diff --git a/R/biblioshiny.R b/R/biblioshiny.R index 57f8437a..12e36ec1 100644 --- a/R/biblioshiny.R +++ b/R/biblioshiny.R @@ -29,4 +29,8 @@ biblioshiny <- function(host = "", port = NULL, shinyOptions(maxUploadSize = maxUploadSize) runApp(system.file("biblioshiny",package="bibliometrix"),launch.browser = launch.browser, port = port, host = getOption("shiny.host", host)) + + #remove utils functions from global environment + rm(ValueBoxes, countryCollab, pos = ".GlobalEnv") + } diff --git a/inst/biblioshiny/server.R b/inst/biblioshiny/server.R index eb6f9591..1bbab25a 100644 --- a/inst/biblioshiny/server.R +++ b/inst/biblioshiny/server.R @@ -1,8476 +1,8461 @@ -#### SERVER #### - -server <- function(input, output,session){ - session$onSessionEnded(stopApp) - ## - - ## suppress warnings - options(warn = -1) - ## - - ## file upload max size - maxUploadSize <- 200 # default value - maxUploadSize <- getShinyOption("maxUploadSize", maxUploadSize) - options(shiny.maxRequestSize=maxUploadSize*1024^2) - - ## initial values - data("logo",package="bibliometrix",envir=environment()) - values = reactiveValues() - values$logo <- logo - values$logoGrid <- grid::rasterGrob(logo,interpolate = TRUE) - values$h <- 7 - values$w <- 14 - values$results <- list("NA") - values$log <- "working..." - values$load="FALSE" - values$field = values$cocngrams = "NA" - values$citField=values$colField=values$citSep="NA" - values$NetWords=values$NetRefs=values$ColNetRefs=matrix(NA,1,1) - values$Title="Network" - values$Histfield="NA" - values$histlog="working..." - values$kk=0 - #values$MRWremove.terms=NULL - values$M=data.frame(PY=0) - values$histsearch="NA" - values$citShortlabel="NA" - values$S=list("NA") - values$GR="NA" - values$dsToken <- "Wrong account or password" - values$dsSample <- 0 - values$dsQuery <- "" - values$pmQuery <- " " - values$pmSample <- 0 - values$ApiOk <- 0 - values$checkControlBar <-FALSE - - ## NOTIFICATION ITEM ---- - - output$notificationMenu <- renderMenu({ - - notifTot <- notifications() - - values$nots <- apply(notifTot, 1, function(row) { - - ## extract href from messages - if (is.na(row[["href"]])){href <- NULL - }else{ - href <- paste("javascript:void(window.open('",row[["href"]],"', '_blank'))", sep="") - } - - ## add bold to new messages and split the long ones in two rows - if (row[["status"]]=="danger"){ ### new messages - textRows <- paste("tags$strong('",row[["nots"]],"')", sep="") - textRows <- strsplit(substr(textRows,1,85), "(?<=.{48})", perl = TRUE)[[1]] - if (length(textRows)>1){ - textRows <- paste("tags$div(",textRows[1],"',tags$br(),'",textRows[2],")", sep="") - }else{ - textRows <- paste("tags$div(",textRows,")", sep="") - } - }else{ ## old messages - textRows <- strsplit(substr(row[["nots"]],1,70), "(?<=.{35})", perl = TRUE)[[1]] - if (length(textRows)>1){ - textRows <- paste("tags$div('",textRows[1],"',tags$br(),'",textRows[2],"')", sep="") - }else{ - textRows <- paste("tags$div('",textRows,"')", sep="") - } - } - - - - notificationItem( - #text = row[["nots"]], - text = eval(parse(text=textRows)), - icon = if (row[["status"]]=="danger") {fa_i(name ="envelope")}else{fa_i(name ="envelope-open")}, - status = row[["status"]], - href = href - ) - }) - - if ("danger" %in% notifTot[["status"]]){ - badge = "danger" - icon_name ="envelope" - } else { - badge = NULL - icon_name ="envelope-open" - } - - dropdownMenu(type = "notifications", - .list = values$nots, - headerText ="", - badgeStatus = NULL, - icon = fa_i(name = icon_name) - #icon = icon_color - ) - }) - - ###Menu sidebar ---- - - # Apply Data---- - observe({ - toggleElement( - id ="rest_of_sidebar", - condition = input[["applyLoad"]] - ) - }) - - output$rest_of_sidebar <- renderMenu({ - sidebarMenu( - menuItem("Filters",tabName = "filters",icon = fa_i(name ="filter")), - menuItem("Overview",tabName = "overview",icon=fa_i(name = "table"),startExpanded = FALSE, - menuSubItem("Main Information",tabName="mainInfo",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Annual Scientific Production",tabName = "annualScPr",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Average Citations per Year",tabName = "averageCitPerYear",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Three-Field Plot", tabName ="threeFieldPlot",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon"))), - menuItem("Sources", tabName = "sources",icon = fa_i(name ="book"), startExpanded = FALSE, - menuSubItem("Most Relevant Sources", tabName = "relevantSources",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Sources",tabName = "localCitedSources",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Bradford's Law",tabName = "bradford",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Source Impact",tabName = "sourceImpact",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Source Dynamics",tabName = "sourceDynamics",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon"))), - menuItem("Authors", tabName = "authors",icon = fa_i(name="user"),startExpanded = FALSE, - "Authors", - menuSubItem("Most Relevant Authors", tabName = "mostRelAuthors",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Authors",tabName = "mostLocalCitedAuthors",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Authors' Production over Time",tabName = "authorsProdOverTime",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Lotka's Law",tabName = "lotka",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Author Impact",tabName = "authorImpact",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - "Affiliations", - menuSubItem("Most Relevant Affiliations",tabName = "mostRelAffiliations",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - "Countries", - menuSubItem("Corresponding Author's Country",tabName = "correspAuthorCountry",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Country Scientific Production",tabName = "countryScientProd",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Most Cited Countries",tabName = "mostCitedCountries",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")) - ), - menuItem("Documents", tabName = "documents",icon = fa_i(name="layer-group"), startExpanded = FALSE, - "Documents", - menuSubItem("Most Global Cited Documents",tabName = "mostGlobalCitDoc",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Documents",tabName = "mostLocalCitDoc",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - "Cited Refereces", - menuSubItem("Most Local Cited References",tabName = "mostLocalCitRef",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Reference Spectroscopy",tabName = "ReferenceSpect",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - "Words", - menuSubItem("Most Frequent Words",tabName = "mostFreqWords",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("WordCloud", tabName = "wcloud",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("TreeMap",tabName = "treemap",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Word Dynamics",tabName = "wordDynamics",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Trend Topics",tabName = "trendTopic",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")) - ), - menuItem("Clustering", tabName = "clustering",icon = fa_i(name ="spinner"),startExpanded = FALSE, - menuSubItem("Clustering by Coupling",tabName = "coupling",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), - menuItem("Conceptual Structure",tabName = "concepStructure",icon = fa_i(name="spell-check"),startExpanded = FALSE, - "Network Approach", - menuSubItem("Co-occurence Network",tabName = "coOccurenceNetwork",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon") ), - menuSubItem("Thematic Map",tabName = "thematicMap", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Thematic Evolution",tabName = "thematicEvolution", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - "Factorial Approach", - menuSubItem("Factorial Analysis", tabName = "factorialAnalysis", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), - menuItem("Intellectual Structure",tabName = "intStruct",icon = fa_i(name="gem"), startExpanded = FALSE, - menuSubItem("Co-citation Network",tabName = "coCitationNetwork", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Historiograph",tabName = "historiograph", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), - menuItem("Social Structure",tabName = "socialStruct", icon = fa_i("users"),startExpanded = FALSE, - menuSubItem("Collaboration Network",tabName = "collabNetwork",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Collaboration WorldMap", tabName = "collabWorldMap",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))) - ) - }) - - # Apply API ---- - observe({ - toggleElement( - id ="rest_of_sidebar", - condition = input[["apiApply"]] - ) - }) - - output$rest_of_sidebar <- renderMenu({ - sidebarMenu( - menuItem("Filters",tabName = "filters",icon = fa_i(name ="filter")), - menuItem("Overview",tabName = "overview",icon=fa_i(name = "table"),startExpanded = FALSE, - menuSubItem("Main Information",tabName="mainInfo",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Annual Scientific Production",tabName = "annualScPr",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Average Citations per Year",tabName = "averageCitPerYear",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Three-Field Plot", tabName ="threeFieldPlot",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon"))), - menuItem("Sources", tabName = "sources",icon = fa_i(name ="book"), startExpanded = FALSE, - menuSubItem("Most Relevant Sources", tabName = "relevantSources",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Sources",tabName = "localCitedSources",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Bradford's Law",tabName = "bradford",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Source Impact",tabName = "sourceImpact",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Source Dynamics",tabName = "sourceDynamics",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon"))), - menuItem("Authors", tabName = "authors",icon = fa_i(name="user"),startExpanded = FALSE, - "Authors", - menuSubItem("Most Relevant Authors", tabName = "mostRelAuthors",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Authors",tabName = "mostLocalCitedAuthors",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Authors' Production over Time",tabName = "authorsProdOverTime",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Lotka's Law",tabName = "lotka",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Author Impact",tabName = "authorImpact",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - "Affiliations", - menuSubItem("Most Relevant Affiliations",tabName = "mostRelAffiliations",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - "Countries", - menuSubItem("Corresponding Author's Country",tabName = "correspAuthorCountry",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Country Scientific Production",tabName = "countryScientProd",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Most Cited Countries",tabName = "mostCitedCountries",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")) - ), - menuItem("Documents", tabName = "documents",icon = fa_i(name="layer-group"), startExpanded = FALSE, - "Documents", - menuSubItem("Most Global Cited Documents",tabName = "mostGlobalCitDoc",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Documents",tabName = "mostLocalCitDoc",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - "Cited Refereces", - menuSubItem("Most Local Cited References",tabName = "mostLocalCitRef",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Reference Spectroscopy",tabName = "ReferenceSpect",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - "Words", - menuSubItem("Most Frequent Words",tabName = "mostFreqWords",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("WordCloud", tabName = "wcloud",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("TreeMap",tabName = "treemap",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Word Dynamics",tabName = "wordDynamics",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Trend Topics",tabName = "trendTopic",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")) - ), - menuItem("Clustering", tabName = "clustering",icon = fa_i(name ="spinner"),startExpanded = FALSE, - menuSubItem("Clustering by Coupling",tabName = "coupling",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), - menuItem("Conceptual Structure",tabName = "concepStructure",icon = fa_i(name="spell-check"),startExpanded = FALSE, - "Network Approach", - menuSubItem("Co-occurence Network",tabName = "coOccurenceNetwork",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon") ), - menuSubItem("Thematic Map",tabName = "thematicMap", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Thematic Evolution",tabName = "thematicEvolution", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - "Factorial Approach", - menuSubItem("Factorial Analysis", tabName = "factorialAnalysis", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), - menuItem("Intellectual Structure",tabName = "intStruct",icon = fa_i(name="gem"), startExpanded = FALSE, - menuSubItem("Co-citation Network",tabName = "coCitationNetwork", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Historiograph",tabName = "historiograph", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), - menuItem("Social Structure",tabName = "socialStruct", icon = fa_i("users"),startExpanded = FALSE, - menuSubItem("Collaboration Network",tabName = "collabNetwork",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), - menuSubItem("Collaboration WorldMap", tabName = "collabWorldMap",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))) - ) - }) - - # observe({ - # toggleElement( - # id = "rest_of_sidebar", - # condition = input[["applyLoad"]] - # ) - # }) - # - # # menuItem("Quit", tabName = "quit",icon=icon("off",lib = "glyphicon")), - # # menuItem("K-Synth", icon = icon("globe",lib = "glyphicon"), badgeLabel = "Link", badgeColor = "blue", - # # href = "https://www.k-synth.unina.it") - - - - - ## LOAD MENU ---- - format <- function(obj){ - ext<- sub('.*\\.', '', obj[1]) - switch(ext, - txt ={ - format <- "plaintext" - }, - csv ={ - format <- "csv" - }, - bib ={ - format <- "bibtex" - }, - ciw ={ - format <- "endnote" - }, - xlsx={ - format <- "excel" - } - ) - return(format) - } - - ## smart_load function ---- - smart_load <- function(file){ - var <- load(file) - n <- length(var) - if (!"M" %in% var){ - if (n == 1) { - eval(parse(text = paste0("M <- ", var))) - } else { - stop("I could not find bibliometrixDB object in your data file: ", file) - } - } - rm(list = var[var != "M"]) - if ( ("M" %in% ls()) & inherits(M, "bibliometrixDB") ){ - return(M) - } else { - stop("Please make sure your RData/Rda file contains a bibliometrixDB object (M).") - } - } - - DATAloading<- eventReactive(input$applyLoad,{ - # input$file1 will be NULL initially. After the user selects - # and uploads a file, it will be a data frame with 'name', - # 'size', 'type', and 'datapath' columns. The 'datapath' - # column will contain the local filenames where the data can - # be found. - if (input$load=="demo"){ - data(management, package="bibliometrixData") - values = initial(values) - row.names(management) <- management$SR - values$M <- management - values$Morig = management - values$Histfield = "NA" - values$results = list("NA") - return() - } - inFile <- input$file1 - - if (!is.null(inFile) & input$load=="import") { - ext <- getFileNameExtension(inFile$datapath) - switch( - input$dbsource, - isi = { - switch(ext, - ### WoS ZIP Files - zip = { - D <- unzip(inFile$datapath) - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(D, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = format(D)) - }) - }, - ### WoS Txt/Bib Files - { - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = format(inFile$datapath)) - }) - }) - }, - scopus = { - switch(ext, - ### Scopus ZIP Files - zip = { - D <- unzip(inFile$datapath) - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(D, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = format(D)) - }) - }, - ### Scopus CSV/Bib Files - csv = { - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = "csv") - }) - }, - bib = { - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = "bibtex") - }) - }) - - }, - lens = { - switch(ext, - ### Lens.org ZIP Files - zip = { - D <- unzip(inFile$datapath) - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(D, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = format(D)) - }) - }, - ### Lens.org CSV Files - { - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = format(inFile$datapath)) - }) - }) - }, - cochrane = { - switch(ext, - ### Cochrane ZIP Files - zip = { - D <- unzip(inFile$datapath) - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(D, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = format(D)) - }) - }, - ### Cochrane txt files - { - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = "plaintext") - }) - }) - - }, - pubmed = { - switch(ext, - ### Pubmed ZIP Files - zip = { - D <- unzip(inFile$datapath) - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(D, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = "pubmed") - }) - }, - ### Pubmed txt Files - txt = { - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = "pubmed") - }) - }) - }, - dimensions = { - switch(ext, - ### Dimensions ZIP Files - zip = { - D = unzip(inFile$datapath) - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- - convert2df(D, - dbsource = input$dbsource, - format = format(D)) - }) - }, - ### Dimensions Xlsx/csv Files - xlsx = { - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- - convert2df( - inFile$datapath, - dbsource = "dimensions", - format = "excel" - ) - }) - }, - csv = { - withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', - value = 0, { - M <- - convert2df( - inFile$datapath, - dbsource = "dimensions", - format = "csv" - ) - }) - }) - - } - ) - - } else if (!is.null(inFile) & input$load=="load") { - ext <- tolower(getFileNameExtension(inFile$datapath)) - #print(ext) - switch(ext, - ### excel format - xlsx={ - #M <- rio::import(inFile$datapath) - M <- readxl::read_excel(inFile$datapath) %>% as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) - class(M) <- c("bibliometrixDB", "data.frame") - ### M row names - ### identify duplicated SRs - SR=M$SR - tab=table(SR) - tab2=table(tab) - ind=as.numeric(names(tab2)) - ind=ind[which(ind>1)] - if (length(ind)>0){ - for (i in ind){ - indice=names(which(tab==i)) - for (j in indice){ - indice2=which(SR==j) - SR[indice2]=paste(SR[indice2],as.character(1:length(indice2)),sep=" ") - } - } - } - - row.names(M) <- SR - }, - ### RData format - rdata={ - M <- smart_load(inFile$datapath) - }, - rda={ - M <- smart_load(inFile$datapath) - }, - rds={ - M <- readRDS(inFile$datapath) - }) - } else if (is.null(inFile)) {return(NULL)} - - values = initial(values) - values$M <- M - values$Morig = M - values$Histfield = "NA" - values$results = list("NA") - - - }) - output$contents <- DT::renderDT({ - DATAloading() - MData = as.data.frame(apply(values$M, 2, function(x) { - substring(x, 1, 150) - }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - MData$DOI <- - paste0( - '', - MData$DI, - '' - ) - nome = c("DOI", names(MData)[-length(names(MData))]) - MData = MData[nome] - DT::datatable(MData,escape = FALSE,rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list( - pageLength = 10, - dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list(list(extend = 'pageLength'), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10, 25, 50, -1), - c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows', 'Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list( - className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(MData)) - 1) - )) - ), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe' - ) %>% - formatStyle( - names(MData), - backgroundColor = 'white', - textAlign = 'center', - fontSize = '70%' - ) - }) - - ## export functions ---- - output$collection.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("Bibliometrix-Export-File-", Sys.Date(), ".",input$save_file, sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - switch(input$save_file, - #xlsx={suppressWarnings(rio::export(values$M, file=file))}, - xlsx={suppressWarnings(openxlsx::write.xlsx(values$M, file=file))}, - RData={ - M=values$M - save(M, file=file) - }) - - }, - contentType = input$save_file - ) - - output$collection.save_api <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("Bibliometrix-Export-File-", Sys.Date(), ".",input$save_file_api, sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - switch(input$save_file_api, - #xlsx={suppressWarnings(rio::export(values$M, file=file))}, - xlsx={suppressWarnings(openxlsx::write.xlsx(values$M, file=file))}, - RData={ - M=values$M - save(M, file=file) - }) - - }, - contentType = input$save_file_api - ) - - output$textLog <- renderUI({ - k=dim(values$M)[1] - if (k==1){k=0} - log=paste("Number of Documents ",k) - textInput("textLog", "Conversion results", - value=log) - }) - - dsModal <- function(failed = FALSE) { - modalDialog( - title = "Dimensions API", - size = "l", - - h4(em( - strong("1) Get a token using your Dimensions credentials") - )), - textInput( - "dsAccount", - "Account", - "", - width = NULL, - placeholder = NULL - ), - passwordInput("dsPassword", - "Password", - "", - width = NULL, - placeholder = NULL), - - actionButton("dsToken", "Get a token "), - h5(tags$b("Token")), - verbatimTextOutput("tokenLog", placeholder = FALSE), - tags$hr(), - h4(em(strong("2) Create a query"))), - textInput( - "dsWords", - "Words", - "", - width = NULL, - placeholder = NULL - ), - selectInput( - "dsFullsearch", - label = "search field", - choices = c("Title and Abstract only" = FALSE, - "Full text" = TRUE), - selected = FALSE - ), - textInput( - "dsCategories", - "Science Categories", - "", - width = NULL, - placeholder = NULL - ), - numericInput("dsStartYear", "Start Year", value = 1990), - numericInput("dsEndYear", "End Year", value = as.numeric(substr(Sys.time(), 1, 4))), - - - actionButton("dsQuery", "Create the query "), - - h5(tags$b("Your query")), - verbatimTextOutput("queryLog", placeholder = FALSE), - h5(tags$b("Documents returned using your query")), - verbatimTextOutput("sampleLog", placeholder = FALSE), - - - uiOutput("sliderLimit"), - - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("dsok", "OK") - ) - ) - } - - ### Show Dimensions modal when button is clicked. - observeEvent(input$dsShow, { - showModal(dsModal()) - }) - - observeEvent(input$dsok, { - removeModal() - values$M <- data.frame(Message="Waiting for data") - }) - - output$tokenLog <- renderText({ - input$dsToken - isolate({ - capture.output(Token <- dsAuth(username = input$dsAccount, password = input$dsPassword)) - #Token <- dsAuth(username = input$dsAccount, password = input$dsPassword) - if (Token==1){ - values$dsToken <- "Wrong account or password" - }else{ - values$dsToken <- Token - } - values$dsToken - - }) - }) - - DSQUERYload<- eventReactive(input$dsQuery,{ - values$dsQuery <- dsQueryBuild(item = "publications", - words = input$dsWords, - full.search = input$dsFullsearch, - type = "article", - categories = input$dsCategories, - start_year = input$dsStartYear, end_year = input$dsEndYear) - dsSample <- 0 - capture.output(dsSample <- dsApiRequest(token = values$dsToken, query = values$dsQuery, limit = 0)) - if (class(dsSample)=="numeric"){ - values$dsSample <- 0 - }else{values$dsSample <- dsSample$total_count} - }) - - output$queryLog <- renderText({ - - DSQUERYload() - values$dsQuery - - }) - - output$queryLog2 <- renderText({ - DSQUERYload() - values$dsQuery - }) - - output$sampleLog <- renderText({ - DSQUERYload() - mes <- paste("Dimensions returns ",values$dsSample, " documents", collapse="",sep="") - mes - }) - - output$sampleLog2 <- renderText({ - - if (nrow(values$M)<2) {n <- 0}else{n <- nrow(values$M)} - mes <- paste("Dimensions API returns ",n, " documents", collapse="",sep="") - values$ApiOk <- 0 - return(mes) - }) - - output$sliderLimit <- renderUI({ - - sliderInput("sliderLimit", "Total document to download", min = 1, - max = values$dsSample, value = values$dsSample, step = 1) - }) - - ### API MENU: PubMed ---- - ### PubMed modal - pmModal <- function(failed = FALSE) { - modalDialog( - title = "PubMed API", - size = "l", - h4(em(strong( - "1) Generate a valid query" - ))), - textInput( - "pmQueryText", - "Search terms", - " ", - width = NULL, - placeholder = NULL - ), - numericInput("pmStartYear", "Start Year", value = 1990), - numericInput("pmEndYear", "End Year", value = as.numeric(substr(Sys.time( - ), 1, 4))), - actionButton("pmQuery", "Try the query "), - h5(tags$b("Query Translation")), - verbatimTextOutput("pmQueryLog", placeholder = FALSE), - #h5(tags$b("Generated query")), - h5(tags$b("Documents returned using your query")), - verbatimTextOutput("pmSampleLog", placeholder = FALSE), - tags$hr(), - h4(em( - strong("2) Choose how many documents to download") - )), - - uiOutput("pmSliderLimit"), - - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("pmok", "OK") - ) - ) - } - - # Show modal when button is clicked. - observeEvent(input$pmShow, { - showModal(pmModal()) - }) - - observeEvent(input$pmok, { - removeModal() - }) - - pmQUERYLOAD <- eventReactive(input$pmQuery,{ - - query = paste(input$pmQueryText,"[Title/Abstract] AND english[LA] AND Journal Article[PT] AND " - ,input$pmStartYear,":",input$pmEndYear,"[DP]", sep="") - res <- pmQueryTotalCount(query = query, api_key = NULL) - if (class(res)=="list"){ - values$pmSample <- res$total_count - values$pmQuery <- res$query_translation} - values$pmQuery <- res$query_translation - - }) - output$pmQueryLog <- renderText({ - pmQUERYLOAD() - values$pmQuery - }) - - output$pmQueryLog2 <- renderText({ - pmQUERYLOAD() - values$pmQuery - }) - - output$pmSampleLog <- renderText({ - pmQUERYLOAD() - mes <- paste("PubMed returns ",values$pmSample, " documents", collapse="",sep="") - mes - - }) - output$pmSampleLog2 <- renderText({ - if (nrow(values$M)<2) {n <- 0}else{n <- nrow(values$M)} - - mes <- paste("PubMed API returns ",n, " documents", collapse="",sep="") - values$ApiOk <- 0 - return(mes) - }) - - output$pmSliderLimit <- renderUI({ - sliderInput("pmSliderLimit", "Total document to download", min = 1, - max = values$pmSample, value = values$pmSample, step = 1) - }) - ### API MENU: Content Download ---- - APIDOWNLOAD <- eventReactive(input$apiApply,{ - values = initial(values) - values$M <- data.frame(Message="Waiting for data") - - switch(input$dbapi, - ds={ - if (input$dsWords!="") { - #capture.output( - D <- - dsApiRequest( - token = values$dsToken, - query = values$dsQuery, - limit = input$sliderLimit - ) - #) - M <- convert2df(D, "dimensions", "api") - values$ApiOk <- 1 - values$M <- M - values$Morig = M - - values$Histfield = "NA" - values$results = list("NA") - - contentTable(values) - } - }, - pubmed={ - #if (exists("input$pmQueryText")){ - if (input$pmQueryText !=" ") { - #capture.output( - D <- - pmApiRequest( - query = values$pmQuery, - limit = input$pmSliderLimit, - api_key = NULL - ) - #) - M <- convert2df(D, "pubmed", "api") - values$ApiOk <- 1 - values$M <- M - values$Morig = M - - values$Histfield = "NA" - values$results = list("NA") - - #contentTable(values) - } - - }) - }) - - - - output$apiContents <- DT::renderDT({ - APIDOWNLOAD() - contentTable(values) - #} - - }) - - ### function returns a formatted data.frame ---- - contentTable <- function(values){ - MData = as.data.frame(apply(values$M, 2, function(x) { - substring(x, 1, 150) - }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - MData$DOI <- - paste0( - '', - MData$DI, - '' - ) - nome = c("DOI", names(MData)[-length(names(MData))]) - MData = MData[nome] - DT::datatable(MData,escape = FALSE,rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list( - pageLength = 10, - dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list(list(extend = 'pageLength'), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10, 25, 50, -1), - c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows', 'Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list( - className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(MData)) - 1) - )) - ), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe' - ) %>% - formatStyle( - names(MData), - backgroundColor = 'white', - textAlign = 'center', - fontSize = '70%' - ) - } - - output$textDim <- renderUI({ - str1=paste("Documents ",dim(values$M)[1]," of ",dim(values$Morig)[1]) - str2=paste("Sources ",length(unique(values$M$SO))," of ", length(unique(values$Morig$SO))) - str3=paste("Authors ",length(unique(unlist(strsplit(values$M$AU,";"))))," of ", length(unique(unlist(strsplit(values$Morig$AU,";"))))) - HTML(paste("
",str1, str2, str3, sep = '
')) - }) - - output$selectType <- renderUI({ - - artType=sort(unique(values$Morig$DT)) - selectInput("selectType", "Document Type", - choices = artType, - selected = artType, - multiple =TRUE ) - }) - output$selectLA <- renderUI({ - - if ("LA" %in% names(values$Morig)){ - LA <- sort(unique(values$Morig$LA))} else { - values$Morig$LA <- "N.A." - LA <- "N.A." - } - selectInput("selectLA", "Language", - choices = LA, - selected = LA, - multiple =TRUE ) - }) - - output$sliderPY <- renderUI({ - - sliderInput("sliderPY", "Publication Year", min = min(values$Morig$PY,na.rm=T),sep="", - max = max(values$Morig$PY,na.rm=T), value = c(min(values$Morig$PY,na.rm=T),max(values$Morig$PY,na.rm=T))) - }) - - output$selectSource <- renderUI({ - SO=sort(unique(values$Morig$SO)) - selectInput("selectSource", "Source", - choices = SO, - selected = SO, - multiple = TRUE) - - }) - - output$sliderTCpY <- renderUI({ - Y <- as.numeric(substr(Sys.time(),1,4)) - values$Morig <- values$Morig %>% - mutate(Age = Y - .data$PY+1, - TCpY = round(.data$TC/Age,2)) %>% - group_by(.data$PY) %>% - mutate(NTC = .data$TC/mean(.data$TC, na.rm=T)) %>% - as.data.frame() - sliderInput("sliderTCpY", "Average Citation per Year", min = floor(min(values$Morig$TCpY, na.rm=T)), - max = ceiling(max(values$Morig$TCpY,na.rm=T)), step=0.1, - value = c(floor(min(values$Morig$TCpY, na.rm=T)),ceiling(max(values$Morig$TCpY,na.rm=T)))) - }) - - ## Update filtered data ---- - - DTfiltered <- eventReactive(input$applyFilter,{ - M <- values$Morig - B <- bradford(M)$table - M <- subset(M, M$PY>=input$sliderPY[1] & M$PY<=input$sliderPY[2]) - M <- subset(M, M$TCpY>=input$sliderTCpY[1] & M$TCpY<=input$sliderTCpY[2]) - M <- subset(M, M$DT %in% input$selectType) - M <- subset(M, M$LA %in% input$selectLA) - switch(input$bradfordSources, - "core"={ - SO=B$SO[B$Zone %in% "Zone 1"] - }, - "zone2"={ - SO=B$SO[B$Zone %in% c("Zone 1", "Zone 2")] - }, - "all"={SO=B$SO}) - M=M[M$SO %in% SO,] - values<-initial(values) - values$M=M - Mdisp=as.data.frame(apply(values$M,2,function(x){substring(x,1,150)}),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - if (dim(Mdisp)[1]>0){ - DT::datatable(Mdisp, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Filtered_DataTable', - title = "My Title", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Filtered_DataTable', - title = "My Title", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(Mdisp))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(Mdisp), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '70%') - }else{Mdisp=data.frame(Message="Empty collection",stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = " ")} - }) - - output$dataFiltered <- DT::renderDT({ - - DTfiltered() - - }) - - ## Main Info ---- - output$MainInfo <- DT::renderDT({ - res <- descriptive(values,type="tab1") - values <- res$values - values$TABdesc <- res$TAB - - DT::datatable(values$TABdesc, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 50, dom = 'Bfrtip',ordering=F, - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Main_Information', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Main_Information', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Main_Information', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - #lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - #columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"), - # list(width = '50px', targets = 0)), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"), - list(width = '350px', targets = 0))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(values$TABdesc)[1], backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'left', fontSize = '110%') %>% - formatStyle(names(values$TABdescb)[2], backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'right', fontSize = '110%') - }) - - - #box1 --------------- - output$Timespan <- renderValueBox({ - - #TAB <- res$TAB - TAB <- ValueBoxes(values$M) - values$TABvb <- TAB - valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Timespan", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong((TAB[TAB$Description=="Timespan", 2])), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;', align="center"), - icon = fa_i(name="hourglass"), color = "blue", - width = NULL - ) - }) - #box2 --------------- - output$au <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Authors", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Authors", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = fa_i(name="user"), color = "light-blue", - width = NULL) - }) - - - #box3 ------------ - output$kw <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Author's Keywords (DE)", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Author's Keywords (DE)", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = fa_i(name="spell-check"), color = "aqua", - width = NULL) - }) - #box4 --------------- - output$so <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p("Sources", style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Sources (Journals, Books, etc)", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = fa_i(name ="book"), color = "blue", - width = NULL) - }) - - #box5 -------------------- - output$auS1 <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Authors of single-authored docs", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Authors of single-authored docs", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = fa_i(name="pen-fancy"), color = "light-blue", - width = NULL) - }) - - #box6 ------------- - - output$cr <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="References", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="References", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = fa_i(name="file"), color = "aqua", - width = NULL) - }) - - #box7 ---------------- - - output$doc <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Documents", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Documents", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = fa_i(name="layer-group"), color = "blue", - width = NULL) - }) - #box8 --------------- - - output$col <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p(strong("International Co-Authorship"), style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="International co-authorships %", 2]," %"), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = icon("globe",lib = "glyphicon"), color = "light-blue", - width = NULL) - }) - - - #box9 --------------- - output$agePerDoc <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Document Average Age", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Document Average Age", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = fa_i(name="calendar"), color = "aqua", - width = NULL) - }) - #box10 ------------------ - output$cagr <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p(strong("Annual Growth Rate"), style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Annual Growth Rate %", 2]," %"), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = icon("arrow-up", lib="glyphicon"), color = "blue", - width = NULL) - }) - - #box11 ------ - output$coAuPerDoc <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Co-Authors per Doc", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Co-Authors per Doc", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = fa_i(name="users"), color = "light-blue", - width = NULL) - }) - - #box12 ------- - output$tc <- renderValueBox({ - TAB <- values$TABvb - valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Average citations per doc", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), - subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Average citations per doc", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), - icon = icon("volume-up", lib = "glyphicon"), color = "aqua", - width = NULL) - }) - - - ## Annual Production ---- - output$CAGR <- renderText({ - # Y=table(values$M$PY) - # ny=dim(Y)[1] - # values$GR<-round(((Y[ny]/Y[1])^(1/(ny-1))-1)*100,2) - paste0(values$GR," %") - }) - - output$AnnualProdPlot <- renderPlotly({ - res <- descriptive(values,type="tab2") - values <-res$values - Y <- values$TAB - - names(Y)=c("Year","Freq") - x <- c(max(Y$Year)-0.02-diff(range(Y$Year))*0.125, max(Y$Year)-0.02)+1 - y <- c(min(Y$Freq),min(Y$Freq)+diff(range(Y$Freq))*0.125) - - - g=ggplot2::ggplot(Y, aes(x = .data$Year, y = .data$Freq, text=paste("Year: ",.data$Year,"\nN .of Documents: ",.data$Freq))) + - geom_line(aes(group="NA")) + - geom_area(aes(group="NA"),fill = 'grey90', alpha = .5) + - labs(x = 'Year' - , y = 'Articles' - , title = "Annual Scientific Production") + - scale_x_continuous(breaks= (Y$Year[seq(1,length(Y$Year),by=2)])) + - theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444") - ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') - ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) - ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') - ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 0) - ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0) - ,axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 90) - ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ) + - annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) - values$ASPplot <- g - - #'#EFEFEF' - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.7, size=0.10) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$ASPplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("AnnualScientificProduction-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$ASPplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$ASPdpi), height = input$ASPh, width = input$ASPh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$AnnualProdTable <- DT::renderDT({ - TAB <- values$TAB - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Annual_Production', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Annual_Production', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Annual_Production', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') - - }) - - ## Annual Citation per Year ---- - output$AnnualTotCitperYearPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - if (values$results[[1]]=="NA"){ - values$results=biblioAnalysis(values$M)} - x=values$results - - # Total Citation Plot - Table2=aggregate(x$TotalCitation,by=list(x$Years),length) - Table2$xx=aggregate(x$TotalCitation,by=list(x$Years),mean)$x - Table2$Annual=NA - d=date() - d=as.numeric(substring(d,nchar(d)-3,nchar(d))) - Table2$Years=d-Table2$Group.1 - Table2$Annual=Table2$xx/Table2$Years - names(Table2)=c("Year","N","MeanTCperArt","MeanTCperYear","CitableYears") - - ## inserting missing years - YY=setdiff(seq(min(x$Years,na.rm=TRUE),max(x$Years,na.rm=TRUE)),Table2$Year) - if (length(YY>0)){ - YY=data.frame(YY,0,0,0,0) - names(YY)=c("Year","N","MeanTCperArt","MeanTCperYear","CitableYears") - Table2=rbind(Table2,YY) - Table2=Table2[order(Table2$Year),] - row.names(Table2)=Table2$Year} - - values$AnnualTotCitperYear=Table2 - Table2$group="A" - - x <- c(max(Table2$Year)-0.02-diff(range(Table2$Year))*0.125, max(Table2$Year)-0.02)+1 - y <- c(min(Table2$MeanTCperYear),min(Table2$MeanTCperYear)+diff(range(Table2$MeanTCperYear))*0.125) - - g <- ggplot(Table2, aes(x = .data$Year, y =.data$MeanTCperYear,text=paste("Year: ",.data$Year,"\nAverage Citations per Year: ",round(.data$MeanTCperYear,1)))) + - geom_line(aes(x = .data$Year, y = .data$MeanTCperYear, group=.data$group)) + - geom_area(aes(x = .data$Year, y = .data$MeanTCperYear, group=.data$group),fill = 'grey90', alpha = .5) + - labs(x = 'Year' - , y = 'Citations' - , title = "Average Article Citations per Year")+ - scale_x_continuous(breaks= (Table2$Year[seq(1,length(Table2$Year),by=2)])) + - theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444") - ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') - ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) - ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') - ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 0) - ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0) - ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ) + - annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) - values$ACpYplot <- g - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.7, size=0.10) - }) - - output$ACpYplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("AverageArticleCitationPerYear-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$ACpYplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$ACpYdpi), height = input$ACpYh, width = input$ACpYh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$AnnualTotCitperYearTable <- DT::renderDT({ - - TAB <- values$AnnualTotCitperYear - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Annual_Total_Citation_per_Year', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Annual_Total_Citation_per_Year', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Annual_Total_Citation_per_Year', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% - formatRound(names(TAB)[c(3:4)], digits=2) - - }) - - ## Three Fields Plot ---- - TFP <- eventReactive(input$apply3F,{ - fields=c(input$LeftField, input$CentralField, input$RightField) - threeFieldsPlot(values$M, fields=fields,n=c(input$LeftFieldn, input$CentralFieldn,input$RightFieldn)) - }) - - output$ThreeFieldsPlot <- renderPlotly({ - TFP() - }) - - # SOURCES MENU ---- - ## Most Relevant Sources ---- - MRSources <- eventReactive(input$applyMRSources,{ - res <- descriptive(values,type="tab7") - values <-res$values - values$TABSo<-values$TAB - #xx=as.data.frame(values$results$Sources) - xx<- values$TAB - if (input$MostRelSourcesK>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=input$MostRelSourcesK} - xx <- xx %>% - slice_head(n=k) - #xx=xx[1:k,] - #xx=subset(xx, row.names(xx) %in% row.names(xx)[1:k]) - #xx$Articles=as.numeric(xx$Articles) - xx$Sources=substr(xx$Sources,1,50) - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Sources", textLabx = "N. of Documents", title = "Most Relevant Sources") - - values$MRSplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$MRSplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostRelevantSources-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MRSplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MRSdpi), height = input$MRSh, width = input$MRSh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - - output$MostRelSourcesPlot <- renderPlotly({ - g <- MRSources() - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.1, size=0.10) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - - output$MostRelSourcesTable <- DT::renderDT({ - - g <- MRSources() - - TAB <- values$TABSo - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Sources', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Sources', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Sources', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') - - }) - - ## Most Local Cited Sources ---- - MLCSources <- eventReactive(input$applyMLCSources,{ - values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,"CR_SO") - TAB=tableTag(values$M,"CR_SO") - TAB=data.frame(Sources=names(TAB),Articles=as.numeric(TAB),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - values$TABSoCit<-TAB - #xx=as.data.frame(values$results$Sources) - xx<- TAB - if (input$MostRelCitSourcesK>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=input$MostRelCitSourcesK} - #xx=xx[1:k,] - xx=subset(xx, row.names(xx) %in% row.names(xx)[1:k]) - xx$Articles=as.numeric(xx$Articles) - xx$Sources=substr(xx$Sources,1,50) - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Cited Sources", textLabx = "N. of Local Citations", title = "Most Local Cited Sources") - - values$MLCSplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$MLCSplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostLocalCitedSources-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MLCSplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MLCSdpi), height = input$MLCSh, width = input$MLCSh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$MostRelCitSourcesPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - g <- MLCSources() - - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$MostRelCitSourcesTable <- DT::renderDT({ - - g <- MLCSources() - TAB <- values$TABSoCit - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Cited_Sources', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Cited_Sources', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Cited_Sources', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') - - }) - ## Bradford's Law ---- - output$bradfordPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - values$bradford=bradford(values$M) - plot.ly(values$bradford$graph,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.6, size=0.15) - - })#,height = 600) - - output$BLplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("BradfordLaws-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$bradford$graph, dpi = as.numeric(input$BLdpi), height = input$BLh, width = input$BLh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$bradfordTable <- DT::renderDT({ - - DT::datatable(values$bradford$table, rownames = FALSE, - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Bradford_Law', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Bradford_Law', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Bradford_Law', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$bradford$table))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(values$bradford$table), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') - }) - ## Sources' Impact ---- - Hsource <- eventReactive(input$applyHsource,{ - withProgress(message = 'Calculation in progress', - value = 0, { - res <- Hindex_plot(values,type="source") - }) - values$SIplot <- res$g - plot.ly(res$g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) - }) - - output$SIplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("SourceImpact-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$SIplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$SIdpi), height = input$SIh, width = input$SIh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$SourceHindexPlot <- renderPlotly({ - Hsource() - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$SourceHindexTable <- DT::renderDT({ - - DT::datatable(values$H, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Source_Impact', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Source_Impact', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Source_Impact', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$H))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(values$H), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') %>% - formatRound(names(values$H)[4], digits=3) - - }) - ## Source Growth ---- - SOGrowth <- eventReactive(input$applySOGrowth,{ - #if (input$SOse=="Yes"){se=TRUE}else{se=FALSE} - - if (input$cumSO=="Cum"){ - cdf=TRUE - laby="Cumulate occurrences" - }else{ - cdf=FALSE - laby="Annual occurrences"} - - values$PYSO=sourceGrowth(values$M,input$topSO[2], cdf=cdf) - if (input$topSO[1]>1){ - values$PYSO <- values$PYSO[-c(2:(input$topSO[1]))] - } - - term=names(values$PYSO)[-1] - - term=rep(term,each=dim(values$PYSO)[1]) - n=dim(values$PYSO)[1]*(dim(values$PYSO)[2]-1) - freq=matrix(as.matrix(values$PYSO[,-1]),n,1) - values$SODF=data.frame(Year=rep(values$PYSO$Year,(dim(values$PYSO)[2]-1)),Source=term, Freq=freq, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) - - Text <- paste(values$SODF$Source," (",values$SODF$Year,") ",values$SODF$Freq, sep="") - - width_scale <- 1.7 * 26 / length(unique(values$SODF$Source)) - - x <- c(max(values$SODF$Year)-0.02-diff(range(values$SODF$Year))*0.15, max(values$SODF$Year)-0.02)+1 - y <- c(min(values$SODF$Freq),min(values$SODF$Freq)+diff(range(values$SODF$Freq))*0.15) - - g=ggplot(values$SODF, aes(x=values$SODF$Year,y=values$SODF$Freq, group=values$SODF$Source, color=values$SODF$Source, text=Text))+ - geom_line()+ - labs(x = 'Year' - , y = laby - , title = "Source Growth") + - scale_x_continuous(breaks= (values$PYSO$Year[seq(1,length(values$PYSO$Year),by=ceiling(length(values$PYSO$Year)/20))])) + - geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), alpha=0.1)+ - labs(color = "Source")+ - #guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 5))+ - theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444"), - legend.text=ggplot2::element_text(size=width_scale), - legend.box.margin = margin(6, 6, 6, 6), - legend.title=ggplot2::element_text(size=1.5*width_scale,face="bold"), - legend.position="bottom", - legend.direction = "vertical", - legend.key.size = grid::unit(width_scale/50, "inch"), - legend.key.width = grid::unit(width_scale/50, "inch") - ,plot.caption = element_text(size = 9, hjust = 0.5, color = "black", face = "bold") - ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') - ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) - ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') - ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 90) - ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0.95, angle = 0) - ,axis.text.x = element_text(size=10, angle = 90) - ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ) + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) - - values$SDplot <- g - return(g) - #suppressWarnings(plot(g)) - }) - - output$SDplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("SourceDynamics-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$SDplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$SDdpi), height = input$SDh, width = input$SDh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$soGrowthPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - g <- SOGrowth() - - leg <- list( - orientation = 'h', - y = -0.15, - font = list( - family = "sans-serif", - size = 10, - color = "#000"), - bgcolor = "#FFFFFF", - bordercolor = "#FFFFFF", - borderwidth = 2) - - plot.ly(g, flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.8, size=0.10) %>% - layout(legend = leg) %>% - config(displaylogo = FALSE, - modeBarButtonsToRemove = c( - 'sendDataToCloud', - 'pan2d', - 'select2d', - 'lasso2d', - 'toggleSpikelines' - )) %>% - layout(hovermode = 'compare') - #suppressWarnings(plot(g)) - - - #}, width = "auto", height = reactive(ifelse(!is.null(input$innerWidth),input$innerWidth*2/5,0)), res = 150) #height = 600, width = 900) - }) - - output$soGrowthtable <- DT::renderDT({ - - g <- SOGrowth() - - soData=values$PYSO - - DT::datatable(soData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Source_Dynamics', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Source_Dynamics', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Source_Dynamics', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(soData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(soData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - }) - - # AUTHORS MENU ---- - ## Most Relevant Authors ---- - MRAuthors <- eventReactive(input$applyMRAuthors,{ - res <- descriptive(values,type="tab3") - values <-res$values - values$TABAu<-values$TAB - - #xx=as.data.frame(values$results$Authors, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - xx=values$TABAu - switch(input$AuFreqMeasure, - t={ - lab="N. of Documents" - xx=xx[,1:2] - }, - p={xx=xx[,1:2] - xx[,2]=as.numeric(xx[,2])/dim(values$M)[1]*100 - lab="N. of Documents (in %)" - }, - f={ - xx=xx[,c(1,3)] - lab="N. of Documents (Fractionalized)" - }) - - xx[,2]=as.numeric(xx[,2]) - - if (input$MostRelAuthorsK>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=input$MostRelAuthorsK} - - xx=xx[1:k,] - xx[,2]=round(xx[,2],1) - - xx <- xx[order(-xx[,2]),] - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Authors", textLabx = lab, title = "Most Relevant Authors") - - values$MRAplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$MRAplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostRelevantAuthors-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MRAplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MRAdpi), height = input$MRAh, width = input$MRAh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$MostRelAuthorsPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - g <- MRAuthors() - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$MostRelAuthorsTable <- DT::renderDT({ - - TAB <- values$TABAu - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Authors', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Authors', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Authors', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% - formatRound(names(TAB)[3], digits=2) - - }) - ## Most Cited Authors ---- - MLCAuthors <- eventReactive(input$applyMLCAuthors,{ - res <- descriptive(values,type="tab13") - values <-res$values - values$TABAuCit<-values$TAB - - #xx=as.data.frame(values$results$Authors, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - xx <- values$TABAuCit - lab <- "Local Citations" - xx[,2]=as.numeric(xx[,2]) - - if (input$MostCitAuthorsK>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=input$MostCitAuthorsK} - - xx=xx[1:k,] - xx[,2]=round(xx[,2],1) - - xx <- xx[order(-xx[,2]),] - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Authors", textLabx = lab, title = "Most Local Cited Authors") - - values$MLCAplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$MLCAplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostLocalCitedAuthors-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MLCAplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MLCAdpi), height = input$MLCAh, width = input$MLCAh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$MostCitAuthorsPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - g <- MLCAuthors() - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$MostCitAuthorsTable <- DT::renderDT({ - - TAB <- values$TABAuCit - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Authors', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Authors', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Authors', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') - - }) - ## Authors' Impact ---- - HAuthors <- eventReactive(input$applyHAuthors,{ - withProgress(message = 'Calculation in progress', - value = 0, { - res <- Hindex_plot(values,type="author") - }) - values$AIplot <- res$g - return(res) - }) - - output$AIplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("AuthorImpact-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$AIplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$AIdpi), height = input$AIh, width = input$AIh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$AuthorHindexPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - res <- HAuthors() - plot.ly(res$g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) - - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$AuthorHindexTable <- DT::renderDT({ - - DT::datatable(values$H, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Author_Impact', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Author_Impact', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Author_Impact', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$H))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(values$H), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') %>% - formatRound(names(values$H)[4], 3) - - }) - ## Authors Production Over Time ---- - AUoverTime <- eventReactive(input$applyAUoverTime,{ - values$AUProdOverTime <- authorProdOverTime(values$M, k=input$TopAuthorsProdK, graph=FALSE) - }) - - output$APOTplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("AuthorsProductionOverTime-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$AUProdOverTime$graph, dpi = as.numeric(input$APOTdpi), height = input$APOTh, width = input$APOTh*2.5, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$TopAuthorsProdPlot <- renderPlotly({ - AUoverTime() - - plot.ly(values$AUProdOverTime$graph, flip=TRUE, side="l", aspectratio=1) - - - })#, height = 550, width =1100) - - output$TopAuthorsProdTable <- DT::renderDT({ - AUoverTime() - - TAB <- values$AUProdOverTime$dfAU - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% - formatRound(names(TAB)[dim(TAB)[2]], 3) - - }) - - output$TopAuthorsProdTablePapers <- DT::renderDT({ - AUoverTime() - TAB <- values$AUProdOverTime$dfPapersAU - TAB$DOI=paste0('',TAB$DOI,'') - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, escape = FALSE,extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% - formatRound(names(TAB)[dim(TAB)[2]], 3) - - }) - ## Lotka Law ---- - output$lotkaPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - values$lotka=lotka(biblioAnalysis(values$M)) - AuProd=values$lotka$AuthorProd - AuProd$Theoretical=10^(log10(values$lotka$C)-2*log10(AuProd[,1])) - AuProd$Theoretical=AuProd$Theoretical/sum(AuProd$Theoretical) - - x <- c(max(AuProd$N.Articles)-0.02-diff(range(AuProd$N.Articles))*0.125, max(AuProd$N.Articles)-0.02)+1 - y <- c(min(AuProd$Freq*100),min(AuProd$Freq*100)+diff(range(AuProd$Freq*100))*0.125) - - g=ggplot2::ggplot(AuProd, aes(x = .data$N.Articles, y = .data$Freq*100, text=paste("N.Articles: ",.data$N.Articles,"\n% of production: ",round(.data$Freq*100,1)))) + - geom_line(aes(group="NA")) + - geom_area(aes(group="NA"),fill = 'grey90', alpha = .5) + - geom_line(data=AuProd, aes(y=.data$Theoretical*100, group="NA"),linetype = "dashed",color="black",alpha=0.8)+ - xlim(0,max(AuProd$N.Articles)+1)+ - labs(x = 'Documents written' - , y = '% of Authors' - , title = "The Frequency Distribution of Scientific Productivity") + - #scale_x_continuous(breaks= (Y$Year[seq(1,length(Y$Year),by=2)])) + - theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444") - ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') - ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) - ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') - ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 0) - ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0) - ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ) + - annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) - values$LLplot <- g - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.4, size=0.10) - - })#,height = 600) - - output$LLplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("LotkaLaw-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$LLplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$LLdpi), height = input$LLh, width = input$LLh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$lotkaTable <- DT::renderDT({ - names(values$lotka$AuthorProd)=c("Documents written","N. of Authors","Proportion of Authors") - DT::datatable(values$lotka$AuthorProd, rownames = FALSE, - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Lotka_Law', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Lotka_Law', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Lotka_Law', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$lotka$AuthorProd))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(values$lotka$AuthorProd), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') %>% - formatRound(names(values$lotka$AuthorProd)[3], 3) - }) - - - # Affiliations ---- - ## Most Relevant Affliations ---- - MRAffiliations <- eventReactive(input$applyMRAffiliations,{ - if (input$disAff=="Y"){ - res <- descriptive(values,type="tab11") - }else{ - res <- descriptive(values,type="tab12") - } - xx=values$TAB - names(xx)=c("AFF","Freq") - values <-res$values - values$TABAff <- values$TAB - - - if (input$MostRelAffiliationsK>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=input$MostRelAffiliationsK} - - xx=xx[1:k,] - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Affiliations", textLabx = "Articles", title = "Most Relevant Affiliations") - - values$AFFplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$AFFplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostRelevantAffiliations-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$AFFplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$AFFdpi), height = input$AFFh, width = input$AFFh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$MostRelAffiliationsPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - g <- MRAffiliations() - - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1, size=0.15) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$MostRelAffiliationsTable <- DT::renderDT({ - g <- MRAffiliations() - - TAB <- values$TABAff - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Affiliations', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Affiliations', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Affiliations', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') - - }) - - - # Countries ---- - ## Country by Corresponding Authors ---- - CAUCountries <- eventReactive(input$applyCAUCountries,{ - res <- descriptive(values,type="tab5") - values <-res$values - values$TABCo <- values$TAB - - k=input$MostRelCountriesK - xx <- values$TABCo %>% slice_head(n=k) %>% - select(.data$Country,.data$SCP,.data$MCP) - xx=xx[order(-(xx$SCP+xx$MCP)),] - xx1=cbind(xx[,1:2],rep("SCP",k)) - names(xx1)=c("Country","Freq","Collaboration") - xx2=cbind(xx[,c(1,3)],rep("MCP",k)) - names(xx2)=c("Country","Freq","Collaboration") - xx=rbind(xx2,xx1) - xx$Country=factor(xx$Country,levels=xx$Country[1:dim(xx2)[1]]) - - xx2 <- xx %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$Country) %>% - dplyr::summarize(Freq = sum(.data$Freq)) - - #x <- c(length(levels(xx2$Country))*(1-0.125)-0.02, length(levels(xx2$Country))-0.02) - x <- c(0.5,0.5+length(levels(xx2$Country))*0.125)+1 - y <- c(max(xx2$Freq)-0.02-diff(range(xx2$Freq))*0.125,max(xx2$Freq)-0.02) - - g=suppressWarnings(ggplot2::ggplot(data=xx, aes(x=.data$Country, y=.data$Freq,fill=.data$Collaboration, text=paste("Country: ",.data$Country,"\nN.of Documents: ",.data$Freq))) + - geom_bar(aes(group="NA"),stat="identity")+ - scale_x_discrete(limits = rev(levels(xx$Country)))+ - scale_fill_discrete(name="Collaboration", - breaks=c("SCP","MCP"))+ - labs(title = "Corresponding Author's Country", x = "Countries", y = "N. of Documents", - caption = "SCP: Single Country Publications, MCP: Multiple Country Publications")+ - #theme_minimal() - theme(plot.caption = element_text(size = 9, hjust = 0.5, - color = "blue", face = "italic") - ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') - #,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) - ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') - ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 0) - ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0) - ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - #,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - )+ - coord_flip()) + - annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) - - values$MRCOplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$MRCOplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostRelevantCountries-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MRCOplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MRCOdpi), height = input$MRCOh, width = input$MRCOh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$MostRelCountriesPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - g <- CAUCountries() - - plot.ly(g,flip=T, side="r", aspectratio=1.4, size=0.10, data.type=1) - - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$MostRelCountriesTable <- DT::renderDT({ - g <- CAUCountries() - - TAB <- values$TABCo - # TAB=format(TAB,justify="left",digits=3) - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Countries_By_Corresponding_Author', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Countries_By_Corresponding_Author', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Relevant_Countries_By_Corresponding_Author', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% - formatRound(names(TAB)[5], digits=3) %>% - formatRound(names(TAB)[6], digits=3) - - }) - - ## Country Production ---- - output$countryProdPlot <- renderPlotly({ - values$mapworld<-mapworld(values$M) - plot.ly(values$mapworld$g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.7, size=0.07, data.type=1,height=15) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$CSPplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("CountryScientificProduction-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$mapworld$g, dpi = as.numeric(input$CSPdpi), height = input$CSPh, width = input$CSPh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$countryProdTable <- DT::renderDT({ - - TAB <- values$mapworld$tab - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Country_Production', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Country_Production', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Country_Production', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') - - }) - ## Most Cited Country ---- - MCCountries <- eventReactive(input$applyMCCountries,{ - res <- descriptive(values,type="tab6") - values <-res$values - values$TABCitCo <- values$TAB - - xx=values$TAB - xx[,2]=as.numeric(xx[,2]) - xx[,3]=as.numeric(xx[,3]) - if (input$MostCitCountriesK>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=input$MostRelAffiliationsK} - if (input$CitCountriesMeasure=="TC"){ - xx=xx[1:k,c(1,2)] - laby="N. of Citations" - } else { - xx=xx[order(-xx[,3]),] - xx=xx[1:k,c(1,3)] - laby="N. of Citations per Year" - } - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Countries", textLabx = laby, title = "Most Cited Countries") - - values$MCCplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$MCCplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostCitedCountries-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MCCplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MCCdpi), height = input$MCCh, width = input$MCCh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$MostCitCountriesPlot <- renderPlotly({ - g <- MCCountries() - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$MostCitCountriesTable <- DT::renderDT({ - g <- MCCountries() - TAB <- values$TABCitCo - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Cited_Countries', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Cited_Countries', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Cited_Countries', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% - formatRound(names(TAB)[3], 2) - - }) - - - # DOCUMENTS MENU ---- - ## Most Global Cited Documents ---- - - MGCDocuments <- eventReactive(input$applyMGCDocuments,{ - res <- descriptive(values,type="tab4") - values <-res$values - values$TABGlobDoc <- values$TAB - - if (input$CitDocsMeasure=="TC"){ - xx <- values$TABGlobDoc %>% select(1,3) - lab="Global Citations"} else { - xx <- values$TABGlobDoc %>% select(1,4) - lab="Global Citations per Year" - } - - if (input$MostCitDocsK>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=input$MostCitDocsK} - - xx=xx[1:k,] - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Documents", textLabx = lab, title = "Most Global Cited Documents") - - values$MGCDplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$MGCDplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostGlobalCitedDocuments-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MGCDplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MGCDdpi), height = input$MGCDh, width = input$MGCDh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$MostCitDocsPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - g <- MGCDocuments() - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1, size=0.10) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$MostCitDocsTable <- DT::renderDT({ - g <- MGCDocuments() - TAB <- values$TABGlobDoc - TAB$DOI<- paste0('',TAB$DOI,'') - DT::datatable(TAB, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Global_Cited_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Global_Cited_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Global_Cited_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% - formatRound(names(TAB)[4], 2) %>% - formatRound(names(TAB)[5], 2) - - }) - ## Most Local Cited Documents ---- - MLCDocuments <- eventReactive(input$applyMLCDocuments,{ - withProgress(message = 'Calculation in progress', - value = 0, { - TAB <-localCitations(values$M, fast.search=FALSE, sep = input$LocCitSep)$Paper - TAB <- TAB %>% - group_by(.data$Year) %>% - mutate(Ratio = .data$LCS/.data$GCS*100, - NLCS = .data$LCS/mean(.data$LCS), - NGCS = .data$GCS/mean(.data$GCS)) %>% - ungroup() %>% - as.data.frame() - - }) - - xx=data.frame(Document=as.character(TAB[,1]), DOI=as.character(TAB[,2]), Year=TAB[,3], - "Local Citations"=TAB[,4], "Global Citations"=TAB[,5],"LC/GC Ratio"=TAB[6], - "Normalized Local Citations"=TAB[,7],"Normalized Global Citations"=TAB[,8], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - values$TABLocDoc=xx - - if (input$MostLocCitDocsK>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=input$MostLocCitDocsK} - - xx=xx[1:k,] - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=4,y=1, textLaby = "Documents", textLabx = "Local Citations", title = "Most Local Cited Documents") - - values$MLCDplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$MLCDplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostLocalCitedDocuments-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MLCDplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MLCDdpi), height = input$MLCDh, width = input$MLCDh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$MostLocCitDocsPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - g <- MLCDocuments() - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1, size=0.10) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$MostLocCitDocsTable <- DT::renderDT({ - - TAB <- values$TABLocDoc - TAB$DOI <- paste0('',TAB$DOI,'') - - names(TAB)[4:8] <- c("Local Citations", "Global Citations","LC/GC Ratio (%)", "Normalized Local Citations","Normalized Global Citations") - DT::datatable(TAB, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% - formatRound(names(TAB)[c(6:8)], digits=2) - - }) - - ## Most Local Cited References ---- - MLCReferences <- eventReactive(input$applyMLCReferences,{ - CR=citations(values$M,sep=input$CitRefsSep)$Cited - TAB=data.frame(names(CR),as.numeric(CR),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - names(TAB)=c("Cited References", "Citations") - values$TABCitRef=TAB - - xx=values$TABCitRef - if (input$MostCitRefsK>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=input$MostCitRefsK} - - xx=xx[1:k,] - #xx[,1]=substr(xx[,1],1,50) - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "References", textLabx = "Local Citations", title = "Most Local Cited References") - - values$MLCRplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$MLCRplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostLocalCitedReferences-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MLCRplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MLCRdpi), height = input$MLCRh, width = input$MLCRh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$MostCitRefsPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - g <- MLCReferences() - plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=0.6, size=0.20) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$MostCitRefsTable <- DT::renderDT({ - g <- MLCReferences() - TAB <- values$TABCitRef - - TAB$link <- trimES(gsub("[[:punct:]]" , " ",reduceRefs(TAB[,1]))) - - - TAB$link <- paste0('','link','') - - TAB=TAB[,c(3,1,2)] - names(TAB)[1]="Google Scholar" - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, escape=FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_References', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_References', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_References', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') - - }) - ## Reference Spectroscopy ---- - RPYS <- eventReactive(input$applyRPYS,{ - - timespan <- c(-Inf,Inf) - if (!is.na(input$rpysMinYear)){ - timespan[1] <- input$rpysMinYear - } - if (!is.na(input$rpysMaxYear)){ - timespan[2] <- input$rpysMaxYear - } - values$res <- rpys(values$M, sep=input$rpysSep, timespan=timespan, graph=FALSE) - }) - - output$RSplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("ReferenceSpectroscopy-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$res$spectroscopy, dpi = as.numeric(input$RSdpi), height = input$RSh, width = input$RSh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$rpysPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - RPYS() - plot.ly(values$res$spectroscopy, side="l", aspectratio = 1.3, size=0.10) - - })#,height = 600, width = 900) - - output$rpysTable <- DT::renderDT({ - RPYS() - rpysData=values$res$rpysTable - - DT::datatable(rpysData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'RPYS', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'RPYS', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'RPYS', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(rpysData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(rpysData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$crTable <- DT::renderDT({ - RPYS() - crData=values$res$CR - crData$link <- paste0('','link','') - - crData=crData[order(-as.numeric(crData$Year),-crData$Freq),] - names(crData)=c("Year", "Reference", "Local Citations", "Google link") - crData <- crData[,c(1,4,2,3)] - DT::datatable(crData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'RPYS_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'RPYS_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'RPYS_Documents', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(crData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(crData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - - # Words ---- - ## Most Frequent Words ---- - MFWords <- eventReactive(input$applyMFWords,{ - if (input$MostRelWords %in% c("TI","AB")){ - ngrams <- as.numeric(input$MRWngrams) - }else{ - ngrams <- 1 - } - - ### load file with terms to remove - if (input$MostRelWordsStopFile=="Y"){ - remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$MostRelWordsStop, sep=input$MostRelWordsSep)) - }else{remove.terms <- NULL} - values$MRWremove.terms <- remove.terms - ### end of block - - ### load file with synonyms - if (input$MRWSynFile=="Y"){ - synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$MRWSyn, sep=input$MRWSynSep)) - }else{synonyms <- NULL} - values$MRWsyn.terms <- synonyms - ### end of block - - WR=wordlist(values$M,Field=input$MostRelWords,n=Inf,measure="identity", ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms)$v - - TAB=data.frame(names(WR),as.numeric(WR),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - names(TAB)=c("Words", "Occurrences") - values$TABWord=TAB - - xx=values$TABWord - if (input$MostRelWordsN>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=input$MostRelWordsN} - - xx=xx[1:k,] - switch(input$MostRelWords, - ID={lab="Keywords Plus"}, - DE={lab="Author's Keywords"}, - TI={lab="Title's Words"}, - AB={lab="Abstract's Words"}) - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = lab, textLabx = "Occurrences", title = "Most Relevant Words") - - values$MRWplot <- g - return(g) - - }) - - output$MostRelWordsStopPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$MRWremove.terms) | exists("values$MRWremove.terms")){ - strPreview(values$MRWremove.terms, input$MostRelWordsSep) - }else{ - strPreview(" ", input$MostRelWordsSep) - } - }) - - output$MRWSynPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$MRWsyn.terms) | exists("values$MRWsyn.terms")){ - strSynPreview(values$MRWsyn.terms) - }else{ - strSynPreview(" ; ") - } - }) - - output$MRWplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostRelevantWords-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MRWplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MRWdpi), height = input$MRWh, width = input$MRWh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$MostRelWordsPlot <- renderPlotly({ - g <- MFWords() - plot.ly(g, side="r", aspectratio = 1.3, size=0.10) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - output$MostRelWordsTable <- DT::renderDT({ - g <- MFWords() - - TAB <- values$TABWord - - DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') - - }) - ## WordCloud ---- - WordCloud <- eventReactive(input$applyWordCloud,{ - - if (input$summaryTerms %in% c("TI","AB")){ - ngrams <- as.numeric(input$summaryTermsngrams) - }else{ - ngrams <- 1 - } - - ### load file with terms to remove - if (input$WCStopFile=="Y"){ - remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$WCStop, sep=input$WCSep)) - }else{remove.terms <- NULL} - values$WCremove.terms <- remove.terms - ### end of block - - ### load file with synonyms - if (input$WCSynFile=="Y"){ - synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$WCSyn, sep=input$WCSynSep)) - }else{synonyms <- NULL} - values$WCsyn.terms <- synonyms - ### end of block - print(values$WCsyn.terms ) - - resW=wordlist(M=values$M, Field=input$summaryTerms, n=input$n_words, measure=input$measure, ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = values$WCsyn.terms) - - W=resW$W - values$Words=resW$Words - - wordcloud2::wordcloud2(W, size = input$scale, minSize = 0, gridSize = input$padding, - fontFamily = input$font, fontWeight = 'normal', - color = input$wcCol, backgroundColor = "white", #input$wcBGCol, - minRotation = 0, maxRotation = input$rotate/10, shuffle = TRUE, - rotateRatio = 0.7, shape = input$wcShape, ellipticity = input$ellipticity, - widgetsize = NULL, figPath = NULL, hoverFunction = NULL) - }) - output$wordcloud <- wordcloud2::renderWordcloud2({ - - WordCloud() - }) - - ## TreeMap ---- - TreeMap <- eventReactive(input$applyTreeMap,{ - if (input$treeTerms %in% c("TI","AB")){ - ngrams <- as.numeric(input$treeTermsngrams) - }else{ - ngrams <- 1 - } - ### load file with terms to remove - if (input$TreeMapStopFile=="Y"){ - remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$TreeMapStop, sep=input$TreeMapSep)) - }else{remove.terms <- NULL} - values$TreeMapremove.terms <- remove.terms - ### end of block - ### load file with synonyms - if (input$TreeMapSynFile=="Y"){ - synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$TreeMapSyn, sep=input$TreeMapSynSep)) - }else{synonyms <- NULL} - values$TreeMapsyn.terms <- synonyms - ### end of block - - resW=wordlist(M=values$M, Field=input$treeTerms, n=input$treen_words, measure="identity", ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - - W=resW$W - values$TreeMap <- plot_ly( - type='treemap', - labels=W[,1], - parents="Tree", - values= W[,2], - textinfo="label+value+percent entry", - domain=list(column=0)) - - values$WordsT=resW$Words - return(resW$Words) - - }) - - output$treemap <- renderPlotly({ - TreeMap() - values$TreeMap - }) - - output$TreeMapStopPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$TreeMapremove.terms) | exists("values$TreeMapremove.terms")){ - strPreview(values$TreeMapremove.terms, input$TreeMapSep) - }else{ - strPreview(" ", input$TreeMapSep) - } - }) - - output$TreeMapSynPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$TreeMapsyn.terms) | exists("values$TreeMapsyn.terms")){ - strSynPreview(values$TreeMapsyn.terms) - }else{ - strSynPreview(" ") - } - }) - - - output$wordTable <- DT::renderDT({ - WordCloud() - - DT::datatable(values$Words, rownames = FALSE, - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$Words))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(values$Words), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') - }) - - output$treeTable <- DT::renderDT({ - WordsT <- TreeMap() - - DT::datatable(values$WordsT, rownames = FALSE, - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$WordsT))-1)))), - class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% - formatStyle(names(values$WordsT), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') - - },height = 600, width = 900) - ## Word Dynamics ---- - WDynamics <- eventReactive(input$applyWD,{ - if (input$cumTerms=="Cum"){ - cdf=TRUE - laby="Cumulate occurrences" - }else{ - cdf=FALSE - laby="Annual occurrences"} - #if (input$se=="Yes"){se=TRUE}else{se=FALSE} - - ### load file with terms to remove - if (input$WDStopFile=="Y"){ - remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$WDStop, sep=input$WDSep)) - }else{remove.terms <- NULL} - values$WDremove.terms <- remove.terms - ### end of block - ### load file with synonyms - if (input$WDSynFile=="Y"){ - synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$WDSyn, sep=input$WDSynSep)) - }else{synonyms <- NULL} - values$WDsyn.terms <- synonyms - ### end of block - - switch(input$growthTerms, - ID={ - KW=KeywordGrowth(values$M, Tag = "ID", sep = ";", top = input$topkw[2], cdf = cdf, remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - - }, - DE={ - KW=KeywordGrowth(values$M, Tag = "DE", sep = ";", top = input$topkw[2], cdf = cdf, remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - }, - TI={ - #if (!("TI_TM" %in% names(values$M))){ - values$M=termExtraction(values$M,Field = "TI", verbose=FALSE, ngrams=as.numeric(input$growthTermsngrams), remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - #} - KW=KeywordGrowth(values$M, Tag = "TI_TM", sep = ";", top = input$topkw[2], cdf = cdf) - }, - AB={ - #if (!("AB_TM" %in% names(values$M))){ - values$M=termExtraction(values$M,Field = "AB", verbose=FALSE, ngrams=as.numeric(input$growthTermsngrams), remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - #} - KW=KeywordGrowth(values$M, Tag = "AB_TM", sep = ";", top = input$topkw[2], cdf = cdf) - } - ) - - values$KW=KW[,c(1,seq(input$topkw[1],input$topkw[2])+1)] - - term=names(values$KW)[-1] - term=rep(term,each=dim(values$KW)[1]) - n=dim(values$KW)[1]*(dim(values$KW)[2]-1) - freq=matrix(as.matrix(values$KW[,-1]),n,1) - values$DF=data.frame(Year=rep(values$KW$Year,(dim(values$KW)[2]-1)),Term=term, Freq=freq, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) - - width_scale <- 2.5 * 26 / length(unique(values$DF$Term)) - - Text <- paste(values$DF$Term," (",values$DF$Year,") ",values$DF$Freq, sep="") - - x <- c(max(values$DF$Year)-0.02-diff(range(values$SO$Year))*0.20, max(values$DF$Year)-0.02)-1 - y <- c(min(values$DF$Freq),min(values$DF$Freq)+diff(range(values$DF$Freq))*0.20) - - g <- ggplot(values$DF, aes(x=.data$Year,y=.data$Freq, group=.data$Term, color=.data$Term, text = Text))+ - geom_line()+ - labs(x = 'Year' - , y = laby - , title = "Word Growth") + - #ylim(0, NA) + - scale_x_continuous(breaks= (values$KW$Year[seq(1,length(values$KW$Year),by=ceiling(length(values$KW$Year)/20))])) + - geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), alpha=0.1)+ - labs(color = "Term")+ - #guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 5))+ - theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444"), - legend.text=ggplot2::element_text(size=width_scale), - legend.box.margin = margin(6, 6, 6, 6), - legend.title=ggplot2::element_text(size=1.5*width_scale,face="bold"), - legend.position="bottom", - legend.direction = "vertical", - legend.key.size = grid::unit(width_scale/50, "inch"), - legend.key.width = grid::unit(width_scale/50, "inch") - ,plot.caption = element_text(size = 9, hjust = 0.5, color = "black", face = "bold") - ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') - ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) - ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') - ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 90) - ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0.95, angle = 0) - ,axis.text.x = element_text(size=10, angle = 90) - ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ) + - annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) - - values$WDplot <- g - return(g) - }) - - output$WDStopPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$WDremove.terms) | exists("values$WDremove.terms")){ - strPreview(values$WDremove.terms) - }else{ - strPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$WDSynPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$WDsyn.terms) | exists("values$WDsyn.terms")){ - strSynPreview(values$WDsyn.terms) - }else{ - strSynPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$WDplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("WordDynamics-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$WDplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$WDdpi), height = input$WDh, width = input$WDh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$kwGrowthPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - g <- WDynamics() - - leg <- list( - orientation = 'h', - y = -0.15, - font = list( - family = "sans-serif", - size = 10, - color = "#000"), - bgcolor = "#FFFFFF", - bordercolor = "#FFFFFF", - borderwidth = 2) - - plot.ly(g, flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.6, size=0.10) %>% - layout(legend = leg) %>% - config(displaylogo = FALSE, - modeBarButtonsToRemove = c( - 'sendDataToCloud', - 'pan2d', - 'select2d', - 'lasso2d', - 'toggleSpikelines' - )) %>% - layout(hovermode = 'compare') - - #}, width = "auto", height = reactive(ifelse(!is.null(input$innerWidth),input$innerWidth*2/5,0)), res = 150) #height = 600, width = 900) - }) - - output$kwGrowthtable <- DT::renderDT({ - g <- WDynamics() - kwData=values$KW - - DT::datatable(kwData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Word_Dynamics', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Word_Dynamics', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Word_Dynamics', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(kwData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(kwData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - }) - - ## Trend Topics ---- - output$trendSliderPY <- renderUI({ - - sliderInput("trendSliderPY", "Timespan", min = min(values$M$PY,na.rm=T),sep="", - max = max(values$M$PY,na.rm=T), value = c(min(values$M$PY,na.rm=T),max(values$M$PY,na.rm=T))) - }) - - TrendTopics <- eventReactive(input$applyTrendTopics,{ - - ### load file with terms to remove - if (input$TTStopFile=="Y"){ - remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$TTStop, sep=input$TTSep)) - }else{remove.terms <- NULL} - values$TTremove.terms <- remove.terms - ### end of block - ### load file with synonyms - if (input$TTSynFile=="Y"){ - synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$TTSyn, sep=input$TTSynSep)) - }else{synonyms <- NULL} - values$TTsyn.terms <- synonyms - ### end of block - - if (input$trendTerms %in% c("TI","AB")){ - values$M=termExtraction(values$M, Field = input$trendTerms, stemming = input$trendStemming, verbose = FALSE, ngrams=as.numeric(input$trendTermsngrams)) - field=paste(input$trendTerms,"_TM",sep="") - } else {field=input$trendTerms} - values$trendTopics <- fieldByYear(values$M, field = field, timespan = input$trendSliderPY, min.freq = input$trendMinFreq, - n.items = input$trendNItems, remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms, - dynamic.plot=TRUE, graph = FALSE) - return(values$trendTopics$graph) - - }) - - output$TTStopPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$TTremove.terms) | exists("values$TTremove.terms")){ - strPreview(values$TTremove.terms) - }else{ - strPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$TTSynPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$TTsyn.terms) | exists("values$TTsyn.terms")){ - strSynPreview(values$TTsyn.terms) - }else{ - strSynPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$TTplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("TrendTopics-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$trendTopics$graph, dpi = as.numeric(input$TTdpi), height = input$TTh, width = input$TTh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$trendTopicsPlot <- renderPlotly({ - g <- TrendTopics() - plot.ly(g, flip=TRUE, side="r", size=0.1, aspectratio=1.3) - })#, height = 500, width =900) - - # output$trendTopicsPlot <- renderPlot({ - # - # TrendTopics() - # plot(values$trendTopics$graph) - # - # }, width = "auto", height = reactive(ifelse(!is.null(input$innerWidth),input$innerWidth*2/5,0)), res = 150) #height = 700) - - - output$trendTopicsTable <- DT::renderDT({ - TrendTopics() - tpData=values$trendTopics$df_graph - - DT::datatable(tpData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Trend_Topics', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Trend_Topics', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Trend_Topics', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tpData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tpData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - # Coupling ---- - - CMMAP <- eventReactive(input$applyCM,{ - - values$CM <- couplingMap(values$M, analysis=input$CManalysis, field=input$CMfield, - n=input$CMn, minfreq=input$CMfreq, - ngrams=as.numeric(input$CMngrams), - impact.measure=input$CMimpact, - stemming=input$CMstemming, size=input$sizeCM, - label.term = input$CMlabeling, - n.labels=input$CMn.labels, repel=FALSE) - - validate( - need(values$CM$nclust > 0, "\n\nNo clusters in one or more periods. Please select a different set of parameters.") - ) - }) - output$CMPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - CMMAP() - plot.ly(values$CM$map, size=0.15, aspectratio = 1.3) - - })#, height = 650, width = 800) - - output$CMNetPlot <- renderVisNetwork({ - CMMAP() - values$networkCM<-igraph2vis(g=values$CM$net$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), - labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, - shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$CM$net,shadow=FALSE) - - values$networkCM$VIS - - }) - - output$CMplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("CouplingMap-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$CM$map, dpi = as.numeric(input$CMdpi), height = input$CMh, width = input$CMh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$CMTable <- DT::renderDT({ - CMMAP() - cmData=values$CM$data[,c(2,1,3,5)] - - DT::datatable(cmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'CouplingMap', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'CouplingMap', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'CouplingMap', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(cmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(cmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$CMTableCluster <- DT::renderDT({ - CMMAP() - cmData=values$CM$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] - - DT::datatable(cmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'CouplingMap_Clusters', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'CouplingMap_Clusters', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'CouplingMap_Clusters', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(cmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(cmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - ### Conceptual Structure ##### - - ### Co-occurrences network ---- - COCnetwork <- eventReactive(input$applyCoc,{ - - values <- cocNetwork(input,values) - - - values$network<-igraph2vis(g=values$cocnet$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), - labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, - shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$cocnet, shadow=(input$coc.shadow=="Yes")) - - - }) - - output$cocPlot <- renderVisNetwork({ - - COCnetwork() - - values$network$VIS - - }) - - output$COCStopPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$COCremove.terms) | exists("values$COCremove.terms")){ - strPreview(values$COCremove.terms) - }else{ - strPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$COCSynPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$COCsyn.terms) | exists("values$COCsyn.terms")){ - strSynPreview(values$COCsyn.terms) - }else{ - strSynPreview(" ") - } - }) - - # output$cocPlotComm <- renderVisNetwork({ - # - # g <- splitCommunities(values$cocnet$graph, n=NULL) - # igraph2vis(g=g,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), - # labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, - # shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$cocnet)$VIS - # - # }) - - output$network.coc <- downloadHandler( - filename = "Co_occurrence_network.net", - content <- function(file) { - igraph::write.graph(values$cocnet$graph_pajek,file=file, format="pajek") - - }, - contentType = "net" - ) - - ### save coc network image as html #### - output$networkCoc.fig <- downloadHandler( - filename = "network.html", - content <- function(con) { - savenetwork(con) - }, - contentType = "html" - ) - - output$cocTable <- DT::renderDT({ - COCnetwork() - cocData=values$cocnet$cluster_res - names(cocData)=c("Node", "Cluster", "Betweenness", "Closeness", "PageRank") - DT::datatable(cocData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'CoWord_Network_Analysis', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'CoWord_Network_Analysis', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'CoWord_Network_Analysis', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(cocData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(cocData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - ### Degree Plot Co-word analysis #### - output$cocDegree <- renderPlotly({ - COCnetwork() - p <- degreePlot(values$cocnet) - plot.ly(p) - }) - - - ### Correspondence Analysis ---- - - CSfactorial <- eventReactive(input$applyCA,{ - values <- CAmap(input,values) - }) - - output$CSStopPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$CSremove.terms) | exists("values$CSremove.terms")){ - strPreview(values$CSremove.terms) - }else{ - strPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$FASynPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$FAsyn.terms) | exists("values$FAsyn.terms")){ - strSynPreview(values$FAsyn.terms) - }else{ - strSynPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$FA1plot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("FactorialMap-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$CS$graph_terms, dpi = as.numeric(input$FAdpi), height = input$FAh, width = input$FAh*1.5, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - output$FA2plot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("Dendrogram-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$CS$graph_dendogram, dpi = as.numeric(input$FAdpi), height = input$FAh, width = input$FAh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$FA3plot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostContribDocuments-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$CS$graph_documents_Contrib, dpi = as.numeric(input$FAdpi), height = input$FAh, width = input$FAh*1.5, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$FA4plot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("MostCitedDocuments-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$CS$graph_documents_TC, dpi = as.numeric(input$FAdpi), height = input$FAh, width = input$FAh*1.5, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$CSPlot1 <- renderPlot({ - CSfactorial() - plot(values$CS$graph_terms) - - }, width = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[1])*0.6), - height = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[2])*0.85), - res = 150) - #width = "auto", height = reactive(ifelse(!is.null(input$innerWidth),input$innerWidth*2/5,0)), res = 150) #height = 650, width = 800) - - output$CSPlot2 <- renderPlot({ - CSfactorial() - if (input$method!="MDS"){ - - if (values$CS[[1]][1]!="NA"){ - - plot(values$CS$graph_documents_Contrib) - }else{ - emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") - } - }else{ - emptyPlot("This plot is available only for CA or MCA analyses") - } - - }, width = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[1])*0.6), - height = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[2])*0.85), - res = 150) - - output$CSPlot3 <- renderPlot({ - CSfactorial() - if (input$method!="MDS"){ - if (values$CS[[1]][1]!="NA"){ - plot(values$CS$graph_documents_TC) - }else{ - emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") - } - }else{ - emptyPlot("This plot is available only for CA or MCA analyses") - } - - - }, width = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[1])*0.6), - height = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[2])*0.85), - res = 150) - - output$CSPlot4 <- renderPlot({ - - CSfactorial() - if (values$CS[[1]][1]!="NA"){ - plot(values$CS$graph_dendogram) - }else{ - emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") - } - - }, width = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[1])*0.6), - height = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[2])*0.85), - res = 150) - - output$CSTableW <- DT::renderDT({ - CSfactorial() - switch(input$method, - CA={ - WData=data.frame(word=row.names(values$CS$km.res$data.clust), values$CS$km.res$data.clust, - stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - names(WData)[4]="cluster" - }, - MCA={ - WData=data.frame(word=row.names(values$CS$km.res$data.clust), values$CS$km.res$data.clust, - stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - names(WData)[4]="cluster" - }, - MDS={ - WData=data.frame(word=row.names(values$CS$res), values$CS$res, - cluster=values$CS$km.res$cluster,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - }) - - WData$Dim.1=round(WData$Dim.1,2) - WData$Dim.2=round(WData$Dim.2,2) - - DT::datatable(WData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Words_By_Cluster', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Words_By_Cluster', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Words_By_Cluster', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(WData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(WData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$CSTableD <- DT::renderDT({ - CSfactorial() - CSData=values$CS$docCoord - CSData=data.frame(Documents=row.names(CSData),CSData,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - CSData$dim1=round(CSData$dim1,2) - CSData$dim2=round(CSData$dim2,2) - CSData$contrib=round(CSData$contrib,2) - DT::datatable(CSData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Articles_By_Cluster', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Articles_By_Cluster', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Articles_By_Cluster', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(CSData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(CSData), backgroundColor = 'white') - - }) - - ### Thematic Map ---- - TMAP <- eventReactive(input$applyTM,{ - - if (input$TMfield %in% c("TI","AB")){ - ngrams <- as.numeric(input$TMngrams) - }else{ - ngrams <- 1 - } - - ### load file with terms to remove - if (input$TMStopFile=="Y"){ - remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$TMStop, sep=input$TMSep)) - }else{remove.terms <- NULL} - values$TMremove.terms <- remove.terms - ### end of block - ### load file with synonyms - if (input$TMapSynFile=="Y"){ - synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$TMapSyn, sep=input$TMapSynSep)) - }else{synonyms <- NULL} - values$TMapsyn.terms <- synonyms - ### end of block - - values$TM <- thematicMap(values$M, field=input$TMfield, - n=input$TMn, minfreq=input$TMfreq, ngrams=ngrams, - stemming=input$TMstemming, size=input$sizeTM, - n.labels=input$TMn.labels, repel=FALSE, remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms=synonyms) - - validate( - need(values$TM$nclust > 0, "\n\nNo topics in one or more periods. Please select a different set of parameters.") - ) - }) - output$TMPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - TMAP() - plot.ly(values$TM$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) - - })#, height = 650, width = 800) - - output$NetPlot <- renderVisNetwork({ - TMAP() - values$networkTM<-igraph2vis(g=values$TM$net$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), - labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, - shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$TM$net) - - values$networkTM$VIS - - }) - - output$TMStopPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$TMremove.terms) | exists("values$TMremove.terms")){ - strPreview(values$TMremove.terms) - }else{ - strPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$TMapSynPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$TMapsyn.terms) | exists("values$TMapsyn.terms")){ - strSynPreview(values$TMapsyn.terms) - }else{ - strSynPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$TMplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("ThematicMap-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$TM$map, dpi = as.numeric(input$TMdpi), height = input$TMh, width = input$TMh*1.5, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$TMTable <- DT::renderDT({ - TMAP() - tmData=values$TM$words[,-4] - - - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMTableCluster <- DT::renderDT({ - TMAP() - tmData <- values$TM$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] - names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - ### Thematic Evolution ---- - output$sliders <- renderUI({ - numSlices <- as.integer(input$numSlices) - v=quantile(values$M$PY, seq(0,1,by=(1/(numSlices+1))), na.rm=TRUE) - v=round(v[-c(1,length(v))],0) - lapply(1:numSlices, function(i) { - # sliderInput(inputId = paste0("Slice", i), label = paste("Cutting Year", i), - # min=1990,max=2018,value=1990) - - numericInput(inputId = paste0("Slice", i), label = paste("Cutting Year", i),value=v[i],min=min(values$M$PY, na.rm = TRUE)+1,max=max(values$M$PY, na.rm = TRUE)-1, step=1) - #numericInput(inputId = paste0("Slice", i), label = paste("Cutting Year", i),value=median(values$M$PY),min=min(values$M$PY)+1,max=max(values$M$PY)-1, step=1) - }) - }) - - TEMAP <- eventReactive(input$applyTE,{ - if (input$TEfield %in% c("TI","AB")){ - ngrams <- as.numeric(input$TEngrams) - }else{ - ngrams <- 1 - } - - ### load file with terms to remove - if (input$TEStopFile=="Y"){ - remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$TEStop, sep=input$TESep)) - }else{remove.terms <- NULL} - values$TEremove.terms <- remove.terms - ### end of block - ### load file with synonyms - if (input$TESynFile=="Y"){ - synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$TESyn, sep=input$TESynSep)) - }else{synonyms <- NULL} - values$TEsyn.terms <- synonyms - ### end of block - - values$yearSlices <- as.numeric() - for (i in 1:as.integer(input$numSlices)){ - if (length(input[[paste0("Slice", i)]])>0){values$yearSlices=c(values$yearSlices,input[[paste0("Slice", i)]])} - } - - if (length(values$yearSlices)>0){ - values$nexus <- thematicEvolution(values$M, field=input$TEfield, values$yearSlices, n = input$nTE, minFreq = input$fTE, size = input$sizeTE, - n.labels=input$TEn.labels, repel=FALSE, ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - - validate( - need(values$nexus$check != FALSE, "\n\nNo topics in one or more periods. Please select a different set of parameters.") - ) - - plotThematicEvolution(Nodes = values$nexus$Nodes,Edges = values$nexus$Edges, measure = input$TEmeasure, min.flow = input$minFlowTE) - } - }) - - output$TEPlot <- plotly::renderPlotly({ - - TEMAP() - - }) - - output$TEStopPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$TEremove.terms) | exists("values$TEremove.terms")){ - strPreview(values$TEremove.terms) - }else{ - strPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$TESynPreview <- renderUI({ - - if (!is.null(values$TEsyn.terms) | exists("values$TEsyn.terms")){ - strSynPreview(values$TEsyn.terms) - }else{ - strSynPreview(" ") - } - }) - - output$TETable <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - TEData=values$nexus$Data - TEData=TEData[TEData$Inc_index>0,-c(4,8)] - names(TEData)=c("From", "To", "Words", "Weighted Inclusion Index", "Inclusion Index", "Occurrences", "Stability Index") - DT::datatable(TEData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Evolution', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Evolution', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Evolution', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TEData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(TEData), backgroundColor = 'white') %>% - formatRound(names(TEData)[4], 2) %>% - formatRound(names(TEData)[5], 2) %>% - formatRound(names(TEData)[7], 2) - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMPlot1 <- renderPlotly({ - TEMAP() - #input$applyTM - if (length(values$nexus$TM)>=1){ - plot.ly(values$nexus$TM[[1]]$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) - } else {emptyPlot("You have selected fewer periods!")} - - })#, height = 650, width = 800) - - output$TMPlot2 <- renderPlotly({ - TEMAP() - #input$applyTM - if (length(values$nexus$TM)>=2){ - plot.ly(values$nexus$TM[[2]]$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) - } else {emptyPlot("You have selected fewer periods!")} - - })#, height = 650, width = 800) - - output$TMPlot3 <- renderPlotly({ - TEMAP() - #input$applyTM - if (length(values$nexus$TM)>=3){ - plot.ly(values$nexus$TM[[3]]$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) - } else {emptyPlot("You have selected fewer periods!")