the simulation by typing the following command:

mcell sampling_box.main.mdl

As usual, always look at your simulation first in CellBlender to make sure everything went as expected. Then, create a file called and copy the following text into it:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

largeBoxName= "vol1.dat"      # beginning of filenames to average
samplingBoxName = "vol1_sampled.dat"

# parse counts in large box, analyze, and print
largeData = np.genfromtxt("./react_data/%s" % largeBoxName, dtype=float)
largeDataCount = largeData[:, 1]
largeDataMean = largeDataCount.mean()
largeDataStd = largeDataCount.std()

plt.plot(largeDataCount, 'k')
print("Molecule count in large box: mean %f    std %f   CV %f" %
      (largeDataMean, largeDataStd, largeDataStd/largeDataMean))

# parse counts in large box, analyze, and print
samplingData = np.genfromtxt("./react_data/%s" % samplingBoxName, dtype=float)
samplingDataCount = samplingData[:, 1]
samplingDataMean = samplingDataCount.mean()
samplingDataStd = samplingDataCount.std()

plt.plot(samplingDataCount, 'b')
print("Molecule count in sampling box: mean %f    std %f   CV %f" %
      (samplingDataMean, samplingDataStd, samplingDataStd/samplingDataMean))

# show the plot

Run the file by entering the following command:


This script will give you the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation (CV) for the number of molecules in each box. It will also plot the molecule count as a function of time. Now, decrease the size of the inner box relative to the outer box in CellBlender, export the new geometry (make sure to do this in a different directory or move the previous files out of the way) and rerun the simulation. Do this repeatedly and note how the mean, standard deviation and CV values change.

Irreversible Unimolecular Reaction

In this section you will run a number of fairly simple unimolecular reaction examples and confirm that the results obtained using MCell simulations meet our expectation. At the same time your will learn about simple reaction kinetics.

Steady State

We will now simulate an irreversible unimolecular reaction A \rightarrow B with rate constant k1 under steady state conditions (how can this be achieved in an MCell simulation?). Molecules of A are initially distributed at random within a reflective box. The simulation is run under steady state conditions.

Start Blender. Load the irrev_uni/steady_state/irrev_uni_steady.blend file. Several CellBlender properties have already been applied. We will now export these mdls. Under CellBlender Project Settings, select Export CellBlender Project. Navigate to irrev_uni/steady_state and select Set Project Directory. Set the Project Base to irrev_uni_steady. Then hit Export CellBlender Project, navigate to same directory as before, and hit Export MCell MDL.

Since we have defined molecules and reactions in CellBlender (take a look) there will be corresponding MDL files. Take a look at them and understand what is happening.

Add the following text to the beginning of irrev_uni_steady.main.mdl:

box_volume = 0.05 /* cubic microns, volume of the box used to contain the A and B molecules */
box_volume_liters = box_volume * 1e-15 /* convert from cubic microns to liters */
Na = 6.022e23 /* Avogadro's number, molecules per mole */

side_length = box_volume^(1/3)
half_length = side_length/2.0
partition = half_length*0.999

PARTITION_X = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Y = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Z = [-partition, partition]

Again we need to define reaction and visualization output statement blocks as MDL. Thus, create a file callled irrev_uni_steady.rxn_output.mdl and copy this text into it:

   STEP = 1e-5
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]} => "./react_data/A.dat"
   {COUNT [B, WORLD]} => "./react_data/B.dat"
   {COUNT [B, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_B.dat"

Lastly, create a file called irrev_uni_steady.viz_output.mdl with the following text:

    FILENAME = "./viz_data/irrev_uni_steady"

Run the simulation by typing the following command:

mcell irrev_uni_steady.main.mdl

Next, plot the reaction data results for the number and concentration of B molecules as a function of time. Fit your results for the production of B and compare the obtained reaction rate to the expected value. Increase the initial concentration of A, rerun the simulation and again fit the results. Do the results match your expectations? You can use the following python script for your fitting (pick any name you like):

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

dataName = "conc_B.dat"

# parse counts of B
data = np.genfromtxt("./react_data/%s" %dataName, dtype=float)
dataX = data[:, 0]   # time values
dataY = data[:, 1]   # concentration

