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273 lines (201 loc) · 12.5 KB


Implements phylogenetic inference for data with repeated sequences, as described in:

DeWitt, Mesin, Victora, Minin and Matsen, Using genotype abundance to improve phylogenetic inference, arXiv:1708.08944.

Two programs are implemented:

  • an inference program for experimental input data in FASTA or PHYLIP format (including an additional sequence for the ancestral state)
  • a simulation/inference/validation program

All commands should be issued from within the gctree repo directory.



  1. For installing dependencies, conda environment management is recommended. First install conda or miniconda.
  2. Create a python 3.7 conda environment (named gctree in this example):
    conda create --name gctree python=3.7 -c bioconda -c etetoolkit -c conda-forge -c cswarth python=3.7 ete3 biopython matplotlib pandas scipy scons seaborn nestly phylip seqmagick
  3. Activate the environment:
    conda activate gctree
  4. Install jellyfish for faster string comparison (optional)
    conda install -c conda-forge jellyfish



  • input file: FASTA or PHYLIP file containing a sequence for each observed individual/cell, and an additional sequence containing the ancestral genotype of all observed sequences (used for outgroup rooting).
  • run inference:
    scons --inference --outdir=<output directory path> --input=<input FASTA or PHYLIP file> --naiveID=<id of ancestral sequence in input file>
  • description of inference output files: After the inference pipeline has completed, the output directory will contain the following output files:
    • <input file>.idmap: text file mapping collapsed sequenced ids to cell ids from the original input file
    • <input file>.counts: text file mapping collapsed sequenced ids to their abundances
    • <input file>.phylip: phylip alignment file of collapsed sequences for computing parsimony trees
    • dnapars/: directory of parsimony tree output from PHYLIP's dnapars
    • gctree.inference.*.svg: rendered tree images for each of the parsimony trees
    • gctree.inference.abundance_rank.pdf: histogram of genotype abundances
    • gctree.inference.likelihood_rank.pdf: rank plot of GCtree likelihoods for the parsimony trees
    • gctree.inference.log: log file containing parameter fits, numerical likelihood results, and any other program messages
    • gctree.inference.parsimony_forest.p: a python pickle file containing the parsimony trees as CollapsedTree objects


scons --simulate  --outdir=<output directory path> --N=<integer population size to simulate>


run GCtree inference on the included FASTA file

  • Example input data set example/150228_Clone_3-8.fasta contains heavy chain V gene sequences from 65 germinal B cells sorted from a brainbow mouse using multicolor fate mapping.

    $ head example/150228_Clone_3-8.fasta

    These data were published in Tas et al. 2016. Visualizing Antibody Affinity Maturation in Germinal Centers. Science 351 (6277)) and shown in Fig. 4 (lymph node 2, germinal center 1).

  • Run inference

    From within the gctree repository directory:

    scons --inference --input=example/150228_Clone_3-8.fasta --outdir=test --converter=tas --naiveID=GL --jobs=2

    This command will produce output in subdirectory test/. This includes a log file with some messages about results (including the number of trees and the fitted branching process parameters), and then lists each parsimony tree by decreasing likelihood (with tree 1 corresponding to the GCtree MLE).

    $ head test/gctree.inference.log
    number of trees with integer branch lengths: 58
    58 trees exhibit unobserved unifurcation from root. Adding psuedocounts to these roots
    params = [0.4961832081885355, 0.36484189590092164]
    tree	alleles	logLikelihood
    1	48	-79.016217483
    2	48	-79.016217483
    3	48	-80.0883965146
    4	48	-80.1148297716
    5	49	-80.3507858934
    6	49	-80.3507858934

    For each tree, the directory will include an SVG file rendering of the tree. E.g. the MLE test/gctree.inference.1.svg: There is also a rank plot of genotype abundance test/gctree.inference.abundance_rank.png: and of GCtree likelihood over the trees test/gctree.inference.likelihood_rank.png:

    Finally, there are text files indicating abundance of each unique sequence,

    $ head test/150228_Clone_3-8.counts

    the mapping of unique sequence ids to the sequence ids in the input FASTA,

    $ head test/150228_Clone_3-8.idmap

    and the PHYLIP alignment of the unique sequences,

    $ head test/150228_Clone_3-8.phylip
    43 264
    gl         ggacctagcc tcgtgaaacc ttctcagact ctgtccctca cctgttctgt
    seq1       ggacctagcc tcgtgaaacc ttctcagact ctgtccctca cctgttctgt
    seq2       ggacctagcc tcgtgaaacc ttctcagact ctgtccctca cctgttctgt
    seq3       ggacctagcc tcgtgaaacc ttctcagact ctgtccctca cctgttctgt
    seq4       ggacctagcc tcgtgaaacc ttctcagact ctgtccctca cctgttctgt
    seq5       ggacctagcc tcgtgaaacc ttctcagact ctgtccctca cctgttctgt
    seq6       ggacctagcc tcgtgaaacc ttctcagact ctgtccctca cctgttctgt
    seq7       ggacctagcc tcgtgaaacc ttctcagact ctgtccctca cctgttctgt
    seq8       ggacctagcc tcgtgaaacc ttctcagact ctgtccctca cctgttctgt

    When using the optional --idlabel flag, which shows labels seq1, seq2, ... in the tree rendering (see documentation below), these id/sequence files can be used to associate DNA sequences or cell labels with specific tree nodes.

