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Needs More Info

Requests more info from newly opened issues/PRs that contain either default title/body or whose body is left blank
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Needs More Info

Requests more info from newly opened issues/PRs that contain either default title/body or whose body is left blank



Create a .github/workflows/needs-more-info.yml file in the repository you want to install this action:

name: Needs More Info
    types: [opened, edited, reopened]
    types: [opened, edited, reopened]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: wow-actions/needs-more-info@v1
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          # config file path
          CONFIG_FILE: .github/workflows/config/needs-more-info.yml


Config definition:

interface Config {
   * Add a list of people whose Issues/PRs will not be commented on.
  excludeUsers?: string[]

   * Require Issues or PRs to contain more information than what is provided
   * in the templates. Will fail if the body is equal to a provided template.
  checkTemplate?: boolean
   * Default mini length of titles to check against for lack of descriptiveness.
  miniTitleLength?: number
   * Default titles to check against for lack of descriptiveness.
  badTitles?: string[]
   * Default label to be added to issues or PRs with insufficient
   * information given.
  labelToAdd?: string
   * Default reactions to be added to issues or PRs with insufficient
   * information given.
   * Available reactions: "-1" | "confused" | "+1" | "laugh" | "heart" |
   * "hooray" | "rocket" | "eyes".
   * Can be either a ,/space joined string or an reactions array.
   * - '-1, confused'
   * - '-1 confused'
   * - ['-1', 'confused']
  reactions?: string | string[]
   * Default message to comment on issues or PRs when have bad title.
   * Can be either a string or an array(random pick a comment).
  badTitleComment?: string | string[]
   * Default message to comment on issues or PRs when have bad body.
   * Can be either a string or an array(random pick a comment).
  badBodyComment?: string | string[]
   * Default message to comment on issues or PRs when have bad title or bad body.
   * Can be either a string or an array(random pick a comment).
  defaultComment?: string | string[]

  issue?: {
     * Require Issues to contain more information than what is provided in
     * the issue templates. Will fail if the issue's body is equal to a
     * provided template.
    checkTemplate?: boolean
     * Mini length of titles to check against for lack of descriptiveness.
    miniTitleLength?: number
     * Bad titles to check against for lack of descriptiveness.
    badTitles?: string[]
     * Label to be added to Issues with insufficient information given.
    labelToAdd?: string
     * Reactions to be added to issues with insufficient information given.
     * Available reactions: "-1" | "confused" | "+1" | "laugh" | "heart" |
     * "hooray" | "rocket" | "eyes".
     * Can be either a ,/space joined string or an reactions array.
     * - '-1, confused'
     * - '-1 confused'
     * - ['-1', 'confused']
    reactions?: string | string[]
     * Message to comment on issues when have bad title.
     * Can be either a string or an array(random pick a comment).
    badTitleComment?: string | string[]
     * Message to comment on issues when have bad body.
     * Can be either a string or an array(random pick a comment).
    badBodyComment?: string | string[]

  pullRequest?: {
     * Require PRs to contain more information than what is provided in the PR
     * template. Will fail if the pull request's body is equal to the provided
     * template.
    checkTemplate?: boolean
     * Mini length of titles to check against for lack of descriptiveness.
    miniTitleLength?: number
     * Bad titles to check against for lack of descriptiveness.
    badTitles?: string[]
     * Label to be added to PRs with insufficient information given.
    labelToAdd?: string
     * Reactions to be added to PRs with insufficient information given.
     * Available reactions: "-1" | "confused" | "+1" | "laugh" | "heart" |
     * "hooray" | "rocket" | "eyes".
     * Can be either a ,/space joined string or an reactions array.
     * - '-1, confused'
     * - '-1 confused'
     * - ['-1', 'confused']
    reactions?: string | string[]
     * Message to comment on PRs when have bad title.
     * Can be either a string or an array(random pick a comment).
    badTitleComment?: string | string[]
     * Message to comment on PRs when have bad body.
     * Can be either a string or an array(random pick a comment).
    badBodyComment?: string | string[]

Available reactions:

content emoji
+1 👍
-1 👎
laugh 😄
confused 😕
heart ❤️
hooray 🎉
rocket 🚀
eyes 👀

And custom config will be deep merged with the following default config:

checkTemplate: true
miniTitleLength: 8
labelToAdd: needs-more-info
  - '-1'
  - confused

    - update
    - updates
    - test
    - issue
    - debug
    - demo
  badTitleComment: |
    @{{ author }}
    We would appreciate it if you could provide us with more info about this issue!

  badBodyComment: |
    @{{ author }}
    We would appreciate it if you could provide us with more info about this issue!

    - update
    - updates
    - test
  badBodyComment: |
    @{{ author }}
    We would appreciate it if you could provide us with more info about this pr!

  badTitleComment: |
    @{{ author }}
    We would appreciate it if you could provide us with more info about this pr!


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License

Needs More Info is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Requests more info from newly opened issues/PRs that contain either default title/body or whose body is left blank

Needs More Info is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.