- Repositories refactored to traits in order to make overriding repositories easier
- #146 Extracted: Repository methods to traits (fixes #140) (@igormukhingmailcom)
- Added support for PHP 7.3/7.4 & Sylius 1.7
- Dropped support for PHP 7.2 & Sylius 1.6
- Added possibility to have no payment methods
- #152 Allow to have no payment method (@jacquesbh, @Roshyo)
- #137 Add migrations from Sylius-Standard to test application (@GSadee)
- #138 Change test server to Symfony server (@AdamKasp, @Zales0123)
- #142 Use stable Sylius 1.6 (@Zales0123)
- #124 Allow to overwrite order created email template (@Zales0123)
- #157 Upgrade Sylius & PHP (@Roshyo)