} - - })#, height = 650, width = 800) - - output$TMPlot4 <- renderPlotly({ - TEMAP() - #input$applyTM - if (length(values$nexus$TM)>=4){ - plot.ly(values$nexus$TM[[4]]$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) - } else (emptyPlot("You have selected fewer periods!")) - - })#, height = 650, width = 800) - - output$TMPlot5 <- renderPlotly({ - TEMAP() - #input$applyTM - if (length(values$nexus$TM)>=5){ - plot.ly(values$nexus$TM[[5]]$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) - } else (emptyPlot("You have selected fewer periods!")) - - })#, height = 650, width = 800) - - output$NetPlot1 <- renderVisNetwork({ - TEMAP() - k=1 - values$network1<-igraph2vis(g=values$nexus$Net[[k]]$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), - labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, - shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$nexus$Net[[k]]) - - values$network1$VIS - - }) - - output$NetPlot2 <- renderVisNetwork({ - TEMAP() - k=2 - values$network2<-igraph2vis(g=values$nexus$Net[[k]]$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), - labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, - shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$nexus$Net[[k]]) - - values$network2$VIS - - }) - - output$NetPlot3 <- renderVisNetwork({ - TEMAP() - k=3 - values$network3<-igraph2vis(g=values$nexus$Net[[k]]$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), - labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, - shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$nexus$Net[[k]]) - - values$network3$VIS - - }) - - output$NetPlot4 <- renderVisNetwork({ - TEMAP() - k=4 - values$network4<-igraph2vis(g=values$nexus$Net[[k]]$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), - labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, - shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$nexus$Net[[k]]) - - values$network4$VIS - - }) - - output$NetPlot5 <- renderVisNetwork({ - TEMAP() - k=5 - values$network5<-igraph2vis(g=values$nexus$Net[[k]]$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), - labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, - shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$nexus$Net[[k]]) - - values$network5$VIS - - }) - - output$TMTable1 <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - - tmData=values$nexus$TM[[1]]$words[,-4] - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_1', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_1', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_1', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMTable2 <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - - tmData=values$nexus$TM[[2]]$words[,-4] - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_2', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_2', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_2', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMTable3 <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - - tmData=values$nexus$TM[[3]]$words[,-4] - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_3', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_3', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_3', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMTable4 <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - - tmData=values$nexus$TM[[4]]$words[,-4] - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_4', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_4', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_4', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMTable5 <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - - tmData=values$nexus$TM[[5]]$words[,-4] - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_5', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_5', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_5', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMTableCluster1 <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - tmData <- values$nexus$TM[[1]]$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] - names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMTableCluster2 <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - tmData <- values$nexus$TM[[2]]$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] - names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMTableCluster3 <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - tmData <- values$nexus$TM[[3]]$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] - names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMTableCluster4 <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - tmData <- values$nexus$TM[[4]]$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] - names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - output$TMTableCluster5 <- DT::renderDT({ - TEMAP() - tmData <- values$nexus$TM[[5]]$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] - names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") - - DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Thematic_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - }) - - ### INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE #### - - ### Co-citation network ---- - COCITnetwork <- eventReactive(input$applyCocit,{ - - values <- intellectualStructure(input,values) - #dev.off();file.remove(t) ### end of trick - - values$network<-igraph2vis(g=values$cocitnet$graph,curved=(input$cocit.curved=="Yes"), - labelsize=input$citlabelsize, opacity=0.7,type=input$citlayout, - shape=input$cocit.shape, net=values$cocitnet, shadow=(input$cocit.shadow=="Yes")) - }) - - output$cocitPlot <- renderVisNetwork({ - - COCITnetwork() - - isolate(values$network$VIS) - - }) - - output$network.cocit <- downloadHandler( - filename = "Co_citation_network.net", - content <- function(file) { - igraph::write.graph(values$cocitnet$graph_pajek,file=file, format="pajek") - #rio::export(values$M, file=file) - }, - contentType = "net" - ) - - output$cocitTable <- DT::renderDT({ - COCITnetwork() - cocitData=values$cocitnet$cluster_res - names(cocitData)=c("Node", "Cluster", "Betweenness", "Closeness", "PageRank") - DT::datatable(cocitData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'CoCitation_Network', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'CoCitation_Network', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'CoCitation_Network', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(cocitData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(cocitData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - ### save coc network image as html #### - output$networkCocit.fig <- downloadHandler( - filename = "network.html", - content <- function(con) { - savenetwork(con) - }, - contentType = "html" - ) - - ### Degree Plot Co-citation analysis #### - output$cocitDegree <- renderPlotly({ - COCITnetwork() - p <- degreePlot(values$cocitnet) - plot.ly(p) - }) - - ### Historiograph ---- - Hist <- eventReactive(input$applyHist,{ - - withProgress(message = 'Calculation in progress', - value = 0, { - values <- historiograph(input,values) - }) - - fx <- list( - family = "Old Standard TT, serif", - size = 11, - color = "black" - ) - - a <- list( - ticks = "outside", - autotick = FALSE, - ticktext = values$histPlot$axis$label, - tickvals = values$histPlot$axis$values, - tickmode = "array", - showticklabels = TRUE, - tickangle = 270, - tickfont = fx, - ticklen = 2, - tickwidth = 2, - tickcolor = toRGB("black") - ) - - g <- plot.ly(values$histPlot$g, side="r", size=0.05, aspectratio = 1.5, height=-0.1) %>% - layout(xaxis = a, autosize=TRUE ,showlegend = FALSE, - hoverlabel = list(font=list(size=input$histlabelsize+9))) - return(g) - }) - - output$HGplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("Historiograph-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$histPlot$g, dpi = as.numeric(input$HGdpi), height = input$HGh, width = input$HGh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$histPlot <- renderPlotly({ - - Hist() - - }) - output$histTable <- DT::renderDT({ - LCS=values$histResults$LCS - s=sort(LCS,decreasing = TRUE)[input$histNodes] - ind=which(LCS>=s) - Data=values$histResults$histData - Data=Data[ind,] - Data$DOI<- paste0('',Data$DOI,'') - DT::datatable(Data, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Historiograph_Network', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Historiograph_Network', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Historiograph_Network', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(Data))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(Data), backgroundColor = 'white') %>% - formatStyle( - 'GCS', - background = styleColorBar(Data$GCS, 'steelblue'), - backgroundSize = '100% 90%', - backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', - backgroundPosition = 'center' - ) %>% - formatStyle( - 'LCS', - background = styleColorBar(Data$LCS, 'steelblue'), - backgroundSize = '100% 90%', - backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', - backgroundPosition = 'center' - ) - #return(Data) - - }) - - ### SOCIAL STRUCTURE #### - ### Collaboration network ---- - COLnetwork <- eventReactive(input$applyCol,{ - - values <- socialStructure(input,values) - - values$network<-igraph2vis(g=values$colnet$graph,curved=(input$soc.curved=="Yes"), - labelsize=input$collabelsize, opacity=input$colAlpha,type=input$collayout, - shape=input$col.shape, net=values$colnet, shadow=(input$col.shadow=="Yes")) - }) - output$colPlot <- renderVisNetwork({ - - COLnetwork() - - values$network$VIS - - }) - - output$network.col <- downloadHandler( - filename = "Collaboration_network.net", - content <- function(file) { - igraph::write.graph(values$colnet$graph_pajek,file=file, format="pajek") - #rio::export(values$M, file=file) - }, - contentType = "net" - ) - - output$colTable <- DT::renderDT({ - COLnetwork() - colData=values$colnet$cluster_res - names(colData)=c("Node", "Cluster", "Betweenness", "Closeness", "PageRank") - - DT::datatable(colData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'Collaboration_Network', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'Collaboration_Network', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'Collaboration_Network', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(colData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(colData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - ### save coc network image as html #### - output$networkCol.fig <- downloadHandler( - filename = "network.html", - content <- function(con) { - savenetwork(con) - }, - contentType = "html" - ) - - - ### Degree Plot Collaboration analysis #### - output$colDegree <- renderPlotly({ - COLnetwork() - p <- degreePlot(values$colnet) - plot.ly(p) - }) - - ### WPPlot ---- - WMnetwork<- eventReactive(input$applyWM,{ - values$WMmap=countrycollaboration(values$M,label=FALSE,edgesize=input$WMedgesize/2,min.edges=input$WMedges.min) - }) - - output$CCplot.save <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - - paste("CountryCollaborationMap-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") - }, - content <- function(file) { - g <- values$WMmap$g + labs(title = "Country Collaboration Map") - ggsave(filename = file, plot = g, dpi = as.numeric(input$CCdpi), height = input$CCh, width = input$CCh*2, bg="white") - }, - contentType = "png" - ) - - output$WMPlot<- renderPlot({ - - WMnetwork() - plot(values$WMmap$g) - - }, #width = "auto", height = reactive(ifelse(!is.null(input$innerWidth),input$innerWidth*2/5,0)), - width = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[1])*0.6), - height = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[2])*0.85), - res = 150) - - output$WMTable <- DT::renderDT({ - WMnetwork() - colData=values$WMmap$tab - colData=colData[,c(1,2,9)] - names(colData)=c("From","To","Frequency") - - DT::datatable(colData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), filter = 'top', - options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', - buttons = list('pageLength', - list(extend = 'copy'), - list(extend = 'csv', - filename = 'World_Collaboration_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'excel', - filename = 'World_Collaboration_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'pdf', - filename = 'World_Collaboration_Map', - title = " ", - header = TRUE), - list(extend = 'print')), - lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), - columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(colData))-1))))) %>% - formatStyle(names(colData), backgroundColor = 'white') - #return(Data) - - }) - - ### COMMON FUNCTIONS #### - - - # displayResolution <- function() { - # session$clientData$output_plot1_width - # } - - getFileNameExtension <- function (fn) { - # remove a path - splitted <- strsplit(x=fn, split='/')[[1]] - # or use .Platform$file.sep in stead of '/' - fn <- splitted [length(splitted)] - ext <- '' - splitted <- strsplit(x=fn, split='\\.')[[1]] - l <-length (splitted) - if (l > 1 && sum(splitted[1:(l-1)] != '')) ext <-splitted [l] - # the extention must be the suffix of a non-empty name - ext - } - - # string preview (stopwords) - strPreview <- function(string, sep=","){ - str1 <- unlist(strsplit(string, sep)) - str1 <- str1[1:min(c(length(str1),5))] - str1 <- paste(str1, collapse=sep) - HTML(paste("", "File Preview: ", str1,"", sep = '
')) - } - - # string preview (synonyms) - strSynPreview <- function(string){ - string <- string[1] - str1 <- unlist(strsplit(string, ";")) - str1 <- str1[1:min(c(length(str1),5))] - str1 <- paste(paste(str1[1], " <- ",collapse=""),paste(str1[-1], collapse=";"), collapse="") - HTML(paste("", "File Preview: ", str1,"", sep = '
')) - } - - # from ggplot to plotly - plot.ly <- function(g, flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1, size=0.15,data.type=2, height=0){ - - g <- g + labs(title=NULL) - print("Fatto") - a <- ggplot_build(g)$data - - ymin <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ - if ("y" %in% names(l)){ - min(l["y"]) - } - })) %>% min(na.rm=TRUE) - - ymax <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ - if ("y" %in% names(l)){ - max(l["y"]) - } - })) %>% max(na.rm=TRUE) - - xmin <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ - if ("x" %in% names(l)){ - min(l["x"]) - } - })) %>% min(na.rm=TRUE) - - xmax <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ - if ("x" %in% names(l)){ - max(l["x"]) - } - })) %>% max(na.rm=TRUE) - - if (isTRUE(flip)){ - xrange <- c(ymin,ymax) - yrange <- c(xmin,xmax) - }else{ - yrange <- c(ymin,ymax) - xrange <- c(xmin,xmax) - } - - # if (isTRUE(flip)){ - # yrange <- range(ggplot_build(g)$data[[data.type]]$x) - # xrange <- range(ggplot_build(g)$data[[data.type]]$y) - # }else{ - # xrange <- range(ggplot_build(g)$data[[data.type]]$x) - # yrange <- range(ggplot_build(g)$data[[data.type]]$y) - # } - - sizex = diff(xrange)*size - sizey = diff(yrange)*size*aspectratio - - y <- min(yrange)+0.2 - - if (side=="l"){ - x <- min(xrange)+0.2 - }else{ - x <- max(xrange)-0.2-sizex - } - - ggplotly(g, tooltip = "text") %>% - config(displaylogo = FALSE, - modeBarButtonsToRemove = c( - 'sendDataToCloud', - 'pan2d', - 'select2d', - 'lasso2d', - 'toggleSpikelines', - 'hoverClosestCartesian', - 'hoverCompareCartesian' - )) %>% - layout( - images = list( - source = raster2uri(as.raster(values$logo)), - x = x, y = y+height, - sizex = sizex, sizey = sizey, - xref = "x", yref = "y", - xanchor = "left", yanchor = "bottom", - sizing = "stretch" - ) - ) - } - - freqPlot <- function(xx,x,y, textLaby,textLabx, title){ - - - xl <- c(max(xx[,x])-0.02-diff(range(xx[,x]))*0.125, max(xx[,x])-0.02)+1 - yl <- c(1,1+length(unique(xx[,y]))*0.125) - - Text <- paste(textLaby,": ",xx[,y],"\n",textLabx, ": ",xx[,x]) - - g <- ggplot(xx, aes(x =xx[,x], y = xx[,y], label = xx[,x], text=Text)) + - geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = xx[,y], xend = xx[,x], yend = xx[,y]), color = "grey50") + - geom_point(aes(color=-xx[,x], size=xx[,x]), show.legend = FALSE) + - scale_radius(range=c(5, 12))+ - geom_text(color = "white", size = 3) + - scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(xx[,y])) + - scale_fill_continuous(type = "gradient")+ - labs(title=title, y = textLaby)+ - labs(x = textLabx)+ - expand_limits(y= c(1, length(xx[,y]) + 1))+ - theme_minimal()+ - theme(axis.text.y = element_text(angle=0, hjust=0)) + - annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = xl[1], xmax = xl[2], ymin = yl[1], ymax = yl[2]) - - return(g) - } - - emptyPlot<-function(errortext){ - g=ggplot()+ - theme_void() + theme(legend.position="none")+ - annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, label = errortext, size=10) - plot(g) - } - - count.duplicates <- function(DF){ - x <- do.call('paste', c(DF, sep = '\r')) - ox <- order(x) - rl <- rle(x[ox]) - cbind(DF[ox[cumsum(rl$lengths)],,drop=FALSE],count = rl$lengths) - - } - - reduceRefs<- function(A){ - - ind=unlist(regexec("*V[0-9]", A)) - A[ind>-1]=substr(A[ind>-1],1,(ind[ind>-1]-1)) - ind=unlist(regexec("*DOI ", A)) - A[ind>-1]=substr(A[ind>-1],1,(ind[ind>-1]-1)) - return(A) - } - - - initial <- function(values){ - values$results <- list("NA") - values$log <- "working..." - values$load <- "FALSE" - values$field = values$cocngrams = "NA" - values$citField = values$colField = values$citSep= "NA" - values$NetWords = values$NetRefs = values$ColNetRefs=matrix(NA,1,1) - values$Title <- "Network" - values$Histfield <- "NA" - values$histlog <- "working..." - values$kk <- 0 - values$histsearch <- "NA" - values$citShortlabel <- "NA" - values$S <- list("NA") - values$GR <- "NA" - - return(values) - } - - - ### ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS #### - ### Descriptive functions ---- - Hindex_plot <- function(values, type){ - - hindex<-function(values,type){ - - switch(type, - author={ - AU <- trim(gsub(",","",names(tableTag(values$M,"AU")))) - values$H <- Hindex(values$M, field = "author", elements = AU, sep = ";", years=Inf)$H - }, - source={ - SO <- names(sort(table(values$M$SO),decreasing = TRUE)) - values$H <- Hindex(values$M, field = "source", elements = SO, sep = ";", years=Inf)$H - } - ) - - return(values) - } - - values<-hindex(values, type = type) - - xx=values$H - if (type=="author"){ - K=input$Hkauthor - measure=input$HmeasureAuthors - title="Author Local Impact" - xn="Authors" - } else { - K=input$Hksource - measure=input$HmeasureSources - title="Source Local Impact" - xn="Sources" - } - if (K>dim(xx)[1]){ - k=dim(xx)[1] - } else {k=K} - - switch(measure, - h={m=2}, - g={m=3}, - m={m=4 - xx[,m] <-round(xx[,m],2) }, - tc={m=5} - ) - xx <- xx[order(-xx[,m]),] - xx <- xx[1:k,c(1,m)] - - - g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = xn, textLabx = paste("Impact Measure:",toupper(measure)), title = paste(title,"by",toupper(measure),"index")) - - res<-list(values=values,g=g) - return(res) - } - - descriptive <- function(values,type){ - - - switch(type, - "tab1"={ - if (values$results[[1]]=="NA"){ - values$results=biblioAnalysis(values$M) - } - if (values$S[[1]][1]=="NA"){ - values$S=summary(values$results,k=Inf,verbose=FALSE) - } - #TAB=data.frame(Information=gsub("[[:digit:]]", "", S$MainInformation), Data=gsub("[^0-9]", "", S$MainInformation)) - TAB=data.frame(values$S$MainInformationDF) - #cat(S$MainInformation) - }, - "tab2"={ - TAB <- values$M %>% group_by(.data$PY) %>% - count() %>% - rename(Year = .data$PY, - Articles = .data$n) %>% - right_join(data.frame(Year=seq(min(values$M$PY,na.rm=TRUE),max(values$M$PY, na.rm=TRUE))), by="Year") %>% - mutate(Articles = replace_na(.data$Articles,0)) %>% - arrange(.data$Year) %>% as.data.frame() - - ny=diff(range(TAB$Year)) - values$GR=round(((TAB[nrow(TAB),2]/TAB[1,2])^(1/(ny))-1)*100, digits = 2) - }, - "tab3"={ - listAU <- (strsplit(values$M$AU, ";")) - nAU <- lengths(listAU) - fracAU <- rep(1/nAU,nAU) - TAB <- tibble(Author=unlist(listAU), fracAU=fracAU) %>% - group_by(.data$Author) %>% - summarize( - Articles = n(), - AuthorFrac = sum(.data$fracAU) - ) %>% - arrange(desc(.data$Articles)) %>% as.data.frame() - names(TAB)=c("Authors","Articles","Articles Fractionalized") - #print(S$MostProdAuthors) - }, - "tab4"={ - y <- as.numeric(substr(Sys.Date(),1,4)) - TAB <- values$M %>% - mutate(TCperYear = .data$TC/(y+1-.data$PY)) %>% - select(.data$SR,.data$DI, .data$TC, .data$TCperYear, .data$PY) %>% - group_by(.data$PY) %>% - mutate(NTC = .data$TC/mean(.data$TC)) %>% - ungroup() %>% - select(-.data$PY) %>% - arrange(desc(.data$TC)) %>% - as.data.frame() - names(TAB)=c("Paper", "DOI","Total Citations","TC per Year","Normalized TC") - }, - "tab5"={ - - TAB <- countryCollab(values$M) - TAB <- TAB %>% - mutate(Freq = .data$Articles/sum(.data$Articles)) %>% - mutate(MCP_Ratio = .data$MCP/.data$Articles) - }, - "tab6"={ - if (!"AU1_CO" %in% names(values$M)){ - values$M <- metaTagExtraction(values$M, "AU1_CO") - } - TAB <- values$M %>% - select(.data$AU1_CO, .data$TC) %>% - drop_na(.data$AU1_CO) %>% - rename(Country = .data$AU1_CO, - TotalCitation = .data$TC) %>% - group_by(.data$Country) %>% - summarise("TC"=sum(.data$TotalCitation),"Average Article Citations"=sum(.data$TotalCitation)/length(.data$TotalCitation)) %>% - arrange(-.data$TC) %>% as.data.frame(.data,stringasfactor=FALSE) - }, - "tab7"={ - TAB <- values$M %>% - select(.data$SO) %>% - group_by(.data$SO) %>% - count() %>% - arrange(desc(.data$n)) %>% - rename(Sources = .data$SO, - Articles = .data$n) %>% - as.data.frame() - }, - - "tab10"={ - TAB<-mapworld(values$M)$tab - }, - "tab11"={ - if(!("AU_UN" %in% names(values$M))){values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,Field="AU_UN")} - TAB <- data.frame(Affiliation=unlist(strsplit(values$M$AU_UN, ";"))) %>% - group_by(.data$Affiliation) %>% - count() %>% - drop_na(.data$Affiliation) %>% - arrange(desc(.data$n)) %>% - rename(Articles = .data$n) %>% - as.data.frame() - }, - "tab12"={ - TAB=tableTag(values$M,"C1") - TAB=data.frame(Affiliations=names(TAB), Articles=as.numeric(TAB),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - TAB=TAB[nchar(TAB[,1])>4,] - #names(TAB)=c("Affiliations", "Articles") - - }, - "tab13"={ - CR<-localCitations(values$M,fast.search = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) - TAB <- CR$Authors - #TAB=data.frame(Authors=names(CR$Authors$Author), Citations=as.numeric(CR$Cited),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - } - ) - values$TAB=TAB - res=list(values=values,TAB=TAB) - return(res) - } - - wordlist <- function(M, Field, n, measure, ngrams, remove.terms=NULL, synonyms=NULL){ - switch(Field, - ID={v=tableTag(values$M,"ID", remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms)}, - DE={v=tableTag(values$M,"DE", remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms)}, - TI={ - if (!("TI_TM" %in% names(M))){ - v=tableTag(M,"TI", ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - - }}, - AB={if (!("AB_TM" %in% names(M))){ - v=tableTag(M,"AB", ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - }} - ) - names(v)=tolower(names(v)) - #v=tableTag(values$M,"ID") - n=min(c(n,length(v))) - Words=data.frame(Terms=names(v)[1:n], Frequency=(as.numeric(v)[1:n]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - W=Words - switch(measure, - identity={}, - sqrt={W$Frequency=sqrt(W$Frequency)}, - log={W$Frequency=log(W$Frequency+1)}, - log10={W$Frequency=log10(W$Frequency+1)} - ) - - results=list(v=v,W=W, Words=Words) - return(results) - } - - readStopwordsFile <- function(file, sep=","){ - if (!is.null(file)){ - req(file$datapath) - remove.terms <- unlist(strsplit(readr::read_lines(file$datapath), sep)) - }else{remove.terms <- NULL} - return(remove.terms) - } - - readSynWordsFile <- function(file, sep=","){ - if (!is.null(file)){ - req(file$datapath) - syn.terms <- readr::read_lines(file$datapath) - if (sep!=";") syn.terms <- gsub(sep,";",syn.terms) - }else{syn.terms <- NULL} - return(syn.terms) - } - - mapworld <- function(M){ - if (!("AU_CO" %in% names(M))){M=metaTagExtraction(M,"AU_CO")} - CO=as.data.frame(tableTag(M,"AU_CO"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - CO$Tab=gsub("UNITED KINGDOM","UK",CO$Tab) - CO$Tab=gsub("KOREA","SOUTH KOREA",CO$Tab) - - map.world <- map_data("world") - map.world$region=toupper(map.world$region) - - dplyr::anti_join(CO, map.world, by = c('Tab' = 'region')) - - country.prod <- dplyr::left_join( map.world, CO, by = c('region' = 'Tab')) - - tab=data.frame(country.prod %>% - dplyr::group_by(region) %>% - dplyr::summarise(Freq=mean(Freq))) - - tab=tab[!is.na(tab$Freq),] - - tab=tab[order(-tab$Freq),] - - breaks=as.numeric(round(quantile(CO$Freq,c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1)))) - names(breaks)=breaks - breaks=log(breaks) - - g <- ggplot(country.prod, aes( x = .data$long, y = .data$lat, group=.data$group, text=paste("Country: ",.data$region,"\nN.of Documents: ",.data$Freq))) + - geom_polygon(aes(fill = log(Freq), group=group)) + - scale_fill_continuous(low='dodgerblue', high='dodgerblue4',breaks=breaks)+ - guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = T)) + - #geom_text(data=centroids, aes(label = centroids$Tab, x = centroids$long, y = centroids$lat, group=centroids$Tab)) + - labs(fill = 'N.Documents' - ,title = 'Country Scientific Production' - ,x = NULL - ,y = NULL) + - theme(text = element_text(color = '#333333') - ,plot.title = element_text(size = 28) - ,plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 14) - ,axis.ticks = element_blank() - ,axis.text = element_blank() - ,panel.grid = element_blank() - ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') #'#333333' - ,plot.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') - ,legend.position = c(.18,.36) - ,legend.background = element_blank() - ,legend.key = element_blank() - ) + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = 143, xmax = 189.5, ymin = -69, ymax = -48) - - results=list(g=g,tab=tab) - return(results) - } - - ### Structure fuctions ---- - CAmap <- function(input, values){ - if ((input$CSfield %in% names(values$M))){ - - if (input$CSfield %in% c("TI","AB")){ - ngrams <- as.numeric(input$CSngrams) - }else{ - ngrams <- 1 - } - - ### load file with terms to remove - if (input$CSStopFile=="Y"){ - remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$CSStop, sep=input$CSSep)) - }else{remove.terms <- NULL} - values$CSremove.terms <- remove.terms - ### end of block - ### load file with synonyms - if (input$FASynFile=="Y"){ - synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$FASyn, sep=input$FASynSep)) - }else{synonyms <- NULL} - values$FAsyn.terms <- synonyms - ### end of block - - tab=tableTag(values$M,input$CSfield, ngrams=ngrams) - if (length(tab>=2)){ - - minDegree=as.numeric(tab[input$CSn]) - - values$CS <- conceptualStructure(values$M, method=input$method , field=input$CSfield, minDegree=minDegree, clust=input$nClustersCS, - k.max = 8, stemming=F, labelsize=input$CSlabelsize,documents=input$CSdoc,graph=FALSE, ngrams=ngrams, - remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - - - }else{emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") - values$CS=list("NA")} - - }else{ - emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") - values$CS=list("NA") - - } - } - - historiograph <- function(input,values){ - - min.cit <- 1 - # if (input$histsearch=="FAST"){ - # min.cit=quantile(values$M$TC,0.75, na.rm = TRUE) - # }else{min.cit=1} - - if (values$Histfield=="NA"){ - values$histResults <- histNetwork(values$M, min.citations=min.cit, sep = ";") - values$Histfield="done" - } - titlelabel <- input$titlelabel=="TRUE" - values$histlog<- (values$histPlot <- histPlot(values$histResults, n=input$histNodes, size =input$histsize, labelsize = input$histlabelsize, title_as_label = titlelabel, verbose=FALSE)) - return(values) - } - - - ### Network functions ---- - - degreePlot <- function(net){ - deg <- data.frame(node = names(net$nodeDegree), x= (1:length(net$nodeDegree)), y = net$nodeDegree) - p <- ggplot(data = deg, aes(x=.data$x, y=.data$y, - text=paste("Node ",.data$x," - Degree ",.data$y, sep="")))+ - geom_point()+ - geom_line(aes(group="NA"),color = '#002F80', alpha = .5) + - theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444") - ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') - ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') - ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) - ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') - ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 0) - ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0) - ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) - ) + - labs(x = "Node", y="Degree", title = "Node Degrees") - return(p) - } - - cocNetwork <- function(input,values){ - - n = input$Nodes - label.n = input$Labels - - ### load file with terms to remove - if (input$COCStopFile=="Y"){ - remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$COCStop, sep=input$COCSep)) - }else{remove.terms <- NULL} - values$COCremove.terms <- remove.terms - ### end of block - ### load file with synonyms - if (input$COCSynFile=="Y"){ - synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$COCSyn, sep=input$COCSynSep)) - }else{synonyms <- NULL} - values$COCsyn.terms <- synonyms - ### end of block - - if ((input$field %in% names(values$M))){ - - if ((dim(values$NetWords)[1])==1 | !(input$field==values$field) | !(input$cocngrams==values$cocngrams) | ((dim(values$NetWords)[1])!=input$Nodes) ){ - - values$field=input$field - values$ngrams <- input$cocngrams - - switch(input$field, - ID={ - values$NetWords <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-occurrences", network = "keywords", n = n, sep = ";", remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - values$Title= "Keywords Plus Network" - }, - DE={ - values$NetWords <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-occurrences", network = "author_keywords", n = n, sep = ";", remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - values$Title= "Authors' Keywords network" - }, - TI={ - #if(!("TI_TM" %in% names(values$M))){ - values$M=termExtraction(values$M,Field="TI",verbose=FALSE, ngrams=as.numeric(input$cocngrams), remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - #} - values$NetWords <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-occurrences", network = "titles", n = n, sep = ";") - values$Title= "Title Words network" - }, - AB={ - #if(!("AB_TM" %in% names(values$M))){ - values$M=termExtraction(values$M,Field="AB",verbose=FALSE, ngrams=as.numeric(input$cocngrams), remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) - #} - values$NetWords <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-occurrences", network = "abstracts", n = n, sep = ";") - values$Title= "Abstract Words network" - }) - - } - - if (label.n>n){label.n=n} - if (input$normalize=="none"){normalize=NULL}else{normalize=input$normalize} - if (input$label.cex=="Yes"){label.cex=TRUE}else{label.cex=FALSE} - if (input$coc.curved=="Yes"){curved=TRUE}else{curved=FALSE} - - #par(bg="grey92", mar=c(0,0,0,0)) - values$cocnet=networkPlot(values$NetWords, normalize=normalize, Title = values$Title, type = input$layout, - size.cex=TRUE, size=5 , remove.multiple=F, edgesize = input$edgesize*3, labelsize=input$labelsize,label.cex=label.cex, - label.n=label.n,edges.min=input$edges.min,label.color = F, curved=curved,alpha=input$cocAlpha, - cluster=input$cocCluster, remove.isolates = (input$coc.isolates=="yes"), - community.repulsion = input$coc.repulsion/2, verbose = FALSE) - if (input$cocyears=="Yes"){ - Y=fieldByYear(values$M, field = input$field, graph=FALSE) - g=values$cocnet$graph - label=igraph::V(g)$name - ind=which(tolower(Y$df$item) %in% label) - df=Y$df[ind,] - - #bluefunc <- colorRampPalette(c("lightblue", "darkblue")) - #col=bluefunc((diff(range(df$year))+1)*10) - col=heat.colors((diff(range(df$year))+1)*10) - igraph::V(g)$color=col[(max(df$year)-df$year+1)*10] - igraph::V(g)$year=df$year - values$cocnet$graph=g - } - - }else{ - emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") - } - return(values) - } - - intellectualStructure <- function(input,values){ - n = input$citNodes - label.n = input$citLabels - - if ((dim(values$NetRefs)[1])==1 | !(input$citField==values$citField) | !(input$citSep==values$citSep) | !(input$citShortlabel==values$citShortlabel) | ((dim(values$NetRefs)[1])!=input$citNodes)){ - - values$citField=input$citField - values$citSep=input$citSep - if (input$citShortlabel=="Yes"){shortlabel=TRUE}else{shortlabel=FALSE} - values$citShortlabel=input$citShortlabel - switch(input$citField, - CR={ - values$NetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-citation", network = "references", n = n, sep = input$citSep, shortlabel=shortlabel) - values$Title= "Cited References network" - - }, - CR_AU={ - if(!("CR_AU" %in% names(values$M))){values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,Field="CR_AU", sep = input$citSep)} - values$NetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-citation", network = "authors", n = n, sep = input$citSep) - values$Title= "Cited Authors network" - }, - CR_SO={ - if(!("CR_SO" %in% names(values$M))){values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,Field="CR_SO", sep = input$citSep)} - values$NetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-citation", network = "sources", n = n, sep = input$citSep) - values$Title= "Cited Sources network" - }) - - } - - if (label.n>n){label.n=n} - if (input$citlabel.cex=="Yes"){label.cex=TRUE}else{label.cex=FALSE} - if (input$cocit.curved=="Yes"){curved=TRUE}else{curved=FALSE} - - values$cocitnet=networkPlot(values$NetRefs, normalize=NULL, Title = values$Title, type = input$citlayout, - size.cex=TRUE, size=5 , remove.multiple=F, edgesize = input$citedgesize*3, - labelsize=input$citlabelsize,label.cex=label.cex, curved=curved, - label.n=label.n,edges.min=input$citedges.min,label.color = F,remove.isolates = (input$cit.isolates=="yes"), - alpha=0.7, cluster=input$cocitCluster, - community.repulsion = input$cocit.repulsion/2, verbose = FALSE) - return(values) - } - - socialStructure<-function(input,values){ - n = input$colNodes - label.n = input$colLabels - - if ((dim(values$ColNetRefs)[1])==1 | !(input$colField==values$colField) | ((dim(values$ColNetRefs)[1])!=input$colNodes)){ - - values$colField=input$colField - - - values$cluster="walktrap" - switch(input$colField, - COL_AU={ - values$ColNetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "collaboration", network = "authors", n = n, sep = ";") - values$Title= "Author Collaboration network" - - }, - COL_UN={ - if(!("AU_UN" %in% names(values$M))){values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,Field="AU_UN", sep=";")} - values$ColNetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "collaboration", network = "universities", n = n, sep = ";") - values$Title= "Edu Collaboration network" - }, - COL_CO={ - if(!("AU_CO" %in% names(values$M))){values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,Field="AU_CO", sep=";")} - values$ColNetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "collaboration", network = "countries", n = n, sep = ";") - values$Title= "Country Collaboration network" - #values$cluster="none" - }) - - } - - if (label.n>n){label.n=n} - if (input$colnormalize=="none"){normalize=NULL}else{normalize=input$colnormalize} - if (input$collabel.cex=="Yes"){label.cex=TRUE}else{label.cex=FALSE} - if (input$soc.curved=="Yes"){curved=TRUE}else{curved=FALSE} - - type=input$collayout - if (input$collayout=="worldmap"){type="auto"} - - values$colnet=networkPlot(values$ColNetRefs, normalize=normalize, Title = values$Title, type = type, - size.cex=TRUE, size=5 , remove.multiple=F, edgesize = input$coledgesize*3, - labelsize=input$collabelsize,label.cex=label.cex, curved=curved, - label.n=label.n,edges.min=input$coledges.min,label.color = F,alpha=input$colAlpha, - remove.isolates = (input$col.isolates=="yes"), cluster=input$colCluster, - community.repulsion = input$col.repulsion/2, verbose = FALSE) - - return(values) - - } - - countrycollaboration <- function(M,label,edgesize,min.edges){ - M=metaTagExtraction(M,"AU_CO") - net=biblioNetwork(M,analysis="collaboration",network="countries") - CO=data.frame(Tab=rownames(net),Freq=diag(net),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - bsk.network=igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net,mode="undirected") - COedges=as.data.frame(igraph::ends(bsk.network,igraph::E(bsk.network),names=TRUE),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) - - map.world <- map_data("world") - map.world$region=toupper(map.world$region) - map.world$region=gsub("UK","UNITED KINGDOM",map.world$region) - map.world$region=gsub("SOUTH KOREA","KOREA",map.world$region) - - country.prod <- dplyr::left_join( map.world, CO, by = c('region' = 'Tab')) - - breaks=as.numeric(round(quantile(CO$Freq,c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1)))) - names(breaks)=breaks - breaks=log(breaks) - data("countries",envir=environment()) - names(countries)[1]="Tab" - - COedges=dplyr::inner_join(COedges,countries, by=c('V1'='Tab')) - COedges=dplyr::inner_join(COedges,countries, by=c('V2'='Tab')) - COedges=COedges[COedges$V1!=COedges$V2,] - COedges=count.duplicates(COedges) - tab=COedges - COedges=COedges[COedges$count>=min.edges,] - - g=ggplot(country.prod, aes( x = .data$long, y = .data$lat, group = .data$group )) + - geom_polygon(aes(fill = log(Freq))) + - scale_fill_continuous(low='dodgerblue', high='dodgerblue4',breaks=breaks)+ - #guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = T)) + - guides(colour=FALSE, fill=FALSE)+ - geom_curve(data=COedges, aes(x = .data$Longitude.x , y = .data$Latitude.x, xend = .data$Longitude.y, yend = .data$Latitude.y, # draw edges as arcs - color = "firebrick4", size = .data$count, group=.data$continent.x), - curvature = 0.33, - alpha = 0.5) + - scale_size_continuous(guide = FALSE, range = c(0.25, edgesize))+ - labs(title = NULL, x = "Latitude", y = "Longitude") + - theme(text = element_text(color = '#333333') - ,plot.title = element_text(size = 28) - ,plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 14) - ,axis.ticks = element_blank() - ,axis.text = element_blank() - ,panel.grid = element_blank() - ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') #'#333333' - ,plot.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') - ,legend.position = c(.18,.36) - ,legend.background = element_blank() - ,legend.key = element_blank() - ) + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = 143, xmax = 189.5, ymin = -69, ymax = -48) - if (isTRUE(label)){ - CO=dplyr::inner_join(CO,countries, by=c('Tab'='Tab')) - g=g+ - ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data=CO, aes(x = .data$Longitude, y = .data$Latitude, label = .data$Tab, group=.data$continent), # draw text labels - hjust = 0, nudge_x = 1, nudge_y = 4, - size = 3, color = "orange", fontface = "bold") - } - - results=list(g=g,tab=tab) - return(results) - } - ### visNetwork tools ---- - netLayout <- function(type){ - switch(type, - auto={l <- "layout_nicely"}, - circle={l <- "layout_in_circle"}, - mds={l <- "layout_with_mds"}, - star={l <- "layout_as_star"}, - - sphere={l <- "layout_on_sphere"}, - fruchterman={l <- "layout_with_fr"}, - kamada={l <- "layout_with_kk"} - ) - return(l) - } - - savenetwork <- function(con){ - vn=values$network$vn - visNetwork(nodes = vn$nodes, edges = vn$edges, type="full", smooth=TRUE, physics=FALSE, height = "2000px",width = "2000px" ) %>% - visNodes(shape="box", font=list(color="black"),scaling=list(label=list(enables=TRUE))) %>% - visIgraphLayout(layout = values$network$l) %>% - visEdges(smooth = values$network$curved) %>% - visOptions(highlightNearest =list(enabled = T, hover = T, degree=1), nodesIdSelection = T) %>% - visInteraction(dragNodes = TRUE, navigationButtons = TRUE, hideEdgesOnDrag = TRUE) %>% visExport() %>% - visPhysics(enabled = FALSE) %>% visSave(con) - } - - igraph2vis<-function(g,curved,labelsize,opacity,type,shape, net, shadow=TRUE){ - - LABEL=igraph::V(g)$name - - LABEL[igraph::V(g)$labelsize==0]="" - - vn <- toVisNetworkData(g) - - vn$nodes$label=LABEL - vn$edges$num=1 - vn$edges$dashes=FALSE - vn$edges$dashes[vn$edges$lty==2]=TRUE - - ## opacity - vn$nodes$color=adjustcolor(vn$nodes$color,alpha=min(c(opacity+0.2,1))) - vn$edges$color=adjustcolor(vn$edges$color,alpha=opacity) - - ## removing multiple edges - vn$edges=unique(vn$edges) - - ## labelsize - scalemin=20 - scalemax=150 - Min=min(vn$nodes$font.size) - Max=max(vn$nodes$font.size) - if (Max>Min){ - size=(vn$nodes$font.size-Min)/(Max-Min)*15*labelsize+10 - } else {size=10*labelsize} - size[sizescalemax]=scalemax - vn$nodes$font.size=size - l<-netLayout(type) - - ### TO ADD SHAPE AND FONT COLOR OPTIONS - coords <- net$layout - - vn$nodes$size <- vn$nodes$font.size*0.8 - - if (shape %in% c("text")){ - vn$nodes$font.color <- vn$nodes$color - }else{ - vn$nodes$font.color <- "black" - } - - if (shape %in% c("dot","square")){ - vn$nodes$font.vadjust <- -0.7*vn$nodes$font.size - }else{ - vn$nodes$font.vadjust <-0 - } - - VIS<- - visNetwork(nodes = vn$nodes, edges = vn$edges, type="full", smooth=TRUE, physics=FALSE) %>% - #visNodes(shape=shape, font=list(color="black")) %>% - visNodes(shadow=shadow, shape=shape, font=list(color="black", size=vn$nodes$font.size,vadjust=vn$nodes$font.vadjust)) %>% - visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout.norm", layoutMatrix = coords) %>% - visEdges(smooth = curved) %>% - visOptions(highlightNearest =list(enabled = T, hover = T, degree=1), nodesIdSelection = T) %>% - visInteraction(dragNodes = TRUE, navigationButtons = TRUE, hideEdgesOnDrag = TRUE) %>% - visOptions(manipulation = TRUE) %>% - visExport(type = "png", name = "network", - label = paste0("Export graph as png"), background = "#fff", - float = "right", style = NULL, loadDependencies = TRUE) - values$COCVIS=VIS - return(list(VIS=VIS,vn=vn, type=type, l=l, curved=curved)) - } - - #### Common functions ---- - - notifications <- function(){ - - ## check connection and download notifications - online <- is_online() - location <- "https://www.bibliometrix.org/bs_notifications/biblioshiny_notifications.csv" - if (isTRUE(is_online())){ - suppressWarnings(notifOnline <- read.csv(location, header=TRUE, sep=",")) - #notifOnline <- notifOnline[nchar(notifOnline)>2] - #n <- strsplit(notifOnline,",") - #notsOnline <- unlist(lapply(n,function(l) l[1])) - #linksOnline <- unlist(lapply(n,function(l) l[2])) - notifOnline$href[nchar(notifOnline$href)<6] <- NA - } - - ## check if a file exists on the local machine and load it - switch(Sys.info()[['sysname']], - Windows= {home <- Sys.getenv('R_USER')}, - Linux = {home <- Sys.getenv('HOME')}, - Darwin = {home <- Sys.getenv('HOME')}) - - file <- paste(home,"/biblioshiny_notifications.csv", sep="") - fileTrue <- file.exists(file) - if (isTRUE(fileTrue)){ - suppressWarnings(notifLocal <- read.csv(file, header=TRUE, sep=",")) - #notifLocal <- readLines(file) - #linksLocal[nchar(linksLocal)<6] <- NA - } - - - A <- c("noA","A") - B <- c("noB","B") - status <- paste(A[online+1],B[fileTrue+1],sep="") - - switch(status, - # missing both files (online and local) - noAnoB={ - notifTot <- data.frame(nots="No notifications", href=NA, status="info") %>% mutate(status = "info") - }, - # missing online file. The local one exists. - noAB={ - notifTot <- notifLocal %>% filter(.data$action == TRUE) %>% mutate(status = "info") - }, - # missing the local file. The online one exists. - AnoB={ - notifOnline <- notifOnline %>% - dplyr::slice_head(n=5) - notifTot <- notifOnline %>% filter(.data$action == TRUE) %>% mutate(status = "danger") - notifOnline %>% filter(.data$action == TRUE) %>% write.csv(file=file, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) - }, - # both files exist. - AB={ - notifTot <- left_join(notifOnline %>% mutate(status = "danger"), - notifLocal%>% mutate(status = "info"), by="nots") %>% - mutate(status = replace_na(.data$status.y,"danger")) %>% - rename(href = .data$href.x, - action = .data$action.x) %>% - select(nots, href, action, status) %>% - arrange(.data$status) %>% - filter(.data$action == TRUE) %>% - dplyr::slice_head(n=5) - notifTot %>% select(-.data$status) %>% write.csv(file=file, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) - - }) - - #notifTot <- notifTot[1:(min(5,nrow(notifTot))),] - return(notifTot) - } - - - is_online <- function(site="https://www.bibliometrix.org/") { - tryCatch({ - readLines(site,n=1) - TRUE - }, - warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"), - error = function(e) FALSE) - } - - getFileNameExtension <- function (fn) { - # remove a path - splitted <- strsplit(x=fn, split='/')[[1]] - # or use .Platform$file.sep in stead of '/' - fn <- splitted [length(splitted)] - ext <- '' - splitted <- strsplit(x=fn, split='\\.')[[1]] - l <-length (splitted) - if (l > 1 && sum(splitted[1:(l-1)] != '')) ext <-splitted [l] - # the extention must be the suffix of a non-empty name - ext - } - - # string preview (stopwords) - strPreview <- function(string, sep=","){ - str1 <- unlist(strsplit(string, sep)) - str1 <- str1[1:min(c(length(str1),5))] - str1 <- paste(str1, collapse=sep) - HTML(paste(" ", "File Preview: ", str1,"", sep = '
')) - } - - # string preview (synonyms) - strSynPreview <- function(string){ - string <- string[1] - str1 <- unlist(strsplit(string, ";")) - str1 <- str1[1:min(c(length(str1),5))] - str1 <- paste(paste(str1[1], " <- ",collapse=""),paste(str1[-1], collapse=";"), collapse="") - HTML(paste("", "File Preview: ", str1,"", sep = '
