Tab -> Nav -> (Table || Collection) -> Detail
Movie - make this an optional array in the VC, i.e., [Movies]?
- Add 'Views' group to file navigator.
- prepareForReuse ??
- Use standard TableView with associated VC instead of the pre-packaged TableViewController. This allows us to easily toggle between table and collection views. Just load both and toggle which is hidden.
- May need to clean and build to get Xcode to recognize new pod files.
adding a placeholder image with this method of AFNetworking:
cell.posterImageView.setImageWithURL(url: NSURL, placeholderImage: UIImage?)
Make long movie titles wrap in detail view
- Decreased NSURLSession request timeout to 10 seconds for demo purpose
Poster image sizes: - 92 x 138, 92 x 131, 92 x 140, 92 x 138 [53 x 80] - 154 x 231 - 342 x 513 - 500 x 750 - 780 x 1170