# plot the raw data
plt.plot(dataX, dataY, 'k', label="Raw Data")

# do a linear fit to the data and determine the slope and
# intersection with the y-axis
A = np.vstack([dataX, np.ones(len(dataX))]).T
m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, dataY)[0]

# plot the fit
plt.plot(dataX, m*dataX + c, label="Fitted Graph")

# print results
print("Linear Fitting Results (y = m*x +c): m = %e   c = %e" % (m,c))

# show the plot

Non-Steady State

Now that we have examined the steady state case let's look at the non-steady state case, i.e., the irreversible reaction A \rightarrow B under non-steady-state conditions. The steps we'll follow are similar to the previous example so we will go through them quickly.

Start Blender. Load the irrev_uni_nonsteady_state.blend file in the irrev_uni_nonsteady_state directory. Several CellBlender properties have already been applied. We will now export these mdls. Under CellBlender Project Settings, select Export CellBlender Project. Navigate to irrev_uni/nonsteady_state and select Set Project Directory. Set the Project Base to irrev_uni_nonsteady. Then hit Export CellBlender Project, navigate to same directory as before, and hit Export MCell MDL.

Open irrev_uni_nonsteady.main.mdl and add in the following text at the top of the mdl:

box_volume = 0.05 /* cubic microns, volume of the box used to contain the A and B molecules */
box_volume_liters = box_volume * 1e-15 /* convert from cubic microns to liters */
Na = 6.022e23 /* Avogadro's number, molecules per mole */

side_length = box_volume^(1/3)
half_length = side_length/2.0

partition = half_length*0.999

PARTITION_X = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Y = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Z = [-partition, partition]

Next create a file callled irrev_uni_nonsteady.rxn_output.mdl and copy this text into it:

   STEP = 1e-5
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]} => "./reaction_data/A.dat"
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_A.dat"
   {COUNT [B, WORLD]} => "./reaction_data/B.dat"
   {COUNT [B, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_B.dat"

Lastly, create a file called irrev_uni_nonsteady.viz_output.mdl with the following text:

    FILENAME = "./viz_data/main"

Run the simulation by typing the following command:

mcell irrev_uni_steady.main.mdl

Plot the reaction data results for the number and concentration of A and B molecules as a function of time. To plot the data, you can use the very handy gnuplot tool. Start gnuplot by typing into your terminal:

% gnuplot

Then plot the data for A and B by typing:

gnuplot> plot "react_data/conc_A.dat", "react_data/conc_B.dat"

Next, fit your results for the decay of A (what functional dependence do you expect?) and compare the obtained value of k1 to the input value. The following script does this - do you understand what is happening?:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

dataName = "conc_A.dat"

# parse counts of B
data = np.genfromtxt("./react_data/%s" %dataName, dtype=float)
dataX = data[:, 0]   # time values
dataY = np.log(data[:, 1])   # concentration

# plot the raw data
plt.plot(dataX, dataY, 'k', label="Raw Data")

# do a linear fit to the data and determine the slope and
# intersection with the y-axis
A = np.vstack([dataX, np.ones(len(dataX))]).T
m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, dataY)[0]

# plot the fit
plt.plot(dataX, m*dataX + c, label="Fitted Graph")

# print results
print("Linear Fitting Results (y = m*x +c): m = %e   c = %e" % (m,c))

# show the plot

Reversible Unimolecular Reaction

Continuing with our study of simple reaction kinetics using MCell we will not study reversible uni-molecular reactions, both under equilibrium conditions.


Here we will simulate the reversible reaction A \leftrightarrow B with rate constants k1 and k2 starting from non-equilibrium initial conditions (only A present at time 0).

Start Blender. Load the rev_uni_nonequil.blend file in the rev_uni/nonequil directory. Several CellBlender properties have already been applied. We will now export these mdls. Under CellBlender Project Settings, select Export CellBlender Project. Navigate to rev_uni/nonequil and select Set Project Directory. Set the Project Base to rev_uni_nonequil. Then hit Export CellBlender Project, navigate to same directory as before, and hit Export MCell MDL.