  • Explanation of arguments

    --outdir=test specifies that results are to be saved in directory test/ (which will be created if it does not exist)

    --converter=tas argument means that integer sequence IDs in the input file are interpreted as abundances. The example input FASTA includes a sequence with id "17".

    --naiveID=GL indicates that the root naive sequence has id "GL" in the input FASTA. This sequence is the germline sequence of the V gene used in the V(D)J rearrangement that defines this clonal family.

    --jobs=2 indicates that 2 parallel processes should be used

    If running on a remote machine via ssh, it may be necessary to provide the flag --xvfb which will allow X rendering of ETE trees without X forwarding.


scons --inference ...

required arguments

--input=[path] path to FASTA or PHYLIP input alignment

--outdir=[path] directory for output (created if does not exist)

--naiveID=[string] ID of naive sequence in input file used for outgroup rooting, default 'naive'. For BCRs, we assume a known naive V(D)J rearrangemnt is an additional sequence in our alignment, regardless of whether it was observed or not. This ancestral sequence must appear as an additional sequence. For applications without a definite root state, an observed sequence can be used to root the tree by duplicating it in the alignment and giving it a new id, which can be passed as this argument.

optional arguments

--colorfile=[path] path to a file of plotting colors for cells in the input file. Example, if the input file contains a sequence with ID cell_1, this cell could be colored red in the tree image by including the line cell_1,red in the color file.

--bootstrap=[int] boostrap resampling, and inference on each, default no bootstrap

--converter=[string] if set to "tas", parse input IDs that are integers as indicating sequence abundance. Otherwise each line in the input is assumed to indicate an individual (non-deduplicated) sequence. NOTE: the example input FASTA file example/150228_Clone_3-8.fasta requires this option.


scons --simulation ...

required arguments

--N=[int] populaton size to simulate. Note that N=1 is satisfied before the first time step, so this choice will return the root with no mutation.

--outdir=[path] directory for output (created if does not exist)

optional arguments

--naive=[string] DNA sequence of naive sequence from which to begin simulating, a default is used if omitted

--mutability=[path] path to S5F mutability file, default 'S5F/mutability'

--substitution=[path] path to S5F substitution file, default 'S5F/substitution'

--lambda=[float, float, ...] values for Poisson branching parameter for simulation, default 2.0

--lambda0=[float, float, ...] values for baseline mutation rate, default 0.25

--T=[int] time steps to simulate (alternative to --N)

--nsim=[int] number of simulation of each set of parameter combination, default 10

--n=[int] number of cells to sample from final population, default all


--jobs=[int] number of parallel processes to use

--srun should cluster jobs be submitted with Slurm's srun?

--frame=[int] codon reading frame, default None

--quick less thorough parsimony tree search (faster, but smaller parsimony forest)

--idlabel label sequence IDs on tree, and write FASTA alignment of distinct sequences. The mapping of the unique names in this FASTA file to the cell names in the original input file can be found in the output file with suffix .idmap

--xvfb needed for X rendering in on remote machines

  • Try setting the above option if you get the error:ETE: cannot connect to X server

Underlying both pipelines is the Python library (located in the bin/ subdirectory) for simulating and compute likelihoods for collapsed trees generated from a binary branching process with mutation and infinite types, as well as forests of such trees. General usage info --help. There are three subprograms, each of which has usage info:

  • infer --help: takes an outfile file made by phylip's dnapars as a command line argument, converts each tree therein to a collapsed tree, and ranks by GCtree likelihood.
  • simulate --help: simulate data
  • test --help: performs tests of the likelihood and outputs validation plots.

The under-the-hood functionality of the library might be useful for some users trying to go beyond the scons pipelines. For example mapping colors to tree image nodes can be achieved with the --colormap argument. Colors can be useful for visualizing other cell/genotype properties on the tree.


arguments for both inference and simulation programs

--igphyml include results for tree inference with the IgPhyML package

--dnaml include results for maximum likelihood tree inference using dnaml from the PHYLIP package

--nogctree do not perform gctree inference

arguments for non-neutral simulation

--selection simulation with affinity selection

--target_dist distance to selection target

--target_count number of targets

--verbose verbose printing

--carry_cap carrying capacity of germinal center

--skip_update skip update step

additional dependencies for development functionality

sudo apt-get install python-pip scons
pip install --user ete3 seaborn numpy scipy matplotlib pandas biopython nestly
> install PDL
> install PDL::LinearAlgebra::Trans