A collection of resources for the JavaScript programming language.
- https://github.com/Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code useful JS snippets and basic CS concepts in JavaScript
- Node Hackathon Starter A great README of a good hackathon starter using NodeJS, Bootstrap, and a bunch of other helpful stuff
- Scotch.io 's getting started with React
- React in 15 minutes on youtube
- React and Redux list of links, tutorials, and guides
- https://github.com/timarney/react-faq React FAQ
- Wes Bos's React course
- Egghead Course on React
- https://blog.hichroma.com/graphql-react-tutorial-part-1-6-d0691af25858 Beginner tutorial on GraphQL/React
Thoughts from @joshmock on Redux/Flux:
The thing that I think helps explain it to others, personally, is that React and Flux are two sides of a coin: Flux stores all your state, React represents it on the page. Redux's implementation of Flux basically mirrors how React works: React uses cascading components to display and act on state in the DOM; Redux uses cascading functions to store and update state through basic data structures. It's just two trees. One in the DOM, one in a series of composed functions.
- https://advancedreact.com/ : Wes Bos course on advanced React
- https://www.robinwieruch.de/react-graphql-apollo-tutorial : Multipart series on React/GraphQL/Apollo
- Intro to Redux with Dan Abramov
- Dan Abramov on egghead.io
- Full stack Redux tutorial (with tests)
- Redux intro recording from our own @joshmock
- https://learnredux.com/: Redux/React learning
- https://wattenberger.com/blog/d3 Blog on learning D3.js