This script provides an example of a partially input convex neural network (PICNN), and follows on from the 1-dimensional and n-dimensional proof of concept examples for fully input convex neural network FICNN. For more information, see PoC_Ex1_1DFICNN and PoC_Ex2_nDFICNN. This examples explores this in 2-dimensions to support effective visualizations but the concepts are analogous in higher dimensions. This example shows these steps:
- Generate a dataset using a 2-dimensional function, f(x1,x2)=x1^3+x2^2, not-convex in the first input but convex in the second input, and add some random Gaussian noise.
- Prepare the dataset for custom training loop.
- Create a 2-input partially input convex neural network (PICNN) architecture.
- Train the PICNN using a custom training loop and apply projected gradient descent to guarantee convexity in the second input.
- Compute guaranteed bounds of the PICNN over 1-dimensional restrictions through the convex dimension.
First, take the partially convex function f(x1,x2)=x1^3+x2^2 and uniformly randomly sample this over the interval [-1,1]x[-1,1]. Add Gaussian random noise to create a dataset. You can change the number of random samples if you want to experiment.
numSamples = 1024;
[x1Train,x2Train] = meshgrid(linspace(-1,1,round(sqrt(numSamples))));
xTrain = [x1Train(:),x2Train(:)];
tTrain = xTrain(:,1).^3 + xTrain(:,2).^2 + 0.02*randn(size(xTrain,1),1);
Visualize the data.
grid on
Observe the overall underlying convex behavior in x2 given x1, and non-convex behavior in x1 given x2.
To prepare the data for custom training loops, add the input and response to a minibatchqueue. You can do this by creating arrayDatastore objects and combining these into a single datastore using the combine function. Form the minibatchqueue with this combined datastore object.
xds = arrayDatastore(xTrain);
tds = arrayDatastore(tTrain);
cds = combine(xds,tds);
mbqTrain = minibatchqueue(cds,2,...
"OutputAsDlarray",[1 1],...
In this proof of concept example, build a 2-dimensional PICNN using fully connected layers and softplus activation functions. Specify tanh activation functions for the non-convex evolution of the 'state' variable (using the NonConvexActivation name-value argument). For more information, see AI Verification: Convex. Create a function and specify that the convexity is in the x2 channel using the ConvexChannels name-value argument.
inputSize = 2;
numHiddenUnits = [32 8 1];
picnnet = buildConstrainedNetwork("partially-convex",inputSize,numHiddenUnits,...
picnnet =
dlnetwork with properties:
Layers: [32x1 nnet.cnn.layer.Layer]
Connections: [41x2 table]
Learnables: [30x3 table]
State: [0x3 table]
InputNames: {'input'}
OutputNames: {'add_z_y_u_2'}
Initialized: 1
View summary with summary.
You can view the network architecture in deepNetworkDesigner by setting the viewNetworkDND flag to true. Otherwise, plot the network graph.
viewNetworkDND = false;
if viewNetworkDND
deepNetworkDesigner(picnnet) %#ok<UNRCH>
First, create a custom training options struct. For the trainConvexNetwork function, you can specify 4 hyperparameters: maxEpochs, initialLearnRate, decay, and lossMetric.
maxEpochs = 1200;
initialLearnRate = 0.05;
decay = 0.05;
lossMetric = "mae";
Train the network with these options.
trained_picnnet = trainConstrainedNetwork("partially-convex",picnnet,mbqTrain,...
Evaluate the accuracy on the training set.
loss = computeLoss(trained_picnnet,xTrain,tTrain,lossMetric)
loss =
gpuArray single
Plot the network predictions with the training data.
yPred = predict(trained_picnnet,xTrain);
hold on
legend("Training Data","Network Prediction",Location="northwest")
As discussed in AI Verification: Convex, partially input convex neural networks are convex in a subspace of inputs. Therefore, fixing the non-convex inputs, bounds can be computed at these slices in the convex input space.
First, visualize the non-convexity in x1 given x2=0 and convexity in x2 given x1=0. You can change these values using the sliders.
xSample = (-1:0.1:1)';
x1 = -0.5;
x2 = 0;
zPredForFixedx2 = predict(trained_picnnet,[xSample 0*xSample+x2]);
zPredForFixedx1 = predict(trained_picnnet,[0*xSample+x1 xSample]);
title("Example slice showing non-convexity in x1 for fixed x2=" + x2)
title("Example slice showing convexity in x2 for fixed x1=" + x1)
As in the 1-dimensional convex case, compute bounds for 1-dimensional restrictions for fixed x1.
granularity = 12;
intervalSet = linspace(-1,1,granularity+1);
V = cell(inputSize,1);
[V{:}] = ndgrid(intervalSet);
Fix the x1 values in the grid.
V{1} = x1*ones(size(V{1}));
Compute the network value at the vertices and also guaranteed output bounds over the grid specified by the set of vertices. Note, as discussed in AI Verification: Convex, that since the network is constructed using softplus activations, the network is everywhere differentiable and there is no need to check for points of non-differentiability that might cause issue in the boundedness analysis.
As discussed in PoC_Ex1_1DFICNN and PoC_Ex2_nDFICNN, to refine the lower bound, set RefineLowerBounds=true. Note that RefineLowerBounds=true requires Optimization Toolbox. If you do not have this toolbox, the netMin variable will have NaN values in the positions of the intervals the minimum cannot be determined and the plots below will not show a lower bound over these subregions.
[netMin,netMax] = convexNetworkOutputBounds(trained_picnnet,V,RefineLowerBounds=true);
Plot the bounds. Since we are taking a 1-dimensional slice in x1, pick any row to plot as they are all equivalent.
v = reshape([V{2}(1,1:end-1); V{2}(1,2:end)], 1, []);
yMax = reshape([netMax{1}(1,:); netMax{1}(1,:)], 1, []);
yMin = reshape([netMin{1}(1,:); netMin{1}(1,:)], 1, []);
figure; % Create a new figure
plot(v, yMin, "b-", "LineWidth", 1);
hold on
plot(v, yMax, "r-", "LineWidth", 1);
grid on
legend("Network Lower Bound","Network Upper Bound","Network Prediction",Location="northwest");
title("Guarantees of upper and lower bounds for PICNN network for fixed x1=" + x1);
function loss = computeLoss(net,X,T,lossMetric)
Y = predict(net,X);
switch lossMetric
case "mse"
loss = mse(Y,T);
case "mae"
loss = mean(abs(Y-T));
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