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Marc Ginesta edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 14 revisions

Steps to release the Magento Coding Standards

  1. Increment the version in composer.json
  2. Run composer update magento/magento-coding-standard to update the composer.lock
  3. Open a PR and merge it to develop branch
  4. Merge develop to master branch
  5. Create a new release on Github
  6. Ensure the new version is available in packagist
  7. 📢 Notify the #coding-standard channel (from the Magento Open Source workspace)
  8. Update composer.json from magento-api-index, mray and uct pointing to the new magento-coding-standard version
  9. Open a PR (for each repo) and merge it to develop
  10. Update composer.lock for magento-commerce/magento2ce and magento-commerce/magento2ee
  11. Open a PR (for both repos) and run tests @magento run all tests
  12. ☑️ Make sure that all tests are green
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