Open rev_uni_nonequil.main.mdl and add in the following text at the top of the mdl:

fractional_concentration_of_A = 0.1
fractional_concentration_of_B = 1.0 - fractional_concentration_of_A
total_concentration = 1e-4 /* moles per liter; summed concentrations of A and B */
k1_plus_k2 = 100 /* per second, sum of rate constants for conversion of A to B and B to A */
k1 = fractional_concentration_of_B * k1_plus_k2  /* per second, rate constant for conversion of A to B */
k2 = k1_plus_k2 - k1 /* per second, rate constant for conversion of B to A */
concentration_of_A = fractional_concentration_of_A * total_concentration /* moles per liter, concentration of molecule A in the box */
concentration_of_B = total_concentration - concentration_of_A /* moles per liter, concentration of molecule A in the box */
box_volume = 0.05 /* cubic microns, volume of the box used to contain the A and B molecules */
box_volume_liters = box_volume * 1e-15 /* convert from cubic microns to liters */
Na = 6.022e23 /* Avogadro's number, molecules per mole */
side_length = box_volume^(1/3)
half_length = side_length/2.0
partition = half_length*0.999

PARTITION_X = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Y = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Z = [-partition, partition]

Please make sure you understand what is happening here, especially the calculations at the top of the file. Then, in the A_rel release site, replace the numerical value for the concentration with:

CONCENTRATION = concentration_of_A

Modify rev_uni_nonequil.reactions.mdl like this:

   A -> B [k1]
   B -> A [k2]

Now, create a file called rev_uni_nonequil.viz_output.mdl with the following text:

   FILENAME = "./viz_data/rev_uni_nonequil"
      ITERATION_NUMBERS {ALL_DATA @ [[0 TO 100000 STEP 1000]]}

Next, create a file callled rev_uni_nonequil.rxn_output.mdl and copy this text into it:

   STEP = 1e-5
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]} => "./react_data/A.dat"
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_A.dat"
   {COUNT [B, WORLD]} => "./react_data/B.dat"
   {COUNT [B, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_B.dat"

Run the simulation by typing the following command:

mcell rev_uni_nonequil.main.mdl

Visualize your simulation in CellBlender and make sure all is well. By coloring A and B differently you can follow the production of B (and decay of A) as a function of time. Plot the concentrations of A and B with gnuplot as shown above. Write a python script to determine the asymptotic concentrations of A and B. How is their ratio related to the one of k1 and k2.


Now we will simulate the reversible reaction A \leftrightarrow B starting from equilibrium conditions, i.e., under conditions where the average fractional amounts of A and B will remain constant (How can this be achieved?).

Start Blender. Load the rev_uni_equil.blend file in the rev_uni/equil directory. Several CellBlender properties have already been applied. We will now export these mdls. Under CellBlender Project Settings, select Export CellBlender Project. Navigate to rev_uni/equil and select Set Project Directory. Set the Project Base to rev_uni_equil. Then hit Export CellBlender Project, navigate to same directory as before, and hit Export MCell MDL.

Open rev_uni_equil.main.mdl and add in the following text at the top of the mdl (note that this is the same we added in the non-equilibrium case):

fractional_concentration_of_A = 0.1
fractional_concentration_of_B = 1.0 - fractional_concentration_of_A
total_concentration = 1e-4 /* moles per liter; summed concentrations of A and B */
k1_plus_k2 = 100 /* per second, sum of rate constants for conversion of A to B and B to A */
k1 = fractional_concentration_of_B * k1_plus_k2  /* per second, rate constant for conversion of A to B */
k2 = k1_plus_k2 - k1 /* per second, rate constant for conversion of B to A */
concentration_of_A = fractional_concentration_of_A * total_concentration /* moles per liter, concentration of molecule A in the box */
concentration_of_B = total_concentration - concentration_of_A /* moles per liter, concentration of molecule A in the box */
box_volume = 0.05 /* cubic microns, volume of the box used to contain the A and B molecules */
box_volume_liters = box_volume * 1e-15 /* convert from cubic microns to liters */
Na = 6.022e23 /* Avogadro's number, molecules per mole */
side_length = box_volume^(1/3)
half_length = side_length/2.0
partition = half_length*0.999

PARTITION_X = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Y = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Z = [-partition, partition]

Again, please make sure you understand what is happening here, especially the calculations at the top of the file. Then, in the A_rel release site, replace the numerical value for the concentration with:

