All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning specification.
- replaced print_succesful_redirect (deprecated) with print_header_redirect
2.0.0 - 2017-03-25
- Support for MantisBT 2.x, thanks to Francisco Mancardi
- Support for MantisBT 1.3.x
1.5.0 - 2017-03-25
- Support for MantisBT 1.3.x, thanks to @bkraul
- Licensed under GNU GPL v3
- Version numbering now follows Semantic Versioning specification
- Support for MantisBT 1.2.x
- Use plugin API to retrieve language strings
1.04 - 2015-10-17
This is the latest release with support for MantisBT 1.2.x.
- German translation by Roman Allenstein
1.03 - 2011-06-20
- Fix warning due to using an undefined variable
1.02 - 2010-11-12
Plugin's stewardship taken over by Damien Regad
- Use strings for displayed text
- Add title to configuration page
- Align with MantisBT coding guidelines
- Incorrect access check on access level vs threshold
1.01 - 2010-11-12
Maintenance release by Cas Nuy
- Cosmetic issues
- Typo in language string
- Initial version by Carlos Proensa and Cas Nuy following discussion in MantisBT issue 11615