GitHub Merged Pull Requests
(1)Showcase your merged pull requests on GitHub. You can use this action in your profile repository to show which projects from other users and organizations you have contributed to. At this time your last 100 merged pull requests are retrieved.
Personal access token with read:user
- Generate a token at:
- Add the token to the repo where you use this action:
Path to generated file.
Check out the example table to see what the output of this action looks like. I use this action for my profile README, where you find a workflow definition that shows how to use this action in your own repository.
- Paginate through the GitHub API results up to a limit that can be set in the workflow, pull requests welcome 😉, see
GitHub Merged Pull Requests is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.