CONCENTRATION = concentration_of_A

Similarly, in the B_rel release site replace the numerical concentration value with:

CONCENTRATION = concentration_of_B

Modify rev_uni_equil.reactions.mdl like this:

   A -> B [k1]
   B -> A [k2]

Now, create a file called rev_uni_equil.viz_output.mdl with the following text:

   FILENAME = "./viz_data/rev_uni_nonequil"
      ITERATION_NUMBERS {ALL_DATA @ [[0 TO 100000 STEP 1000]]}

Next, create a file callled rev_uni_equil.rxn_output.mdl and copy this text into it:

   STEP = 1e-5
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]} => "./react_data/A.dat"
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_A.dat"
   {COUNT [B, WORLD]} => "./react_data/B.dat"
   {COUNT [B, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_B.dat"

Run the simulation by typing the following command:

mcell rev_uni_equil.main.mdl

As usual, load your simulation into CellBlender and make sure all is well.

Use the python script below (why not try to write your own) to obtain the variance for the number of B molecules. Rerun the simulation while varying the fractional amounts of A and B. In each case determine the variance for B, and plot the resulting values as a function of fractional amount of B.:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
import os

fileName = "B.dat"      # filename to compute variance of

# parse counts in large box, analyze, and print
data = np.genfromtxt("./react_data/%s" % fileName, dtype=float)
dataCount = data[:, 1]
dataVar = dataCount.var()

print("variance %e" % dataVar)

Irreversible Bimolecular Reaction

The next few example examine the second type of elementary reactions next to uni-molecular reactions - bimolecular reactions.

Steady State

First, we will simulate an irreversible bimolecular reaction A + R \rightarrow AR with rate constant k1. Molecules of A and R are initially distributed at random within a reflective box. The simulation is run under steady state conditions (How can this be achieved?).

Let's start again with using CellBlender to generate our model geometry and basic settings. Start Blender. Load the irrev_bi_steady.blend file in the irrev_bi_steady directory. Several CellBlender properties have already been applied. We will now export these mdls. Under CellBlender Project Settings, select Export CellBlender Project. Navigate to irrev_bi/steady and select Set Project Directory. Set the Project Base to irrev_bi_steady. Then hit Export CellBlender Project, navigate to same directory as before, and hit Export MCell MDL.

Open irrev_bi_steady.main.mdl and add in the following text at the top of the mdl:

box_volume = 0.05 /* cubic microns, volume of the box used to contain the A and B molecules */
diffusion_coefficient = 1e-6 /* cm^2 per second, diffusion coefficient used for molecules of A and R */
box_volume_liters = box_volume * 1e-15 /* convert from cubic microns to liters */
Na = 6.022e23 /* Avogadro's number, molecules per mole */
side_length = box_volume^(1/3)
half_length = side_length/2.0
partition = half_length*0.999

PARTITION_X = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Y = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Z = [-partition, partition]

Again, take a few minutes to understand the meaning of the above MDL. Now, create a file called irrev_bi_steady.viz_output.mdl with the following text:

   FILENAME = "./viz_data/irrev_bi_steady"
      ITERATION_NUMBERS {ALL_DATA @ [[0 TO 5000 STEP 100]]}

Next, create a file called irrev_bi_steady.rxn_output.mdl that describes the kind of reaction data output we'd like to output and copy this text into it:

   STEP = 1e-5
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]} => "./react_data/A.dat"
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_A.dat"
   {COUNT [R, WORLD]} => "./react_data/R.dat"
   {COUNT [R, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_R.dat"
   {COUNT [AR, WORLD]} => "./react_data/AR.dat"
   {COUNT [AR, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_AR.dat"

Run the simulation by typing the following command:

mcell irrev_bi_steady.main.mdl

As usual, fire up CellBlender and check your simulation.

Plot the reaction data results for the number and concentration of AR molecules as a function of time (you can use gnuplot as described above). Fit your results for the production of AR and compare the obtained reaction rate to the expected value (you can use the script provided above) . Increase the initial concentration of A and/or R, rerun the simulation and again fit the results. How does the obtained rate now compare to the expected rate?

