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before and after tasks

"before" and "after" tasks

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"makes" work flow

The whole work flow is not complex.

  1. download skeleton.
  2. read skeleton optional files questions.js, transforms.js, before.js, and after.js.
  3. runs optional "before" task defined by before.js.
  4. run through questions, gather properties and features.
  5. write out project.
  6. runs optional "after" task defined by after.js.

"after" task

We start with the more common "after" task.

"after" task happens after "makes" finished writing out project.

For example you can follow up in a JavaScript project to install npm dependencies.

The dumberjs/new after.js is a great example.

For more information, please review CommonJS/ESM support.

const {execSync} = require('child_process');

function isAvailable(bin) {
  try {
    execSync(bin + ' -v')
    return true;
  } catch (e) {
    return false;

module.exports = async function({
  unattended, here, prompts, run, properties, features, notDefaultFeatures, ansiColors
}) {
  const c = ansiColors;
  let depsInstalled = false;

  if (!unattended) {
    const choices = [
      {title: 'No'},
      {value: 'npm', title: 'Yes, use npm'}

    if (isAvailable('yarn')) {
      choices.push({value: 'yarn', title: 'Yes, use yarn'});

    if (isAvailable('pnpm')) {
      choices.push({value: 'pnpm', title: 'Yes, use pnpm'});

    const result = await{
      message: 'Do you want to install npm dependencies now?',

    if (result) {
      await run(result, ['install']);
      depsInstalled = true;

    console.log(`\nNext time, you can try to create similar project in silent mode:`);
    console.log(c.inverse(` npx makes dumberjs new-project-name${here ? ' --here' : ''} -s ${notDefaultFeatures.length ? (notDefaultFeatures.join(',') + ' ') : ''}`));

  console.log(`\n${c.underline.bold('Get Started')}`);
  console.log('cd ' +;
  if (!depsInstalled) console.log('npm install');
  console.log('npm start\n');

You define a function in after.js.

  1. the single input argument has following fields:
  • unattended is true when in silent mode.
  • here is true when in here mode.
  • features is the selected features array from select prompts.
  • notDefaultFeatures is a sub-set of features array, only contains non-default choices. You can use this array to construct a clear silent mode command, as the above example showed.
  • properties is the properties hash object from text prompts.
  • prompts is the exposed "makes" inner prompts implementation. You can call prompts.text(opts) and to ask user questions, more details in prompts api doc.
  • ansiColors is the exposed "ansi-colors" npm package. This is provided for skeleton to avoid some runtime dependencies.
  • sisteransi is the exposed "sisteransi" npm package. This is provided for skeleton to avoid some runtime dependencies.
  • run(cmd, args) is a convenient function to run command. It runs the command with optional arguments in the final project folder. The above example shows run('npm', ['install']).
  1. the result value is ignored. But "after" task can be async (returns a promise).

"before" task

The optional "before" task happens right before prompting questions, it can:

  1. silence the questions defined in questions.js. For example, "before" task can let user to choose a preset to skip detailed questionnaire.
  2. override preselectedFeatures.
  3. override predefinedProperties.
  4. or maybe just print out some greetings.

"before" task should also respect existing silent mode (aka unattended).

You define a function in before.js.

  1. the single input argument has following fields:
  • unattended is true when in silent mode.
  • here is true when in here mode.
  • preselectedFeatures is the pre-selected features array from optional command line switch -s x,y,z, default to an empty array.
  • predefinedProperties is the pre-defined properties hash object gathered from command line, default to an empty object.
  • prompts is the exposed "makes" inner prompts implementation. You can call prompts.text(opts) and to ask user questions, more details in prompts api doc.
  • ansiColors is the exposed "ansi-colors" npm package. This is provided for skeleton to avoid some runtime dependencies.
  • sisteransi is the exposed "sisteransi" npm package. This is provided for skeleton to avoid some runtime dependencies.
  1. "before" task can be async (returns a promise). The result value is optional, but when you return a value object, it can have following optional fields:
  • silentQuestions, if set to true, the questions defined in questions.js will be silenced.
  • preselectedFeatures, overrides existing preselectedFeatures.
  • predefinedProperties, overrides existing predefinedProperties.

For example, aurelia/new skeleton use "before" task to ask user to:

  1. pick a preset (silence questionnaire, plus override preselectedFeatures).
  2. or use custom mode (does nothing, run through questions interactively).

The aurelia/new before.js is a great example. It asks user to pick a preset, if user picked one, it will skip following questionnaire and overwrite preselectedFeatures.

const PRESETS = {
  'default-esnext': ['webpack', 'babel'],
  'default-typescript': ['webpack', 'typescript'],

module.exports = async function({unattended, prompts}) {
  // don't ask when running in silent mode.
  if (unattended) return;

  const preset = await{
    message: 'Would you like to use the default setup or customize your choices?',
    choices: [
        value: 'default-esnext',
        title: 'Default ESNext Aurelia 2 App',
        hint: 'A basic Aurelia 2 App with Babel and Webpack'
      }, {
        value: 'default-typescript',
        title: 'Default TypeScript Aurelia 2 App',
        hint: 'A basic Aurelia 2 App with TypeScript and Webpack'
      }, {
        title: 'Custom Aurelia 2 App',
        hint: 'Select bundler, transpiler, and more.'

  if (preset) {
    const preselectedFeatures = PRESETS[preset];
    if (preselectedFeatures) {
      return {
        silentQuestions: true, // skip following questionnaire