Parameter | Description | Default | Accepted Values |
q | Search term. | N/A | String / Quoted String for phrases |
ids | Get specific comments via their ids | N/A | Comma-delimited base36 ids |
size | Number of results to return | 100 | Integer <= 100 |
sort | Sort results in a specific order | "desc" | "asc", "desc" |
sort_type | Sort by a specific attribute | "created_utc" | "score", "num_comments", "created_utc" |
author | Restrict to a specific author | N/A | String |
subreddit | Restrict to a specific subreddit | N/A | String |
after | Return results after this date | N/A | Epoch value |
before | Return results before this date | N/A | Epoch value |
link_id | Return results from a particular submission | N/A | base36 id |
Parameter | Description | Default | Accepted Values |
ids | Get specific submissions via their ids | N/A | Comma-delimited base36 ids |
q | Search term. Will search ALL possible fields | N/A | String / Quoted String for phrases |
title | Searches the title field only | N/A | String / Quoted String for phrases |
selftext | Searches the selftext field only | N/A | String / Quoted String for phrases |
size | Number of results to return | 100 | Integer <= 100 |
sort | Sort results in a specific order | "desc" | "asc", "desc" |
sort_type | Sort by a specific attribute | "created_utc" | "score", "num_comments", "created_utc" |
author | Restrict to a specific author | N/A | String |
subreddit | Restrict to a specific subreddit | N/A | String |
after | Return results after this date | N/A | Epoch value |
before | Return results before this date | N/A | Epoch value |
score | Restrict results based on score | N/A | Integer or > x or < x (i.e. score=>100 or score=<25) |
num_comments | Restrict results based on number of comments | N/A | Integer or > x or < x (i.e. num_comments=>100) |
over_18 | Restrict to nsfw or sfw content | both allowed | "true" or "false" |
is_video | Restrict to video content | both allowed | "true" or "false" |
locked | Return locked or unlocked threads only | both allowed | "true" or "false" |
stickied | Return stickied or unstickied content only | both allowed | "true" or "false" |
spoiler | Exclude or include spoilers only | both allowed | "true" or "false" |
contest_mode | Exclude or include content mode submissions | both allowed | "true" or "false" |