')) - } - - # from ggplot to plotly - plot.ly <- function(g, flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1, size=0.15,data.type=2, height=0){ - - g <- g + labs(title = NULL) - # a <- ggplot_build(g)$data - # - # ymin <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ - # if ("y" %in% names(l)){ - # min(l["y"]) - # } - # })) %>% min(na.rm=TRUE) - # - # ymax <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ - # if ("y" %in% names(l)){ - # max(l["y"]) - # } - # })) %>% max(na.rm=TRUE) - # - # xmin <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ - # if ("x" %in% names(l)){ - # min(l["x"]) - # } - # })) %>% min(na.rm=TRUE) - # - # xmax <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ - # if ("x" %in% names(l)){ - # max(l["x"]) - # } - # })) %>% max(na.rm=TRUE) - # - # if (isTRUE(flip)){ - # xrange <- c(ymin,ymax) - # yrange <- c(xmin,xmax) - # }else{ - # yrange <- c(ymin,ymax) - # xrange <- c(xmin,xmax) - # } - # - # - # sizex = diff(xrange)*size - # sizey = diff(yrange)*size*aspectratio - # - # y <- min(yrange)+0.2 - # - # if (side=="l"){ - # x <- min(xrange)+0.2 - # }else{ - # x <- max(xrange)-0.2-sizex - # } - - ggplotly(g, tooltip = "text") %>% - config(displaylogo = FALSE, - modeBarButtonsToRemove = c( - 'sendDataToCloud', - 'pan2d', - 'select2d', - 'lasso2d', - 'toggleSpikelines', - 'hoverClosestCartesian', - 'hoverCompareCartesian', - 'toImage' - )) #%>% - # layout( - # images = list( - # source = raster2uri(as.raster(values$logo)), - # x = x, y = y+height, - # sizex = sizex, sizey = sizey, - # xref = "x", yref = "y", - # xanchor = "left", yanchor = "bottom", - # sizing = "stretch" - # ) - # ) - } - - freqPlot <- function(xx,x,y, textLaby,textLabx, title){ - - - xl <- c(max(xx[,x])-0.02-diff(range(xx[,x]))*0.125, max(xx[,x])-0.02)+0.5 - yl <- c(1,1+length(unique(xx[,y]))*0.125) - - Text <- paste(textLaby,": ",xx[,y],"\n",textLabx, ": ",xx[,x]) - - g <- ggplot(xx, aes(x =xx[,x], y = xx[,y], label = xx[,x], text=Text)) + - geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = xx[,y], xend = xx[,x], yend = xx[,y]), color = "grey50") + - geom_point(aes(color=-xx[,x], size=xx[,x]), show.legend = FALSE) + - scale_radius(range=c(7, 15))+ - geom_text(color = "white", size = 3) + - scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(xx[,y])) + - scale_fill_continuous(type = "gradient")+ - labs(title=title, y = textLaby)+ - labs(x = textLabx)+ - expand_limits(y= c(1, length(xx[,y]) + 1))+ - theme_minimal()+ - theme(axis.text.y = element_text(angle=0, hjust=0)) + - annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = xl[1], xmax = xl[2], ymin = yl[1], ymax = yl[2]) - - return(g) - } - - emptyPlot<-function(errortext){ - g=ggplot()+ - theme_void() + theme(legend.position="none")+ - annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, label = errortext, size=10) - plot(g) - } - - count.duplicates <- function(DF){ - x <- do.call('paste', c(DF, sep = '\r')) - ox <- order(x) - rl <- rle(x[ox]) - cbind(DF[ox[cumsum(rl$lengths)],,drop=FALSE],count = rl$lengths) - - } - - reduceRefs<- function(A){ - - ind=unlist(regexec("*V[0-9]", A)) - A[ind>-1]=substr(A[ind>-1],1,(ind[ind>-1]-1)) - ind=unlist(regexec("*DOI ", A)) - A[ind>-1]=substr(A[ind>-1],1,(ind[ind>-1]-1)) - return(A) - } - - - initial <- function(values){ - values$results <- list("NA") - values$log <- "working..." - values$load <- "FALSE" - values$field = values$cocngrams = "NA" - values$citField = values$colField = values$citSep= "NA" - values$NetWords = values$NetRefs = values$ColNetRefs=matrix(NA,1,1) - values$Title <- "Network" - values$Histfield <- "NA" - values$histlog <- "working..." - values$kk <- 0 - values$histsearch <- "NA" - values$citShortlabel <- "NA" - values$S <- list("NA") - values$GR <- "NA" - - return(values) - } - - - - - observe({ - if (!(input$sidebarmenu %in% c("biblioshinyy","mainInfo")) & !isTRUE(values$checkControlBar)){ - updateControlbar("controlbar2") - values$checkControlBar <- TRUE - #updateControlbarMenu("item_controlbar") - } - if ((input$sidebarmenu %in% c("biblioshinyy","mainInfo")) & isTRUE(values$checkControlBar)){ - updateControlbar("controlbar2") - values$checkControlBar <- FALSE - } - }) - - # observe({ - # if( input$sidebarmenu != "biblioshinyy"){ - # shinyjs::addCssClass(selector = "aside.control-sidebar", class = "control-sidebar-collapse") - # } else{ - # shinyjs::removeCssClass(selector = "aside.control-sidebar", class = "control-sidebar-collapse") - # } - # }) - - output$controlbar <- renderUI({ - controlbarMenu( - controlbarItem( - h2(strong("Options"),align="center"), - fluidPage( - fluidRow( - column(width = 1), - column(width=11, - ## Load Data ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "loadData"', - h3(strong("Import or Load ")), - #br(), - selectInput( - "load", - label = "Please, choose what to do", - choices = c( - " " = "null", - "Import raw file(s)" = "import", - "Load bibliometrix file(s)" = "load", - "Use a sample collection" = "demo" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel( - condition = "input.load == 'demo'", - helpText(h4(strong("The use of bibliometric approaches in business and management disciplines.")), - h5(strong("Dataset 'Management'")), - em("A collection of scientific articles about the use of bibliometric approaches", - "in business and management disciplines."), - br(), - em("Period: 1985 - 2020 - , Source WoS.") - ) - ), - #br(), - conditionalPanel( - condition = "input.load == 'import'", - selectInput( - "dbsource", - label = "Database", - choices = c( - "Web of Science (WoS/WoK)" = "isi", - "Scopus" = "scopus", - "Dimensions" = "dimensions", - "Lens.org" = "lens", - "PubMed" = "pubmed", - "Cochrane Library" = "cochrane" - ), - selected = "isi" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - condition = "input.load != 'null' & input.load != 'demo'", - conditionalPanel( - condition = "input.load == 'load'", - helpText(em("Load a collection in XLSX or R format previously exported from bibliometrix") - )), - fileInput( - "file1", - "Choose a file", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c( - ".csv", - ".txt", - ".ciw", - ".bib", - ".xlsx", - ".zip", - ".xls", - ".rdata", - ".rda", - ".rds" - ) - ) - ), - #h6("Here accept single .txt/.bib/.csv/.xslx/.RData files, or multiple .txt/.bib/.csv files compressed in a single .zip archive."), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.load != 'null'", - actionButton("applyLoad", strong("START"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%"), - width = "100%"), - tags$hr(), - - uiOutput("textLog"), - #shinycssloaders::withSpinner(verbatimTextOutput("log")), - - tags$hr(), - - h3(strong( - "Export collection" - )), - #br(), - - selectInput( - 'save_file', - 'Save as:', - choices = c( - ' ' = 'null', - 'Excel' = 'xlsx', - 'R Data Format' = 'RData' - ), - selected = 'null' - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.save_file != 'null'", - downloadButton("collection.save", strong("Export"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Gathering Data ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "gathData"', - h3(strong( - "Gather data using APIs " - )), - br(), - - selectInput( - "dbapi", - label = "Database", - choices = c("DS Dimensions" = "ds", - "PubMed" = "pubmed"), - selected = "pubmed" - ), - ## Dimenions API - conditionalPanel( - condition = "input.dbapi == 'ds'", - br(), - actionButton("dsShow", h5(strong("1. Configure API request")), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%"), - h5(tags$b("Your Query")), - verbatimTextOutput("queryLog2", placeholder = FALSE), - h5(tags$b("Documents returned using your query")), - verbatimTextOutput("sampleLog2", placeholder = FALSE), - # - # - # uiOutput("sliderLimit"), - - - ), - ### Pubmed API - conditionalPanel( - condition = "input.dbapi == 'pubmed'", - br(), - actionButton("pmShow", h5(strong("1. Configure API request")), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%"), - h5(tags$b("Your Query")), - verbatimTextOutput("pmQueryLog2", placeholder = FALSE), - h5(tags$b("Documents returned using your query")), - verbatimTextOutput("pmSampleLog2", placeholder = FALSE), - - ), - tags$hr(), - #h4(em(strong("Gather metadata"))), - actionButton("apiApply", h5(strong("2. Download metadata")), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%"), - tags$hr(), - - h3(strong( - "Export a bibliometrix file " - )), - br(), - - selectInput( - 'save_file_api', - 'Save as:', - choices = c( - ' ' = 'null', - 'Excel' = 'xlsx', - 'R Data Format' = 'RData' - ), - selected = 'null' - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.save_file_api != 'null'", - downloadButton("collection.save_api", strong("Export"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Filters ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "filters"', - h3(strong("Filters")), - br(), - actionButton("applyFilter", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%", - icon = fa_i(name ="play")), - h5(" "), - #br(), - #span(h5((strong("Dataset Overview "))),style="color:CornflowerBlue"), - box(h6(htmlOutput("textDim")), - width = "100%"), - # box(h5(htmlOutput("textDim")), - # width = "100%"), - #htmlOutput("textDim"), - br(), - #uiOutput("textDim"), - uiOutput("selectLA"), - uiOutput("sliderPY"), - uiOutput("selectType"), - uiOutput("sliderTCpY"), - #uiOutput("selectSource"), - selectInput("bradfordSources", - label = "Source by Bradford Law Zones", - choices = c("Core Sources"="core", - "Core + Zone 2 Sources"="zone2", - "All Sources"="all"), - selected = "all") - ), - ## Annual Scientific Prod ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "annualScPr"', - br(), - h4(strong("Annual Growth Rate")), - br(), - verbatimTextOutput("CAGR", placeholder = TRUE) - ), - br(), - br(), - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "annualScPr"', - selectInput( - 'ASPdpi', - label = h4(strong("Export plot")), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ) - ), - br(), - br(), - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "annualScPr" & input.ASPdpi != "null"', - #h4(em(strong("Height (in inches)")), align="center"), - sliderInput( - 'ASPh', - label =h4(em(strong("Height (in inches)"))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("ASPplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; vertical-align: 'middle';font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ), - ## Average Cit Per Year ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "averageCitPerYear"', - selectInput( - 'ACpYdpi', - h4(strong("Export plot"), align ="center"), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.ACpYdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'ACpYh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("ACpYplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Three field Plot ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "threeFieldPlot"', - # actionButton("apply3F", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - #collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow( - (column(6, selectInput("CentralField", - label = "Middle Field", - choices = c("Authors" = "AU", - "Affiliations" = "AU_UN", - "Countries"="AU_CO", - "Keywords" = "DE", - "Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Titles" = "TI_TM", - "Abstract" = "AB_TM", - "Sources" = "SO", - "References" = "CR", - "Cited Sources" = "CR_SO"), - selected = "AU"))), - (column(6,numericInput("CentralFieldn", - label=("Number of items"), - min = 1, max = 50, step = 1, value = 20)))), - fluidRow( - (column(6,selectInput("LeftField", - label = "Left Field", - choices = c("Authors" = "AU", - "Affiliations" = "AU_UN", - "Countries"="AU_CO", - "Keywords" = "DE", - "Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Titles" = "TI_TM", - "Abstract" = "AB_TM", - "Sources" = "SO", - "References" = "CR", - "Cited Sources" = "CR_SO"), - selected = "CR"))), - (column(6, numericInput("LeftFieldn", - label=("Number of items"), - min = 1, max = 50, step = 1, value = 20)))), - fluidRow( - (column(6,selectInput("RightField", - label = "Right Field", - choices = c("Authors" = "AU", - "Affiliations" = "AU_UN", - "Countries"="AU_CO", - "Keywords" = "DE", - "Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Titles" = "TI_TM", - "Abstract" = "AB_TM", - "Sources" = "SO", - "References" = "CR", - "Cited Sources" = "CR_SO"), - selected = "DE"))), - (column(6,numericInput("RightFieldn", - label=("Number of items"), - min = 1, max = 50, step = 1, value = 20)))) - )), - ## Relevant Sources ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "relevantSources"', - # actionButton("applyMRSources", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - h4(strong("Parameters: ")), - " ", - numericInput("MostRelSourcesK", - label=("Number of Sources"), - value = 10), - selectInput( - 'MRSdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MRSdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'MRSh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("MRSplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Most Local Cited Sources ---- - conditionalPanel(condition ='input.sidebarmenu == "localCitedSources"', - # actionButton("applyMLCSources", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%") - h4(strong("Parameters: ")), - " ", - numericInput("MostRelCitSourcesK", - label=("Number of Sources"), - value = 10), - selectInput( - 'MLCSdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MLCSdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'MLCSh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("MLCSplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Bradford Law ---- - conditionalPanel(condition ='input.sidebarmenu == "bradford"', - selectInput( - 'BLdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.BLdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'BLh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("BLplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - )), - ## Source Impact ---- - conditionalPanel(condition ='input.sidebarmenu == "sourceImpact"', - # actionButton("applyHsource", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - selectInput("HmeasureSources", - label = "Impact measure", - choices = c("H-Index"="h", - "G-Index"="g", - "M-Index"="m", - "Total Citation"="tc"), - selected = "h"), - " ", - numericInput("Hksource", - label=("Number of sources"), - value = 10)), - selectInput( - 'SIdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.SIdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'SIh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("SIplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Source Dynamics ---- - conditionalPanel(condition ='input.sidebarmenu == "sourceDynamics"', - # actionButton("applySOGrowth", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - selectInput("cumSO", "Occurrences", - choices = c("Cumulate" = "Cum", - "Per year" = "noCum"), - selected = "Cum"), - # selectInput("SOse", "Confidence Interval", - # choices = c("Yes" = "Yes", - # "No" = "No"), - # selected = "No"), - hr(), - sliderInput("topSO", label = "Number of Sources", min = 1, max = 50, step = 1, value = c(1,5))), - selectInput( - 'SDdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.SDdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'SDh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("SDplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - )), - ## Most relevant Authors ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostRelAuthors"', - # actionButton("applyMRAuthors", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - numericInput("MostRelAuthorsK", - label=("Number of Authors"), - value = 10), - " ", - selectInput("AuFreqMeasure", - label = "Frequency measure", - choices = c("N. of Documents "="t", - "Percentage"="p", - "Fractionalized Frequency"="f"), - selected = "t")), - selectInput( - 'MRAdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MRAdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'MRAh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("MRAplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Most Local Cited Authors ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostLocalCitedAuthors"', - # actionButton("applyMLCAuthors", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - h4(strong("Parameters: ")), - " ", - numericInput("MostCitAuthorsK", - label=("Number of Authors"), - value = 10), - selectInput( - 'MLCAdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MLCAdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'MLCAh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("MLCAplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Authors production over time ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "authorsProdOverTime"', - # actionButton("applyAUoverTime", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - h4(strong("Parameters: ")), - " ", - numericInput("TopAuthorsProdK", - label=("Number of Authors"), - value = 10), - selectInput( - 'APOTdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.APOTdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'APOTh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("APOTplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Lotka law ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "lotka"', - selectInput( - 'LLdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.LLdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'LLh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("LLplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Author Impact ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "authorImpact"', - # actionButton("applyHAuthors", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - selectInput("HmeasureAuthors", - label = "Impact measure", - choices = c("H-Index"="h", - "G-Index"="g", - "M-Index"="m", - "Total Citation"="tc"), - selected = "h"), - " ", - numericInput("Hkauthor", - label=("Number of authors"), - value = 10)), - selectInput( - 'AIdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.AIdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'AIh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("AIplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Most Relevant Affiliations ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostRelAffiliations"', - # actionButton("applyMRAffiliations", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - selectInput("disAff", - label = "Affiliation Name Disambiguation", - choices = c("Yes"="Y", - "No"="N"), - selected = "Y"), - " ", - numericInput("MostRelAffiliationsK", - label=("Number of Affiliations"), - value = 10)), - selectInput( - 'AFFdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.AFFdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'AFFh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("AFFplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Corresponding Author country ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "correspAuthorCountry"', - # actionButton("applyCAUCountries", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - h4(strong("Parameters: ")), - numericInput("MostRelCountriesK", - label=("Number of Countries"), - value = 20), - selectInput( - 'MRCOdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MRCOdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'MRCOh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("MRCOplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Country Scientific Production ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "countryScientProd"', - selectInput( - 'CSPdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CSPdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'CSPh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("CSPplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Most Cited Countries ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostCitedCountries"', - # actionButton("applyMCCountries", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - selectInput("CitCountriesMeasure", - label = "Measure", - choices = c("Total Citations"="TC", - "Average Citations per Year"="TCY"), - selected = "TC"), - " ", - numericInput("MostCitCountriesK", - label=("Number of Countries"), - value = 10)), - selectInput( - 'MCCdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MCCdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'MCCh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("MCCplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Most Global Cited Documents - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostGlobalCitDoc"', - # actionButton("applyMGCDocuments", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - br(), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - numericInput("MostCitDocsK", - label=("Number of Documents"), - value = 10), - " ", - selectInput("CitDocsMeasure", - label = "Measure", - choices = c("Total Citations"="TC", - "Total Citations per Year"="TCY"), - selected = "TC")), - selectInput( - 'MGCDdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MGCDdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'MGCDh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("MGCDplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - # Most Local Cited Document - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostLocalCitDoc"', - # actionButton("applyMLCDocuments", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - br(), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - numericInput("MostLocCitDocsK", - label=("Number of Documents"), - value = 10), - " ", - selectInput(inputId = "LocCitSep", - label = "Field separator character", - choices = c(";" = ";", - ". " = ". ", - "," = ","), - selected = ";")), - selectInput( - 'MLCDdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MLCDdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'MLCDh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("MLCDplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Most Local Cited References ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostLocalCitRef"', - # actionButton("applyMLCReferences", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - numericInput("MostCitRefsK", - label=("Number of Documents"), - value = 10), - " ", - selectInput(inputId = "CitRefsSep", - label = "Field separator character", - choices = c(";" = ";", - ". " = ". ", - "," = ","), - selected = ";")), - selectInput( - 'MLCRdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MLCRdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'MLCRh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("MLCRplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Reference spectroscopy - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "ReferenceSpect"', - # actionButton("applyRPYS", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - br(), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - selectInput(inputId = "rpysSep", - label = "Field separator character", - choices = c(";" = ";", - ". " = ". ", - "," = ","), - selected = ";"), - h4(em(strong("Time slice"))), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "rpysMinYear", - label = "Starting Year", - value = NA, - step = 1)), - column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "rpysMaxYear", - label = "End Year", - value = NA, - step = 1) - ))), - selectInput( - 'RSdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.RSdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'RSh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("RSplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - - ) - ), - ## Most Frequent Words ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostFreqWords"', - # actionButton("applyMFWords", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - selectInput("MostRelWords", "Field", - choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Author's keywords" = "DE", - "Titles" = "TI", - "Abstracts" = "AB"), - selected = "ID"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MostRelWords == 'AB' |input.MostRelWords == 'TI'", - selectInput("MRWngrams",'N-Grams', - choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", - "Bigrams" = "2", - "Trigrams" = "3"), - selected = 1)), - numericInput("MostRelWordsN", label = "Number of words", min = 2, max = 100, step = 1, value = 10), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - selectInput("MostRelWordsStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MostRelWordsStopFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) - ), - fileInput("MostRelWordsStop", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("MostRelWordsSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("MostRelWordsStopPreview")) - ), - selectInput("MRWSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MRWSynFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). - Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) - ), - fileInput("MRWSyn", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("MRWSynSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("MRWSynPreview")) - )), - selectInput( - 'MRWdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MRWdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'MRWh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("MRWplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%")) - ), - ## Word cloud ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "wcloud"', - # actionButton("applyWordCloud", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - h4(em(strong(" "))), - " ", - selectInput("summaryTerms", "Field", - choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Author's keywords" = "DE", - "Titles" = "TI", - "Abstracts" = "AB"), - selected = "ID"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.summaryTerms == 'AB' |input.summaryTerms == 'TI'", - selectInput("summaryTermsngrams",'N-Grams', - choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", - "Bigrams" = "2", - "Trigrams" = "3"), - selected = 1)), - #hr(), - numericInput("n_words", label = "Number of words", min = 10, max = 500, step = 1, value = 50), - #hr(), - box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - selectInput("WCStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.WCStopFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) - ), - fileInput("WCStop", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - selectInput("WCSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ",") - #,h5(htmlOutput("WCStopPreview")) - ), - selectInput("WCSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.WCSynFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). - Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) - ), - fileInput("WCSyn", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("WCSynSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ",") - #,h5(htmlOutput("WCSynPreview")) - )), - hr(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput("measure", "Word occurrence by", - choices = c("Frequency" = "freq", - "Square root" = "sqrt", - "Log" = "log", - "Log10" = "log10"), - selected = "freq") - ), - column(6, - selectInput("wcShape", "Shape", - choices = c("Circle" = "circle", - "Cardiod" = "cardioid", - "Diamond" = "diamond", - "Pentagon" = "pentagon", - "Star" = "star", - "Triangle-forward" = "triangle-forward" - ,"Triangle" = "triangle"), - selected = "circle") - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput("font", label = "Font type", - choices = c("Impact", "Comic Sans MS (No plz!)" = "Comic Sans MS", - "Arial", "Arial Black", "Tahoma", "Verdana", "Courier New", - "Georgia", "Times New Roman", "Andale Mono")) - ), - column(6, - selectInput("wcCol", "Text colors", - choices = c("Random Dark" = "random-dark", - "Random Light" = "random-light"), - selected = "random-dark") - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput("scale", label = "Font size", min=0.2,max=5,step=0.1,value=1) - ), - column(6, - numericInput("ellipticity", label = "Ellipticity", min=0,max=1,step=0.05,value=0.65) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput("padding", label = "Padding", min = 0, max = 5, value = 1, step = 1) - ), - column(6, - numericInput("rotate", label = "Rotate", min = 0, max = 20, value = 0, step = 1) - )) - ) - ), - ## Tree Map ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "treemap"', - # actionButton("applyTreeMap", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - selectInput("treeTerms", "Field", - choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Author's keywords" = "DE", - "Titles" = "TI", - "Abstracts" = "AB"), - selected = "ID"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.treeTerms == 'AB' |input.treeTerms == 'TI'", - selectInput("treeTermsngrams",'N-Grams', - choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", - "Bigrams" = "2", - "Trigrams" = "3"), - selected = 1)), - numericInput("treen_words", label = "Number of words", min = 10, max = 200, step = 5, value = 50), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - selectInput("TreeMapStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TreeMapStopFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) - ), - fileInput("TreeMapStop", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("TreeMapSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("TreeMapStopPreview")) - ), - selectInput("TreeMapSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TreeMapSynFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). - Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) - ), - fileInput("TreeMapSyn", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("TreeMapSynSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("TreeMapSynPreview")) - ) - ) - ), - ## Word dynamics ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "wordDynamics"', - # actionButton("applyWD", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - selectInput("growthTerms", "Field", - choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Author's keywords" = "DE", - "Titles" = "TI", - "Abstracts" = "AB"), - selected = "ID"), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - selectInput("cumTerms", "Occurrences", - choices = c("Cumulate" = "Cum", - "Per year" = "noCum"), - selected = "Cum"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.growthTerms == 'AB' |input.growthTerms == 'TI'", - selectInput("growthTermsngrams",'N-Grams', - choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", - "Bigrams" = "2", - "Trigrams" = "3"), - selected = 1)), - sliderInput("topkw", label = "Number of words", min = 1, max = 100, step = 1, value = c(1,10))), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - selectInput("WDStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.WDStopFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) - ), - fileInput("WDStop", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("WDSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("WDStopPreview")) - ), - selectInput("WDSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.WDSynFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). - Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) - ), - fileInput("WDSyn", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("WDSynSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("WDSynPreview")) - )), - hr(), - selectInput( - 'WDdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.WDdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'WDh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("WDplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - - ) - ), - ## Trend Topic ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "trendTopic"', - # actionButton("applyTrendTopics", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - #h4(em(strong("Method Parameters:"))), - selectInput("trendTerms", "Field", - choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Author's keywords" = "DE", - "Titles" = "TI", - "Abstracts" = "AB"), - selected = "ID"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.trendTerms == 'TI' | input.trendTerms == 'AB'", - selectInput("trendTermsngrams",'N-Grams', - choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", - "Bigrams" = "2", - "Trigrams" = "3"), - selected = 1)), - conditionalPanel( - condition = "input.trendTerms == 'TI' | input.trendTerms == 'AB'", - selectInput("trendStemming", label="Word Stemming", - choices = c("Yes" = TRUE, - "No" = FALSE), - selected = FALSE)), - uiOutput("trendSliderPY"), - box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - selectInput("TTStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TTStopFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) - ), - fileInput("TTStop", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("TTSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("TTStopPreview")) - ), - selectInput("TTSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TTSynFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). - Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) - ), - fileInput("TTSyn", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("TTSynSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("TTSynPreview")) - )), - hr(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - #uiOutput("trendMinFreq"), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput("trendMinFreq", label = "Word Minimum Frequency", min = 0, max = 100, value = 5, step = 1), - ), - column(6, - numericInput("trendNItems", label = "Number of Words per Year", min = 1, max = 20, step = 1, value = 5) - ))), - #sliderInput("trendSize", label = "Word label size", min = 0, max = 20, step = 1, value = 5), - selectInput( - 'TTdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "Please select a dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TTdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'TTh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("TTplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Coupling ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "coupling"', - # actionButton("applyCM", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - h4(em(strong(" "))), - " ", - selectInput("CManalysis", - label = "Unit of Analysis", - choices = c("Documents" = "documents", - "Authors" = "authors", - "Sources" = "sources"), - selected = "documents"), - " ", - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - #selectInput("cmNP", - # label = h4(em(strong("Parameters: "))), - # choices = c("Hide Parameters" = "hide", - # "Show Parameters" = "show"), - # selected = "hide"), - #conditionalPanel(condition = "input.cmNP == 'show'", - #" ", - selectInput("CMfield", - label = "Coupling measured by", - choices = c("References" ="CR", - "Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Author's Keywords" = "DE", - "Titles" = "TI", - "Abstracts" = "AB"), - selected = "CR"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CMfield == 'TI' | input.CMfield == 'AB'", - selectInput("CMstemming", label="Word Stemming", - choices = c("Yes" = TRUE, - "No" = FALSE), - selected = FALSE)), - selectInput("CMimpact", - label = "Impact measure", - choices = c("Local Citation Score" = "local", - "Global Citation Score" = "global"), - selected = "local"), - selectInput("CMlabeling", - label = "Cluster labeling by", - choices = c("None" = "none", - "Keyword Plus" = "ID", - "Authors' keywords" = "DE", - "Title terms" = "TI", - "Abstract terms" = "AB"), - selected = "ID"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CMlabeling == 'TI' | input.CMlabeling == 'AB'", - selectInput("CMngrams",'N-Grams', - choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", - "Bigrams" = "2", - "Trigrams" = "3"), - selected = 1)), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput("CMn", label="Number of Units\n ",value=250,min=50,max=5000,step=1)), - column(6, - numericInput("CMfreq", label="Min Cluster Freq. ",value=5,min=1,max=100,step=1))), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput("CMn.labels", label="Labels per cluster",value=3,min=1,max=10,step=1)), - column(6, - numericInput("sizeCM", label="Label size",value=0.3,min=0.0,max=1,step=0.05))) - ), - - selectInput( - 'CMdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "Dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CMdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'CMh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("CMplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Co-Occurence Network ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "coOccurenceNetwork"', - # actionButton("applyCoc", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - #" ", - #h4(em(strong("Network Parameters: "))), - selectInput("field", - "Field", - choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Author's Keywords" = "DE", - "Titles" = "TI", - "Abstracts" = "AB"), - selected = "ID"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.field == 'TI' | input.field == 'AB'", - selectInput("cocngrams",'N-Grams', - choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", - "Bigrams" = "2", - "Trigrams" = "3"), - selected = 1)), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - selectInput("COCStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.COCStopFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) - ), - fileInput("COCStop", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("COCSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("COCStopPreview")) - ), - selectInput("COCSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.COCSynFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). - Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) - ), - fileInput("COCSyn", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("COCSynSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("COCSynPreview")) - )), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Method Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput("layout", - label = "Network Layout", - choices = c("Automatic layout"="auto", - "Circle"="circle", - "Fruchterman & Reingold"="fruchterman", - "Kamada & Kawai"="kamada", - "MultiDimensional Scaling"="mds", - "Sphere"="sphere", - "Star"="star"), - selected = "auto") - ), - column(6, - selectInput("cocCluster", - label = "Clustering Algorithm", - choices = c("None" = "none", - "Edge Betweenness" = "edge_betweenness", - "InfoMap" = "infomap", - "Leading Eigenvalues" = "leading_eigen", - "Louvain" = "louvain", - "Spinglass" = "spinglass", - "Walktrap" = "walktrap"), - selected = "louvain") - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput("normalize", - label = "Normalization", - choices = c("none", - "association", - "jaccard", - "salton", - "inclusion", - "equivalence"), - selected = "association") - ), - column(6, - selectInput("cocyears", - label = "Node Color by Year", - choices = c("No" = "No", - "Yes"= "Yes"), - selected = "No") - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "Nodes", - label = "Number of Nodes", - min = 5, - max = 1000, - value = 50, - step = 1) - ), - column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "coc.repulsion", - label = "Repulsion Force", - min = 0, - max = 1, - value = 0.1, - step = 0.1) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="coc.isolates", - label = "Remove Isolated Nodes", - choices = c("Yes" = "yes", - "No" = "no"), - selected = "yes") - ), - column(6, - numericInput("edges.min", - label=("Minimum Number of Edges"), - value = 2, - step = 1, - min = 0) - ) - )), - #uiOutput("Focus"), - br(), - #h4(em(strong("Graphical Parameters: "))), - #br(), - box(title = p(strong("Graphical Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "cocAlpha", - label = "Opacity", - min = 0, - max = 1, - value = 0.7, - step=0.05) - ), - column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "Labels", - label = "Number of labels", - min = 0, - max = 1000, - value = 50, - step = 1) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="label.cex", - label = "Label cex", - choices = c("Yes", - "No"), - selected = "Yes") - ), - column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="coc.shape", - label = "Node Shape", - choices = c( - "Box"="box", - "Circle"="circle", - "Dot"="dot", - "Ellipse"="ellipse", - "Square"="square", - "Text"="text"), - selected = "dot") - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "labelsize", - label = "Label size", - min = 0.0, - max = 20, - value = 6, - step = 0.10) - ), - column(6, - numericInput( - inputId = "edgesize", - label = "Edge size", - min = 0.5, - max = 20, - value = 5, - step=0.5) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="coc.shadow", - label = "Node shadow", - choices = c("Yes", - "No"), - selected = "No") - ), - column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="coc.curved", - label = "Curved edges", - choices = c("Yes", - "No"), - selected = "No") - - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow(column(6, - downloadButton("network.coc", strong("Save Pajek"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", - width = "100%") - ), - column(6, - downloadButton("networkCoc.fig", strong("Save HTML"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ) - ), - ## Thematic Map ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "thematicMap"', - # actionButton("applyTM", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - h4(em(strong(" "))), - " ", - selectInput("TMfield", - label = "Field", - choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Author's Keywords" = "DE", - "Titles" = "TI", - "Abstracts" = "AB"), - selected = "ID"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TMfield == 'TI' | input.TMfield == 'AB'", - selectInput("TMngrams",'N-Grams', - choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", - "Bigrams" = "2", - "Trigrams" = "3"), - selected = 1)), - conditionalPanel( - condition = "input.TMfield == 'TI' | input.TMfield == 'AB'", - selectInput("TMstemming", label="Word Stemming", - choices = c("Yes" = TRUE, - "No" = FALSE), - selected = FALSE)), - box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - selectInput("TMStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TMStopFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) - ), - fileInput("TMStop", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("TMSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("TMStopPreview")) - ), - selectInput("TMapSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TMapSynFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). - Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) - ), - fileInput("TMapSyn", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("TMapSynSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("TMapSynPreview")) - )), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput("TMn", label="Number of Words",value=250,min=50,max=5000,step=1) - ), - column(6, - numericInput("TMfreq", label="Min Cluster Frequency (per thousand docs)",value=5,min=1,max=100,step=1) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput("TMn.labels", label="Number of Labels",value=3,min=0,max=10,step=1) - ), - column(6, - numericInput("sizeTM", label="Label size",value=0.3,min=0.0,max=1,step=0.05) - )) - ), - selectInput( - 'TMdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TMdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'TMh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("TMplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Thematic Evolution ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "thematicEvolution"', - # actionButton("applyTE", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - h4(em(strong(" "))), - " ", - selectInput("TEfield", - label = "Field", - choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Author's Keywords" = "DE", - "Titles" = "TI", - "Abstracts - " = "AB"), - selected = "ID"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TEfield == 'TI' | input.TEfield == 'AB'", - selectInput("TEngrams",'N-Grams', - choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", - "Bigrams" = "2", - "Trigrams" = "3"), - selected = 1)), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - selectInput("TEStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TEStopFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) - ), - fileInput("TEStop", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("TESep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("TEStopPreview")) - ), - selectInput("TESynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TESynFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). - Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) - ), - fileInput("TESyn", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("TESynSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("TESynPreview")) - )), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput("nTE", label="Number of Words",value=250,min=50,max=5000,step=1) - ), - column(6, - numericInput("fTE", label="Min Cluster Frequency (per thousand docs)",value=5,min=1,max=100,step=1) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput("TEmeasure", - label = "Weight index", - choices = c("Inclusion Index" = "inclusion", - "Inclusion Index weighted by Word-Occurrences" = "weighted", - "Stability Index" = "stability" - ), - selected = "weighted") - ), - column(6, - numericInput("minFlowTE", label="Min Weight Index",value=0.1,min=0.02,max=1,step=0.02) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput("sizeTE", label="Label size",value=0.3,min=0.0,max=1,step=0.05) - ), - column(6, - numericInput("TEn.labels", label="Number of Labels (for each cluster)",value=1,min=1,max=5,step=1) - )) - ), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Time Slices"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = FALSE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = FALSE, - numericInput("numSlices", label="Number of Cutting Points",min=1,max=4,value=1), - "Please, write the cutting points (in year) for your collection", - uiOutput("sliders") - ) - ), - ## Factorial Analysis - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "factorialAnalysis"', - # actionButton("applyCA", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - br(), - br(), - selectInput("method", - label = "Method", - choices = c("Correspondence Analysis" = "CA", - "Multiple Correspondence Analysis" = "MCA", - "Multidimensional Scaling"= "MDS"), - selected = "MCA"), - selectInput("CSfield", - label = "Field", - choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", - "Author's Keywords" = "DE", - "Titles" = "TI", - "Abstracts" = "AB"), - selected = "ID"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CSfield == 'TI' | input.CSfield == 'AB'", - selectInput("CSngrams",'N-Grams', - choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", - "Bigrams" = "2", - "Trigrams" = "3"), - selected = 1)), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - selectInput("CSStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CSStopFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) - ), - fileInput("CSStop", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("CSSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("CSStopPreview")) - ), - selectInput("FASynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", - choices = c("Yes" = "Y", - "No" = "N"), - selected = "N"), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.FASynFile == 'Y'", - helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), - h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). - Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) - ), - fileInput("FASyn", "", - multiple = FALSE, - accept = c("text/csv", - "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", - ".csv", - ".txt")), - - selectInput("FASynSep", "File Separator", - choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", - 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", - 'Tab '= "\t"), - selected = ","), - h5(htmlOutput("FASynPreview")) - )), - #h4(em(strong("FA Parameters: "))), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Method Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput("CSn", - label=("Number of terms"), - value = 50, step = 1)), - column(6, - selectInput("nClustersCS", - label = "N. of Clusters", - choices = c("Auto" = "0", - "2" = "2", - "3" = "3", - "4" = "4", - "5" = "5", - "6" = "6", - "7" = "7", - "8" = "8"), - selected = "0"))) - ), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Graphical Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - #h4(em(strong("Graphical Parameters: "))), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput( - inputId = "CSlabelsize", - label = "Label size", - min = 5, - max = 30, - value = 10)), - column(6, - numericInput("CSdoc", - label=("Num. of documents"), - value = 5))) - ), - selectInput( - 'FAdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plots as png" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.FAdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'FAh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("FA1plot.save", strong("Term Factorial Map "), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%"), - h4(" "), - downloadButton("FA2plot.save", strong("Topic Dendrogram "), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%"), - h4(" "), - downloadButton("FA3plot.save", strong("Most Contributing Map "), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%"), - h4(" "), - downloadButton("FA4plot.save", strong("Most Cited Map "), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Co-citation Network ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "coCitationNetwork"', - # actionButton("applyCocit", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - #" ", - #h4(em(strong("Network Parameters: "))), - selectInput("citField", - label = "Field", - choices = c("Papers" = "CR", - "Authors" = "CR_AU", - "Sources" = "CR_SO"), - selected = "CR"), - selectInput(inputId = "citSep", - label = "Field separator character", - choices = c('";" (Semicolon)' = ";", - '". " (Dot and 3 or more spaces)' = ". ", - '"," (Comma)' = ","), - selected = "';'"), - box(title = p(strong("Method Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput("citlayout", - label = "Network Layout", - choices = c("Automatic layout"="auto", - "Circle"="circle", - "Fruchterman & Reingold"="fruchterman", - "Kamada & Kawai"="kamada", - "MultiDimensional Scaling"="mds", - "Sphere"="sphere", - "Star"="star"), - selected = "auto") - ), - column(6, - selectInput("cocitCluster", - label = "Clustering Algorithm", - choices = c("None" = "none", - "Edge Betweenness" = "edge_betweenness", - "InfoMap" = "infomap", - "Leading Eigenvalues" = "leading_eigen", - "Louvain" = "louvain", - "Spinglass" = "spinglass", - "Walktrap" = "walktrap"), - selected = "louvain") - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "citNodes", - label = "Number of Nodes", - min = 5, - max = 1000, - value = 50, - step = 1) - ), - column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "cocit.repulsion", - label = "Repulsion Force", - min = 0, - max = 1, - value = 0.1, - step = 0.1) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="cit.isolates", - label = "Remove Isolated Nodes", - choices = c("Yes" = "yes", - "No" = "no"), - selected = "yes") - ), - column(6, - numericInput("citedges.min", - label=("Minimum Number of Edges"), - value = 2, - step = 1, - min = 0) - ) - )), - #uiOutput("Focus"), - #br(), - #h4(em(strong("Graphical Parameters: "))), - #br(), - box(title = p(strong("Graphical Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="citShortlabel", - label = "Short Label", - choices = c("Yes", - "No"), - selected = "Yes"), - - ), - column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "citLabels", - label = "Number of labels", - min = 0, - max = 1000, - value = 50, - step = 1) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="citlabel.cex", - label = "Label cex", - choices = c("Yes", - "No"), - selected = "Yes") - ), - column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="cocit.shape", - label = "Node Shape", - choices = c( - "Box"="box", - "Circle"="circle", - "Dot"="dot", - "Ellipse"="ellipse", - "Square"="square", - "Text"="text"), - selected = "dot") - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "citlabelsize", - label = "Label size", - min = 0.0, - max = 20, - value = 2, - step = 0.10) - ), - column(6, - numericInput( - inputId = "citedgesize", - label = "Edge size", - min = 0.5, - max = 20, - value = 5, - step=0.5) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="cocit.shadow", - label = "Node shadow", - choices = c("Yes", - "No"), - selected = "No") - ), - column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="cocit.curved", - label = "Curved edges", - choices = c("Yes", - "No"), - selected = "No") - - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow(column(6, - downloadButton("network.cocit", strong("Save Pajek"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", - width = "100%") - ), - column(6, - downloadButton("networkCocit.fig", strong("Save HTML"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ) - ), - ## Historiograph ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "historiograph"', - # actionButton("applyHist", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - #selectInput('save_colnet', 'Save network as:', choices = c('No, thanks!' = 'no_thanks', 'Pajek format' = 'pajek')), - #conditionalPanel(condition = "input.save_colnet == 'pajek'" - # br(), - # br(), - numericInput(inputId = "histNodes", - label = "Number of Nodes", - min = 5, - max = 100, - value = 20, - step = 1), - " ", - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Graphical Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, - collapsed = FALSE, - selectInput(inputId = "titlelabel", - label = "Node label", - choices = c("Short id (1st Author, Year)" = "FALSE", - "Document Title" = "TRUE"), - selected = "FALSE"), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "histlabelsize", - label = "Label size", - min = 0.0, - max = 20, - value = 3, step = 1)), - column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "histsize", - label = "Node size", - min = 0, - max = 20, - value = 4, step = 1))) - ), - selectInput( - 'HGdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.HGdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'HGh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("HGplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ), - ## Collaboration Network ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "collabNetwork"', - # actionButton("applyCol", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - #" ", - #h4(em(strong("Network Parameters: "))), - selectInput("colField", - label = "Field", - choices = c("Authors" = "COL_AU", - "Institutions" = "COL_UN", - "Countries" = "COL_CO"), - selected = "COL_AU"), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Method Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput("collayout", - label = "Network Layout", - choices = c("Automatic layout"="auto", - "Circle"="circle", - "Fruchterman & Reingold"="fruchterman", - "Kamada & Kawai"="kamada", - "MultiDimensional Scaling"="mds", - "Sphere"="sphere", - "Star"="star"), - selected = "auto") - ), - column(6, - selectInput("colCluster", - label = "Clustering Algorithm", - choices = c("None" = "none", - "Edge Betweenness" = "edge_betweenness", - "InfoMap" = "infomap", - "Leading Eigenvalues" = "leading_eigen", - "Louvain" = "louvain", - "Spinglass" = "spinglass", - "Walktrap" = "walktrap"), - selected = "louvain") - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput("colnormalize", - label = "Normalization", - choices = c("none", - "association", - "jaccard", - "salton", - "inclusion", - "equivalence"), - selected = "association") - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "colNodes", - label = "Number of Nodes", - min = 5, - max = 1000, - value = 50, - step = 1) - ), - column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "col.repulsion", - label = "Repulsion Force", - min = 0, - max = 1, - value = 0.1, - step = 0.1) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="col.isolates", - label = "Remove Isolated Nodes", - choices = c("Yes" = "yes", - "No" = "no"), - selected = "yes") - ), - column(6, - numericInput("coledges.min", - label=("Minimum Number of Edges"), - value = 1, - step = 1, - min = 0) - ) - )), - #uiOutput("Focus"), - #h4(em(strong("Graphical Parameters: "))), - br(), - box(title = p(strong("Graphical Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), - collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, - solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "colAlpha", - label = "Opacity", - min = 0, - max = 1, - value = 0.7, - step=0.05) - ), - column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "colLabels", - label = "Number of labels", - min = 0, - max = 1000, - value = 50, - step = 1) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="collabel.cex", - label = "Label cex", - choices = c("Yes", - "No"), - selected = "Yes") - ), - column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="col.shape", - label = "Node Shape", - choices = c( - "Box"="box", - "Circle"="circle", - "Dot"="dot", - "Ellipse"="ellipse", - "Square"="square", - "Text"="text"), - selected = "dot") - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - numericInput(inputId = "collabelsize", - label = "Label size", - min = 0.0, - max = 20, - value = 2, - step = 0.10) - ), - column(6, - numericInput( - inputId = "coledgesize", - label = "Edge size", - min = 0.5, - max = 20, - value = 5, - step=0.5) - )), - fluidRow(column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="col.shadow", - label = "Node shadow", - choices = c("Yes", - "No"), - selected = "No") - ), - column(6, - selectInput(inputId ="soc.curved", - label = "Curved edges", - choices = c("Yes", - "No"), - selected = "No") - - )) - ), - br(), - fluidRow(column(6, - downloadButton("network.col", strong("Save Pajek"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", - width = "100%") - ), - column(6, - downloadButton("networkCol.fig", strong("Save HTML"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ) - ), - ## Collaboration World Map ---- - conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "collabWorldMap"', - # actionButton("applyWM", strong("Run"), - # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", - # width = "100%"), - # br(), - # br(), - h4(strong("Method Parameters: ")), - " ", - numericInput("WMedges.min", - label=("Min edges"), - value = 2, - step = 1), - " ", - br(), - h4(strong("Graphical Parameters: ")), - " ", - sliderInput(inputId = "WMedgesize", - label = "Edge size", - min = 0.1, - max = 20, - value = 5), - br(), - selectInput( - 'CCdpi', - h4(strong( - "Export plot" - )), - choices=c( - "dpi value" = "null", - "75 dpi" = "75", - "150 dpi" = "150", - "300 dpi" = "300", - "600 dpi" = "600" - ), - selected = "null" - ), - conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CCdpi != 'null'", - sliderInput( - 'CCh', - h4(em(strong( - "Height (in inches)" - ))), - value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), - downloadButton("CCplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), - style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", - width = "100%") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - -} +#### SERVER #### + +server <- function(input, output,session){ + session$onSessionEnded(stopApp) + ## + + ## suppress warnings + options(warn = -1) + ## + + ## file upload max size + maxUploadSize <- 200 # default value + maxUploadSize <- getShinyOption("maxUploadSize", maxUploadSize) + options(shiny.maxRequestSize=maxUploadSize*1024^2) + + ## initial values + data("logo",package="bibliometrix",envir=environment()) + values = reactiveValues() + values$logo <- logo + values$logoGrid <- grid::rasterGrob(logo,interpolate = TRUE) + values$h <- 7 + values$w <- 14 + values$results <- list("NA") + values$log <- "working..." + values$load="FALSE" + values$field = values$cocngrams = "NA" + values$citField=values$colField=values$citSep="NA" + values$NetWords=values$NetRefs=values$ColNetRefs=matrix(NA,1,1) + values$Title="Network" + values$Histfield="NA" + values$histlog="working..." + values$kk=0 + #values$MRWremove.terms=NULL + values$M=data.frame(PY=0) + values$histsearch="NA" + values$citShortlabel="NA" + values$S=list("NA") + values$GR="NA" + values$dsToken <- "Wrong account or password" + values$dsSample <- 0 + values$dsQuery <- "" + values$pmQuery <- " " + values$pmSample <- 0 + values$ApiOk <- 0 + values$checkControlBar <-FALSE + + ## NOTIFICATION ITEM ---- + + output$notificationMenu <- renderMenu({ + + notifTot <- notifications() + + values$nots <- apply(notifTot, 1, function(row) { + + ## extract href from messages + if (is.na(row[["href"]])){href <- NULL + }else{ + href <- paste("javascript:void(window.open('",row[["href"]],"', '_blank'))", sep="") + } + + ## add bold to new messages and split the long ones in two rows + if (row[["status"]]=="danger"){ ### new messages + textRows <- paste("tags$strong('",row[["nots"]],"')", sep="") + textRows <- strsplit(substr(textRows,1,85), "(?