- cities.json has moved: update attribute to retrieve from url endpoint
- update extracts and shapes script to parse new json file format
- kill Vagrant
- support for postgresql cookbook update
- as above, upgrade to postgresql 9.4
- upgrade imposm to latest
- halt parallel processing on initial failure
- remove vex as an extract processing option
- set osmconvert jobs to 75% of cpu total
- fix for memory buffer overflow
- always generate coast polys, regardless of an actual coastline
- imposm power landuse polys
- change archive contents filenames to only contain a single dot for the extension
- imposm shp use 4326
- update imposm version
- convert bzip work to pbzip
- --drop-broken-refs when building extracts with osmconvert
- remove osmosis in favor of osmconvert or vex
- allow application of changesets to the planet before processing extracts
- maintain custom mapping for imposm3
- custom mapping adds neighborhoods
- add hstore to osm2pgsql run
- lint coastlines.sh
- lint
- fix encoding issue with geojson generated from shp files
- build coastline extract data from land and water polygons
- replace remote_file for planet download with wget: remote_file is too slow and flaky for files this large
- lower default heap size to 2G per osmosis processes
- make the planet download trigger off the md5 remote_file resource. If the md5 hasn't changed, we won't go through the trouble of downloading the planet again.
- calculate the md5 of the downloaded planet file and compare it against the provided md5sum
- :create the planet_remote file to allow use on stateful systems (i.e. non instance store)
- don't back up the planet file when we get a new one
- replace chef-rewind with resource override
- imposm parallel job tuning
- PG tuning
- break out parallel_jobs into two attributes: imposm_jobs and osm2pgsql_jobs, for more granular tuning
- update shapes and extracts to use gnu parallel: provide better logging and better error handling.
- go back to using remote_file to fetch the planet pbf
- include branch in metroextractor-cities git pull, to allow override
- don't re-sync the cities repo if we've already cloned it once, to avoid pulling in changes we aren't potentially expecting if we abort and re-start a run
- slice count
- drop the pg db during a re-run
- fewer slices
- pg max connections
- increase checkpoint_segments
- drop osm2pgsql num procs
- set slice count to cpu total
- read pbf rather than bz2 for osm2pgsql
- back to smaller slice size
- increase workers for osm2pgsql
- increase node cache for osm2pgsql
- use larger slices
- process shapes (osm2psql) in batches (default 8)
- node cache for osmosis
- fix osmosis heap setup
- allow download to linger for up to 2 hours
- limit osmosis heap size (per instance) via .osmosis conf file
- download url change
- osmosis buffer size
- big bump for osmosis changes
- bug fixes
- experiment with multiple osmosis processes, one per region
- more workers for osmosis
- remove hardcoded db/user/password in osm2pgsql.sh
- need to support both imposm2/3 in osm2pgsql.sh
- use imposm3
- TODO: specs for all the variations in setup.rb
- test osm2pgsql.sh with osm2pgsql/imposm commands being run in series rather than parallel (hangs)
- clean up imposm install logic
- clean up pkg installs for 12.04 vs 14.04
- specs
- tested on Ubuntu 14.04LTS
- on 12.04, continue installing imposm via pip, use pkg on 14.04
- don't merge osm2pgsql geojson this way. Disable for now.
- remove unnecessary 'rm' from cleanup in osm2pgsql.sh
- use DROP ... CASCADE
- use execute rather than bash for planet download
- use --quiet
- download planet with wget, remote_file is insanely slow with large files
- speed up osmosis: set workers, buffers
- remove compress=none from osmosis, as it doesn't appear to have any real effect on performance (speed), so might as well keep file size down
- be explicit about modes
- set correct mode for merge script
- override the source projection (-s_srs epsg:900913) for imposm geojson creation
- should resolve issue mapzen/metroextractor-cities#17
- set compress=none in osmosis output. Per the docs, files should write twice as fast at the expense of 2x space requirement
- add omitmetadata to osmosis cmd line
- DROP VIEW should be DROP TABLE in osm2pgsql.sh
- merge osm2pgsql geojson output into a single file
- install imposm via pip to get latest 2.x release, in hopes of resolving an ongoing imposm bug (hangs)
- clean up osm2pgsql.sh
- more fixes for geojson output
- add geojson for imposm shp files
- bug fix for geojson output
- bug fix in shapes.rb for lockfile
- lock the planet download
- osm2pgsql.sh fix: function, not funtion (!)
- add geojson output
- add clipIncompleteEntities=true to bounding box statements in osmosis.sh to avoid dangling references
- use localhost in osm2pgsql.sh
- break out cities.json into its own repository
- brisbane, perth, darwin...
- fixes to allow easier overrides
- bug fix in postgres template
- restart postgres immediately
- rewind the default postgres template
- apply more postgres tuning
- turn off autovacuum
- checkpoint segments
- add avignon to cities.json
- override default postgres data dir to avoid running out of space
- use array in osm2pgsql.sh
- drive osm2pgsql/osmosis off a single json config file: cities.txt
- stable