Non-Steady State

Now, we'll simulate the irreversible reaction A + R \rightarrow AR under non-steady-state conditions and see what happens. Instead of going through all the steps listed below you could also directly edit the input files for the steady state example above. By now, this should be straightforward for you to do.

Start Blender to create the model geometry and basic project files. Load the irrev_bi_nonsteady.blend file in the irrev_bi_nonsteady directory. Several CellBlender properties have already been applied. We will now export these mdls. Under CellBlender Project Settings, select Export CellBlender Project. Navigate to irrev_bi/nonsteady and select Set Project Directory. Set the Project Base to irrev_bi_nonsteady. Then hit Export CellBlender Project, navigate to same directory as before, and hit Export MCell MDL.

Open irrev_bi_nonsteady.main.mdl and add in the following text at the top of the mdl:

box_volume = 0.05 /* cubic microns, volume of the box used to contain the A and B molecules */
diffusion_coefficient = 1e-6 /* cm^2 per second, diffusion coefficient used for molecules of A and R */
box_volume_liters = box_volume * 1e-15 /* convert from cubic microns to liters */
Na = 6.022e23 /* Avogadro's number, molecules per mole */
side_length = box_volume^(1/3)
half_length = side_length/2.0
partition = half_length*0.999

PARTITION_X = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Y = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Z = [-partition, partition]

Now, create a file called irrev_bi_nonsteady.viz_output.mdl with the following text:

   FILENAME = "./viz_data/irrev_bi_nonsteady"
      ITERATION_NUMBERS {ALL_DATA @ [[0 TO 5000 STEP 100]]}

Next, create a file callled irrev_bi_nonsteady.rxn_output.mdl and copy this text into it:

   STEP = 1e-5
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]} => "./react_data/A.dat"
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_A.dat"
   {COUNT [R, WORLD]} => "./react_data/R.dat"
   {COUNT [R, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_R.dat"
   {COUNT [AR, WORLD]} => "./react_data/AR.dat"
   {COUNT [AR, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_AR.dat"

Run the simulation by typing the following command:

mcell irrev_bi_nonsteady.main.mdl

As usual, check your simulation output in CellBlender to confirm that the simulation did what you expected.

Plot the reaction data results for the number and concentration of A, R, and AR molecules as a function of time. You can use gnuplot for plotting.

Reversible Bimolecular Reaction

This final example concludes our examination of simple reaction kinetics using MCell. Here, we will examine reversible bimolecular reaction both under non-equilibrium and equilibrium conditions.


First, we will focus on the non-equilibrium case and simulate the reversible bimolecular reaction A + R \leftrightarrow AR with rate constants k1 and k2 starting from non-equilibrium initial conditions (only A and R present at time 0).

To generate the model geometry and basic project files start Blender. Load the rev_bimol_nonequil.blend file in the rev_bimol_nonequil directory. Several CellBlender properties have already been applied. We will now export these mdls. Under CellBlender Project Settings, select Export CellBlender Project. Navigate to rev_bi/nonequil and select Set Project Directory. Set the Project Base to rev_bi_nonequil. Then hit Export CellBlender Project, navigate to same directory as before, and hit Export MCell MDL.

Open rev_bi_nonequil.main.mdl and add in the following text at the top of the mdl:

box_volume = 0.05 /* cubic microns, volume of the box used to contain the A and R molecules */
box_volume_liters = box_volume * 1e-15 /* convert from cubic microns to liters */
Na = 6.022e23 /* Avogadro's number, molecules per mole */
side_length = box_volume^(1/3)
half_length = side_length/2.0
partition = half_length*0.999

PARTITION_X = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Y = [-partition, partition]
PARTITION_Z = [-partition, partition]

Make sure you examine the above MDL and understand what it means. Now, create a file called rev_bi_nonequil.viz_output.mdl with the following text:

   FILENAME = "./viz_data/irrev_bi_nonequil"
      ITERATION_NUMBERS {ALL_DATA @ [[0 TO 5000 STEP 100]]}

Next, create a file callled rev_bi_nonequil.rxn_output.mdl and copy this text into it:

   STEP = 1e-5
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]} => "./react_data/A.dat"
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_A.dat"
   {COUNT [R, WORLD]} => "./react_data/R.dat"
   {COUNT [R, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_R.dat"
   {COUNT [AR, WORLD]} => "./react_data/AR.dat"
   {COUNT [AR, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_AR.dat"

Run the simulation by typing the following command:

mcell rev_bi_nonequil.main.mdl

As usual (don't forget) make sure to check your simulation output with CellBlender.