<=.{48})", perl = TRUE)[[1]] + if (length(textRows)>1){ + textRows <- paste("tags$div(",textRows[1],"',tags$br(),'",textRows[2],")", sep="") + }else{ + textRows <- paste("tags$div(",textRows,")", sep="") + } + }else{ ## old messages + textRows <- strsplit(substr(row[["nots"]],1,70), "(?<=.{35})", perl = TRUE)[[1]] + if (length(textRows)>1){ + textRows <- paste("tags$div('",textRows[1],"',tags$br(),'",textRows[2],"')", sep="") + }else{ + textRows <- paste("tags$div('",textRows,"')", sep="") + } + } + + + + notificationItem( + #text = row[["nots"]], + text = eval(parse(text=textRows)), + icon = if (row[["status"]]=="danger") {fa_i(name ="envelope")}else{fa_i(name ="envelope-open")}, + status = row[["status"]], + href = href + ) + }) + + if ("danger" %in% notifTot[["status"]]){ + badge = "danger" + icon_name ="envelope" + } else { + badge = NULL + icon_name ="envelope-open" + } + + dropdownMenu(type = "notifications", + .list = values$nots, + headerText ="", + badgeStatus = NULL, + icon = fa_i(name = icon_name) + #icon = icon_color + ) + }) + + ###Menu sidebar ---- + + # Apply Data---- + observe({ + toggleElement( + id ="rest_of_sidebar", + condition = input[["applyLoad"]] + ) + }) + + output$rest_of_sidebar <- renderMenu({ + sidebarMenu( + menuItem("Filters",tabName = "filters",icon = fa_i(name ="filter")), + menuItem("Overview",tabName = "overview",icon=fa_i(name = "table"),startExpanded = FALSE, + menuSubItem("Main Information",tabName="mainInfo",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Annual Scientific Production",tabName = "annualScPr",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Average Citations per Year",tabName = "averageCitPerYear",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Three-Field Plot", tabName ="threeFieldPlot",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon"))), + menuItem("Sources", tabName = "sources",icon = fa_i(name ="book"), startExpanded = FALSE, + menuSubItem("Most Relevant Sources", tabName = "relevantSources",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Sources",tabName = "localCitedSources",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Bradford's Law",tabName = "bradford",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Source Impact",tabName = "sourceImpact",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Source Dynamics",tabName = "sourceDynamics",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon"))), + menuItem("Authors", tabName = "authors",icon = fa_i(name="user"),startExpanded = FALSE, + "Authors", + menuSubItem("Most Relevant Authors", tabName = "mostRelAuthors",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Authors",tabName = "mostLocalCitedAuthors",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Authors' Production over Time",tabName = "authorsProdOverTime",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Lotka's Law",tabName = "lotka",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Author Impact",tabName = "authorImpact",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + "Affiliations", + menuSubItem("Most Relevant Affiliations",tabName = "mostRelAffiliations",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + "Countries", + menuSubItem("Corresponding Author's Country",tabName = "correspAuthorCountry",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Country Scientific Production",tabName = "countryScientProd",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Most Cited Countries",tabName = "mostCitedCountries",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")) + ), + menuItem("Documents", tabName = "documents",icon = fa_i(name="layer-group"), startExpanded = FALSE, + "Documents", + menuSubItem("Most Global Cited Documents",tabName = "mostGlobalCitDoc",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Documents",tabName = "mostLocalCitDoc",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + "Cited Refereces", + menuSubItem("Most Local Cited References",tabName = "mostLocalCitRef",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Reference Spectroscopy",tabName = "ReferenceSpect",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + "Words", + menuSubItem("Most Frequent Words",tabName = "mostFreqWords",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("WordCloud", tabName = "wcloud",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("TreeMap",tabName = "treemap",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Word Dynamics",tabName = "wordDynamics",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Trend Topics",tabName = "trendTopic",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")) + ), + menuItem("Clustering", tabName = "clustering",icon = fa_i(name ="spinner"),startExpanded = FALSE, + menuSubItem("Clustering by Coupling",tabName = "coupling",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), + menuItem("Conceptual Structure",tabName = "concepStructure",icon = fa_i(name="spell-check"),startExpanded = FALSE, + "Network Approach", + menuSubItem("Co-occurence Network",tabName = "coOccurenceNetwork",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon") ), + menuSubItem("Thematic Map",tabName = "thematicMap", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Thematic Evolution",tabName = "thematicEvolution", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + "Factorial Approach", + menuSubItem("Factorial Analysis", tabName = "factorialAnalysis", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), + menuItem("Intellectual Structure",tabName = "intStruct",icon = fa_i(name="gem"), startExpanded = FALSE, + menuSubItem("Co-citation Network",tabName = "coCitationNetwork", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Historiograph",tabName = "historiograph", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), + menuItem("Social Structure",tabName = "socialStruct", icon = fa_i("users"),startExpanded = FALSE, + menuSubItem("Collaboration Network",tabName = "collabNetwork",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Collaboration WorldMap", tabName = "collabWorldMap",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))) + ) + }) + + # Apply API ---- + observe({ + toggleElement( + id ="rest_of_sidebar", + condition = input[["apiApply"]] + ) + }) + + output$rest_of_sidebar <- renderMenu({ + sidebarMenu( + menuItem("Filters",tabName = "filters",icon = fa_i(name ="filter")), + menuItem("Overview",tabName = "overview",icon=fa_i(name = "table"),startExpanded = FALSE, + menuSubItem("Main Information",tabName="mainInfo",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Annual Scientific Production",tabName = "annualScPr",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Average Citations per Year",tabName = "averageCitPerYear",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Three-Field Plot", tabName ="threeFieldPlot",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon"))), + menuItem("Sources", tabName = "sources",icon = fa_i(name ="book"), startExpanded = FALSE, + menuSubItem("Most Relevant Sources", tabName = "relevantSources",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Sources",tabName = "localCitedSources",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Bradford's Law",tabName = "bradford",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Source Impact",tabName = "sourceImpact",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Source Dynamics",tabName = "sourceDynamics",icon = icon("chevron-right",lib = "glyphicon"))), + menuItem("Authors", tabName = "authors",icon = fa_i(name="user"),startExpanded = FALSE, + "Authors", + menuSubItem("Most Relevant Authors", tabName = "mostRelAuthors",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Authors",tabName = "mostLocalCitedAuthors",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Authors' Production over Time",tabName = "authorsProdOverTime",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Lotka's Law",tabName = "lotka",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Author Impact",tabName = "authorImpact",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + "Affiliations", + menuSubItem("Most Relevant Affiliations",tabName = "mostRelAffiliations",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + "Countries", + menuSubItem("Corresponding Author's Country",tabName = "correspAuthorCountry",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Country Scientific Production",tabName = "countryScientProd",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Most Cited Countries",tabName = "mostCitedCountries",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")) + ), + menuItem("Documents", tabName = "documents",icon = fa_i(name="layer-group"), startExpanded = FALSE, + "Documents", + menuSubItem("Most Global Cited Documents",tabName = "mostGlobalCitDoc",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Most Local Cited Documents",tabName = "mostLocalCitDoc",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + "Cited Refereces", + menuSubItem("Most Local Cited References",tabName = "mostLocalCitRef",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Reference Spectroscopy",tabName = "ReferenceSpect",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + "Words", + menuSubItem("Most Frequent Words",tabName = "mostFreqWords",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("WordCloud", tabName = "wcloud",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("TreeMap",tabName = "treemap",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Word Dynamics",tabName = "wordDynamics",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Trend Topics",tabName = "trendTopic",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")) + ), + menuItem("Clustering", tabName = "clustering",icon = fa_i(name ="spinner"),startExpanded = FALSE, + menuSubItem("Clustering by Coupling",tabName = "coupling",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), + menuItem("Conceptual Structure",tabName = "concepStructure",icon = fa_i(name="spell-check"),startExpanded = FALSE, + "Network Approach", + menuSubItem("Co-occurence Network",tabName = "coOccurenceNetwork",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon") ), + menuSubItem("Thematic Map",tabName = "thematicMap", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Thematic Evolution",tabName = "thematicEvolution", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + "Factorial Approach", + menuSubItem("Factorial Analysis", tabName = "factorialAnalysis", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), + menuItem("Intellectual Structure",tabName = "intStruct",icon = fa_i(name="gem"), startExpanded = FALSE, + menuSubItem("Co-citation Network",tabName = "coCitationNetwork", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Historiograph",tabName = "historiograph", icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))), + menuItem("Social Structure",tabName = "socialStruct", icon = fa_i("users"),startExpanded = FALSE, + menuSubItem("Collaboration Network",tabName = "collabNetwork",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon")), + menuSubItem("Collaboration WorldMap", tabName = "collabWorldMap",icon = icon("chevron-right", lib = "glyphicon"))) + ) + }) + + # observe({ + # toggleElement( + # id = "rest_of_sidebar", + # condition = input[["applyLoad"]] + # ) + # }) + # + # # menuItem("Quit", tabName = "quit",icon=icon("off",lib = "glyphicon")), + # # menuItem("K-Synth", icon = icon("globe",lib = "glyphicon"), badgeLabel = "Link", badgeColor = "blue", + # # href = "https://www.k-synth.unina.it") + + + + + ## LOAD MENU ---- + format <- function(obj){ + ext<- sub('.*\\.', '', obj[1]) + switch(ext, + txt ={ + format <- "plaintext" + }, + csv ={ + format <- "csv" + }, + bib ={ + format <- "bibtex" + }, + ciw ={ + format <- "endnote" + }, + xlsx={ + format <- "excel" + } + ) + return(format) + } + + ## smart_load function ---- + smart_load <- function(file){ + var <- load(file) + n <- length(var) + if (!"M" %in% var){ + if (n == 1) { + eval(parse(text = paste0("M <- ", var))) + } else { + stop("I could not find bibliometrixDB object in your data file: ", file) + } + } + rm(list = var[var != "M"]) + if ( ("M" %in% ls()) & inherits(M, "bibliometrixDB") ){ + return(M) + } else { + stop("Please make sure your RData/Rda file contains a bibliometrixDB object (M).") + } + } + + DATAloading<- eventReactive(input$applyLoad,{ + # input$file1 will be NULL initially. After the user selects + # and uploads a file, it will be a data frame with 'name', + # 'size', 'type', and 'datapath' columns. The 'datapath' + # column will contain the local filenames where the data can + # be found. + if (input$load=="demo"){ + data(management, package="bibliometrixData") + values = initial(values) + row.names(management) <- management$SR + values$M <- management + values$Morig = management + values$Histfield = "NA" + values$results = list("NA") + return() + } + inFile <- input$file1 + + if (!is.null(inFile) & input$load=="import") { + ext <- getFileNameExtension(inFile$datapath) + switch( + input$dbsource, + isi = { + switch(ext, + ### WoS ZIP Files + zip = { + D <- unzip(inFile$datapath) + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(D, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = format(D)) + }) + }, + ### WoS Txt/Bib Files + { + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = format(inFile$datapath)) + }) + }) + }, + scopus = { + switch(ext, + ### Scopus ZIP Files + zip = { + D <- unzip(inFile$datapath) + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(D, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = format(D)) + }) + }, + ### Scopus CSV/Bib Files + csv = { + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = "csv") + }) + }, + bib = { + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = "bibtex") + }) + }) + + }, + lens = { + switch(ext, + ### Lens.org ZIP Files + zip = { + D <- unzip(inFile$datapath) + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(D, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = format(D)) + }) + }, + ### Lens.org CSV Files + { + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = format(inFile$datapath)) + }) + }) + }, + cochrane = { + switch(ext, + ### Cochrane ZIP Files + zip = { + D <- unzip(inFile$datapath) + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(D, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = format(D)) + }) + }, + ### Cochrane txt files + { + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = "plaintext") + }) + }) + + }, + pubmed = { + switch(ext, + ### Pubmed ZIP Files + zip = { + D <- unzip(inFile$datapath) + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(D, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = "pubmed") + }) + }, + ### Pubmed txt Files + txt = { + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- convert2df(inFile$datapath, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = "pubmed") + }) + }) + }, + dimensions = { + switch(ext, + ### Dimensions ZIP Files + zip = { + D = unzip(inFile$datapath) + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- + convert2df(D, + dbsource = input$dbsource, + format = format(D)) + }) + }, + ### Dimensions Xlsx/csv Files + xlsx = { + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- + convert2df( + inFile$datapath, + dbsource = "dimensions", + format = "excel" + ) + }) + }, + csv = { + withProgress(message = 'Conversion in progress', + value = 0, { + M <- + convert2df( + inFile$datapath, + dbsource = "dimensions", + format = "csv" + ) + }) + }) + + } + ) + + } else if (!is.null(inFile) & input$load=="load") { + ext <- tolower(getFileNameExtension(inFile$datapath)) + #print(ext) + switch(ext, + ### excel format + xlsx={ + #M <- rio::import(inFile$datapath) + M <- readxl::read_excel(inFile$datapath) %>% as.data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE) + class(M) <- c("bibliometrixDB", "data.frame") + ### M row names + ### identify duplicated SRs + SR=M$SR + tab=table(SR) + tab2=table(tab) + ind=as.numeric(names(tab2)) + ind=ind[which(ind>1)] + if (length(ind)>0){ + for (i in ind){ + indice=names(which(tab==i)) + for (j in indice){ + indice2=which(SR==j) + SR[indice2]=paste(SR[indice2],as.character(1:length(indice2)),sep=" ") + } + } + } + + row.names(M) <- SR + }, + ### RData format + rdata={ + M <- smart_load(inFile$datapath) + }, + rda={ + M <- smart_load(inFile$datapath) + }, + rds={ + M <- readRDS(inFile$datapath) + }) + } else if (is.null(inFile)) {return(NULL)} + + values = initial(values) + values$M <- M + values$Morig = M + values$Histfield = "NA" + values$results = list("NA") + + + }) + output$contents <- DT::renderDT({ + DATAloading() + MData = as.data.frame(apply(values$M, 2, function(x) { + substring(x, 1, 150) + }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + MData$DOI <- + paste0( + '', + MData$DI, + '' + ) + nome = c("DOI", names(MData)[-length(names(MData))]) + MData = MData[nome] + DT::datatable(MData,escape = FALSE,rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list( + pageLength = 10, + dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list(list(extend = 'pageLength'), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10, 25, 50, -1), + c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows', 'Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list( + className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(MData)) - 1) + )) + ), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe' + ) %>% + formatStyle( + names(MData), + backgroundColor = 'white', + textAlign = 'center', + fontSize = '70%' + ) + }) + + ## export functions ---- + output$collection.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("Bibliometrix-Export-File-", Sys.Date(), ".",input$save_file, sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + switch(input$save_file, + #xlsx={suppressWarnings(rio::export(values$M, file=file))}, + xlsx={suppressWarnings(openxlsx::write.xlsx(values$M, file=file))}, + RData={ + M=values$M + save(M, file=file) + }) + + }, + contentType = input$save_file + ) + + output$collection.save_api <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("Bibliometrix-Export-File-", Sys.Date(), ".",input$save_file_api, sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + switch(input$save_file_api, + #xlsx={suppressWarnings(rio::export(values$M, file=file))}, + xlsx={suppressWarnings(openxlsx::write.xlsx(values$M, file=file))}, + RData={ + M=values$M + save(M, file=file) + }) + + }, + contentType = input$save_file_api + ) + + output$textLog <- renderUI({ + k=dim(values$M)[1] + if (k==1){k=0} + log=paste("Number of Documents ",k) + textInput("textLog", "Conversion results", + value=log) + }) + + dsModal <- function(failed = FALSE) { + modalDialog( + title = "Dimensions API", + size = "l", + + h4(em( + strong("1) Get a token using your Dimensions credentials") + )), + textInput( + "dsAccount", + "Account", + "", + width = NULL, + placeholder = NULL + ), + passwordInput("dsPassword", + "Password", + "", + width = NULL, + placeholder = NULL), + + actionButton("dsToken", "Get a token "), + h5(tags$b("Token")), + verbatimTextOutput("tokenLog", placeholder = FALSE), + tags$hr(), + h4(em(strong("2) Create a query"))), + textInput( + "dsWords", + "Words", + "", + width = NULL, + placeholder = NULL + ), + selectInput( + "dsFullsearch", + label = "search field", + choices = c("Title and Abstract only" = FALSE, + "Full text" = TRUE), + selected = FALSE + ), + textInput( + "dsCategories", + "Science Categories", + "", + width = NULL, + placeholder = NULL + ), + numericInput("dsStartYear", "Start Year", value = 1990), + numericInput("dsEndYear", "End Year", value = as.numeric(substr(Sys.time(), 1, 4))), + + + actionButton("dsQuery", "Create the query "), + + h5(tags$b("Your query")), + verbatimTextOutput("queryLog", placeholder = FALSE), + h5(tags$b("Documents returned using your query")), + verbatimTextOutput("sampleLog", placeholder = FALSE), + + + uiOutput("sliderLimit"), + + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("dsok", "OK") + ) + ) + } + + ### Show Dimensions modal when button is clicked. + observeEvent(input$dsShow, { + showModal(dsModal()) + }) + + observeEvent(input$dsok, { + removeModal() + values$M <- data.frame(Message="Waiting for data") + }) + + output$tokenLog <- renderText({ + input$dsToken + isolate({ + capture.output(Token <- dsAuth(username = input$dsAccount, password = input$dsPassword)) + #Token <- dsAuth(username = input$dsAccount, password = input$dsPassword) + if (Token==1){ + values$dsToken <- "Wrong account or password" + }else{ + values$dsToken <- Token + } + values$dsToken + + }) + }) + + DSQUERYload<- eventReactive(input$dsQuery,{ + values$dsQuery <- dsQueryBuild(item = "publications", + words = input$dsWords, + full.search = input$dsFullsearch, + type = "article", + categories = input$dsCategories, + start_year = input$dsStartYear, end_year = input$dsEndYear) + dsSample <- 0 + capture.output(dsSample <- dsApiRequest(token = values$dsToken, query = values$dsQuery, limit = 0)) + if (class(dsSample)=="numeric"){ + values$dsSample <- 0 + }else{values$dsSample <- dsSample$total_count} + }) + + output$queryLog <- renderText({ + + DSQUERYload() + values$dsQuery + + }) + + output$queryLog2 <- renderText({ + DSQUERYload() + values$dsQuery + }) + + output$sampleLog <- renderText({ + DSQUERYload() + mes <- paste("Dimensions returns ",values$dsSample, " documents", collapse="",sep="") + mes + }) + + output$sampleLog2 <- renderText({ + + if (nrow(values$M)<2) {n <- 0}else{n <- nrow(values$M)} + mes <- paste("Dimensions API returns ",n, " documents", collapse="",sep="") + values$ApiOk <- 0 + return(mes) + }) + + output$sliderLimit <- renderUI({ + + sliderInput("sliderLimit", "Total document to download", min = 1, + max = values$dsSample, value = values$dsSample, step = 1) + }) + + ### API MENU: PubMed ---- + ### PubMed modal + pmModal <- function(failed = FALSE) { + modalDialog( + title = "PubMed API", + size = "l", + h4(em(strong( + "1) Generate a valid query" + ))), + textInput( + "pmQueryText", + "Search terms", + " ", + width = NULL, + placeholder = NULL + ), + numericInput("pmStartYear", "Start Year", value = 1990), + numericInput("pmEndYear", "End Year", value = as.numeric(substr(Sys.time( + ), 1, 4))), + actionButton("pmQuery", "Try the query "), + h5(tags$b("Query Translation")), + verbatimTextOutput("pmQueryLog", placeholder = FALSE), + #h5(tags$b("Generated query")), + h5(tags$b("Documents returned using your query")), + verbatimTextOutput("pmSampleLog", placeholder = FALSE), + tags$hr(), + h4(em( + strong("2) Choose how many documents to download") + )), + + uiOutput("pmSliderLimit"), + + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("pmok", "OK") + ) + ) + } + + # Show modal when button is clicked. + observeEvent(input$pmShow, { + showModal(pmModal()) + }) + + observeEvent(input$pmok, { + removeModal() + }) + + pmQUERYLOAD <- eventReactive(input$pmQuery,{ + + query = paste(input$pmQueryText,"[Title/Abstract] AND english[LA] AND Journal Article[PT] AND " + ,input$pmStartYear,":",input$pmEndYear,"[DP]", sep="") + res <- pmQueryTotalCount(query = query, api_key = NULL) + if (class(res)=="list"){ + values$pmSample <- res$total_count + values$pmQuery <- res$query_translation} + values$pmQuery <- res$query_translation + + }) + output$pmQueryLog <- renderText({ + pmQUERYLOAD() + values$pmQuery + }) + + output$pmQueryLog2 <- renderText({ + pmQUERYLOAD() + values$pmQuery + }) + + output$pmSampleLog <- renderText({ + pmQUERYLOAD() + mes <- paste("PubMed returns ",values$pmSample, " documents", collapse="",sep="") + mes + + }) + output$pmSampleLog2 <- renderText({ + if (nrow(values$M)<2) {n <- 0}else{n <- nrow(values$M)} + + mes <- paste("PubMed API returns ",n, " documents", collapse="",sep="") + values$ApiOk <- 0 + return(mes) + }) + + output$pmSliderLimit <- renderUI({ + sliderInput("pmSliderLimit", "Total document to download", min = 1, + max = values$pmSample, value = values$pmSample, step = 1) + }) + ### API MENU: Content Download ---- + APIDOWNLOAD <- eventReactive(input$apiApply,{ + values = initial(values) + values$M <- data.frame(Message="Waiting for data") + + switch(input$dbapi, + ds={ + if (input$dsWords!="") { + #capture.output( + D <- + dsApiRequest( + token = values$dsToken, + query = values$dsQuery, + limit = input$sliderLimit + ) + #) + M <- convert2df(D, "dimensions", "api") + values$ApiOk <- 1 + values$M <- M + values$Morig = M + + values$Histfield = "NA" + values$results = list("NA") + + contentTable(values) + } + }, + pubmed={ + #if (exists("input$pmQueryText")){ + if (input$pmQueryText !=" ") { + #capture.output( + D <- + pmApiRequest( + query = values$pmQuery, + limit = input$pmSliderLimit, + api_key = NULL + ) + #) + M <- convert2df(D, "pubmed", "api") + values$ApiOk <- 1 + values$M <- M + values$Morig = M + + values$Histfield = "NA" + values$results = list("NA") + + #contentTable(values) + } + + }) + }) + + + + output$apiContents <- DT::renderDT({ + APIDOWNLOAD() + contentTable(values) + #} + + }) + + ### function returns a formatted data.frame ---- + contentTable <- function(values){ + MData = as.data.frame(apply(values$M, 2, function(x) { + substring(x, 1, 150) + }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + MData$DOI <- + paste0( + '', + MData$DI, + '' + ) + nome = c("DOI", names(MData)[-length(names(MData))]) + MData = MData[nome] + DT::datatable(MData,escape = FALSE,rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list( + pageLength = 10, + dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list(list(extend = 'pageLength'), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10, 25, 50, -1), + c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows', 'Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list( + className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(MData)) - 1) + )) + ), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe' + ) %>% + formatStyle( + names(MData), + backgroundColor = 'white', + textAlign = 'center', + fontSize = '70%' + ) + } + + output$textDim <- renderUI({ + str1=paste("Documents ",dim(values$M)[1]," of ",dim(values$Morig)[1]) + str2=paste("Sources ",length(unique(values$M$SO))," of ", length(unique(values$Morig$SO))) + str3=paste("Authors ",length(unique(unlist(strsplit(values$M$AU,";"))))," of ", length(unique(unlist(strsplit(values$Morig$AU,";"))))) + HTML(paste("",str1, str2, str3, sep = '
')) + }) + + output$selectType <- renderUI({ + + artType=sort(unique(values$Morig$DT)) + selectInput("selectType", "Document Type", + choices = artType, + selected = artType, + multiple =TRUE ) + }) + output$selectLA <- renderUI({ + + if ("LA" %in% names(values$Morig)){ + LA <- sort(unique(values$Morig$LA))} else { + values$Morig$LA <- "N.A." + LA <- "N.A." + } + selectInput("selectLA", "Language", + choices = LA, + selected = LA, + multiple =TRUE ) + }) + + output$sliderPY <- renderUI({ + + sliderInput("sliderPY", "Publication Year", min = min(values$Morig$PY,na.rm=T),sep="", + max = max(values$Morig$PY,na.rm=T), value = c(min(values$Morig$PY,na.rm=T),max(values$Morig$PY,na.rm=T))) + }) + + output$selectSource <- renderUI({ + SO=sort(unique(values$Morig$SO)) + selectInput("selectSource", "Source", + choices = SO, + selected = SO, + multiple = TRUE) + + }) + + output$sliderTCpY <- renderUI({ + Y <- as.numeric(substr(Sys.time(),1,4)) + values$Morig <- values$Morig %>% + mutate(Age = Y - .data$PY+1, + TCpY = round(.data$TC/Age,2)) %>% + group_by(.data$PY) %>% + mutate(NTC = .data$TC/mean(.data$TC, na.rm=T)) %>% + as.data.frame() + sliderInput("sliderTCpY", "Average Citation per Year", min = floor(min(values$Morig$TCpY, na.rm=T)), + max = ceiling(max(values$Morig$TCpY,na.rm=T)), step=0.1, + value = c(floor(min(values$Morig$TCpY, na.rm=T)),ceiling(max(values$Morig$TCpY,na.rm=T)))) + }) + + ## Update filtered data ---- + + DTfiltered <- eventReactive(input$applyFilter,{ + M <- values$Morig + B <- bradford(M)$table + M <- subset(M, M$PY>=input$sliderPY[1] & M$PY<=input$sliderPY[2]) + M <- subset(M, M$TCpY>=input$sliderTCpY[1] & M$TCpY<=input$sliderTCpY[2]) + M <- subset(M, M$DT %in% input$selectType) + M <- subset(M, M$LA %in% input$selectLA) + switch(input$bradfordSources, + "core"={ + SO=B$SO[B$Zone %in% "Zone 1"] + }, + "zone2"={ + SO=B$SO[B$Zone %in% c("Zone 1", "Zone 2")] + }, + "all"={SO=B$SO}) + M=M[M$SO %in% SO,] + values<-initial(values) + values$M=M + Mdisp=as.data.frame(apply(values$M,2,function(x){substring(x,1,150)}),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + if (dim(Mdisp)[1]>0){ + DT::datatable(Mdisp, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Filtered_DataTable', + title = "My Title", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Filtered_DataTable', + title = "My Title", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(Mdisp))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(Mdisp), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '70%') + }else{Mdisp=data.frame(Message="Empty collection",stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = " ")} + }) + + output$dataFiltered <- DT::renderDT({ + + DTfiltered() + + }) + + ## Main Info ---- + output$MainInfo <- DT::renderDT({ + DT::datatable(values$TABvb , rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 50, dom = 'Bfrtip',ordering=F, + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Main_Information', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Main_Information', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Main_Information', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + #lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + #columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"), + # list(width = '50px', targets = 0)), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"), + list(width = '350px', targets = 0))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(values$TABvb)[1], backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'left', fontSize = '110%') %>% + formatStyle(names(values$TABvb)[2], backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'right', fontSize = '110%') + }) + + + #box1 --------------- + output$Timespan <- renderValueBox({ + + #TAB <- res$TAB + TAB <- ValueBoxes(values$M) + values$TABvb <- TAB + valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Timespan", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong((TAB[TAB$Description=="Timespan", 2])), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;', align="center"), + icon = fa_i(name="hourglass"), color = "blue", + width = NULL + ) + }) + #box2 --------------- + output$au <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Authors", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Authors", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = fa_i(name="user"), color = "light-blue", + width = NULL) + }) + + + #box3 ------------ + output$kw <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Author's Keywords (DE)", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Author's Keywords (DE)", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = fa_i(name="spell-check"), color = "aqua", + width = NULL) + }) + #box4 --------------- + output$so <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p("Sources", style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Sources (Journals, Books, etc)", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = fa_i(name ="book"), color = "blue", + width = NULL) + }) + + #box5 -------------------- + output$auS1 <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Authors of single-authored docs", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Authors of single-authored docs", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = fa_i(name="pen-fancy"), color = "light-blue", + width = NULL) + }) + + #box6 ------------- + + output$cr <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="References", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="References", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = fa_i(name="file"), color = "aqua", + width = NULL) + }) + + #box7 ---------------- + + output$doc <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Documents", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Documents", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = fa_i(name="layer-group"), color = "blue", + width = NULL) + }) + #box8 --------------- + + output$col <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p(strong("International Co-Authorship"), style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="International co-authorships %", 2]," %"), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = icon("globe",lib = "glyphicon"), color = "light-blue", + width = NULL) + }) + + + #box9 --------------- + output$agePerDoc <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Document Average Age", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Document Average Age", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = fa_i(name="calendar"), color = "aqua", + width = NULL) + }) + #box10 ------------------ + output$cagr <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p(strong("Annual Growth Rate"), style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Annual Growth Rate %", 2]," %"), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = icon("arrow-up", lib="glyphicon"), color = "blue", + width = NULL) + }) + + #box11 ------ + output$coAuPerDoc <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Co-Authors per Doc", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Co-Authors per Doc", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = fa_i(name="users"), color = "light-blue", + width = NULL) + }) + + #box12 ------- + output$tc <- renderValueBox({ + TAB <- values$TABvb + valueBox(value = p(TAB[TAB$Description=="Average citations per doc", 1], style = 'font-size:16px;color:white;'), + subtitle = p(strong(TAB[TAB$Description=="Average citations per doc", 2]), style = 'font-size:36px;color:white;',align="center"), + icon = icon("volume-up", lib = "glyphicon"), color = "aqua", + width = NULL) + }) + + + ## Annual Production ---- + output$CAGR <- renderText({ + # Y=table(values$M$PY) + # ny=dim(Y)[1] + # values$GR<-round(((Y[ny]/Y[1])^(1/(ny-1))-1)*100,2) + paste0(values$GR," %") + }) + + output$AnnualProdPlot <- renderPlotly({ + res <- descriptive(values,type="tab2") + values <-res$values + Y <- values$TAB + + names(Y)=c("Year","Freq") + x <- c(max(Y$Year)-0.02-diff(range(Y$Year))*0.125, max(Y$Year)-0.02)+1 + y <- c(min(Y$Freq),min(Y$Freq)+diff(range(Y$Freq))*0.125) + + + g=ggplot2::ggplot(Y, aes(x = .data$Year, y = .data$Freq, text=paste("Year: ",.data$Year,"\nN .of Documents: ",.data$Freq))) + + geom_line(aes(group="NA")) + + geom_area(aes(group="NA"),fill = 'grey90', alpha = .5) + + labs(x = 'Year' + , y = 'Articles' + , title = "Annual Scientific Production") + + scale_x_continuous(breaks= (Y$Year[seq(1,length(Y$Year),by=2)])) + + theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444") + ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') + ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) + ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') + ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 0) + ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0) + ,axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 90) + ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ) + + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) + values$ASPplot <- g + + #'#EFEFEF' + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.7, size=0.10) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$ASPplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("AnnualScientificProduction-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$ASPplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$ASPdpi), height = input$ASPh, width = input$ASPh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$AnnualProdTable <- DT::renderDT({ + TAB <- values$TAB + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Annual_Production', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Annual_Production', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Annual_Production', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') + + }) + + ## Annual Citation per Year ---- + output$AnnualTotCitperYearPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + if (values$results[[1]]=="NA"){ + values$results=biblioAnalysis(values$M)} + x=values$results + + # Total Citation Plot + Table2=aggregate(x$TotalCitation,by=list(x$Years),length) + Table2$xx=aggregate(x$TotalCitation,by=list(x$Years),mean)$x + Table2$Annual=NA + d=date() + d=as.numeric(substring(d,nchar(d)-3,nchar(d))) + Table2$Years=d-Table2$Group.1 + Table2$Annual=Table2$xx/Table2$Years + names(Table2)=c("Year","N","MeanTCperArt","MeanTCperYear","CitableYears") + + ## inserting missing years + YY=setdiff(seq(min(x$Years,na.rm=TRUE),max(x$Years,na.rm=TRUE)),Table2$Year) + if (length(YY>0)){ + YY=data.frame(YY,0,0,0,0) + names(YY)=c("Year","N","MeanTCperArt","MeanTCperYear","CitableYears") + Table2=rbind(Table2,YY) + Table2=Table2[order(Table2$Year),] + row.names(Table2)=Table2$Year} + + values$AnnualTotCitperYear=Table2 + Table2$group="A" + + x <- c(max(Table2$Year)-0.02-diff(range(Table2$Year))*0.125, max(Table2$Year)-0.02)+1 + y <- c(min(Table2$MeanTCperYear),min(Table2$MeanTCperYear)+diff(range(Table2$MeanTCperYear))*0.125) + + g <- ggplot(Table2, aes(x = .data$Year, y =.data$MeanTCperYear,text=paste("Year: ",.data$Year,"\nAverage Citations per Year: ",round(.data$MeanTCperYear,1)))) + + geom_line(aes(x = .data$Year, y = .data$MeanTCperYear, group=.data$group)) + + geom_area(aes(x = .data$Year, y = .data$MeanTCperYear, group=.data$group),fill = 'grey90', alpha = .5) + + labs(x = 'Year' + , y = 'Citations' + , title = "Average Article Citations per Year")+ + scale_x_continuous(breaks= (Table2$Year[seq(1,length(Table2$Year),by=2)])) + + theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444") + ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') + ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) + ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') + ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 0) + ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0) + ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ) + + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) + values$ACpYplot <- g + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.7, size=0.10) + }) + + output$ACpYplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("AverageArticleCitationPerYear-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$ACpYplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$ACpYdpi), height = input$ACpYh, width = input$ACpYh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$AnnualTotCitperYearTable <- DT::renderDT({ + + TAB <- values$AnnualTotCitperYear + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Annual_Total_Citation_per_Year', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Annual_Total_Citation_per_Year', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Annual_Total_Citation_per_Year', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% + formatRound(names(TAB)[c(3:4)], digits=2) + + }) + + ## Three Fields Plot ---- + TFP <- eventReactive(input$apply3F,{ + fields=c(input$LeftField, input$CentralField, input$RightField) + threeFieldsPlot(values$M, fields=fields,n=c(input$LeftFieldn, input$CentralFieldn,input$RightFieldn)) + }) + + output$ThreeFieldsPlot <- renderPlotly({ + TFP() + }) + + # SOURCES MENU ---- + ## Most Relevant Sources ---- + MRSources <- eventReactive(input$applyMRSources,{ + res <- descriptive(values,type="tab7") + values <-res$values + values$TABSo<-values$TAB + #xx=as.data.frame(values$results$Sources) + xx<- values$TAB + if (input$MostRelSourcesK>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=input$MostRelSourcesK} + xx <- xx %>% + slice_head(n=k) + #xx=xx[1:k,] + #xx=subset(xx, row.names(xx) %in% row.names(xx)[1:k]) + #xx$Articles=as.numeric(xx$Articles) + xx$Sources=substr(xx$Sources,1,50) + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Sources", textLabx = "N. of Documents", title = "Most Relevant Sources") + + values$MRSplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$MRSplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostRelevantSources-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MRSplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MRSdpi), height = input$MRSh, width = input$MRSh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + + output$MostRelSourcesPlot <- renderPlotly({ + g <- MRSources() + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.1, size=0.10) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + + output$MostRelSourcesTable <- DT::renderDT({ + + g <- MRSources() + + TAB <- values$TABSo + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Sources', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Sources', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Sources', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') + + }) + + ## Most Local Cited Sources ---- + MLCSources <- eventReactive(input$applyMLCSources,{ + values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,"CR_SO") + TAB=tableTag(values$M,"CR_SO") + TAB=data.frame(Sources=names(TAB),Articles=as.numeric(TAB),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + values$TABSoCit<-TAB + #xx=as.data.frame(values$results$Sources) + xx<- TAB + if (input$MostRelCitSourcesK>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=input$MostRelCitSourcesK} + #xx=xx[1:k,] + xx=subset(xx, row.names(xx) %in% row.names(xx)[1:k]) + xx$Articles=as.numeric(xx$Articles) + xx$Sources=substr(xx$Sources,1,50) + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Cited Sources", textLabx = "N. of Local Citations", title = "Most Local Cited Sources") + + values$MLCSplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$MLCSplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostLocalCitedSources-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MLCSplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MLCSdpi), height = input$MLCSh, width = input$MLCSh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$MostRelCitSourcesPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + g <- MLCSources() + + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$MostRelCitSourcesTable <- DT::renderDT({ + + g <- MLCSources() + TAB <- values$TABSoCit + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Cited_Sources', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Cited_Sources', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Cited_Sources', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') + + }) + ## Bradford's Law ---- + output$bradfordPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + values$bradford=bradford(values$M) + plot.ly(values$bradford$graph,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.6, size=0.15) + + })#,height = 600) + + output$BLplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("BradfordLaws-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$bradford$graph, dpi = as.numeric(input$BLdpi), height = input$BLh, width = input$BLh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$bradfordTable <- DT::renderDT({ + + DT::datatable(values$bradford$table, rownames = FALSE, + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Bradford_Law', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Bradford_Law', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Bradford_Law', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$bradford$table))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(values$bradford$table), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') + }) + ## Sources' Impact ---- + Hsource <- eventReactive(input$applyHsource,{ + withProgress(message = 'Calculation in progress', + value = 0, { + res <- Hindex_plot(values,type="source") + }) + values$SIplot <- res$g + plot.ly(res$g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) + }) + + output$SIplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("SourceImpact-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$SIplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$SIdpi), height = input$SIh, width = input$SIh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$SourceHindexPlot <- renderPlotly({ + Hsource() + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$SourceHindexTable <- DT::renderDT({ + + DT::datatable(values$H, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Source_Impact', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Source_Impact', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Source_Impact', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$H))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(values$H), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') %>% + formatRound(names(values$H)[4], digits=3) + + }) + ## Source Growth ---- + SOGrowth <- eventReactive(input$applySOGrowth,{ + #if (input$SOse=="Yes"){se=TRUE}else{se=FALSE} + + if (input$cumSO=="Cum"){ + cdf=TRUE + laby="Cumulate occurrences" + }else{ + cdf=FALSE + laby="Annual occurrences"} + + values$PYSO=sourceGrowth(values$M,input$topSO[2], cdf=cdf) + if (input$topSO[1]>1){ + values$PYSO <- values$PYSO[-c(2:(input$topSO[1]))] + } + + term=names(values$PYSO)[-1] + + term=rep(term,each=dim(values$PYSO)[1]) + n=dim(values$PYSO)[1]*(dim(values$PYSO)[2]-1) + freq=matrix(as.matrix(values$PYSO[,-1]),n,1) + values$SODF=data.frame(Year=rep(values$PYSO$Year,(dim(values$PYSO)[2]-1)),Source=term, Freq=freq, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) + + Text <- paste(values$SODF$Source," (",values$SODF$Year,") ",values$SODF$Freq, sep="") + + width_scale <- 1.7 * 26 / length(unique(values$SODF$Source)) + + x <- c(max(values$SODF$Year)-0.02-diff(range(values$SODF$Year))*0.15, max(values$SODF$Year)-0.02)+1 + y <- c(min(values$SODF$Freq),min(values$SODF$Freq)+diff(range(values$SODF$Freq))*0.15) + + g=ggplot(values$SODF, aes(x=values$SODF$Year,y=values$SODF$Freq, group=values$SODF$Source, color=values$SODF$Source, text=Text))+ + geom_line()+ + labs(x = 'Year' + , y = laby + , title = "Source Growth") + + scale_x_continuous(breaks= (values$PYSO$Year[seq(1,length(values$PYSO$Year),by=ceiling(length(values$PYSO$Year)/20))])) + + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), alpha=0.1)+ + labs(color = "Source")+ + #guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 5))+ + theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444"), + legend.text=ggplot2::element_text(size=width_scale), + legend.box.margin = margin(6, 6, 6, 6), + legend.title=ggplot2::element_text(size=1.5*width_scale,face="bold"), + legend.position="bottom", + legend.direction = "vertical", + legend.key.size = grid::unit(width_scale/50, "inch"), + legend.key.width = grid::unit(width_scale/50, "inch") + ,plot.caption = element_text(size = 9, hjust = 0.5, color = "black", face = "bold") + ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') + ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) + ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') + ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 90) + ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0.95, angle = 0) + ,axis.text.x = element_text(size=10, angle = 90) + ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ) + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) + + values$SDplot <- g + return(g) + #suppressWarnings(plot(g)) + }) + + output$SDplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("SourceDynamics-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$SDplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$SDdpi), height = input$SDh, width = input$SDh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$soGrowthPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + g <- SOGrowth() + + leg <- list( + orientation = 'h', + y = -0.15, + font = list( + family = "sans-serif", + size = 10, + color = "#000"), + bgcolor = "#FFFFFF", + bordercolor = "#FFFFFF", + borderwidth = 2) + + plot.ly(g, flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.8, size=0.10) %>% + layout(legend = leg) %>% + config(displaylogo = FALSE, + modeBarButtonsToRemove = c( + 'sendDataToCloud', + 'pan2d', + 'select2d', + 'lasso2d', + 'toggleSpikelines' + )) %>% + layout(hovermode = 'compare') + #suppressWarnings(plot(g)) + + + #}, width = "auto", height = reactive(ifelse(!is.null(input$innerWidth),input$innerWidth*2/5,0)), res = 150) #height = 600, width = 900) + }) + + output$soGrowthtable <- DT::renderDT({ + + g <- SOGrowth() + + soData=values$PYSO + + DT::datatable(soData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Source_Dynamics', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Source_Dynamics', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Source_Dynamics', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(soData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(soData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + }) + + # AUTHORS MENU ---- + ## Most Relevant Authors ---- + MRAuthors <- eventReactive(input$applyMRAuthors,{ + res <- descriptive(values,type="tab3") + values <-res$values + values$TABAu<-values$TAB + + #xx=as.data.frame(values$results$Authors, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + xx=values$TABAu + switch(input$AuFreqMeasure, + t={ + lab="N. of Documents" + xx=xx[,1:2] + }, + p={xx=xx[,1:2] + xx[,2]=as.numeric(xx[,2])/dim(values$M)[1]*100 + lab="N. of Documents (in %)" + }, + f={ + xx=xx[,c(1,3)] + lab="N. of Documents (Fractionalized)" + }) + + xx[,2]=as.numeric(xx[,2]) + + if (input$MostRelAuthorsK>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=input$MostRelAuthorsK} + + xx=xx[1:k,] + xx[,2]=round(xx[,2],1) + + xx <- xx[order(-xx[,2]),] + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Authors", textLabx = lab, title = "Most Relevant Authors") + + values$MRAplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$MRAplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostRelevantAuthors-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MRAplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MRAdpi), height = input$MRAh, width = input$MRAh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$MostRelAuthorsPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + g <- MRAuthors() + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$MostRelAuthorsTable <- DT::renderDT({ + + TAB <- values$TABAu + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Authors', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Authors', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Authors', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% + formatRound(names(TAB)[3], digits=2) + + }) + ## Most Cited Authors ---- + MLCAuthors <- eventReactive(input$applyMLCAuthors,{ + res <- descriptive(values,type="tab13") + values <-res$values + values$TABAuCit<-values$TAB + + #xx=as.data.frame(values$results$Authors, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + xx <- values$TABAuCit + lab <- "Local Citations" + xx[,2]=as.numeric(xx[,2]) + + if (input$MostCitAuthorsK>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=input$MostCitAuthorsK} + + xx=xx[1:k,] + xx[,2]=round(xx[,2],1) + + xx <- xx[order(-xx[,2]),] + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Authors", textLabx = lab, title = "Most Local Cited Authors") + + values$MLCAplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$MLCAplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostLocalCitedAuthors-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MLCAplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MLCAdpi), height = input$MLCAh, width = input$MLCAh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$MostCitAuthorsPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + g <- MLCAuthors() + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$MostCitAuthorsTable <- DT::renderDT({ + + TAB <- values$TABAuCit + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Authors', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Authors', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Authors', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') + + }) + ## Authors' Impact ---- + HAuthors <- eventReactive(input$applyHAuthors,{ + withProgress(message = 'Calculation in progress', + value = 0, { + res <- Hindex_plot(values,type="author") + }) + values$AIplot <- res$g + return(res) + }) + + output$AIplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("AuthorImpact-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$AIplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$AIdpi), height = input$AIh, width = input$AIh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$AuthorHindexPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + res <- HAuthors() + plot.ly(res$g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) + + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$AuthorHindexTable <- DT::renderDT({ + + DT::datatable(values$H, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Author_Impact', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Author_Impact', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Author_Impact', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$H))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(values$H), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') %>% + formatRound(names(values$H)[4], 3) + + }) + ## Authors Production Over Time ---- + AUoverTime <- eventReactive(input$applyAUoverTime,{ + values$AUProdOverTime <- authorProdOverTime(values$M, k=input$TopAuthorsProdK, graph=FALSE) + }) + + output$APOTplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("AuthorsProductionOverTime-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$AUProdOverTime$graph, dpi = as.numeric(input$APOTdpi), height = input$APOTh, width = input$APOTh*2.5, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$TopAuthorsProdPlot <- renderPlotly({ + AUoverTime() + + plot.ly(values$AUProdOverTime$graph, flip=TRUE, side="l", aspectratio=1) + + + })#, height = 550, width =1100) + + output$TopAuthorsProdTable <- DT::renderDT({ + AUoverTime() + + TAB <- values$AUProdOverTime$dfAU + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% + formatRound(names(TAB)[dim(TAB)[2]], 3) + + }) + + output$TopAuthorsProdTablePapers <- DT::renderDT({ + AUoverTime() + TAB <- values$AUProdOverTime$dfPapersAU + TAB$DOI=paste0('',TAB$DOI,'') + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, escape = FALSE,extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Author_Production_Over_Time_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% + formatRound(names(TAB)[dim(TAB)[2]], 3) + + }) + ## Lotka Law ---- + output$lotkaPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + values$lotka=lotka(biblioAnalysis(values$M)) + AuProd=values$lotka$AuthorProd + AuProd$Theoretical=10^(log10(values$lotka$C)-2*log10(AuProd[,1])) + AuProd$Theoretical=AuProd$Theoretical/sum(AuProd$Theoretical) + + x <- c(max(AuProd$N.Articles)-0.02-diff(range(AuProd$N.Articles))*0.125, max(AuProd$N.Articles)-0.02)+1 + y <- c(min(AuProd$Freq*100),min(AuProd$Freq*100)+diff(range(AuProd$Freq*100))*0.125) + + g=ggplot2::ggplot(AuProd, aes(x = .data$N.Articles, y = .data$Freq*100, text=paste("N.Articles: ",.data$N.Articles,"\n% of production: ",round(.data$Freq*100,1)))) + + geom_line(aes(group="NA")) + + geom_area(aes(group="NA"),fill = 'grey90', alpha = .5) + + geom_line(data=AuProd, aes(y=.data$Theoretical*100, group="NA"),linetype = "dashed",color="black",alpha=0.8)+ + xlim(0,max(AuProd$N.Articles)+1)+ + labs(x = 'Documents written' + , y = '% of Authors' + , title = "The Frequency Distribution of Scientific Productivity") + + #scale_x_continuous(breaks= (Y$Year[seq(1,length(Y$Year),by=2)])) + + theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444") + ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') + ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) + ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') + ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 0) + ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0) + ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ) + + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) + values$LLplot <- g + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.4, size=0.10) + + })#,height = 600) + + output$LLplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("LotkaLaw-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$LLplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$LLdpi), height = input$LLh, width = input$LLh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$lotkaTable <- DT::renderDT({ + names(values$lotka$AuthorProd)=c("Documents written","N. of Authors","Proportion of Authors") + DT::datatable(values$lotka$AuthorProd, rownames = FALSE, + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Lotka_Law', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Lotka_Law', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Lotka_Law', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$lotka$AuthorProd))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(values$lotka$AuthorProd), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') %>% + formatRound(names(values$lotka$AuthorProd)[3], 3) + }) + + + # Affiliations ---- + ## Most Relevant Affliations ---- + MRAffiliations <- eventReactive(input$applyMRAffiliations,{ + if (input$disAff=="Y"){ + res <- descriptive(values,type="tab11") + }else{ + res <- descriptive(values,type="tab12") + } + xx=values$TAB + names(xx)=c("AFF","Freq") + values <-res$values + values$TABAff <- values$TAB + + + if (input$MostRelAffiliationsK>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=input$MostRelAffiliationsK} + + xx=xx[1:k,] + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Affiliations", textLabx = "Articles", title = "Most Relevant Affiliations") + + values$AFFplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$AFFplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostRelevantAffiliations-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$AFFplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$AFFdpi), height = input$AFFh, width = input$AFFh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$MostRelAffiliationsPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + g <- MRAffiliations() + + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1, size=0.15) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$MostRelAffiliationsTable <- DT::renderDT({ + g <- MRAffiliations() + + TAB <- values$TABAff + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Affiliations', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Affiliations', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Affiliations', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') + + }) + + + # Countries ---- + ## Country by Corresponding Authors ---- + CAUCountries <- eventReactive(input$applyCAUCountries,{ + res <- descriptive(values,type="tab5") + values <-res$values + values$TABCo <- values$TAB + + k=input$MostRelCountriesK + xx <- values$TABCo %>% slice_head(n=k) %>% + select(.data$Country,.data$SCP,.data$MCP) + xx=xx[order(-(xx$SCP+xx$MCP)),] + xx1=cbind(xx[,1:2],rep("SCP",k)) + names(xx1)=c("Country","Freq","Collaboration") + xx2=cbind(xx[,c(1,3)],rep("MCP",k)) + names(xx2)=c("Country","Freq","Collaboration") + xx=rbind(xx2,xx1) + xx$Country=factor(xx$Country,levels=xx$Country[1:dim(xx2)[1]]) + + xx2 <- xx %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$Country) %>% + dplyr::summarize(Freq = sum(.data$Freq)) + + #x <- c(length(levels(xx2$Country))*(1-0.125)-0.02, length(levels(xx2$Country))-0.02) + x <- c(0.5,0.5+length(levels(xx2$Country))*0.125)+1 + y <- c(max(xx2$Freq)-0.02-diff(range(xx2$Freq))*0.125,max(xx2$Freq)-0.02) + + g=suppressWarnings(ggplot2::ggplot(data=xx, aes(x=.data$Country, y=.data$Freq,fill=.data$Collaboration, text=paste("Country: ",.data$Country,"\nN.of Documents: ",.data$Freq))) + + geom_bar(aes(group="NA"),stat="identity")+ + scale_x_discrete(limits = rev(levels(xx$Country)))+ + scale_fill_discrete(name="Collaboration", + breaks=c("SCP","MCP"))+ + labs(title = "Corresponding Author's Country", x = "Countries", y = "N. of Documents", + caption = "SCP: Single Country Publications, MCP: Multiple Country Publications")+ + #theme_minimal() + theme(plot.caption = element_text(size = 9, hjust = 0.5, + color = "blue", face = "italic") + ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') + #,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) + ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') + ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 0) + ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0) + ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + #,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + )+ + coord_flip()) + + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) + + values$MRCOplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$MRCOplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostRelevantCountries-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MRCOplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MRCOdpi), height = input$MRCOh, width = input$MRCOh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$MostRelCountriesPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + g <- CAUCountries() + + plot.ly(g,flip=T, side="r", aspectratio=1.4, size=0.10, data.type=1) + + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$MostRelCountriesTable <- DT::renderDT({ + g <- CAUCountries() + + TAB <- values$TABCo + # TAB=format(TAB,justify="left",digits=3) + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Countries_By_Corresponding_Author', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Countries_By_Corresponding_Author', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Relevant_Countries_By_Corresponding_Author', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% + formatRound(names(TAB)[5], digits=3) %>% + formatRound(names(TAB)[6], digits=3) + + }) + + ## Country Production ---- + output$countryProdPlot <- renderPlotly({ + values$mapworld<-mapworld(values$M) + plot.ly(values$mapworld$g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.7, size=0.07, data.type=1,height=15) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$CSPplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("CountryScientificProduction-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$mapworld$g, dpi = as.numeric(input$CSPdpi), height = input$CSPh, width = input$CSPh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$countryProdTable <- DT::renderDT({ + + TAB <- values$mapworld$tab + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Country_Production', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Country_Production', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Country_Production', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') + + }) + ## Most Cited Country ---- + MCCountries <- eventReactive(input$applyMCCountries,{ + res <- descriptive(values,type="tab6") + values <-res$values + values$TABCitCo <- values$TAB + + xx=values$TAB + xx[,2]=as.numeric(xx[,2]) + xx[,3]=as.numeric(xx[,3]) + if (input$MostCitCountriesK>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=input$MostRelAffiliationsK} + if (input$CitCountriesMeasure=="TC"){ + xx=xx[1:k,c(1,2)] + laby="N. of Citations" + } else { + xx=xx[order(-xx[,3]),] + xx=xx[1:k,c(1,3)] + laby="N. of Citations per Year" + } + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Countries", textLabx = laby, title = "Most Cited Countries") + + values$MCCplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$MCCplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostCitedCountries-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MCCplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MCCdpi), height = input$MCCh, width = input$MCCh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$MostCitCountriesPlot <- renderPlotly({ + g <- MCCountries() + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.3, size=0.10) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$MostCitCountriesTable <- DT::renderDT({ + g <- MCCountries() + TAB <- values$TABCitCo + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Cited_Countries', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Cited_Countries', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Cited_Countries', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% + formatRound(names(TAB)[3], 2) + + }) + + + # DOCUMENTS MENU ---- + ## Most Global Cited Documents ---- + + MGCDocuments <- eventReactive(input$applyMGCDocuments,{ + res <- descriptive(values,type="tab4") + values <-res$values + values$TABGlobDoc <- values$TAB + + if (input$CitDocsMeasure=="TC"){ + xx <- values$TABGlobDoc %>% select(1,3) + lab="Global Citations"} else { + xx <- values$TABGlobDoc %>% select(1,4) + lab="Global Citations per Year" + } + + if (input$MostCitDocsK>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=input$MostCitDocsK} + + xx=xx[1:k,] + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "Documents", textLabx = lab, title = "Most Global Cited Documents") + + values$MGCDplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$MGCDplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostGlobalCitedDocuments-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MGCDplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MGCDdpi), height = input$MGCDh, width = input$MGCDh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$MostCitDocsPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + g <- MGCDocuments() + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1, size=0.10) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$MostCitDocsTable <- DT::renderDT({ + g <- MGCDocuments() + TAB <- values$TABGlobDoc + TAB$DOI<- paste0('',TAB$DOI,'') + DT::datatable(TAB, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Global_Cited_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Global_Cited_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Global_Cited_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% + formatRound(names(TAB)[4], 2) %>% + formatRound(names(TAB)[5], 2) + + }) + ## Most Local Cited Documents ---- + MLCDocuments <- eventReactive(input$applyMLCDocuments,{ + withProgress(message = 'Calculation in progress', + value = 0, { + TAB <-localCitations(values$M, fast.search=FALSE, sep = input$LocCitSep)$Paper + TAB <- TAB %>% + group_by(.data$Year) %>% + mutate(Ratio = .data$LCS/.data$GCS*100, + NLCS = .data$LCS/mean(.data$LCS), + NGCS = .data$GCS/mean(.data$GCS)) %>% + ungroup() %>% + as.data.frame() + + }) + + xx=data.frame(Document=as.character(TAB[,1]), DOI=as.character(TAB[,2]), Year=TAB[,3], + "Local Citations"=TAB[,4], "Global Citations"=TAB[,5],"LC/GC Ratio"=TAB[6], + "Normalized Local Citations"=TAB[,7],"Normalized Global Citations"=TAB[,8], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + values$TABLocDoc=xx + + if (input$MostLocCitDocsK>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=input$MostLocCitDocsK} + + xx=xx[1:k,] + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=4,y=1, textLaby = "Documents", textLabx = "Local Citations", title = "Most Local Cited Documents") + + values$MLCDplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$MLCDplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostLocalCitedDocuments-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MLCDplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MLCDdpi), height = input$MLCDh, width = input$MLCDh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$MostLocCitDocsPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + g <- MLCDocuments() + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1, size=0.10) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$MostLocCitDocsTable <- DT::renderDT({ + + TAB <- values$TABLocDoc + TAB$DOI <- paste0('',TAB$DOI,'') + + names(TAB)[4:8] <- c("Local Citations", "Global Citations","LC/GC Ratio (%)", "Normalized Local Citations","Normalized Global Citations") + DT::datatable(TAB, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') %>% + formatRound(names(TAB)[c(6:8)], digits=2) + + }) + + ## Most Local Cited References ---- + MLCReferences <- eventReactive(input$applyMLCReferences,{ + CR=citations(values$M,sep=input$CitRefsSep)$Cited + TAB=data.frame(names(CR),as.numeric(CR),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + names(TAB)=c("Cited References", "Citations") + values$TABCitRef=TAB + + xx=values$TABCitRef + if (input$MostCitRefsK>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=input$MostCitRefsK} + + xx=xx[1:k,] + #xx[,1]=substr(xx[,1],1,50) + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = "References", textLabx = "Local Citations", title = "Most Local Cited References") + + values$MLCRplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$MLCRplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostLocalCitedReferences-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MLCRplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MLCRdpi), height = input$MLCRh, width = input$MLCRh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$MostCitRefsPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + g <- MLCReferences() + plot.ly(g,flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=0.6, size=0.20) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$MostCitRefsTable <- DT::renderDT({ + g <- MLCReferences() + TAB <- values$TABCitRef + + TAB$link <- trimES(gsub("[[:punct:]]" , " ",reduceRefs(TAB[,1]))) + + + TAB$link <- paste0('','link','') + + TAB=TAB[,c(3,1,2)] + names(TAB)[1]="Google Scholar" + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, escape=FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_References', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_References', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Local_Cited_References', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') + + }) + ## Reference Spectroscopy ---- + RPYS <- eventReactive(input$applyRPYS,{ + + timespan <- c(-Inf,Inf) + if (!is.na(input$rpysMinYear)){ + timespan[1] <- input$rpysMinYear + } + if (!is.na(input$rpysMaxYear)){ + timespan[2] <- input$rpysMaxYear + } + values$res <- rpys(values$M, sep=input$rpysSep, timespan=timespan, graph=FALSE) + }) + + output$RSplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("ReferenceSpectroscopy-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$res$spectroscopy, dpi = as.numeric(input$RSdpi), height = input$RSh, width = input$RSh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$rpysPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + RPYS() + plot.ly(values$res$spectroscopy, side="l", aspectratio = 1.3, size=0.10) + + })#,height = 600, width = 900) + + output$rpysTable <- DT::renderDT({ + RPYS() + rpysData=values$res$rpysTable + + DT::datatable(rpysData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'RPYS', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'RPYS', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'RPYS', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(rpysData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(rpysData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$crTable <- DT::renderDT({ + RPYS() + crData=values$res$CR + crData$link <- paste0('','link','') + + crData=crData[order(-as.numeric(crData$Year),-crData$Freq),] + names(crData)=c("Year", "Reference", "Local Citations", "Google link") + crData <- crData[,c(1,4,2,3)] + DT::datatable(crData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'RPYS_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'RPYS_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'RPYS_Documents', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(crData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(crData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + + # Words ---- + ## Most Frequent Words ---- + MFWords <- eventReactive(input$applyMFWords,{ + if (input$MostRelWords %in% c("TI","AB")){ + ngrams <- as.numeric(input$MRWngrams) + }else{ + ngrams <- 1 + } + + ### load file with terms to remove + if (input$MostRelWordsStopFile=="Y"){ + remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$MostRelWordsStop, sep=input$MostRelWordsSep)) + }else{remove.terms <- NULL} + values$MRWremove.terms <- remove.terms + ### end of block + + ### load file with synonyms + if (input$MRWSynFile=="Y"){ + synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$MRWSyn, sep=input$MRWSynSep)) + }else{synonyms <- NULL} + values$MRWsyn.terms <- synonyms + ### end of block + + WR=wordlist(values$M,Field=input$MostRelWords,n=Inf,measure="identity", ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms)$v + + TAB=data.frame(names(WR),as.numeric(WR),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + names(TAB)=c("Words", "Occurrences") + values$TABWord=TAB + + xx=values$TABWord + if (input$MostRelWordsN>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=input$MostRelWordsN} + + xx=xx[1:k,] + switch(input$MostRelWords, + ID={lab="Keywords Plus"}, + DE={lab="Author's Keywords"}, + TI={lab="Title's Words"}, + AB={lab="Abstract's Words"}) + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = lab, textLabx = "Occurrences", title = "Most Relevant Words") + + values$MRWplot <- g + return(g) + + }) + + output$MostRelWordsStopPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$MRWremove.terms) | exists("values$MRWremove.terms")){ + strPreview(values$MRWremove.terms, input$MostRelWordsSep) + }else{ + strPreview(" ", input$MostRelWordsSep) + } + }) + + output$MRWSynPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$MRWsyn.terms) | exists("values$MRWsyn.terms")){ + strSynPreview(values$MRWsyn.terms) + }else{ + strSynPreview(" ; ") + } + }) + + output$MRWplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostRelevantWords-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$MRWplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$MRWdpi), height = input$MRWh, width = input$MRWh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$MostRelWordsPlot <- renderPlotly({ + g <- MFWords() + plot.ly(g, side="r", aspectratio = 1.3, size=0.10) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + output$MostRelWordsTable <- DT::renderDT({ + g <- MFWords() + + TAB <- values$TABWord + + DT::datatable(TAB, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TAB))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(TAB), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center', fontSize = '110%') + + }) + ## WordCloud ---- + WordCloud <- eventReactive(input$applyWordCloud,{ + + if (input$summaryTerms %in% c("TI","AB")){ + ngrams <- as.numeric(input$summaryTermsngrams) + }else{ + ngrams <- 1 + } + + ### load file with terms to remove + if (input$WCStopFile=="Y"){ + remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$WCStop, sep=input$WCSep)) + }else{remove.terms <- NULL} + values$WCremove.terms <- remove.terms + ### end of block + + ### load file with synonyms + if (input$WCSynFile=="Y"){ + synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$WCSyn, sep=input$WCSynSep)) + }else{synonyms <- NULL} + values$WCsyn.terms <- synonyms + ### end of block + print(values$WCsyn.terms ) + + resW=wordlist(M=values$M, Field=input$summaryTerms, n=input$n_words, measure=input$measure, ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = values$WCsyn.terms) + + W=resW$W + values$Words=resW$Words + + wordcloud2::wordcloud2(W, size = input$scale, minSize = 0, gridSize = input$padding, + fontFamily = input$font, fontWeight = 'normal', + color = input$wcCol, backgroundColor = "white", #input$wcBGCol, + minRotation = 0, maxRotation = input$rotate/10, shuffle = TRUE, + rotateRatio = 0.7, shape = input$wcShape, ellipticity = input$ellipticity, + widgetsize = NULL, figPath = NULL, hoverFunction = NULL) + }) + output$wordcloud <- wordcloud2::renderWordcloud2({ + + WordCloud() + }) + + ## TreeMap ---- + TreeMap <- eventReactive(input$applyTreeMap,{ + if (input$treeTerms %in% c("TI","AB")){ + ngrams <- as.numeric(input$treeTermsngrams) + }else{ + ngrams <- 1 + } + ### load file with terms to remove + if (input$TreeMapStopFile=="Y"){ + remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$TreeMapStop, sep=input$TreeMapSep)) + }else{remove.terms <- NULL} + values$TreeMapremove.terms <- remove.terms + ### end of block + ### load file with synonyms + if (input$TreeMapSynFile=="Y"){ + synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$TreeMapSyn, sep=input$TreeMapSynSep)) + }else{synonyms <- NULL} + values$TreeMapsyn.terms <- synonyms + ### end of block + + resW=wordlist(M=values$M, Field=input$treeTerms, n=input$treen_words, measure="identity", ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + + W=resW$W + values$TreeMap <- plot_ly( + type='treemap', + labels=W[,1], + parents="Tree", + values= W[,2], + textinfo="label+value+percent entry", + domain=list(column=0)) + + values$WordsT=resW$Words + return(resW$Words) + + }) + + output$treemap <- renderPlotly({ + TreeMap() + values$TreeMap + }) + + output$TreeMapStopPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$TreeMapremove.terms) | exists("values$TreeMapremove.terms")){ + strPreview(values$TreeMapremove.terms, input$TreeMapSep) + }else{ + strPreview(" ", input$TreeMapSep) + } + }) + + output$TreeMapSynPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$TreeMapsyn.terms) | exists("values$TreeMapsyn.terms")){ + strSynPreview(values$TreeMapsyn.terms) + }else{ + strSynPreview(" ") + } + }) + + + output$wordTable <- DT::renderDT({ + WordCloud() + + DT::datatable(values$Words, rownames = FALSE, + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$Words))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(values$Words), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') + }) + + output$treeTable <- DT::renderDT({ + WordsT <- TreeMap() + + DT::datatable(values$WordsT, rownames = FALSE, + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Most_Frequent_Words', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(values$WordsT))-1)))), + class = 'cell-border compact stripe') %>% + formatStyle(names(values$WordsT), backgroundColor = 'white',textAlign = 'center') + + },height = 600, width = 900) + ## Word Dynamics ---- + WDynamics <- eventReactive(input$applyWD,{ + if (input$cumTerms=="Cum"){ + cdf=TRUE + laby="Cumulate occurrences" + }else{ + cdf=FALSE + laby="Annual occurrences"} + #if (input$se=="Yes"){se=TRUE}else{se=FALSE} + + ### load file with terms to remove + if (input$WDStopFile=="Y"){ + remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$WDStop, sep=input$WDSep)) + }else{remove.terms <- NULL} + values$WDremove.terms <- remove.terms + ### end of block + ### load file with synonyms + if (input$WDSynFile=="Y"){ + synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$WDSyn, sep=input$WDSynSep)) + }else{synonyms <- NULL} + values$WDsyn.terms <- synonyms + ### end of block + + switch(input$growthTerms, + ID={ + KW=KeywordGrowth(values$M, Tag = "ID", sep = ";", top = input$topkw[2], cdf = cdf, remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + + }, + DE={ + KW=KeywordGrowth(values$M, Tag = "DE", sep = ";", top = input$topkw[2], cdf = cdf, remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + }, + TI={ + #if (!("TI_TM" %in% names(values$M))){ + values$M=termExtraction(values$M,Field = "TI", verbose=FALSE, ngrams=as.numeric(input$growthTermsngrams), remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + #} + KW=KeywordGrowth(values$M, Tag = "TI_TM", sep = ";", top = input$topkw[2], cdf = cdf) + }, + AB={ + #if (!("AB_TM" %in% names(values$M))){ + values$M=termExtraction(values$M,Field = "AB", verbose=FALSE, ngrams=as.numeric(input$growthTermsngrams), remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + #} + KW=KeywordGrowth(values$M, Tag = "AB_TM", sep = ";", top = input$topkw[2], cdf = cdf) + } + ) + + values$KW=KW[,c(1,seq(input$topkw[1],input$topkw[2])+1)] + + term=names(values$KW)[-1] + term=rep(term,each=dim(values$KW)[1]) + n=dim(values$KW)[1]*(dim(values$KW)[2]-1) + freq=matrix(as.matrix(values$KW[,-1]),n,1) + values$DF=data.frame(Year=rep(values$KW$Year,(dim(values$KW)[2]-1)),Term=term, Freq=freq, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) + + width_scale <- 2.5 * 26 / length(unique(values$DF$Term)) + + Text <- paste(values$DF$Term," (",values$DF$Year,") ",values$DF$Freq, sep="") + + x <- c(max(values$DF$Year)-0.02-diff(range(values$SO$Year))*0.20, max(values$DF$Year)-0.02)-1 + y <- c(min(values$DF$Freq),min(values$DF$Freq)+diff(range(values$DF$Freq))*0.20) + + g <- ggplot(values$DF, aes(x=.data$Year,y=.data$Freq, group=.data$Term, color=.data$Term, text = Text))+ + geom_line()+ + labs(x = 'Year' + , y = laby + , title = "Word Growth") + + #ylim(0, NA) + + scale_x_continuous(breaks= (values$KW$Year[seq(1,length(values$KW$Year),by=ceiling(length(values$KW$Year)/20))])) + + geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), alpha=0.1)+ + labs(color = "Term")+ + #guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 5))+ + theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444"), + legend.text=ggplot2::element_text(size=width_scale), + legend.box.margin = margin(6, 6, 6, 6), + legend.title=ggplot2::element_text(size=1.5*width_scale,face="bold"), + legend.position="bottom", + legend.direction = "vertical", + legend.key.size = grid::unit(width_scale/50, "inch"), + legend.key.width = grid::unit(width_scale/50, "inch") + ,plot.caption = element_text(size = 9, hjust = 0.5, color = "black", face = "bold") + ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') + ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) + ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') + ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 90) + ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0.95, angle = 0) + ,axis.text.x = element_text(size=10, angle = 90) + ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ) + + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) + + values$WDplot <- g + return(g) + }) + + output$WDStopPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$WDremove.terms) | exists("values$WDremove.terms")){ + strPreview(values$WDremove.terms) + }else{ + strPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$WDSynPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$WDsyn.terms) | exists("values$WDsyn.terms")){ + strSynPreview(values$WDsyn.terms) + }else{ + strSynPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$WDplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("WordDynamics-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$WDplot, dpi = as.numeric(input$WDdpi), height = input$WDh, width = input$WDh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$kwGrowthPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + g <- WDynamics() + + leg <- list( + orientation = 'h', + y = -0.15, + font = list( + family = "sans-serif", + size = 10, + color = "#000"), + bgcolor = "#FFFFFF", + bordercolor = "#FFFFFF", + borderwidth = 2) + + plot.ly(g, flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1.6, size=0.10) %>% + layout(legend = leg) %>% + config(displaylogo = FALSE, + modeBarButtonsToRemove = c( + 'sendDataToCloud', + 'pan2d', + 'select2d', + 'lasso2d', + 'toggleSpikelines' + )) %>% + layout(hovermode = 'compare') + + #}, width = "auto", height = reactive(ifelse(!is.null(input$innerWidth),input$innerWidth*2/5,0)), res = 150) #height = 600, width = 900) + }) + + output$kwGrowthtable <- DT::renderDT({ + g <- WDynamics() + kwData=values$KW + + DT::datatable(kwData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Word_Dynamics', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Word_Dynamics', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Word_Dynamics', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(kwData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(kwData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + }) + + ## Trend Topics ---- + output$trendSliderPY <- renderUI({ + + sliderInput("trendSliderPY", "Timespan", min = min(values$M$PY,na.rm=T),sep="", + max = max(values$M$PY,na.rm=T), value = c(min(values$M$PY,na.rm=T),max(values$M$PY,na.rm=T))) + }) + + TrendTopics <- eventReactive(input$applyTrendTopics,{ + + ### load file with terms to remove + if (input$TTStopFile=="Y"){ + remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$TTStop, sep=input$TTSep)) + }else{remove.terms <- NULL} + values$TTremove.terms <- remove.terms + ### end of block + ### load file with synonyms + if (input$TTSynFile=="Y"){ + synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$TTSyn, sep=input$TTSynSep)) + }else{synonyms <- NULL} + values$TTsyn.terms <- synonyms + ### end of block + + if (input$trendTerms %in% c("TI","AB")){ + values$M=termExtraction(values$M, Field = input$trendTerms, stemming = input$trendStemming, verbose = FALSE, ngrams=as.numeric(input$trendTermsngrams)) + field=paste(input$trendTerms,"_TM",sep="") + } else {field=input$trendTerms} + values$trendTopics <- fieldByYear(values$M, field = field, timespan = input$trendSliderPY, min.freq = input$trendMinFreq, + n.items = input$trendNItems, remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms, + dynamic.plot=TRUE, graph = FALSE) + return(values$trendTopics$graph) + + }) + + output$TTStopPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$TTremove.terms) | exists("values$TTremove.terms")){ + strPreview(values$TTremove.terms) + }else{ + strPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$TTSynPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$TTsyn.terms) | exists("values$TTsyn.terms")){ + strSynPreview(values$TTsyn.terms) + }else{ + strSynPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$TTplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("TrendTopics-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$trendTopics$graph, dpi = as.numeric(input$TTdpi), height = input$TTh, width = input$TTh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$trendTopicsPlot <- renderPlotly({ + g <- TrendTopics() + plot.ly(g, flip=TRUE, side="r", size=0.1, aspectratio=1.3) + })#, height = 500, width =900) + + # output$trendTopicsPlot <- renderPlot({ + # + # TrendTopics() + # plot(values$trendTopics$graph) + # + # }, width = "auto", height = reactive(ifelse(!is.null(input$innerWidth),input$innerWidth*2/5,0)), res = 150) #height = 700) + + + output$trendTopicsTable <- DT::renderDT({ + TrendTopics() + tpData=values$trendTopics$df_graph + + DT::datatable(tpData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Trend_Topics', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Trend_Topics', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Trend_Topics', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tpData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tpData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + # Coupling ---- + + CMMAP <- eventReactive(input$applyCM,{ + + values$CM <- couplingMap(values$M, analysis=input$CManalysis, field=input$CMfield, + n=input$CMn, minfreq=input$CMfreq, + ngrams=as.numeric(input$CMngrams), + impact.measure=input$CMimpact, + stemming=input$CMstemming, size=input$sizeCM, + label.term = input$CMlabeling, + n.labels=input$CMn.labels, repel=FALSE) + + validate( + need(values$CM$nclust > 0, "\n\nNo clusters in one or more periods. Please select a different set of parameters.") + ) + }) + output$CMPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + CMMAP() + plot.ly(values$CM$map, size=0.15, aspectratio = 1.3) + + })#, height = 650, width = 800) + + output$CMNetPlot <- renderVisNetwork({ + CMMAP() + values$networkCM<-igraph2vis(g=values$CM$net$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), + labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, + shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$CM$net,shadow=FALSE) + + values$networkCM$VIS + + }) + + output$CMplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("CouplingMap-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$CM$map, dpi = as.numeric(input$CMdpi), height = input$CMh, width = input$CMh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$CMTable <- DT::renderDT({ + CMMAP() + cmData=values$CM$data[,c(2,1,3,5)] + + DT::datatable(cmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'CouplingMap', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'CouplingMap', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'CouplingMap', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(cmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(cmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$CMTableCluster <- DT::renderDT({ + CMMAP() + cmData=values$CM$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] + + DT::datatable(cmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'CouplingMap_Clusters', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'CouplingMap_Clusters', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'CouplingMap_Clusters', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(cmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(cmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + ### Conceptual Structure ##### + + ### Co-occurrences network ---- + COCnetwork <- eventReactive(input$applyCoc,{ + + values <- cocNetwork(input,values) + + + values$network<-igraph2vis(g=values$cocnet$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), + labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, + shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$cocnet, shadow=(input$coc.shadow=="Yes")) + + + }) + + output$cocPlot <- renderVisNetwork({ + + COCnetwork() + + values$network$VIS + + }) + + output$COCStopPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$COCremove.terms) | exists("values$COCremove.terms")){ + strPreview(values$COCremove.terms) + }else{ + strPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$COCSynPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$COCsyn.terms) | exists("values$COCsyn.terms")){ + strSynPreview(values$COCsyn.terms) + }else{ + strSynPreview(" ") + } + }) + + # output$cocPlotComm <- renderVisNetwork({ + # + # g <- splitCommunities(values$cocnet$graph, n=NULL) + # igraph2vis(g=g,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), + # labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, + # shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$cocnet)$VIS + # + # }) + + output$network.coc <- downloadHandler( + filename = "Co_occurrence_network.net", + content <- function(file) { + igraph::write.graph(values$cocnet$graph_pajek,file=file, format="pajek") + + }, + contentType = "net" + ) + + ### save coc network image as html #### + output$networkCoc.fig <- downloadHandler( + filename = "network.html", + content <- function(con) { + savenetwork(con) + }, + contentType = "html" + ) + + output$cocTable <- DT::renderDT({ + COCnetwork() + cocData=values$cocnet$cluster_res + names(cocData)=c("Node", "Cluster", "Betweenness", "Closeness", "PageRank") + DT::datatable(cocData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'CoWord_Network_Analysis', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'CoWord_Network_Analysis', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'CoWord_Network_Analysis', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(cocData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(cocData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + ### Degree Plot Co-word analysis #### + output$cocDegree <- renderPlotly({ + COCnetwork() + p <- degreePlot(values$cocnet) + plot.ly(p) + }) + + + ### Correspondence Analysis ---- + + CSfactorial <- eventReactive(input$applyCA,{ + values <- CAmap(input,values) + }) + + output$CSStopPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$CSremove.terms) | exists("values$CSremove.terms")){ + strPreview(values$CSremove.terms) + }else{ + strPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$FASynPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$FAsyn.terms) | exists("values$FAsyn.terms")){ + strSynPreview(values$FAsyn.terms) + }else{ + strSynPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$FA1plot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("FactorialMap-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$CS$graph_terms, dpi = as.numeric(input$FAdpi), height = input$FAh, width = input$FAh*1.5, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + output$FA2plot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("Dendrogram-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$CS$graph_dendogram, dpi = as.numeric(input$FAdpi), height = input$FAh, width = input$FAh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$FA3plot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostContribDocuments-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$CS$graph_documents_Contrib, dpi = as.numeric(input$FAdpi), height = input$FAh, width = input$FAh*1.5, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$FA4plot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("MostCitedDocuments-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$CS$graph_documents_TC, dpi = as.numeric(input$FAdpi), height = input$FAh, width = input$FAh*1.5, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$CSPlot1 <- renderPlot({ + CSfactorial() + plot(values$CS$graph_terms) + + }, width = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[1])*0.6), + height = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[2])*0.85), + res = 150) + #width = "auto", height = reactive(ifelse(!is.null(input$innerWidth),input$innerWidth*2/5,0)), res = 150) #height = 650, width = 800) + + output$CSPlot2 <- renderPlot({ + CSfactorial() + if (input$method!="MDS"){ + + if (values$CS[[1]][1]!="NA"){ + + plot(values$CS$graph_documents_Contrib) + }else{ + emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") + } + }else{ + emptyPlot("This plot is available only for CA or MCA analyses") + } + + }, width = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[1])*0.6), + height = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[2])*0.85), + res = 150) + + output$CSPlot3 <- renderPlot({ + CSfactorial() + if (input$method!="MDS"){ + if (values$CS[[1]][1]!="NA"){ + plot(values$CS$graph_documents_TC) + }else{ + emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") + } + }else{ + emptyPlot("This plot is available only for CA or MCA analyses") + } + + + }, width = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[1])*0.6), + height = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[2])*0.85), + res = 150) + + output$CSPlot4 <- renderPlot({ + + CSfactorial() + if (values$CS[[1]][1]!="NA"){ + plot(values$CS$graph_dendogram) + }else{ + emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") + } + + }, width = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[1])*0.6), + height = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[2])*0.85), + res = 150) + + output$CSTableW <- DT::renderDT({ + CSfactorial() + switch(input$method, + CA={ + WData=data.frame(word=row.names(values$CS$km.res$data.clust), values$CS$km.res$data.clust, + stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + names(WData)[4]="cluster" + }, + MCA={ + WData=data.frame(word=row.names(values$CS$km.res$data.clust), values$CS$km.res$data.clust, + stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + names(WData)[4]="cluster" + }, + MDS={ + WData=data.frame(word=row.names(values$CS$res), values$CS$res, + cluster=values$CS$km.res$cluster,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + }) + + WData$Dim.1=round(WData$Dim.1,2) + WData$Dim.2=round(WData$Dim.2,2) + + DT::datatable(WData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Words_By_Cluster', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Words_By_Cluster', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Words_By_Cluster', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(WData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(WData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$CSTableD <- DT::renderDT({ + CSfactorial() + CSData=values$CS$docCoord + CSData=data.frame(Documents=row.names(CSData),CSData,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + CSData$dim1=round(CSData$dim1,2) + CSData$dim2=round(CSData$dim2,2) + CSData$contrib=round(CSData$contrib,2) + DT::datatable(CSData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Articles_By_Cluster', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Articles_By_Cluster', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'CoWord_Factorial_Analysis_Articles_By_Cluster', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(CSData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(CSData), backgroundColor = 'white') + + }) + + ### Thematic Map ---- + TMAP <- eventReactive(input$applyTM,{ + + if (input$TMfield %in% c("TI","AB")){ + ngrams <- as.numeric(input$TMngrams) + }else{ + ngrams <- 1 + } + + ### load file with terms to remove + if (input$TMStopFile=="Y"){ + remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$TMStop, sep=input$TMSep)) + }else{remove.terms <- NULL} + values$TMremove.terms <- remove.terms + ### end of block + ### load file with synonyms + if (input$TMapSynFile=="Y"){ + synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$TMapSyn, sep=input$TMapSynSep)) + }else{synonyms <- NULL} + values$TMapsyn.terms <- synonyms + ### end of block + + values$TM <- thematicMap(values$M, field=input$TMfield, + n=input$TMn, minfreq=input$TMfreq, ngrams=ngrams, + stemming=input$TMstemming, size=input$sizeTM, + n.labels=input$TMn.labels, repel=FALSE, remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms=synonyms) + + validate( + need(values$TM$nclust > 0, "\n\nNo topics in one or more periods. Please select a different set of parameters.") + ) + }) + output$TMPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + TMAP() + plot.ly(values$TM$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) + + })#, height = 650, width = 800) + + output$NetPlot <- renderVisNetwork({ + TMAP() + values$networkTM<-igraph2vis(g=values$TM$net$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), + labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, + shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$TM$net) + + values$networkTM$VIS + + }) + + output$TMStopPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$TMremove.terms) | exists("values$TMremove.terms")){ + strPreview(values$TMremove.terms) + }else{ + strPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$TMapSynPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$TMapsyn.terms) | exists("values$TMapsyn.terms")){ + strSynPreview(values$TMapsyn.terms) + }else{ + strSynPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$TMplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("ThematicMap-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$TM$map, dpi = as.numeric(input$TMdpi), height = input$TMh, width = input$TMh*1.5, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$TMTable <- DT::renderDT({ + TMAP() + tmData=values$TM$words[,-4] + + + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMTableCluster <- DT::renderDT({ + TMAP() + tmData <- values$TM$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] + names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + ### Thematic Evolution ---- + output$sliders <- renderUI({ + numSlices <- as.integer(input$numSlices) + v=quantile(values$M$PY, seq(0,1,by=(1/(numSlices+1))), na.rm=TRUE) + v=round(v[-c(1,length(v))],0) + lapply(1:numSlices, function(i) { + # sliderInput(inputId = paste0("Slice", i), label = paste("Cutting Year", i), + # min=1990,max=2018,value=1990) + + numericInput(inputId = paste0("Slice", i), label = paste("Cutting Year", i),value=v[i],min=min(values$M$PY, na.rm = TRUE)+1,max=max(values$M$PY, na.rm = TRUE)-1, step=1) + #numericInput(inputId = paste0("Slice", i), label = paste("Cutting Year", i),value=median(values$M$PY),min=min(values$M$PY)+1,max=max(values$M$PY)-1, step=1) + }) + }) + + TEMAP <- eventReactive(input$applyTE,{ + if (input$TEfield %in% c("TI","AB")){ + ngrams <- as.numeric(input$TEngrams) + }else{ + ngrams <- 1 + } + + ### load file with terms to remove + if (input$TEStopFile=="Y"){ + remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$TEStop, sep=input$TESep)) + }else{remove.terms <- NULL} + values$TEremove.terms <- remove.terms + ### end of block + ### load file with synonyms + if (input$TESynFile=="Y"){ + synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$TESyn, sep=input$TESynSep)) + }else{synonyms <- NULL} + values$TEsyn.terms <- synonyms + ### end of block + + values$yearSlices <- as.numeric() + for (i in 1:as.integer(input$numSlices)){ + if (length(input[[paste0("Slice", i)]])>0){values$yearSlices=c(values$yearSlices,input[[paste0("Slice", i)]])} + } + + if (length(values$yearSlices)>0){ + values$nexus <- thematicEvolution(values$M, field=input$TEfield, values$yearSlices, n = input$nTE, minFreq = input$fTE, size = input$sizeTE, + n.labels=input$TEn.labels, repel=FALSE, ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + + validate( + need(values$nexus$check != FALSE, "\n\nNo topics in one or more periods. Please select a different set of parameters.") + ) + + plotThematicEvolution(Nodes = values$nexus$Nodes,Edges = values$nexus$Edges, measure = input$TEmeasure, min.flow = input$minFlowTE) + } + }) + + output$TEPlot <- plotly::renderPlotly({ + + TEMAP() + + }) + + output$TEStopPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$TEremove.terms) | exists("values$TEremove.terms")){ + strPreview(values$TEremove.terms) + }else{ + strPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$TESynPreview <- renderUI({ + + if (!is.null(values$TEsyn.terms) | exists("values$TEsyn.terms")){ + strSynPreview(values$TEsyn.terms) + }else{ + strSynPreview(" ") + } + }) + + output$TETable <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + TEData=values$nexus$Data + TEData=TEData[TEData$Inc_index>0,-c(4,8)] + names(TEData)=c("From", "To", "Words", "Weighted Inclusion Index", "Inclusion Index", "Occurrences", "Stability Index") + DT::datatable(TEData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Evolution', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Evolution', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Evolution', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(TEData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(TEData), backgroundColor = 'white') %>% + formatRound(names(TEData)[4], 2) %>% + formatRound(names(TEData)[5], 2) %>% + formatRound(names(TEData)[7], 2) + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMPlot1 <- renderPlotly({ + TEMAP() + #input$applyTM + if (length(values$nexus$TM)>=1){ + plot.ly(values$nexus$TM[[1]]$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) + } else {emptyPlot("You have selected fewer periods!")} + + })#, height = 650, width = 800) + + output$TMPlot2 <- renderPlotly({ + TEMAP() + #input$applyTM + if (length(values$nexus$TM)>=2){ + plot.ly(values$nexus$TM[[2]]$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) + } else {emptyPlot("You have selected fewer periods!")} + + })#, height = 650, width = 800) + + output$TMPlot3 <- renderPlotly({ + TEMAP() + #input$applyTM + if (length(values$nexus$TM)>=3){ + plot.ly(values$nexus$TM[[3]]$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) + } else {emptyPlot("You have selected fewer periods!")