note: this version uses a new version of love.elf, so donwload it from the new source as listed in the thing :)
- Controls can be bounded now to any button
- Confirm and back buttons are swapped
- Warning screen for flashing lights
- Changable langauges
- Optimized note updating and drawing (Splitathon and Interdimensional run at 60 fps now!)
- Fixed note animations sticking when swapping between shape and normal notes
- Greetings cutscene
- Spotlight event added
- Exploitation knows your nickname now
- OST and Credits menus (+ end credits)
- Added a thing where the game checks online the current verison, not sure if this works so i'll jsut wait til i release the next version of this! hahahahahahahhahahahahahah
this fixed one crash oops
- Character dances are 100% on beat now
- You can now exit the game at any time by holding start and select at the same time
- Adjusted input system
- Offsets finally cross compatible with flixel fnf engines
- Some states no longer do anything while transitioning out
- Saves are now jsons and more easibly editable
- The console (pressing 7 is now replaced by holding all the shoulders and triggers and pressing select)
- Five Night's at Muko's (the whole game, inside this port, do the 7 thing on kabunga im not lying)\
- Icon bop that is kinda
- Recursed
- Character select screen
- Terminal usable on switch
- More accurate stages
- Better game over
- Cleaner loading text
- Terminal secrets
- Bonus songs
- Exploitation
- Unlockable week 5
- Better Dave cutscene
- You can exit the error screen if it ever occurs now
- Compressed audio files down
- Converted the remaining pngs to dds files (pngs are still there since they can vbe opened in more things)