Plot the results for A, R, and AR (e.g. using gnuplot).


Last but not least, we will simulate the reversible reaction A + R \leftrightarrow AR starting from equilibrium conditions, i.e., under conditions where the average fractional amounts of A, R, and AR will remain constant. How is this done? Instead of creating all files from scratch you can also edit the files of the previous section (the non-equilibrium case).

As usual, we generate the geometry and basic project files by starting Blender. Load the rev_bimol_equil.blend file in the rev_bimol_equil directory. Several CellBlender properties have already been applied. We will now export these mdls. Under CellBlender Project Settings, select Export CellBlender Project. Navigate to rev_bi/nonequil and select Set Project Directory. Set the Project Base to rev_bi_nonequil. Then hit Export CellBlender Project, navigate to same directory as before, and hit Export MCell MDL.

Next, open rev_bi_equil.main.mdl and add in the following text at the top of the mdl:

k1 = 1e8 /* liters per mole per second, rate constant for binding of A to R */
k2 = 1e4 /* per second, rate constant for unbinding */
KD = k2/k1
total_concentration = 1e-5 /* moles per liter; summed concentrations of R and AR */
concentration_of_A = 9.0 * KD /* moles per liter, concentration of molecule A in the box */
fractional_concentration_of_AR = concentration_of_A/(concentration_of_A + KD)
fractional_concentration_of_R = 1.0 - fractional_concentration_of_AR
concentration_of_AR = total_concentration * fractional_concentration_of_AR /* moles per liter, concentration of molecule R in the box */
concentration_of_R = total_concentration * fractional_concentration_of_R /* moles per liter, concentration of molecule R in the box */
box_volume = 0.05 /* cubic microns, volume of the box used to contain the A and R molecules */
diffusion_coefficient = 1e-6 /* cm^2 per second, diffusion coefficient used for molecules of A and R */
box_volume_liters = box_volume * 1e-15 /* convert from cubic microns to liters */
Na = 6.022e23 /* Avogadro's number, molecules per mole */
side_length = box_volume^(1/3)
half_length = side_length/2.0
partition = half_length*0.999
step = 0.055

PARTITION_X = [[-partition TO partition STEP step]]
PARTITION_Y = [[-partition TO partition STEP step]]
PARTITION_Z = [[-partition TO partition STEP step]]

Carefully study the above MDL and make sure you understand what it does. Then, modify the INSTANTIATE section, so that it looks like this:

   box OBJECT box {}
   A_release RELEASE_SITE {
      SHAPE =[all]
      MOLECULE = A
      CONCENTRATION = concentration_of_A
   R_release RELEASE_SITE {
      SHAPE =[all]
      MOLECULE = R
      CONCENTRATION = concentration_of_R
   AR_release RELEASE_SITE {
      SHAPE =[all]
      CONCENTRATION = concentration_of_AR

Now, create a file called rev_bi_equil.viz_output.mdl with the following text:

   FILENAME = "./viz_data/irrev_bi_nonsteady"
      ITERATION_NUMBERS {ALL_DATA @ [[0 TO 20000 STEP 100]]}

Then, create a file callled rev_bi_equil.rxn_output.mdl for our reaction data output and copy this text into it:

   STEP = 1e-5
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]} => "./react_data/A.dat"
   {COUNT [A, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_A.dat"
   {COUNT [R, WORLD]} => "./react_data/R.dat"
   {COUNT [R, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_R.dat"
   {COUNT [AR, WORLD]} => "./react_data/AR.dat"
   {COUNT [AR, WORLD]/Na/box_volume_liters} => "./react_data/conc_AR.dat"

Run the simulation by typing the following command:

mcell rev_bi_nonequil.main.mdl

As always, the first step after running a new simulation is to check the output visually in CellBlender.

Use the variance script provided above to compute the variance for the number of AR molecules. Rerun the simulation while varying the fractional amounts of A, R, and AR. In each case determine the variance for AR, and plot the resulting values as a function of fractional amount of AR.