} + + })#, height = 650, width = 800) + + output$TMPlot4 <- renderPlotly({ + TEMAP() + #input$applyTM + if (length(values$nexus$TM)>=4){ + plot.ly(values$nexus$TM[[4]]$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) + } else (emptyPlot("You have selected fewer periods!")) + + })#, height = 650, width = 800) + + output$TMPlot5 <- renderPlotly({ + TEMAP() + #input$applyTM + if (length(values$nexus$TM)>=5){ + plot.ly(values$nexus$TM[[5]]$map, size=0.07, aspectratio = 1.3) + } else (emptyPlot("You have selected fewer periods!")) + + })#, height = 650, width = 800) + + output$NetPlot1 <- renderVisNetwork({ + TEMAP() + k=1 + values$network1<-igraph2vis(g=values$nexus$Net[[k]]$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), + labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, + shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$nexus$Net[[k]]) + + values$network1$VIS + + }) + + output$NetPlot2 <- renderVisNetwork({ + TEMAP() + k=2 + values$network2<-igraph2vis(g=values$nexus$Net[[k]]$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), + labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, + shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$nexus$Net[[k]]) + + values$network2$VIS + + }) + + output$NetPlot3 <- renderVisNetwork({ + TEMAP() + k=3 + values$network3<-igraph2vis(g=values$nexus$Net[[k]]$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), + labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, + shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$nexus$Net[[k]]) + + values$network3$VIS + + }) + + output$NetPlot4 <- renderVisNetwork({ + TEMAP() + k=4 + values$network4<-igraph2vis(g=values$nexus$Net[[k]]$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), + labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, + shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$nexus$Net[[k]]) + + values$network4$VIS + + }) + + output$NetPlot5 <- renderVisNetwork({ + TEMAP() + k=5 + values$network5<-igraph2vis(g=values$nexus$Net[[k]]$graph,curved=(input$coc.curved=="Yes"), + labelsize=input$labelsize, opacity=input$cocAlpha,type=input$layout, + shape=input$coc.shape, net=values$nexus$Net[[k]]) + + values$network5$VIS + + }) + + output$TMTable1 <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + + tmData=values$nexus$TM[[1]]$words[,-4] + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_1', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_1', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_1', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMTable2 <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + + tmData=values$nexus$TM[[2]]$words[,-4] + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_2', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_2', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_2', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMTable3 <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + + tmData=values$nexus$TM[[3]]$words[,-4] + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_3', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_3', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_3', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMTable4 <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + + tmData=values$nexus$TM[[4]]$words[,-4] + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_4', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_4', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_4', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMTable5 <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + + tmData=values$nexus$TM[[5]]$words[,-4] + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_5', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_5', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map_Period_5', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMTableCluster1 <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + tmData <- values$nexus$TM[[1]]$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] + names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMTableCluster2 <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + tmData <- values$nexus$TM[[2]]$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] + names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMTableCluster3 <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + tmData <- values$nexus$TM[[3]]$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] + names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMTableCluster4 <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + tmData <- values$nexus$TM[[4]]$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] + names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + output$TMTableCluster5 <- DT::renderDT({ + TEMAP() + tmData <- values$nexus$TM[[5]]$clusters[,c(7,1:4,6)] + names(tmData) <- c("Cluster", "CallonCentrality","CallonDensity","RankCentrality","RankDensity","ClusterColor") + + DT::datatable(tmData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Thematic_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(tmData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(tmData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + }) + + ### INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE #### + + ### Co-citation network ---- + COCITnetwork <- eventReactive(input$applyCocit,{ + + values <- intellectualStructure(input,values) + #dev.off();file.remove(t) ### end of trick + + values$network<-igraph2vis(g=values$cocitnet$graph,curved=(input$cocit.curved=="Yes"), + labelsize=input$citlabelsize, opacity=0.7,type=input$citlayout, + shape=input$cocit.shape, net=values$cocitnet, shadow=(input$cocit.shadow=="Yes")) + }) + + output$cocitPlot <- renderVisNetwork({ + + COCITnetwork() + + isolate(values$network$VIS) + + }) + + output$network.cocit <- downloadHandler( + filename = "Co_citation_network.net", + content <- function(file) { + igraph::write.graph(values$cocitnet$graph_pajek,file=file, format="pajek") + #rio::export(values$M, file=file) + }, + contentType = "net" + ) + + output$cocitTable <- DT::renderDT({ + COCITnetwork() + cocitData=values$cocitnet$cluster_res + names(cocitData)=c("Node", "Cluster", "Betweenness", "Closeness", "PageRank") + DT::datatable(cocitData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"),filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'CoCitation_Network', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'CoCitation_Network', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'CoCitation_Network', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(cocitData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(cocitData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + ### save coc network image as html #### + output$networkCocit.fig <- downloadHandler( + filename = "network.html", + content <- function(con) { + savenetwork(con) + }, + contentType = "html" + ) + + ### Degree Plot Co-citation analysis #### + output$cocitDegree <- renderPlotly({ + COCITnetwork() + p <- degreePlot(values$cocitnet) + plot.ly(p) + }) + + ### Historiograph ---- + Hist <- eventReactive(input$applyHist,{ + + withProgress(message = 'Calculation in progress', + value = 0, { + values <- historiograph(input,values) + }) + + fx <- list( + family = "Old Standard TT, serif", + size = 11, + color = "black" + ) + + a <- list( + ticks = "outside", + autotick = FALSE, + ticktext = values$histPlot$axis$label, + tickvals = values$histPlot$axis$values, + tickmode = "array", + showticklabels = TRUE, + tickangle = 270, + tickfont = fx, + ticklen = 2, + tickwidth = 2, + tickcolor = toRGB("black") + ) + + g <- plot.ly(values$histPlot$g, side="r", size=0.05, aspectratio = 1.5, height=-0.1) %>% + layout(xaxis = a, autosize=TRUE ,showlegend = FALSE, + hoverlabel = list(font=list(size=input$histlabelsize+9))) + return(g) + }) + + output$HGplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("Historiograph-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + ggsave(filename = file, plot = values$histPlot$g, dpi = as.numeric(input$HGdpi), height = input$HGh, width = input$HGh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$histPlot <- renderPlotly({ + + Hist() + + }) + output$histTable <- DT::renderDT({ + LCS=values$histResults$LCS + s=sort(LCS,decreasing = TRUE)[input$histNodes] + ind=which(LCS>=s) + Data=values$histResults$histData + Data=Data[ind,] + Data$DOI<- paste0('',Data$DOI,'') + DT::datatable(Data, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Historiograph_Network', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Historiograph_Network', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Historiograph_Network', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(Data))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(Data), backgroundColor = 'white') %>% + formatStyle( + 'GCS', + background = styleColorBar(Data$GCS, 'steelblue'), + backgroundSize = '100% 90%', + backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', + backgroundPosition = 'center' + ) %>% + formatStyle( + 'LCS', + background = styleColorBar(Data$LCS, 'steelblue'), + backgroundSize = '100% 90%', + backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', + backgroundPosition = 'center' + ) + #return(Data) + + }) + + ### SOCIAL STRUCTURE #### + ### Collaboration network ---- + COLnetwork <- eventReactive(input$applyCol,{ + + values <- socialStructure(input,values) + + values$network<-igraph2vis(g=values$colnet$graph,curved=(input$soc.curved=="Yes"), + labelsize=input$collabelsize, opacity=input$colAlpha,type=input$collayout, + shape=input$col.shape, net=values$colnet, shadow=(input$col.shadow=="Yes")) + }) + output$colPlot <- renderVisNetwork({ + + COLnetwork() + + values$network$VIS + + }) + + output$network.col <- downloadHandler( + filename = "Collaboration_network.net", + content <- function(file) { + igraph::write.graph(values$colnet$graph_pajek,file=file, format="pajek") + #rio::export(values$M, file=file) + }, + contentType = "net" + ) + + output$colTable <- DT::renderDT({ + COLnetwork() + colData=values$colnet$cluster_res + names(colData)=c("Node", "Cluster", "Betweenness", "Closeness", "PageRank") + + DT::datatable(colData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'Collaboration_Network', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'Collaboration_Network', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'Collaboration_Network', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(colData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(colData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + ### save coc network image as html #### + output$networkCol.fig <- downloadHandler( + filename = "network.html", + content <- function(con) { + savenetwork(con) + }, + contentType = "html" + ) + + + ### Degree Plot Collaboration analysis #### + output$colDegree <- renderPlotly({ + COLnetwork() + p <- degreePlot(values$colnet) + plot.ly(p) + }) + + ### WPPlot ---- + WMnetwork<- eventReactive(input$applyWM,{ + values$WMmap=countrycollaboration(values$M,label=FALSE,edgesize=input$WMedgesize/2,min.edges=input$WMedges.min) + }) + + output$CCplot.save <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + + paste("CountryCollaborationMap-", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep="") + }, + content <- function(file) { + g <- values$WMmap$g + labs(title = "Country Collaboration Map") + ggsave(filename = file, plot = g, dpi = as.numeric(input$CCdpi), height = input$CCh, width = input$CCh*2, bg="white") + }, + contentType = "png" + ) + + output$WMPlot<- renderPlot({ + + WMnetwork() + plot(values$WMmap$g) + + }, #width = "auto", height = reactive(ifelse(!is.null(input$innerWidth),input$innerWidth*2/5,0)), + width = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[1])*0.6), + height = exprToFunction(as.numeric(input$dimension[2])*0.85), + res = 150) + + output$WMTable <- DT::renderDT({ + WMnetwork() + colData=values$WMmap$tab + colData=colData[,c(1,2,9)] + names(colData)=c("From","To","Frequency") + + DT::datatable(colData, escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, extensions = c("Buttons"), filter = 'top', + options = list(pageLength = 10, dom = 'Bfrtip', + buttons = list('pageLength', + list(extend = 'copy'), + list(extend = 'csv', + filename = 'World_Collaboration_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'excel', + filename = 'World_Collaboration_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'pdf', + filename = 'World_Collaboration_Map', + title = " ", + header = TRUE), + list(extend = 'print')), + lengthMenu = list(c(10,25,50,-1),c('10 rows', '25 rows', '50 rows','Show all')), + columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 0:(length(names(colData))-1))))) %>% + formatStyle(names(colData), backgroundColor = 'white') + #return(Data) + + }) + + ### COMMON FUNCTIONS #### + + + # displayResolution <- function() { + # session$clientData$output_plot1_width + # } + + getFileNameExtension <- function (fn) { + # remove a path + splitted <- strsplit(x=fn, split='/')[[1]] + # or use .Platform$file.sep in stead of '/' + fn <- splitted [length(splitted)] + ext <- '' + splitted <- strsplit(x=fn, split='\\.')[[1]] + l <-length (splitted) + if (l > 1 && sum(splitted[1:(l-1)] != '')) ext <-splitted [l] + # the extention must be the suffix of a non-empty name + ext + } + + # string preview (stopwords) + strPreview <- function(string, sep=","){ + str1 <- unlist(strsplit(string, sep)) + str1 <- str1[1:min(c(length(str1),5))] + str1 <- paste(str1, collapse=sep) + HTML(paste("", "File Preview: ", str1,"", sep = '
')) + } + + # string preview (synonyms) + strSynPreview <- function(string){ + string <- string[1] + str1 <- unlist(strsplit(string, ";")) + str1 <- str1[1:min(c(length(str1),5))] + str1 <- paste(paste(str1[1], " <- ",collapse=""),paste(str1[-1], collapse=";"), collapse="") + HTML(paste("", "File Preview: ", str1,"", sep = '
')) + } + + # from ggplot to plotly + plot.ly <- function(g, flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1, size=0.15,data.type=2, height=0){ + + g <- g + labs(title=NULL) + print("Fatto") + a <- ggplot_build(g)$data + + ymin <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ + if ("y" %in% names(l)){ + min(l["y"]) + } + })) %>% min(na.rm=TRUE) + + ymax <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ + if ("y" %in% names(l)){ + max(l["y"]) + } + })) %>% max(na.rm=TRUE) + + xmin <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ + if ("x" %in% names(l)){ + min(l["x"]) + } + })) %>% min(na.rm=TRUE) + + xmax <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ + if ("x" %in% names(l)){ + max(l["x"]) + } + })) %>% max(na.rm=TRUE) + + if (isTRUE(flip)){ + xrange <- c(ymin,ymax) + yrange <- c(xmin,xmax) + }else{ + yrange <- c(ymin,ymax) + xrange <- c(xmin,xmax) + } + + # if (isTRUE(flip)){ + # yrange <- range(ggplot_build(g)$data[[data.type]]$x) + # xrange <- range(ggplot_build(g)$data[[data.type]]$y) + # }else{ + # xrange <- range(ggplot_build(g)$data[[data.type]]$x) + # yrange <- range(ggplot_build(g)$data[[data.type]]$y) + # } + + sizex = diff(xrange)*size + sizey = diff(yrange)*size*aspectratio + + y <- min(yrange)+0.2 + + if (side=="l"){ + x <- min(xrange)+0.2 + }else{ + x <- max(xrange)-0.2-sizex + } + + ggplotly(g, tooltip = "text") %>% + config(displaylogo = FALSE, + modeBarButtonsToRemove = c( + 'sendDataToCloud', + 'pan2d', + 'select2d', + 'lasso2d', + 'toggleSpikelines', + 'hoverClosestCartesian', + 'hoverCompareCartesian' + )) %>% + layout( + images = list( + source = raster2uri(as.raster(values$logo)), + x = x, y = y+height, + sizex = sizex, sizey = sizey, + xref = "x", yref = "y", + xanchor = "left", yanchor = "bottom", + sizing = "stretch" + ) + ) + } + + freqPlot <- function(xx,x,y, textLaby,textLabx, title){ + + + xl <- c(max(xx[,x])-0.02-diff(range(xx[,x]))*0.125, max(xx[,x])-0.02)+1 + yl <- c(1,1+length(unique(xx[,y]))*0.125) + + Text <- paste(textLaby,": ",xx[,y],"\n",textLabx, ": ",xx[,x]) + + g <- ggplot(xx, aes(x =xx[,x], y = xx[,y], label = xx[,x], text=Text)) + + geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = xx[,y], xend = xx[,x], yend = xx[,y]), color = "grey50") + + geom_point(aes(color=-xx[,x], size=xx[,x]), show.legend = FALSE) + + scale_radius(range=c(5, 12))+ + geom_text(color = "white", size = 3) + + scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(xx[,y])) + + scale_fill_continuous(type = "gradient")+ + labs(title=title, y = textLaby)+ + labs(x = textLabx)+ + expand_limits(y= c(1, length(xx[,y]) + 1))+ + theme_minimal()+ + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(angle=0, hjust=0)) + + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = xl[1], xmax = xl[2], ymin = yl[1], ymax = yl[2]) + + return(g) + } + + emptyPlot<-function(errortext){ + g=ggplot()+ + theme_void() + theme(legend.position="none")+ + annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, label = errortext, size=10) + plot(g) + } + + count.duplicates <- function(DF){ + x <- do.call('paste', c(DF, sep = '\r')) + ox <- order(x) + rl <- rle(x[ox]) + cbind(DF[ox[cumsum(rl$lengths)],,drop=FALSE],count = rl$lengths) + + } + + reduceRefs<- function(A){ + + ind=unlist(regexec("*V[0-9]", A)) + A[ind>-1]=substr(A[ind>-1],1,(ind[ind>-1]-1)) + ind=unlist(regexec("*DOI ", A)) + A[ind>-1]=substr(A[ind>-1],1,(ind[ind>-1]-1)) + return(A) + } + + + initial <- function(values){ + values$results <- list("NA") + values$log <- "working..." + values$load <- "FALSE" + values$field = values$cocngrams = "NA" + values$citField = values$colField = values$citSep= "NA" + values$NetWords = values$NetRefs = values$ColNetRefs=matrix(NA,1,1) + values$Title <- "Network" + values$Histfield <- "NA" + values$histlog <- "working..." + values$kk <- 0 + values$histsearch <- "NA" + values$citShortlabel <- "NA" + values$S <- list("NA") + values$GR <- "NA" + + return(values) + } + + + ### ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS #### + ### Descriptive functions ---- + Hindex_plot <- function(values, type){ + + hindex<-function(values,type){ + + switch(type, + author={ + AU <- trim(gsub(",","",names(tableTag(values$M,"AU")))) + values$H <- Hindex(values$M, field = "author", elements = AU, sep = ";", years=Inf)$H + }, + source={ + SO <- names(sort(table(values$M$SO),decreasing = TRUE)) + values$H <- Hindex(values$M, field = "source", elements = SO, sep = ";", years=Inf)$H + } + ) + + return(values) + } + + values<-hindex(values, type = type) + + xx=values$H + if (type=="author"){ + K=input$Hkauthor + measure=input$HmeasureAuthors + title="Author Local Impact" + xn="Authors" + } else { + K=input$Hksource + measure=input$HmeasureSources + title="Source Local Impact" + xn="Sources" + } + if (K>dim(xx)[1]){ + k=dim(xx)[1] + } else {k=K} + + switch(measure, + h={m=2}, + g={m=3}, + m={m=4 + xx[,m] <-round(xx[,m],2) }, + tc={m=5} + ) + xx <- xx[order(-xx[,m]),] + xx <- xx[1:k,c(1,m)] + + + g <- freqPlot(xx,x=2,y=1, textLaby = xn, textLabx = paste("Impact Measure:",toupper(measure)), title = paste(title,"by",toupper(measure),"index")) + + res<-list(values=values,g=g) + return(res) + } + + descriptive <- function(values,type){ + + + switch(type, + "tab2"={ + TAB <- values$M %>% group_by(.data$PY) %>% + count() %>% + rename(Year = .data$PY, + Articles = .data$n) %>% + right_join(data.frame(Year=seq(min(values$M$PY,na.rm=TRUE),max(values$M$PY, na.rm=TRUE))), by="Year") %>% + mutate(Articles = replace_na(.data$Articles,0)) %>% + arrange(.data$Year) %>% as.data.frame() + + ny=diff(range(TAB$Year)) + values$GR=round(((TAB[nrow(TAB),2]/TAB[1,2])^(1/(ny))-1)*100, digits = 2) + }, + "tab3"={ + listAU <- (strsplit(values$M$AU, ";")) + nAU <- lengths(listAU) + fracAU <- rep(1/nAU,nAU) + TAB <- tibble(Author=unlist(listAU), fracAU=fracAU) %>% + group_by(.data$Author) %>% + summarize( + Articles = n(), + AuthorFrac = sum(.data$fracAU) + ) %>% + arrange(desc(.data$Articles)) %>% as.data.frame() + names(TAB)=c("Authors","Articles","Articles Fractionalized") + #print(S$MostProdAuthors) + }, + "tab4"={ + y <- as.numeric(substr(Sys.Date(),1,4)) + TAB <- values$M %>% + mutate(TCperYear = .data$TC/(y+1-.data$PY)) %>% + select(.data$SR,.data$DI, .data$TC, .data$TCperYear, .data$PY) %>% + group_by(.data$PY) %>% + mutate(NTC = .data$TC/mean(.data$TC)) %>% + ungroup() %>% + select(-.data$PY) %>% + arrange(desc(.data$TC)) %>% + as.data.frame() + names(TAB)=c("Paper", "DOI","Total Citations","TC per Year","Normalized TC") + }, + "tab5"={ + + TAB <- countryCollab(values$M) + TAB <- TAB %>% + mutate(Freq = .data$Articles/sum(.data$Articles)) %>% + mutate(MCP_Ratio = .data$MCP/.data$Articles) + }, + "tab6"={ + if (!"AU1_CO" %in% names(values$M)){ + values$M <- metaTagExtraction(values$M, "AU1_CO") + } + TAB <- values$M %>% + select(.data$AU1_CO, .data$TC) %>% + drop_na(.data$AU1_CO) %>% + rename(Country = .data$AU1_CO, + TotalCitation = .data$TC) %>% + group_by(.data$Country) %>% + summarise("TC"=sum(.data$TotalCitation),"Average Article Citations"=sum(.data$TotalCitation)/length(.data$TotalCitation)) %>% + arrange(-.data$TC) %>% as.data.frame(.data,stringasfactor=FALSE) + }, + "tab7"={ + TAB <- values$M %>% + select(.data$SO) %>% + group_by(.data$SO) %>% + count() %>% + arrange(desc(.data$n)) %>% + rename(Sources = .data$SO, + Articles = .data$n) %>% + as.data.frame() + }, + + "tab10"={ + TAB<-mapworld(values$M)$tab + }, + "tab11"={ + if(!("AU_UN" %in% names(values$M))){values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,Field="AU_UN")} + TAB <- data.frame(Affiliation=unlist(strsplit(values$M$AU_UN, ";"))) %>% + group_by(.data$Affiliation) %>% + count() %>% + drop_na(.data$Affiliation) %>% + arrange(desc(.data$n)) %>% + rename(Articles = .data$n) %>% + as.data.frame() + }, + "tab12"={ + TAB=tableTag(values$M,"C1") + TAB=data.frame(Affiliations=names(TAB), Articles=as.numeric(TAB),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + TAB=TAB[nchar(TAB[,1])>4,] + #names(TAB)=c("Affiliations", "Articles") + + }, + "tab13"={ + CR<-localCitations(values$M,fast.search = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) + TAB <- CR$Authors + #TAB=data.frame(Authors=names(CR$Authors$Author), Citations=as.numeric(CR$Cited),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + } + ) + values$TAB=TAB + res=list(values=values,TAB=TAB) + return(res) + } + + wordlist <- function(M, Field, n, measure, ngrams, remove.terms=NULL, synonyms=NULL){ + switch(Field, + ID={v=tableTag(values$M,"ID", remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms)}, + DE={v=tableTag(values$M,"DE", remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms)}, + TI={ + if (!("TI_TM" %in% names(M))){ + v=tableTag(M,"TI", ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + + }}, + AB={if (!("AB_TM" %in% names(M))){ + v=tableTag(M,"AB", ngrams=ngrams, remove.terms = remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + }} + ) + names(v)=tolower(names(v)) + #v=tableTag(values$M,"ID") + n=min(c(n,length(v))) + Words=data.frame(Terms=names(v)[1:n], Frequency=(as.numeric(v)[1:n]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + W=Words + switch(measure, + identity={}, + sqrt={W$Frequency=sqrt(W$Frequency)}, + log={W$Frequency=log(W$Frequency+1)}, + log10={W$Frequency=log10(W$Frequency+1)} + ) + + results=list(v=v,W=W, Words=Words) + return(results) + } + + readStopwordsFile <- function(file, sep=","){ + if (!is.null(file)){ + req(file$datapath) + remove.terms <- unlist(strsplit(readr::read_lines(file$datapath), sep)) + }else{remove.terms <- NULL} + return(remove.terms) + } + + readSynWordsFile <- function(file, sep=","){ + if (!is.null(file)){ + req(file$datapath) + syn.terms <- readr::read_lines(file$datapath) + if (sep!=";") syn.terms <- gsub(sep,";",syn.terms) + }else{syn.terms <- NULL} + return(syn.terms) + } + + mapworld <- function(M){ + if (!("AU_CO" %in% names(M))){M=metaTagExtraction(M,"AU_CO")} + CO=as.data.frame(tableTag(M,"AU_CO"),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + CO$Tab=gsub("UNITED KINGDOM","UK",CO$Tab) + CO$Tab=gsub("KOREA","SOUTH KOREA",CO$Tab) + + map.world <- map_data("world") + map.world$region=toupper(map.world$region) + + dplyr::anti_join(CO, map.world, by = c('Tab' = 'region')) + + country.prod <- dplyr::left_join( map.world, CO, by = c('region' = 'Tab')) + + tab=data.frame(country.prod %>% + dplyr::group_by(region) %>% + dplyr::summarise(Freq=mean(Freq))) + + tab=tab[!is.na(tab$Freq),] + + tab=tab[order(-tab$Freq),] + + breaks=as.numeric(round(quantile(CO$Freq,c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1)))) + names(breaks)=breaks + breaks=log(breaks) + + g <- ggplot(country.prod, aes( x = .data$long, y = .data$lat, group=.data$group, text=paste("Country: ",.data$region,"\nN.of Documents: ",.data$Freq))) + + geom_polygon(aes(fill = log(Freq), group=group)) + + scale_fill_continuous(low='dodgerblue', high='dodgerblue4',breaks=breaks)+ + guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = T)) + + #geom_text(data=centroids, aes(label = centroids$Tab, x = centroids$long, y = centroids$lat, group=centroids$Tab)) + + labs(fill = 'N.Documents' + ,title = 'Country Scientific Production' + ,x = NULL + ,y = NULL) + + theme(text = element_text(color = '#333333') + ,plot.title = element_text(size = 28) + ,plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 14) + ,axis.ticks = element_blank() + ,axis.text = element_blank() + ,panel.grid = element_blank() + ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') #'#333333' + ,plot.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') + ,legend.position = c(.18,.36) + ,legend.background = element_blank() + ,legend.key = element_blank() + ) + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = 143, xmax = 189.5, ymin = -69, ymax = -48) + + results=list(g=g,tab=tab) + return(results) + } + + ### Structure fuctions ---- + CAmap <- function(input, values){ + if ((input$CSfield %in% names(values$M))){ + + if (input$CSfield %in% c("TI","AB")){ + ngrams <- as.numeric(input$CSngrams) + }else{ + ngrams <- 1 + } + + ### load file with terms to remove + if (input$CSStopFile=="Y"){ + remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$CSStop, sep=input$CSSep)) + }else{remove.terms <- NULL} + values$CSremove.terms <- remove.terms + ### end of block + ### load file with synonyms + if (input$FASynFile=="Y"){ + synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$FASyn, sep=input$FASynSep)) + }else{synonyms <- NULL} + values$FAsyn.terms <- synonyms + ### end of block + + tab=tableTag(values$M,input$CSfield, ngrams=ngrams) + if (length(tab>=2)){ + + minDegree=as.numeric(tab[input$CSn]) + + values$CS <- conceptualStructure(values$M, method=input$method , field=input$CSfield, minDegree=minDegree, clust=input$nClustersCS, + k.max = 8, stemming=F, labelsize=input$CSlabelsize,documents=input$CSdoc,graph=FALSE, ngrams=ngrams, + remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + + + }else{emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") + values$CS=list("NA")} + + }else{ + emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") + values$CS=list("NA") + + } + } + + historiograph <- function(input,values){ + + min.cit <- 1 + # if (input$histsearch=="FAST"){ + # min.cit=quantile(values$M$TC,0.75, na.rm = TRUE) + # }else{min.cit=1} + + if (values$Histfield=="NA"){ + values$histResults <- histNetwork(values$M, min.citations=min.cit, sep = ";") + values$Histfield="done" + } + titlelabel <- input$titlelabel=="TRUE" + values$histlog<- (values$histPlot <- histPlot(values$histResults, n=input$histNodes, size =input$histsize, labelsize = input$histlabelsize, title_as_label = titlelabel, verbose=FALSE)) + return(values) + } + + + ### Network functions ---- + + degreePlot <- function(net){ + deg <- data.frame(node = names(net$nodeDegree), x= (1:length(net$nodeDegree)), y = net$nodeDegree) + p <- ggplot(data = deg, aes(x=.data$x, y=.data$y, + text=paste("Node ",.data$x," - Degree ",.data$y, sep="")))+ + geom_point()+ + geom_line(aes(group="NA"),color = '#002F80', alpha = .5) + + theme(text = element_text(color = "#444444") + ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') + ,panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,panel.grid.major = element_line(color = '#EFEFEF') + ,plot.title = element_text(size = 24) + ,axis.title = element_text(size = 14, color = '#555555') + ,axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = 1, angle = 0) + ,axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 0) + ,axis.line.x = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ,axis.line.y = element_line(color="black",size=0.5) + ) + + labs(x = "Node", y="Degree", title = "Node Degrees") + return(p) + } + + cocNetwork <- function(input,values){ + + n = input$Nodes + label.n = input$Labels + + ### load file with terms to remove + if (input$COCStopFile=="Y"){ + remove.terms <- trimws(readStopwordsFile(file=input$COCStop, sep=input$COCSep)) + }else{remove.terms <- NULL} + values$COCremove.terms <- remove.terms + ### end of block + ### load file with synonyms + if (input$COCSynFile=="Y"){ + synonyms <- trimws(readSynWordsFile(file=input$COCSyn, sep=input$COCSynSep)) + }else{synonyms <- NULL} + values$COCsyn.terms <- synonyms + ### end of block + + if ((input$field %in% names(values$M))){ + + if ((dim(values$NetWords)[1])==1 | !(input$field==values$field) | !(input$cocngrams==values$cocngrams) | ((dim(values$NetWords)[1])!=input$Nodes) ){ + + values$field=input$field + values$ngrams <- input$cocngrams + + switch(input$field, + ID={ + values$NetWords <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-occurrences", network = "keywords", n = n, sep = ";", remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + values$Title= "Keywords Plus Network" + }, + DE={ + values$NetWords <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-occurrences", network = "author_keywords", n = n, sep = ";", remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + values$Title= "Authors' Keywords network" + }, + TI={ + #if(!("TI_TM" %in% names(values$M))){ + values$M=termExtraction(values$M,Field="TI",verbose=FALSE, ngrams=as.numeric(input$cocngrams), remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + #} + values$NetWords <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-occurrences", network = "titles", n = n, sep = ";") + values$Title= "Title Words network" + }, + AB={ + #if(!("AB_TM" %in% names(values$M))){ + values$M=termExtraction(values$M,Field="AB",verbose=FALSE, ngrams=as.numeric(input$cocngrams), remove.terms=remove.terms, synonyms = synonyms) + #} + values$NetWords <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-occurrences", network = "abstracts", n = n, sep = ";") + values$Title= "Abstract Words network" + }) + + } + + if (label.n>n){label.n=n} + if (input$normalize=="none"){normalize=NULL}else{normalize=input$normalize} + if (input$label.cex=="Yes"){label.cex=TRUE}else{label.cex=FALSE} + if (input$coc.curved=="Yes"){curved=TRUE}else{curved=FALSE} + + #par(bg="grey92", mar=c(0,0,0,0)) + values$cocnet=networkPlot(values$NetWords, normalize=normalize, Title = values$Title, type = input$layout, + size.cex=TRUE, size=5 , remove.multiple=F, edgesize = input$edgesize*3, labelsize=input$labelsize,label.cex=label.cex, + label.n=label.n,edges.min=input$edges.min,label.color = F, curved=curved,alpha=input$cocAlpha, + cluster=input$cocCluster, remove.isolates = (input$coc.isolates=="yes"), + community.repulsion = input$coc.repulsion/2, verbose = FALSE) + if (input$cocyears=="Yes"){ + Y=fieldByYear(values$M, field = input$field, graph=FALSE) + g=values$cocnet$graph + label=igraph::V(g)$name + ind=which(tolower(Y$df$item) %in% label) + df=Y$df[ind,] + + #bluefunc <- colorRampPalette(c("lightblue", "darkblue")) + #col=bluefunc((diff(range(df$year))+1)*10) + col=heat.colors((diff(range(df$year))+1)*10) + igraph::V(g)$color=col[(max(df$year)-df$year+1)*10] + igraph::V(g)$year=df$year + values$cocnet$graph=g + } + + }else{ + emptyPlot("Selected field is not included in your data collection") + } + return(values) + } + + intellectualStructure <- function(input,values){ + n = input$citNodes + label.n = input$citLabels + + if ((dim(values$NetRefs)[1])==1 | !(input$citField==values$citField) | !(input$citSep==values$citSep) | !(input$citShortlabel==values$citShortlabel) | ((dim(values$NetRefs)[1])!=input$citNodes)){ + + values$citField=input$citField + values$citSep=input$citSep + if (input$citShortlabel=="Yes"){shortlabel=TRUE}else{shortlabel=FALSE} + values$citShortlabel=input$citShortlabel + switch(input$citField, + CR={ + values$NetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-citation", network = "references", n = n, sep = input$citSep, shortlabel=shortlabel) + values$Title= "Cited References network" + + }, + CR_AU={ + if(!("CR_AU" %in% names(values$M))){values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,Field="CR_AU", sep = input$citSep)} + values$NetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-citation", network = "authors", n = n, sep = input$citSep) + values$Title= "Cited Authors network" + }, + CR_SO={ + if(!("CR_SO" %in% names(values$M))){values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,Field="CR_SO", sep = input$citSep)} + values$NetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "co-citation", network = "sources", n = n, sep = input$citSep) + values$Title= "Cited Sources network" + }) + + } + + if (label.n>n){label.n=n} + if (input$citlabel.cex=="Yes"){label.cex=TRUE}else{label.cex=FALSE} + if (input$cocit.curved=="Yes"){curved=TRUE}else{curved=FALSE} + + values$cocitnet=networkPlot(values$NetRefs, normalize=NULL, Title = values$Title, type = input$citlayout, + size.cex=TRUE, size=5 , remove.multiple=F, edgesize = input$citedgesize*3, + labelsize=input$citlabelsize,label.cex=label.cex, curved=curved, + label.n=label.n,edges.min=input$citedges.min,label.color = F,remove.isolates = (input$cit.isolates=="yes"), + alpha=0.7, cluster=input$cocitCluster, + community.repulsion = input$cocit.repulsion/2, verbose = FALSE) + return(values) + } + + socialStructure<-function(input,values){ + n = input$colNodes + label.n = input$colLabels + + if ((dim(values$ColNetRefs)[1])==1 | !(input$colField==values$colField) | ((dim(values$ColNetRefs)[1])!=input$colNodes)){ + + values$colField=input$colField + + + values$cluster="walktrap" + switch(input$colField, + COL_AU={ + values$ColNetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "collaboration", network = "authors", n = n, sep = ";") + values$Title= "Author Collaboration network" + + }, + COL_UN={ + if(!("AU_UN" %in% names(values$M))){values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,Field="AU_UN", sep=";")} + values$ColNetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "collaboration", network = "universities", n = n, sep = ";") + values$Title= "Edu Collaboration network" + }, + COL_CO={ + if(!("AU_CO" %in% names(values$M))){values$M=metaTagExtraction(values$M,Field="AU_CO", sep=";")} + values$ColNetRefs <- biblioNetwork(values$M, analysis = "collaboration", network = "countries", n = n, sep = ";") + values$Title= "Country Collaboration network" + #values$cluster="none" + }) + + } + + if (label.n>n){label.n=n} + if (input$colnormalize=="none"){normalize=NULL}else{normalize=input$colnormalize} + if (input$collabel.cex=="Yes"){label.cex=TRUE}else{label.cex=FALSE} + if (input$soc.curved=="Yes"){curved=TRUE}else{curved=FALSE} + + type=input$collayout + if (input$collayout=="worldmap"){type="auto"} + + values$colnet=networkPlot(values$ColNetRefs, normalize=normalize, Title = values$Title, type = type, + size.cex=TRUE, size=5 , remove.multiple=F, edgesize = input$coledgesize*3, + labelsize=input$collabelsize,label.cex=label.cex, curved=curved, + label.n=label.n,edges.min=input$coledges.min,label.color = F,alpha=input$colAlpha, + remove.isolates = (input$col.isolates=="yes"), cluster=input$colCluster, + community.repulsion = input$col.repulsion/2, verbose = FALSE) + + return(values) + + } + + countrycollaboration <- function(M,label,edgesize,min.edges){ + M=metaTagExtraction(M,"AU_CO") + net=biblioNetwork(M,analysis="collaboration",network="countries") + CO=data.frame(Tab=rownames(net),Freq=diag(net),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + bsk.network=igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(net,mode="undirected") + COedges=as.data.frame(igraph::ends(bsk.network,igraph::E(bsk.network),names=TRUE),stringsAsFactors = FALSE) + + map.world <- map_data("world") + map.world$region=toupper(map.world$region) + map.world$region=gsub("UK","UNITED KINGDOM",map.world$region) + map.world$region=gsub("SOUTH KOREA","KOREA",map.world$region) + + country.prod <- dplyr::left_join( map.world, CO, by = c('region' = 'Tab')) + + breaks=as.numeric(round(quantile(CO$Freq,c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1)))) + names(breaks)=breaks + breaks=log(breaks) + data("countries",envir=environment()) + names(countries)[1]="Tab" + + COedges=dplyr::inner_join(COedges,countries, by=c('V1'='Tab')) + COedges=dplyr::inner_join(COedges,countries, by=c('V2'='Tab')) + COedges=COedges[COedges$V1!=COedges$V2,] + COedges=count.duplicates(COedges) + tab=COedges + COedges=COedges[COedges$count>=min.edges,] + + g=ggplot(country.prod, aes( x = .data$long, y = .data$lat, group = .data$group )) + + geom_polygon(aes(fill = log(Freq))) + + scale_fill_continuous(low='dodgerblue', high='dodgerblue4',breaks=breaks)+ + #guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = T)) + + guides(colour=FALSE, fill=FALSE)+ + geom_curve(data=COedges, aes(x = .data$Longitude.x , y = .data$Latitude.x, xend = .data$Longitude.y, yend = .data$Latitude.y, # draw edges as arcs + color = "firebrick4", size = .data$count, group=.data$continent.x), + curvature = 0.33, + alpha = 0.5) + + scale_size_continuous(guide = FALSE, range = c(0.25, edgesize))+ + labs(title = NULL, x = "Latitude", y = "Longitude") + + theme(text = element_text(color = '#333333') + ,plot.title = element_text(size = 28) + ,plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 14) + ,axis.ticks = element_blank() + ,axis.text = element_blank() + ,panel.grid = element_blank() + ,panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') #'#333333' + ,plot.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF') + ,legend.position = c(.18,.36) + ,legend.background = element_blank() + ,legend.key = element_blank() + ) + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = 143, xmax = 189.5, ymin = -69, ymax = -48) + if (isTRUE(label)){ + CO=dplyr::inner_join(CO,countries, by=c('Tab'='Tab')) + g=g+ + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data=CO, aes(x = .data$Longitude, y = .data$Latitude, label = .data$Tab, group=.data$continent), # draw text labels + hjust = 0, nudge_x = 1, nudge_y = 4, + size = 3, color = "orange", fontface = "bold") + } + + results=list(g=g,tab=tab) + return(results) + } + ### visNetwork tools ---- + netLayout <- function(type){ + switch(type, + auto={l <- "layout_nicely"}, + circle={l <- "layout_in_circle"}, + mds={l <- "layout_with_mds"}, + star={l <- "layout_as_star"}, + + sphere={l <- "layout_on_sphere"}, + fruchterman={l <- "layout_with_fr"}, + kamada={l <- "layout_with_kk"} + ) + return(l) + } + + savenetwork <- function(con){ + vn=values$network$vn + visNetwork(nodes = vn$nodes, edges = vn$edges, type="full", smooth=TRUE, physics=FALSE, height = "2000px",width = "2000px" ) %>% + visNodes(shape="box", font=list(color="black"),scaling=list(label=list(enables=TRUE))) %>% + visIgraphLayout(layout = values$network$l) %>% + visEdges(smooth = values$network$curved) %>% + visOptions(highlightNearest =list(enabled = T, hover = T, degree=1), nodesIdSelection = T) %>% + visInteraction(dragNodes = TRUE, navigationButtons = TRUE, hideEdgesOnDrag = TRUE) %>% visExport() %>% + visPhysics(enabled = FALSE) %>% visSave(con) + } + + igraph2vis<-function(g,curved,labelsize,opacity,type,shape, net, shadow=TRUE){ + + LABEL=igraph::V(g)$name + + LABEL[igraph::V(g)$labelsize==0]="" + + vn <- toVisNetworkData(g) + + vn$nodes$label=LABEL + vn$edges$num=1 + vn$edges$dashes=FALSE + vn$edges$dashes[vn$edges$lty==2]=TRUE + + ## opacity + vn$nodes$color=adjustcolor(vn$nodes$color,alpha=min(c(opacity+0.2,1))) + vn$edges$color=adjustcolor(vn$edges$color,alpha=opacity) + + ## removing multiple edges + vn$edges=unique(vn$edges) + + ## labelsize + scalemin=20 + scalemax=150 + Min=min(vn$nodes$font.size) + Max=max(vn$nodes$font.size) + if (Max>Min){ + size=(vn$nodes$font.size-Min)/(Max-Min)*15*labelsize+10 + } else {size=10*labelsize} + size[sizescalemax]=scalemax + vn$nodes$font.size=size + l<-netLayout(type) + + ### TO ADD SHAPE AND FONT COLOR OPTIONS + coords <- net$layout + + vn$nodes$size <- vn$nodes$font.size*0.8 + + if (shape %in% c("text")){ + vn$nodes$font.color <- vn$nodes$color + }else{ + vn$nodes$font.color <- "black" + } + + if (shape %in% c("dot","square")){ + vn$nodes$font.vadjust <- -0.7*vn$nodes$font.size + }else{ + vn$nodes$font.vadjust <-0 + } + + VIS<- + visNetwork(nodes = vn$nodes, edges = vn$edges, type="full", smooth=TRUE, physics=FALSE) %>% + #visNodes(shape=shape, font=list(color="black")) %>% + visNodes(shadow=shadow, shape=shape, font=list(color="black", size=vn$nodes$font.size,vadjust=vn$nodes$font.vadjust)) %>% + visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout.norm", layoutMatrix = coords) %>% + visEdges(smooth = curved) %>% + visOptions(highlightNearest =list(enabled = T, hover = T, degree=1), nodesIdSelection = T) %>% + visInteraction(dragNodes = TRUE, navigationButtons = TRUE, hideEdgesOnDrag = TRUE) %>% + visOptions(manipulation = TRUE) %>% + visExport(type = "png", name = "network", + label = paste0("Export graph as png"), background = "#fff", + float = "right", style = NULL, loadDependencies = TRUE) + values$COCVIS=VIS + return(list(VIS=VIS,vn=vn, type=type, l=l, curved=curved)) + } + + #### Common functions ---- + + notifications <- function(){ + + ## check connection and download notifications + online <- is_online() + location <- "https://www.bibliometrix.org/bs_notifications/biblioshiny_notifications.csv" + if (isTRUE(is_online())){ + suppressWarnings(notifOnline <- read.csv(location, header=TRUE, sep=",")) + #notifOnline <- notifOnline[nchar(notifOnline)>2] + #n <- strsplit(notifOnline,",") + #notsOnline <- unlist(lapply(n,function(l) l[1])) + #linksOnline <- unlist(lapply(n,function(l) l[2])) + notifOnline$href[nchar(notifOnline$href)<6] <- NA + } + + ## check if a file exists on the local machine and load it + switch(Sys.info()[['sysname']], + Windows= {home <- Sys.getenv('R_USER')}, + Linux = {home <- Sys.getenv('HOME')}, + Darwin = {home <- Sys.getenv('HOME')}) + + file <- paste(home,"/biblioshiny_notifications.csv", sep="") + fileTrue <- file.exists(file) + if (isTRUE(fileTrue)){ + suppressWarnings(notifLocal <- read.csv(file, header=TRUE, sep=",")) + #notifLocal <- readLines(file) + #linksLocal[nchar(linksLocal)<6] <- NA + } + + + A <- c("noA","A") + B <- c("noB","B") + status <- paste(A[online+1],B[fileTrue+1],sep="") + + switch(status, + # missing both files (online and local) + noAnoB={ + notifTot <- data.frame(nots="No notifications", href=NA, status="info") %>% mutate(status = "info") + }, + # missing online file. The local one exists. + noAB={ + notifTot <- notifLocal %>% filter(.data$action == TRUE) %>% mutate(status = "info") + }, + # missing the local file. The online one exists. + AnoB={ + notifOnline <- notifOnline %>% + dplyr::slice_head(n=5) + notifTot <- notifOnline %>% filter(.data$action == TRUE) %>% mutate(status = "danger") + notifOnline %>% filter(.data$action == TRUE) %>% write.csv(file=file, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) + }, + # both files exist. + AB={ + notifTot <- left_join(notifOnline %>% mutate(status = "danger"), + notifLocal%>% mutate(status = "info"), by="nots") %>% + mutate(status = replace_na(.data$status.y,"danger")) %>% + rename(href = .data$href.x, + action = .data$action.x) %>% + select(nots, href, action, status) %>% + arrange(.data$status) %>% + filter(.data$action == TRUE) %>% + dplyr::slice_head(n=5) + notifTot %>% select(-.data$status) %>% write.csv(file=file, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) + + }) + + #notifTot <- notifTot[1:(min(5,nrow(notifTot))),] + return(notifTot) + } + + + is_online <- function(site="https://www.bibliometrix.org/") { + tryCatch({ + readLines(site,n=1) + TRUE + }, + warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"), + error = function(e) FALSE) + } + + getFileNameExtension <- function (fn) { + # remove a path + splitted <- strsplit(x=fn, split='/')[[1]] + # or use .Platform$file.sep in stead of '/' + fn <- splitted [length(splitted)] + ext <- '' + splitted <- strsplit(x=fn, split='\\.')[[1]] + l <-length (splitted) + if (l > 1 && sum(splitted[1:(l-1)] != '')) ext <-splitted [l] + # the extention must be the suffix of a non-empty name + ext + } + + # string preview (stopwords) + strPreview <- function(string, sep=","){ + str1 <- unlist(strsplit(string, sep)) + str1 <- str1[1:min(c(length(str1),5))] + str1 <- paste(str1, collapse=sep) + HTML(paste(" ", "File Preview: ", str1,"", sep = '
')) + } + + # string preview (synonyms) + strSynPreview <- function(string){ + string <- string[1] + str1 <- unlist(strsplit(string, ";")) + str1 <- str1[1:min(c(length(str1),5))] + str1 <- paste(paste(str1[1], " <- ",collapse=""),paste(str1[-1], collapse=";"), collapse="") + HTML(paste("", "File Preview: ", str1,"", sep = '
')) + } + + # from ggplot to plotly + plot.ly <- function(g, flip=FALSE, side="r", aspectratio=1, size=0.15,data.type=2, height=0){ + + g <- g + labs(title = NULL) + # a <- ggplot_build(g)$data + # + # ymin <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ + # if ("y" %in% names(l)){ + # min(l["y"]) + # } + # })) %>% min(na.rm=TRUE) + # + # ymax <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ + # if ("y" %in% names(l)){ + # max(l["y"]) + # } + # })) %>% max(na.rm=TRUE) + # + # xmin <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ + # if ("x" %in% names(l)){ + # min(l["x"]) + # } + # })) %>% min(na.rm=TRUE) + # + # xmax <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){ + # if ("x" %in% names(l)){ + # max(l["x"]) + # } + # })) %>% max(na.rm=TRUE) + # + # if (isTRUE(flip)){ + # xrange <- c(ymin,ymax) + # yrange <- c(xmin,xmax) + # }else{ + # yrange <- c(ymin,ymax) + # xrange <- c(xmin,xmax) + # } + # + # + # sizex = diff(xrange)*size + # sizey = diff(yrange)*size*aspectratio + # + # y <- min(yrange)+0.2 + # + # if (side=="l"){ + # x <- min(xrange)+0.2 + # }else{ + # x <- max(xrange)-0.2-sizex + # } + + ggplotly(g, tooltip = "text") %>% + config(displaylogo = FALSE, + modeBarButtonsToRemove = c( + 'sendDataToCloud', + 'pan2d', + 'select2d', + 'lasso2d', + 'toggleSpikelines', + 'hoverClosestCartesian', + 'hoverCompareCartesian', + 'toImage' + )) #%>% + # layout( + # images = list( + # source = raster2uri(as.raster(values$logo)), + # x = x, y = y+height, + # sizex = sizex, sizey = sizey, + # xref = "x", yref = "y", + # xanchor = "left", yanchor = "bottom", + # sizing = "stretch" + # ) + # ) + } + + freqPlot <- function(xx,x,y, textLaby,textLabx, title){ + + + xl <- c(max(xx[,x])-0.02-diff(range(xx[,x]))*0.125, max(xx[,x])-0.02)+0.5 + yl <- c(1,1+length(unique(xx[,y]))*0.125) + + Text <- paste(textLaby,": ",xx[,y],"\n",textLabx, ": ",xx[,x]) + + g <- ggplot(xx, aes(x =xx[,x], y = xx[,y], label = xx[,x], text=Text)) + + geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = xx[,y], xend = xx[,x], yend = xx[,y]), color = "grey50") + + geom_point(aes(color=-xx[,x], size=xx[,x]), show.legend = FALSE) + + scale_radius(range=c(7, 15))+ + geom_text(color = "white", size = 3) + + scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(xx[,y])) + + scale_fill_continuous(type = "gradient")+ + labs(title=title, y = textLaby)+ + labs(x = textLabx)+ + expand_limits(y= c(1, length(xx[,y]) + 1))+ + theme_minimal()+ + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(angle=0, hjust=0)) + + annotation_custom(values$logoGrid, xmin = xl[1], xmax = xl[2], ymin = yl[1], ymax = yl[2]) + + return(g) + } + + emptyPlot<-function(errortext){ + g=ggplot()+ + theme_void() + theme(legend.position="none")+ + annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, label = errortext, size=10) + plot(g) + } + + count.duplicates <- function(DF){ + x <- do.call('paste', c(DF, sep = '\r')) + ox <- order(x) + rl <- rle(x[ox]) + cbind(DF[ox[cumsum(rl$lengths)],,drop=FALSE],count = rl$lengths) + + } + + reduceRefs<- function(A){ + + ind=unlist(regexec("*V[0-9]", A)) + A[ind>-1]=substr(A[ind>-1],1,(ind[ind>-1]-1)) + ind=unlist(regexec("*DOI ", A)) + A[ind>-1]=substr(A[ind>-1],1,(ind[ind>-1]-1)) + return(A) + } + + + initial <- function(values){ + values$results <- list("NA") + values$log <- "working..." + values$load <- "FALSE" + values$field = values$cocngrams = "NA" + values$citField = values$colField = values$citSep= "NA" + values$NetWords = values$NetRefs = values$ColNetRefs=matrix(NA,1,1) + values$Title <- "Network" + values$Histfield <- "NA" + values$histlog <- "working..." + values$kk <- 0 + values$histsearch <- "NA" + values$citShortlabel <- "NA" + values$S <- list("NA") + values$GR <- "NA" + + return(values) + } + + + + + observe({ + if (!