diff --git a/packages/flarevm.installer.vm/flarevm.installer.vm.nuspec b/packages/flarevm.installer.vm/flarevm.installer.vm.nuspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aee17118..000000000
--- a/packages/flarevm.installer.vm/flarevm.installer.vm.nuspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- flarevm.installer.vm
- FLARE VM Installer
- Generic installer for Mandiant's custom virtual machines. Originally created by FLARE for FLARE VM, a malware analysis environment.
diff --git a/packages/flarevm.installer.vm/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1 b/packages/flarevm.installer.vm/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 0257bdbbb..000000000
--- a/packages/flarevm.installer.vm/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
-$global:VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
-Import-Module vm.common -Force -DisableNameChecking
-function Get-InstalledPackages {
- if (Get-Command choco -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue) {
- powershell.exe "choco list -r" | ForEach-Object {
- $Name, $Version = $_ -split '\|'
- New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
- 'Name' = $Name
- 'Version' = $Version
- }
- }
- }
-try {
- # Gather packages to install
- $installedPackages = (Get-InstalledPackages).Name
- $configPath = Join-Path ${Env:VM_COMMON_DIR} "config.xml" -Resolve
- $configXml = [xml](Get-Content $configPath)
- $packagesToInstall = $configXml.config.packages.package.name | Where-Object { $installedPackages -notcontains $_ }
- # List packages to install
- Write-Host "[+] Packages to install:"
- foreach ($package in $packagesToInstall) {
- Write-Host "`t[+] $package"
- }
- Start-Sleep 1
- # Install the packages
- foreach ($package in $packagesToInstall) {
- Write-Host "[+] Installing: $package" -ForegroundColor Cyan
- choco install "$package" -y
- }
- Write-Host "[+] Installation complete" -ForegroundColor Green
- # Remove Chocolatey cache
- $cache = "${Env:LocalAppData}\ChocoCache"
- Remove-Item $cache -Recurse -Force
- # Construct failed packages file path
- $desktopPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
- $failedPackages = Join-Path $desktopPath "failed_packages.txt"
- $failures = @{}
- # Check and list failed packages from "lib-bad"
- $chocoLibBad = Join-Path ${Env:ProgramData} "chocolatey\lib-bad"
- if ((Test-Path $chocoLibBad) -and (Get-ChildItem -Path $chocoLibBad | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
- Get-ChildItem -Path $chocoLibBad | Foreach-Object {
- $failures[$_.Name] = $true
- }
- }
- # Cross-compare packages to install versus installed packages to find failed packages
- $installedPackages = (Get-InstalledPackages).Name
- foreach ($package in $packagesToInstall) {
- if ($installedPackages -notcontains $package) {
- $failures[$package] = $true
- }
- }
- $installedPackages = choco list -r | Out-String
- VM-Write-Log "INFO" "Packages installed:`n$installedPackages"
- # Write each failed package to failure file
- foreach ($package in $failures.Keys) {
- VM-Write-Log "ERROR" "Failed to install: $package"
- Add-Content $failedPackages $package
- }
- # Log additional info if we found failed packages
- $logPath = Join-Path ${Env:VM_COMMON_DIR} "log.txt"
- if ((Test-Path $failedPackages)) {
- VM-Write-Log "ERROR" "For each failed package, you may attempt a manual install via: choco install -y "
- VM-Write-Log "ERROR" "Failed package list saved to: $failedPackages"
- VM-Write-Log "ERROR" "Please check the following logs for additional errors:"
- VM-Write-Log "ERROR" "`t$logPath (this file)"
- VM-Write-Log "ERROR" "`t%PROGRAMDATA%\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log"
- VM-Write-Log "ERROR" "`t%LOCALAPPDATA%\Boxstarter\boxstarter.log"
- }
- # Display installer log if available
- if ((Test-Path $logPath)) {
- Write-Host "[-] Please check the following logs for any errors:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
- Write-Host "`t[-] $logPath" -ForegroundColor Yellow
- Write-Host "`t[-] %PROGRAMDATA%\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log" -ForegroundColor Yellow
- Write-Host "`t[-] %LOCALAPPDATA%\Boxstarter\boxstarter.log" -ForegroundColor Yellow
- Start-Sleep 5
- & notepad.exe $logPath
- }
- # Let users know installation is complete by setting background, playing win sound, and display message box
- Set-ItemProperty 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Colors' -Name Background -Value "0 0 0" -Force | Out-Null
- $backgroundImage = "${Env:VM_COMMON_DIR}\background.png"
- if ((Test-Path $backgroundImage)) {
- # Center: 0, Stretch: 2, Fit:6, Fill: 10, Span: 22
- New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name WallpaperStyle -PropertyType String -Value 6 -Force | Out-Null
- New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name TileWallpaper -PropertyType String -Value 0 -Force | Out-Null
- Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-public class VMBackground
- [DllImport("User32.dll",CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
- public static extern int SystemParametersInfo (Int32 uAction, Int32 uParam, String lpvParam, Int32 fuWinIni);
- [DllImport("User32.dll",CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
- public static extern bool SetSysColors(int cElements, int[] lpaElements, int[] lpaRgbValues);
- [VMBackground]::SystemParametersInfo(20, 0, $backgroundImage, 3)
- [VMBackground]::SetSysColors(1, @(1), @(0x000000))
- }
- $playWav = New-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer
- $playWav.SoundLocation = 'https://www.winhistory.de/more/winstart/down/owin31.wav'
- $playWav.PlaySync()
- Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore,PresentationFramework
- $msgBody = "Install complete!`nPlease review %VM_COMMON_DIR%\log.txt for any errors.`nThank you"
- $msgTitle = "VM Installation Complete"
- $msgButton = 'OK'
- $msgImage = 'Asterisk'
- [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($msgBody,$msgTitle,$msgButton,$msgImage)
-} catch {
- VM-Write-Log-Exception $_