(input$sidebarmenu %in% c("biblioshinyy","mainInfo")) & !isTRUE(values$checkControlBar)){ + updateControlbar("controlbar2") + values$checkControlBar <- TRUE + #updateControlbarMenu("item_controlbar") + } + if ((input$sidebarmenu %in% c("biblioshinyy","mainInfo")) & isTRUE(values$checkControlBar)){ + updateControlbar("controlbar2") + values$checkControlBar <- FALSE + } + }) + + # observe({ + # if( input$sidebarmenu != "biblioshinyy"){ + # shinyjs::addCssClass(selector = "aside.control-sidebar", class = "control-sidebar-collapse") + # } else{ + # shinyjs::removeCssClass(selector = "aside.control-sidebar", class = "control-sidebar-collapse") + # } + # }) + + output$controlbar <- renderUI({ + controlbarMenu( + controlbarItem( + h2(strong("Options"),align="center"), + fluidPage( + fluidRow( + column(width = 1), + column(width=11, + ## Load Data ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "loadData"', + h3(strong("Import or Load ")), + #br(), + selectInput( + "load", + label = "Please, choose what to do", + choices = c( + " " = "null", + "Import raw file(s)" = "import", + "Load bibliometrix file(s)" = "load", + "Use a sample collection" = "demo" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel( + condition = "input.load == 'demo'", + helpText(h4(strong("The use of bibliometric approaches in business and management disciplines.")), + h5(strong("Dataset 'Management'")), + em("A collection of scientific articles about the use of bibliometric approaches", + "in business and management disciplines."), + br(), + em("Period: 1985 - 2020 + , Source WoS.") + ) + ), + #br(), + conditionalPanel( + condition = "input.load == 'import'", + selectInput( + "dbsource", + label = "Database", + choices = c( + "Web of Science (WoS/WoK)" = "isi", + "Scopus" = "scopus", + "Dimensions" = "dimensions", + "Lens.org" = "lens", + "PubMed" = "pubmed", + "Cochrane Library" = "cochrane" + ), + selected = "isi" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + condition = "input.load != 'null' & input.load != 'demo'", + conditionalPanel( + condition = "input.load == 'load'", + helpText(em("Load a collection in XLSX or R format previously exported from bibliometrix") + )), + fileInput( + "file1", + "Choose a file", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c( + ".csv", + ".txt", + ".ciw", + ".bib", + ".xlsx", + ".zip", + ".xls", + ".rdata", + ".rda", + ".rds" + ) + ) + ), + #h6("Here accept single .txt/.bib/.csv/.xslx/.RData files, or multiple .txt/.bib/.csv files compressed in a single .zip archive."), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.load != 'null'", + actionButton("applyLoad", strong("START"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%"), + width = "100%"), + tags$hr(), + + uiOutput("textLog"), + #shinycssloaders::withSpinner(verbatimTextOutput("log")), + + tags$hr(), + + h3(strong( + "Export collection" + )), + #br(), + + selectInput( + 'save_file', + 'Save as:', + choices = c( + ' ' = 'null', + 'Excel' = 'xlsx', + 'R Data Format' = 'RData' + ), + selected = 'null' + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.save_file != 'null'", + downloadButton("collection.save", strong("Export"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Gathering Data ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "gathData"', + h3(strong( + "Gather data using APIs " + )), + br(), + + selectInput( + "dbapi", + label = "Database", + choices = c("DS Dimensions" = "ds", + "PubMed" = "pubmed"), + selected = "pubmed" + ), + ## Dimenions API + conditionalPanel( + condition = "input.dbapi == 'ds'", + br(), + actionButton("dsShow", h5(strong("1. Configure API request")), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%"), + h5(tags$b("Your Query")), + verbatimTextOutput("queryLog2", placeholder = FALSE), + h5(tags$b("Documents returned using your query")), + verbatimTextOutput("sampleLog2", placeholder = FALSE), + # + # + # uiOutput("sliderLimit"), + + + ), + ### Pubmed API + conditionalPanel( + condition = "input.dbapi == 'pubmed'", + br(), + actionButton("pmShow", h5(strong("1. Configure API request")), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%"), + h5(tags$b("Your Query")), + verbatimTextOutput("pmQueryLog2", placeholder = FALSE), + h5(tags$b("Documents returned using your query")), + verbatimTextOutput("pmSampleLog2", placeholder = FALSE), + + ), + tags$hr(), + #h4(em(strong("Gather metadata"))), + actionButton("apiApply", h5(strong("2. Download metadata")), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%"), + tags$hr(), + + h3(strong( + "Export a bibliometrix file " + )), + br(), + + selectInput( + 'save_file_api', + 'Save as:', + choices = c( + ' ' = 'null', + 'Excel' = 'xlsx', + 'R Data Format' = 'RData' + ), + selected = 'null' + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.save_file_api != 'null'", + downloadButton("collection.save_api", strong("Export"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Filters ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "filters"', + h3(strong("Filters")), + br(), + actionButton("applyFilter", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%", + icon = fa_i(name ="play")), + h5(" "), + #br(), + #span(h5((strong("Dataset Overview "))),style="color:CornflowerBlue"), + box(h6(htmlOutput("textDim")), + width = "100%"), + # box(h5(htmlOutput("textDim")), + # width = "100%"), + #htmlOutput("textDim"), + br(), + #uiOutput("textDim"), + uiOutput("selectLA"), + uiOutput("sliderPY"), + uiOutput("selectType"), + uiOutput("sliderTCpY"), + #uiOutput("selectSource"), + selectInput("bradfordSources", + label = "Source by Bradford Law Zones", + choices = c("Core Sources"="core", + "Core + Zone 2 Sources"="zone2", + "All Sources"="all"), + selected = "all") + ), + ## Annual Scientific Prod ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "annualScPr"', + br(), + h4(strong("Annual Growth Rate")), + br(), + verbatimTextOutput("CAGR", placeholder = TRUE) + ), + br(), + br(), + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "annualScPr"', + selectInput( + 'ASPdpi', + label = h4(strong("Export plot")), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ) + ), + br(), + br(), + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "annualScPr" & input.ASPdpi != "null"', + #h4(em(strong("Height (in inches)")), align="center"), + sliderInput( + 'ASPh', + label =h4(em(strong("Height (in inches)"))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("ASPplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; vertical-align: 'middle';font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ), + ## Average Cit Per Year ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "averageCitPerYear"', + selectInput( + 'ACpYdpi', + h4(strong("Export plot"), align ="center"), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.ACpYdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'ACpYh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("ACpYplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Three field Plot ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "threeFieldPlot"', + # actionButton("apply3F", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + #collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow( + (column(6, selectInput("CentralField", + label = "Middle Field", + choices = c("Authors" = "AU", + "Affiliations" = "AU_UN", + "Countries"="AU_CO", + "Keywords" = "DE", + "Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Titles" = "TI_TM", + "Abstract" = "AB_TM", + "Sources" = "SO", + "References" = "CR", + "Cited Sources" = "CR_SO"), + selected = "AU"))), + (column(6,numericInput("CentralFieldn", + label=("Number of items"), + min = 1, max = 50, step = 1, value = 20)))), + fluidRow( + (column(6,selectInput("LeftField", + label = "Left Field", + choices = c("Authors" = "AU", + "Affiliations" = "AU_UN", + "Countries"="AU_CO", + "Keywords" = "DE", + "Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Titles" = "TI_TM", + "Abstract" = "AB_TM", + "Sources" = "SO", + "References" = "CR", + "Cited Sources" = "CR_SO"), + selected = "CR"))), + (column(6, numericInput("LeftFieldn", + label=("Number of items"), + min = 1, max = 50, step = 1, value = 20)))), + fluidRow( + (column(6,selectInput("RightField", + label = "Right Field", + choices = c("Authors" = "AU", + "Affiliations" = "AU_UN", + "Countries"="AU_CO", + "Keywords" = "DE", + "Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Titles" = "TI_TM", + "Abstract" = "AB_TM", + "Sources" = "SO", + "References" = "CR", + "Cited Sources" = "CR_SO"), + selected = "DE"))), + (column(6,numericInput("RightFieldn", + label=("Number of items"), + min = 1, max = 50, step = 1, value = 20)))) + )), + ## Relevant Sources ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "relevantSources"', + # actionButton("applyMRSources", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + h4(strong("Parameters: ")), + " ", + numericInput("MostRelSourcesK", + label=("Number of Sources"), + value = 10), + selectInput( + 'MRSdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MRSdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'MRSh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("MRSplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Most Local Cited Sources ---- + conditionalPanel(condition ='input.sidebarmenu == "localCitedSources"', + # actionButton("applyMLCSources", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%") + h4(strong("Parameters: ")), + " ", + numericInput("MostRelCitSourcesK", + label=("Number of Sources"), + value = 10), + selectInput( + 'MLCSdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MLCSdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'MLCSh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("MLCSplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px; font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Bradford Law ---- + conditionalPanel(condition ='input.sidebarmenu == "bradford"', + selectInput( + 'BLdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.BLdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'BLh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("BLplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + )), + ## Source Impact ---- + conditionalPanel(condition ='input.sidebarmenu == "sourceImpact"', + # actionButton("applyHsource", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + selectInput("HmeasureSources", + label = "Impact measure", + choices = c("H-Index"="h", + "G-Index"="g", + "M-Index"="m", + "Total Citation"="tc"), + selected = "h"), + " ", + numericInput("Hksource", + label=("Number of sources"), + value = 10)), + selectInput( + 'SIdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.SIdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'SIh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("SIplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Source Dynamics ---- + conditionalPanel(condition ='input.sidebarmenu == "sourceDynamics"', + # actionButton("applySOGrowth", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + selectInput("cumSO", "Occurrences", + choices = c("Cumulate" = "Cum", + "Per year" = "noCum"), + selected = "Cum"), + # selectInput("SOse", "Confidence Interval", + # choices = c("Yes" = "Yes", + # "No" = "No"), + # selected = "No"), + hr(), + sliderInput("topSO", label = "Number of Sources", min = 1, max = 50, step = 1, value = c(1,5))), + selectInput( + 'SDdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.SDdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'SDh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("SDplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + )), + ## Most relevant Authors ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostRelAuthors"', + # actionButton("applyMRAuthors", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + numericInput("MostRelAuthorsK", + label=("Number of Authors"), + value = 10), + " ", + selectInput("AuFreqMeasure", + label = "Frequency measure", + choices = c("N. of Documents "="t", + "Percentage"="p", + "Fractionalized Frequency"="f"), + selected = "t")), + selectInput( + 'MRAdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MRAdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'MRAh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("MRAplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Most Local Cited Authors ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostLocalCitedAuthors"', + # actionButton("applyMLCAuthors", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + h4(strong("Parameters: ")), + " ", + numericInput("MostCitAuthorsK", + label=("Number of Authors"), + value = 10), + selectInput( + 'MLCAdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MLCAdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'MLCAh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("MLCAplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Authors production over time ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "authorsProdOverTime"', + # actionButton("applyAUoverTime", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + h4(strong("Parameters: ")), + " ", + numericInput("TopAuthorsProdK", + label=("Number of Authors"), + value = 10), + selectInput( + 'APOTdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.APOTdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'APOTh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("APOTplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Lotka law ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "lotka"', + selectInput( + 'LLdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.LLdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'LLh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("LLplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Author Impact ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "authorImpact"', + # actionButton("applyHAuthors", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + selectInput("HmeasureAuthors", + label = "Impact measure", + choices = c("H-Index"="h", + "G-Index"="g", + "M-Index"="m", + "Total Citation"="tc"), + selected = "h"), + " ", + numericInput("Hkauthor", + label=("Number of authors"), + value = 10)), + selectInput( + 'AIdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.AIdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'AIh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("AIplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Most Relevant Affiliations ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostRelAffiliations"', + # actionButton("applyMRAffiliations", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + selectInput("disAff", + label = "Affiliation Name Disambiguation", + choices = c("Yes"="Y", + "No"="N"), + selected = "Y"), + " ", + numericInput("MostRelAffiliationsK", + label=("Number of Affiliations"), + value = 10)), + selectInput( + 'AFFdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.AFFdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'AFFh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("AFFplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Corresponding Author country ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "correspAuthorCountry"', + # actionButton("applyCAUCountries", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + h4(strong("Parameters: ")), + numericInput("MostRelCountriesK", + label=("Number of Countries"), + value = 20), + selectInput( + 'MRCOdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MRCOdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'MRCOh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("MRCOplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Country Scientific Production ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "countryScientProd"', + selectInput( + 'CSPdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CSPdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'CSPh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("CSPplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Most Cited Countries ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostCitedCountries"', + # actionButton("applyMCCountries", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + selectInput("CitCountriesMeasure", + label = "Measure", + choices = c("Total Citations"="TC", + "Average Citations per Year"="TCY"), + selected = "TC"), + " ", + numericInput("MostCitCountriesK", + label=("Number of Countries"), + value = 10)), + selectInput( + 'MCCdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MCCdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'MCCh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("MCCplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Most Global Cited Documents + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostGlobalCitDoc"', + # actionButton("applyMGCDocuments", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + br(), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + numericInput("MostCitDocsK", + label=("Number of Documents"), + value = 10), + " ", + selectInput("CitDocsMeasure", + label = "Measure", + choices = c("Total Citations"="TC", + "Total Citations per Year"="TCY"), + selected = "TC")), + selectInput( + 'MGCDdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MGCDdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'MGCDh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("MGCDplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + # Most Local Cited Document + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostLocalCitDoc"', + # actionButton("applyMLCDocuments", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + br(), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + numericInput("MostLocCitDocsK", + label=("Number of Documents"), + value = 10), + " ", + selectInput(inputId = "LocCitSep", + label = "Field separator character", + choices = c(";" = ";", + ". " = ". ", + "," = ","), + selected = ";")), + selectInput( + 'MLCDdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MLCDdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'MLCDh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("MLCDplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Most Local Cited References ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostLocalCitRef"', + # actionButton("applyMLCReferences", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + numericInput("MostCitRefsK", + label=("Number of Documents"), + value = 10), + " ", + selectInput(inputId = "CitRefsSep", + label = "Field separator character", + choices = c(";" = ";", + ". " = ". ", + "," = ","), + selected = ";")), + selectInput( + 'MLCRdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MLCRdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'MLCRh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("MLCRplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Reference spectroscopy + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "ReferenceSpect"', + # actionButton("applyRPYS", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + br(), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + selectInput(inputId = "rpysSep", + label = "Field separator character", + choices = c(";" = ";", + ". " = ". ", + "," = ","), + selected = ";"), + h4(em(strong("Time slice"))), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "rpysMinYear", + label = "Starting Year", + value = NA, + step = 1)), + column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "rpysMaxYear", + label = "End Year", + value = NA, + step = 1) + ))), + selectInput( + 'RSdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.RSdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'RSh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("RSplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + + ) + ), + ## Most Frequent Words ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "mostFreqWords"', + # actionButton("applyMFWords", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + selectInput("MostRelWords", "Field", + choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Author's keywords" = "DE", + "Titles" = "TI", + "Abstracts" = "AB"), + selected = "ID"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MostRelWords == 'AB' |input.MostRelWords == 'TI'", + selectInput("MRWngrams",'N-Grams', + choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", + "Bigrams" = "2", + "Trigrams" = "3"), + selected = 1)), + numericInput("MostRelWordsN", label = "Number of words", min = 2, max = 100, step = 1, value = 10), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + selectInput("MostRelWordsStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MostRelWordsStopFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) + ), + fileInput("MostRelWordsStop", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("MostRelWordsSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("MostRelWordsStopPreview")) + ), + selectInput("MRWSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MRWSynFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). + Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) + ), + fileInput("MRWSyn", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("MRWSynSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("MRWSynPreview")) + )), + selectInput( + 'MRWdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.MRWdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'MRWh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("MRWplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%")) + ), + ## Word cloud ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "wcloud"', + # actionButton("applyWordCloud", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + h4(em(strong(" "))), + " ", + selectInput("summaryTerms", "Field", + choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Author's keywords" = "DE", + "Titles" = "TI", + "Abstracts" = "AB"), + selected = "ID"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.summaryTerms == 'AB' |input.summaryTerms == 'TI'", + selectInput("summaryTermsngrams",'N-Grams', + choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", + "Bigrams" = "2", + "Trigrams" = "3"), + selected = 1)), + #hr(), + numericInput("n_words", label = "Number of words", min = 10, max = 500, step = 1, value = 50), + #hr(), + box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + selectInput("WCStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.WCStopFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) + ), + fileInput("WCStop", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + selectInput("WCSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ",") + #,h5(htmlOutput("WCStopPreview")) + ), + selectInput("WCSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.WCSynFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). + Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) + ), + fileInput("WCSyn", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("WCSynSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ",") + #,h5(htmlOutput("WCSynPreview")) + )), + hr(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput("measure", "Word occurrence by", + choices = c("Frequency" = "freq", + "Square root" = "sqrt", + "Log" = "log", + "Log10" = "log10"), + selected = "freq") + ), + column(6, + selectInput("wcShape", "Shape", + choices = c("Circle" = "circle", + "Cardiod" = "cardioid", + "Diamond" = "diamond", + "Pentagon" = "pentagon", + "Star" = "star", + "Triangle-forward" = "triangle-forward" + ,"Triangle" = "triangle"), + selected = "circle") + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput("font", label = "Font type", + choices = c("Impact", "Comic Sans MS (No plz!)" = "Comic Sans MS", + "Arial", "Arial Black", "Tahoma", "Verdana", "Courier New", + "Georgia", "Times New Roman", "Andale Mono")) + ), + column(6, + selectInput("wcCol", "Text colors", + choices = c("Random Dark" = "random-dark", + "Random Light" = "random-light"), + selected = "random-dark") + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput("scale", label = "Font size", min=0.2,max=5,step=0.1,value=1) + ), + column(6, + numericInput("ellipticity", label = "Ellipticity", min=0,max=1,step=0.05,value=0.65) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput("padding", label = "Padding", min = 0, max = 5, value = 1, step = 1) + ), + column(6, + numericInput("rotate", label = "Rotate", min = 0, max = 20, value = 0, step = 1) + )) + ) + ), + ## Tree Map ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "treemap"', + # actionButton("applyTreeMap", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + selectInput("treeTerms", "Field", + choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Author's keywords" = "DE", + "Titles" = "TI", + "Abstracts" = "AB"), + selected = "ID"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.treeTerms == 'AB' |input.treeTerms == 'TI'", + selectInput("treeTermsngrams",'N-Grams', + choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", + "Bigrams" = "2", + "Trigrams" = "3"), + selected = 1)), + numericInput("treen_words", label = "Number of words", min = 10, max = 200, step = 5, value = 50), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + selectInput("TreeMapStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TreeMapStopFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) + ), + fileInput("TreeMapStop", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("TreeMapSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("TreeMapStopPreview")) + ), + selectInput("TreeMapSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TreeMapSynFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). + Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) + ), + fileInput("TreeMapSyn", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("TreeMapSynSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("TreeMapSynPreview")) + ) + ) + ), + ## Word dynamics ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "wordDynamics"', + # actionButton("applyWD", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + selectInput("growthTerms", "Field", + choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Author's keywords" = "DE", + "Titles" = "TI", + "Abstracts" = "AB"), + selected = "ID"), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + selectInput("cumTerms", "Occurrences", + choices = c("Cumulate" = "Cum", + "Per year" = "noCum"), + selected = "Cum"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.growthTerms == 'AB' |input.growthTerms == 'TI'", + selectInput("growthTermsngrams",'N-Grams', + choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", + "Bigrams" = "2", + "Trigrams" = "3"), + selected = 1)), + sliderInput("topkw", label = "Number of words", min = 1, max = 100, step = 1, value = c(1,10))), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + selectInput("WDStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.WDStopFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) + ), + fileInput("WDStop", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("WDSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("WDStopPreview")) + ), + selectInput("WDSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.WDSynFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). + Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) + ), + fileInput("WDSyn", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("WDSynSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("WDSynPreview")) + )), + hr(), + selectInput( + 'WDdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.WDdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'WDh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("WDplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + + ) + ), + ## Trend Topic ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "trendTopic"', + # actionButton("applyTrendTopics", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + #h4(em(strong("Method Parameters:"))), + selectInput("trendTerms", "Field", + choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Author's keywords" = "DE", + "Titles" = "TI", + "Abstracts" = "AB"), + selected = "ID"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.trendTerms == 'TI' | input.trendTerms == 'AB'", + selectInput("trendTermsngrams",'N-Grams', + choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", + "Bigrams" = "2", + "Trigrams" = "3"), + selected = 1)), + conditionalPanel( + condition = "input.trendTerms == 'TI' | input.trendTerms == 'AB'", + selectInput("trendStemming", label="Word Stemming", + choices = c("Yes" = TRUE, + "No" = FALSE), + selected = FALSE)), + uiOutput("trendSliderPY"), + box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + selectInput("TTStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TTStopFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) + ), + fileInput("TTStop", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("TTSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("TTStopPreview")) + ), + selectInput("TTSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TTSynFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). + Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) + ), + fileInput("TTSyn", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("TTSynSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("TTSynPreview")) + )), + hr(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + #uiOutput("trendMinFreq"), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput("trendMinFreq", label = "Word Minimum Frequency", min = 0, max = 100, value = 5, step = 1), + ), + column(6, + numericInput("trendNItems", label = "Number of Words per Year", min = 1, max = 20, step = 1, value = 5) + ))), + #sliderInput("trendSize", label = "Word label size", min = 0, max = 20, step = 1, value = 5), + selectInput( + 'TTdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "Please select a dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TTdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'TTh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("TTplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Coupling ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "coupling"', + # actionButton("applyCM", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + h4(em(strong(" "))), + " ", + selectInput("CManalysis", + label = "Unit of Analysis", + choices = c("Documents" = "documents", + "Authors" = "authors", + "Sources" = "sources"), + selected = "documents"), + " ", + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + #selectInput("cmNP", + # label = h4(em(strong("Parameters: "))), + # choices = c("Hide Parameters" = "hide", + # "Show Parameters" = "show"), + # selected = "hide"), + #conditionalPanel(condition = "input.cmNP == 'show'", + #" ", + selectInput("CMfield", + label = "Coupling measured by", + choices = c("References" ="CR", + "Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Author's Keywords" = "DE", + "Titles" = "TI", + "Abstracts" = "AB"), + selected = "CR"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CMfield == 'TI' | input.CMfield == 'AB'", + selectInput("CMstemming", label="Word Stemming", + choices = c("Yes" = TRUE, + "No" = FALSE), + selected = FALSE)), + selectInput("CMimpact", + label = "Impact measure", + choices = c("Local Citation Score" = "local", + "Global Citation Score" = "global"), + selected = "local"), + selectInput("CMlabeling", + label = "Cluster labeling by", + choices = c("None" = "none", + "Keyword Plus" = "ID", + "Authors' keywords" = "DE", + "Title terms" = "TI", + "Abstract terms" = "AB"), + selected = "ID"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CMlabeling == 'TI' | input.CMlabeling == 'AB'", + selectInput("CMngrams",'N-Grams', + choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", + "Bigrams" = "2", + "Trigrams" = "3"), + selected = 1)), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput("CMn", label="Number of Units\n ",value=250,min=50,max=5000,step=1)), + column(6, + numericInput("CMfreq", label="Min Cluster Freq. ",value=5,min=1,max=100,step=1))), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput("CMn.labels", label="Labels per cluster",value=3,min=1,max=10,step=1)), + column(6, + numericInput("sizeCM", label="Label size",value=0.3,min=0.0,max=1,step=0.05))) + ), + + selectInput( + 'CMdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "Dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CMdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'CMh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("CMplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Co-Occurence Network ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "coOccurenceNetwork"', + # actionButton("applyCoc", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + #" ", + #h4(em(strong("Network Parameters: "))), + selectInput("field", + "Field", + choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Author's Keywords" = "DE", + "Titles" = "TI", + "Abstracts" = "AB"), + selected = "ID"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.field == 'TI' | input.field == 'AB'", + selectInput("cocngrams",'N-Grams', + choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", + "Bigrams" = "2", + "Trigrams" = "3"), + selected = 1)), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + selectInput("COCStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.COCStopFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) + ), + fileInput("COCStop", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("COCSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("COCStopPreview")) + ), + selectInput("COCSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.COCSynFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). + Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) + ), + fileInput("COCSyn", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("COCSynSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("COCSynPreview")) + )), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Method Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput("layout", + label = "Network Layout", + choices = c("Automatic layout"="auto", + "Circle"="circle", + "Fruchterman & Reingold"="fruchterman", + "Kamada & Kawai"="kamada", + "MultiDimensional Scaling"="mds", + "Sphere"="sphere", + "Star"="star"), + selected = "auto") + ), + column(6, + selectInput("cocCluster", + label = "Clustering Algorithm", + choices = c("None" = "none", + "Edge Betweenness" = "edge_betweenness", + "InfoMap" = "infomap", + "Leading Eigenvalues" = "leading_eigen", + "Louvain" = "louvain", + "Spinglass" = "spinglass", + "Walktrap" = "walktrap"), + selected = "louvain") + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput("normalize", + label = "Normalization", + choices = c("none", + "association", + "jaccard", + "salton", + "inclusion", + "equivalence"), + selected = "association") + ), + column(6, + selectInput("cocyears", + label = "Node Color by Year", + choices = c("No" = "No", + "Yes"= "Yes"), + selected = "No") + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "Nodes", + label = "Number of Nodes", + min = 5, + max = 1000, + value = 50, + step = 1) + ), + column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "coc.repulsion", + label = "Repulsion Force", + min = 0, + max = 1, + value = 0.1, + step = 0.1) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="coc.isolates", + label = "Remove Isolated Nodes", + choices = c("Yes" = "yes", + "No" = "no"), + selected = "yes") + ), + column(6, + numericInput("edges.min", + label=("Minimum Number of Edges"), + value = 2, + step = 1, + min = 0) + ) + )), + #uiOutput("Focus"), + br(), + #h4(em(strong("Graphical Parameters: "))), + #br(), + box(title = p(strong("Graphical Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "cocAlpha", + label = "Opacity", + min = 0, + max = 1, + value = 0.7, + step=0.05) + ), + column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "Labels", + label = "Number of labels", + min = 0, + max = 1000, + value = 50, + step = 1) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="label.cex", + label = "Label cex", + choices = c("Yes", + "No"), + selected = "Yes") + ), + column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="coc.shape", + label = "Node Shape", + choices = c( + "Box"="box", + "Circle"="circle", + "Dot"="dot", + "Ellipse"="ellipse", + "Square"="square", + "Text"="text"), + selected = "dot") + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "labelsize", + label = "Label size", + min = 0.0, + max = 20, + value = 6, + step = 0.10) + ), + column(6, + numericInput( + inputId = "edgesize", + label = "Edge size", + min = 0.5, + max = 20, + value = 5, + step=0.5) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="coc.shadow", + label = "Node shadow", + choices = c("Yes", + "No"), + selected = "No") + ), + column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="coc.curved", + label = "Curved edges", + choices = c("Yes", + "No"), + selected = "No") + + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow(column(6, + downloadButton("network.coc", strong("Save Pajek"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", + width = "100%") + ), + column(6, + downloadButton("networkCoc.fig", strong("Save HTML"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ) + ), + ## Thematic Map ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "thematicMap"', + # actionButton("applyTM", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + h4(em(strong(" "))), + " ", + selectInput("TMfield", + label = "Field", + choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Author's Keywords" = "DE", + "Titles" = "TI", + "Abstracts" = "AB"), + selected = "ID"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TMfield == 'TI' | input.TMfield == 'AB'", + selectInput("TMngrams",'N-Grams', + choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", + "Bigrams" = "2", + "Trigrams" = "3"), + selected = 1)), + conditionalPanel( + condition = "input.TMfield == 'TI' | input.TMfield == 'AB'", + selectInput("TMstemming", label="Word Stemming", + choices = c("Yes" = TRUE, + "No" = FALSE), + selected = FALSE)), + box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + selectInput("TMStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TMStopFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) + ), + fileInput("TMStop", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("TMSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("TMStopPreview")) + ), + selectInput("TMapSynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TMapSynFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). + Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) + ), + fileInput("TMapSyn", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("TMapSynSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("TMapSynPreview")) + )), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput("TMn", label="Number of Words",value=250,min=50,max=5000,step=1) + ), + column(6, + numericInput("TMfreq", label="Min Cluster Frequency (per thousand docs)",value=5,min=1,max=100,step=1) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput("TMn.labels", label="Number of Labels",value=3,min=0,max=10,step=1) + ), + column(6, + numericInput("sizeTM", label="Label size",value=0.3,min=0.0,max=1,step=0.05) + )) + ), + selectInput( + 'TMdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TMdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'TMh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("TMplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Thematic Evolution ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "thematicEvolution"', + # actionButton("applyTE", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + h4(em(strong(" "))), + " ", + selectInput("TEfield", + label = "Field", + choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Author's Keywords" = "DE", + "Titles" = "TI", + "Abstracts + " = "AB"), + selected = "ID"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TEfield == 'TI' | input.TEfield == 'AB'", + selectInput("TEngrams",'N-Grams', + choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", + "Bigrams" = "2", + "Trigrams" = "3"), + selected = 1)), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + selectInput("TEStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TEStopFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) + ), + fileInput("TEStop", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("TESep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("TEStopPreview")) + ), + selectInput("TESynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.TESynFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). + Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) + ), + fileInput("TESyn", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("TESynSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("TESynPreview")) + )), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput("nTE", label="Number of Words",value=250,min=50,max=5000,step=1) + ), + column(6, + numericInput("fTE", label="Min Cluster Frequency (per thousand docs)",value=5,min=1,max=100,step=1) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput("TEmeasure", + label = "Weight index", + choices = c("Inclusion Index" = "inclusion", + "Inclusion Index weighted by Word-Occurrences" = "weighted", + "Stability Index" = "stability" + ), + selected = "weighted") + ), + column(6, + numericInput("minFlowTE", label="Min Weight Index",value=0.1,min=0.02,max=1,step=0.02) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput("sizeTE", label="Label size",value=0.3,min=0.0,max=1,step=0.05) + ), + column(6, + numericInput("TEn.labels", label="Number of Labels (for each cluster)",value=1,min=1,max=5,step=1) + )) + ), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Time Slices"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = FALSE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = FALSE, + numericInput("numSlices", label="Number of Cutting Points",min=1,max=4,value=1), + "Please, write the cutting points (in year) for your collection", + uiOutput("sliders") + ) + ), + ## Factorial Analysis + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "factorialAnalysis"', + # actionButton("applyCA", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + br(), + br(), + selectInput("method", + label = "Method", + choices = c("Correspondence Analysis" = "CA", + "Multiple Correspondence Analysis" = "MCA", + "Multidimensional Scaling"= "MDS"), + selected = "MCA"), + selectInput("CSfield", + label = "Field", + choices = c("Keywords Plus" = "ID", + "Author's Keywords" = "DE", + "Titles" = "TI", + "Abstracts" = "AB"), + selected = "ID"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CSfield == 'TI' | input.CSfield == 'AB'", + selectInput("CSngrams",'N-Grams', + choices = c("Unigrams" = "1", + "Bigrams" = "2", + "Trigrams" = "3"), + selected = 1)), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Text Editing"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + selectInput("CSStopFile", "Load a list of terms to remove", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CSStopFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing a list of terms you want to remove from the analysis.")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator).")) + ), + fileInput("CSStop", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("CSSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("CSStopPreview")) + ), + selectInput("FASynFile", "Load a list of synonyms", + choices = c("Yes" = "Y", + "No" = "N"), + selected = "N"), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.FASynFile == 'Y'", + helpText(h5(strong("Upload a TXT or CSV file containing, in each row, a list of synonyms, that will be merged into a single term (the first word contained in the row)")), + h5(("Terms have to be separated by a standard separator (comma, semicolon or tabulator). + Rows have to be separated by return separator (\\n).")) + ), + fileInput("FASyn", "", + multiple = FALSE, + accept = c("text/csv", + "text/comma-separated-values,text/plain", + ".csv", + ".txt")), + + selectInput("FASynSep", "File Separator", + choices = c('Comma ","' = ",", + 'Semicolon ";"' = ";", + 'Tab '= "\t"), + selected = ","), + h5(htmlOutput("FASynPreview")) + )), + #h4(em(strong("FA Parameters: "))), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Method Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput("CSn", + label=("Number of terms"), + value = 50, step = 1)), + column(6, + selectInput("nClustersCS", + label = "N. of Clusters", + choices = c("Auto" = "0", + "2" = "2", + "3" = "3", + "4" = "4", + "5" = "5", + "6" = "6", + "7" = "7", + "8" = "8"), + selected = "0"))) + ), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Graphical Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + #h4(em(strong("Graphical Parameters: "))), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput( + inputId = "CSlabelsize", + label = "Label size", + min = 5, + max = 30, + value = 10)), + column(6, + numericInput("CSdoc", + label=("Num. of documents"), + value = 5))) + ), + selectInput( + 'FAdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plots as png" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.FAdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'FAh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("FA1plot.save", strong("Term Factorial Map "), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%"), + h4(" "), + downloadButton("FA2plot.save", strong("Topic Dendrogram "), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%"), + h4(" "), + downloadButton("FA3plot.save", strong("Most Contributing Map "), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%"), + h4(" "), + downloadButton("FA4plot.save", strong("Most Cited Map "), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Co-citation Network ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "coCitationNetwork"', + # actionButton("applyCocit", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + #" ", + #h4(em(strong("Network Parameters: "))), + selectInput("citField", + label = "Field", + choices = c("Papers" = "CR", + "Authors" = "CR_AU", + "Sources" = "CR_SO"), + selected = "CR"), + selectInput(inputId = "citSep", + label = "Field separator character", + choices = c('";" (Semicolon)' = ";", + '". " (Dot and 3 or more spaces)' = ". ", + '"," (Comma)' = ","), + selected = "';'"), + box(title = p(strong("Method Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput("citlayout", + label = "Network Layout", + choices = c("Automatic layout"="auto", + "Circle"="circle", + "Fruchterman & Reingold"="fruchterman", + "Kamada & Kawai"="kamada", + "MultiDimensional Scaling"="mds", + "Sphere"="sphere", + "Star"="star"), + selected = "auto") + ), + column(6, + selectInput("cocitCluster", + label = "Clustering Algorithm", + choices = c("None" = "none", + "Edge Betweenness" = "edge_betweenness", + "InfoMap" = "infomap", + "Leading Eigenvalues" = "leading_eigen", + "Louvain" = "louvain", + "Spinglass" = "spinglass", + "Walktrap" = "walktrap"), + selected = "louvain") + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "citNodes", + label = "Number of Nodes", + min = 5, + max = 1000, + value = 50, + step = 1) + ), + column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "cocit.repulsion", + label = "Repulsion Force", + min = 0, + max = 1, + value = 0.1, + step = 0.1) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="cit.isolates", + label = "Remove Isolated Nodes", + choices = c("Yes" = "yes", + "No" = "no"), + selected = "yes") + ), + column(6, + numericInput("citedges.min", + label=("Minimum Number of Edges"), + value = 2, + step = 1, + min = 0) + ) + )), + #uiOutput("Focus"), + #br(), + #h4(em(strong("Graphical Parameters: "))), + #br(), + box(title = p(strong("Graphical Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="citShortlabel", + label = "Short Label", + choices = c("Yes", + "No"), + selected = "Yes"), + + ), + column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "citLabels", + label = "Number of labels", + min = 0, + max = 1000, + value = 50, + step = 1) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="citlabel.cex", + label = "Label cex", + choices = c("Yes", + "No"), + selected = "Yes") + ), + column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="cocit.shape", + label = "Node Shape", + choices = c( + "Box"="box", + "Circle"="circle", + "Dot"="dot", + "Ellipse"="ellipse", + "Square"="square", + "Text"="text"), + selected = "dot") + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "citlabelsize", + label = "Label size", + min = 0.0, + max = 20, + value = 2, + step = 0.10) + ), + column(6, + numericInput( + inputId = "citedgesize", + label = "Edge size", + min = 0.5, + max = 20, + value = 5, + step=0.5) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="cocit.shadow", + label = "Node shadow", + choices = c("Yes", + "No"), + selected = "No") + ), + column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="cocit.curved", + label = "Curved edges", + choices = c("Yes", + "No"), + selected = "No") + + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow(column(6, + downloadButton("network.cocit", strong("Save Pajek"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", + width = "100%") + ), + column(6, + downloadButton("networkCocit.fig", strong("Save HTML"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ) + ), + ## Historiograph ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "historiograph"', + # actionButton("applyHist", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + #selectInput('save_colnet', 'Save network as:', choices = c('No, thanks!' = 'no_thanks', 'Pajek format' = 'pajek')), + #conditionalPanel(condition = "input.save_colnet == 'pajek'" + # br(), + # br(), + numericInput(inputId = "histNodes", + label = "Number of Nodes", + min = 5, + max = 100, + value = 20, + step = 1), + " ", + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Graphical Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, + collapsed = FALSE, + selectInput(inputId = "titlelabel", + label = "Node label", + choices = c("Short id (1st Author, Year)" = "FALSE", + "Document Title" = "TRUE"), + selected = "FALSE"), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "histlabelsize", + label = "Label size", + min = 0.0, + max = 20, + value = 3, step = 1)), + column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "histsize", + label = "Node size", + min = 0, + max = 20, + value = 4, step = 1))) + ), + selectInput( + 'HGdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.HGdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'HGh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("HGplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ), + ## Collaboration Network ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "collabNetwork"', + # actionButton("applyCol", strong("Run"),style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + #" ", + #h4(em(strong("Network Parameters: "))), + selectInput("colField", + label = "Field", + choices = c("Authors" = "COL_AU", + "Institutions" = "COL_UN", + "Countries" = "COL_CO"), + selected = "COL_AU"), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Method Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput("collayout", + label = "Network Layout", + choices = c("Automatic layout"="auto", + "Circle"="circle", + "Fruchterman & Reingold"="fruchterman", + "Kamada & Kawai"="kamada", + "MultiDimensional Scaling"="mds", + "Sphere"="sphere", + "Star"="star"), + selected = "auto") + ), + column(6, + selectInput("colCluster", + label = "Clustering Algorithm", + choices = c("None" = "none", + "Edge Betweenness" = "edge_betweenness", + "InfoMap" = "infomap", + "Leading Eigenvalues" = "leading_eigen", + "Louvain" = "louvain", + "Spinglass" = "spinglass", + "Walktrap" = "walktrap"), + selected = "louvain") + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput("colnormalize", + label = "Normalization", + choices = c("none", + "association", + "jaccard", + "salton", + "inclusion", + "equivalence"), + selected = "association") + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "colNodes", + label = "Number of Nodes", + min = 5, + max = 1000, + value = 50, + step = 1) + ), + column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "col.repulsion", + label = "Repulsion Force", + min = 0, + max = 1, + value = 0.1, + step = 0.1) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="col.isolates", + label = "Remove Isolated Nodes", + choices = c("Yes" = "yes", + "No" = "no"), + selected = "yes") + ), + column(6, + numericInput("coledges.min", + label=("Minimum Number of Edges"), + value = 1, + step = 1, + min = 0) + ) + )), + #uiOutput("Focus"), + #h4(em(strong("Graphical Parameters: "))), + br(), + box(title = p(strong("Graphical Parameters"),style='font-size:16px;color:black;'), + collapsible = TRUE, width = 15, + solidHeader = FALSE, collapsed = TRUE, + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "colAlpha", + label = "Opacity", + min = 0, + max = 1, + value = 0.7, + step=0.05) + ), + column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "colLabels", + label = "Number of labels", + min = 0, + max = 1000, + value = 50, + step = 1) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="collabel.cex", + label = "Label cex", + choices = c("Yes", + "No"), + selected = "Yes") + ), + column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="col.shape", + label = "Node Shape", + choices = c( + "Box"="box", + "Circle"="circle", + "Dot"="dot", + "Ellipse"="ellipse", + "Square"="square", + "Text"="text"), + selected = "dot") + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + numericInput(inputId = "collabelsize", + label = "Label size", + min = 0.0, + max = 20, + value = 2, + step = 0.10) + ), + column(6, + numericInput( + inputId = "coledgesize", + label = "Edge size", + min = 0.5, + max = 20, + value = 5, + step=0.5) + )), + fluidRow(column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="col.shadow", + label = "Node shadow", + choices = c("Yes", + "No"), + selected = "No") + ), + column(6, + selectInput(inputId ="soc.curved", + label = "Curved edges", + choices = c("Yes", + "No"), + selected = "No") + + )) + ), + br(), + fluidRow(column(6, + downloadButton("network.col", strong("Save Pajek"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", + width = "100%") + ), + column(6, + downloadButton("networkCol.fig", strong("Save HTML"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 15px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ) + ), + ## Collaboration World Map ---- + conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.sidebarmenu == "collabWorldMap"', + # actionButton("applyWM", strong("Run"), + # style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;", + # width = "100%"), + # br(), + # br(), + h4(strong("Method Parameters: ")), + " ", + numericInput("WMedges.min", + label=("Min edges"), + value = 2, + step = 1), + " ", + br(), + h4(strong("Graphical Parameters: ")), + " ", + sliderInput(inputId = "WMedgesize", + label = "Edge size", + min = 0.1, + max = 20, + value = 5), + br(), + selectInput( + 'CCdpi', + h4(strong( + "Export plot" + )), + choices=c( + "dpi value" = "null", + "75 dpi" = "75", + "150 dpi" = "150", + "300 dpi" = "300", + "600 dpi" = "600" + ), + selected = "null" + ), + conditionalPanel(condition = "input.CCdpi != 'null'", + sliderInput( + 'CCh', + h4(em(strong( + "Height (in inches)" + ))), + value = 7, min = 1, max = 20, step = 1), + downloadButton("CCplot.save", strong("Export plot as png"), + style ="border-radius: 10px; border-width: 3px;font-size: 20px;", + width = "100%") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + +} #### END #### \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/inst/biblioshiny/utils.R b/inst/biblioshiny/utils.R index f943c9af..c8dc3132 100644 --- a/inst/biblioshiny/utils.R +++ b/inst/biblioshiny/utils.R @@ -59,6 +59,28 @@ ValueBoxes <- function(M){ ## VB 12 - Average citations per doc df[12,] <- c("Average citations per doc", format(mean(M$TC, na.rm=T), digit = 4)) + DT <- M %>% mutate(DT = tolower(.data$DT)) %>% + count(.data$DT) %>% + rename(Description = .data$DT, + Results = .data$n) + + # Indexed Keywords (ID) + ID <- unique(trimws(gsub("\\s+|\\.|\\,"," ",unlist(strsplit(M$ID, ";"))))) + ID <- ID[!is.na(ID)] + df[nrow(df)+1,] <- c("Keywords Plus (ID)",length(ID)) + + # Single authored docs + + df[nrow(df)+1,] <- c("Single-authored docs",sum(nAU==1)) + + df2 <- data.frame(Description = c("MAIN INFORMATION ABOUT DATA","Timespan","Sources (Journals, Books, etc)","Documents", + "Annual Growth Rate %","Document Average Age","Average citations per doc","References", + "DOCUMENT CONTENTS","Keywords Plus (ID)","Author's Keywords (DE)","AUTHORS","Authors","Authors of single-authored docs", + "AUTHORS COLLABORATION","Single-authored docs","Co-Authors per Doc","International co-authorships %", "DOCUMENT TYPES")) + + df <- left_join(df2,df,by = "Description") %>% rbind(DT) %>% + mutate(Results = replace_na(.data$Results, "")) + return(df) } @@ -80,5 +102,5 @@ countryCollab<-function(M){ rename(Country = .data$AU1_CO) %>% arrange(desc(.data$Articles)) - return(df) + return(df) }