Welcome to the TXT File Splitter! Features include automatic splitting by chapter titles and even distribution into a specified number of parts. Simply select your source file and target folder to easily split your files.
按章节切分:识别文本中的章节标题自动切分文件。此功能特别适用于小说、书籍等具有明确章节结构的文本。 按数量切分:将文件按输入的切分数量进行智能切分,均匀地分成指定数量的部分。此功能适用于需要将大文件分割成多个小文件的情况。 使用方法:
选择源文件路径:点击“选择文件”按钮,选择您要切分的TXT文件。 选择切分后文件夹路径:点击“选择文件夹”按钮,选择保存切分后文件的目录。 按章节切分: 点击“预估章节数”按钮,查看文件中估计的章节数。 点击“按章节切分”按钮,开始切分文件。程序会根据章节标题自动切分文件,并保存为单独的TXT文件。 按数量切分: 点击“按数量切分”按钮,输入您希望切分的数量。 点击“启动:数量切分”按钮,开始切分文件。程序会将文件均匀地分成指定数量的部分。
Chapter-based Splitting: Automatically splits the file based on chapter titles in the text. This feature is particularly useful for novels, books, and other texts with a clear chapter structure. Quantity-based Splitting: Splits the file into a specified number of parts. This feature is useful for dividing large files into smaller, manageable parts. Usage Instructions:
Select Source File Path: Click the "Choose File" button to select the TXT file you want to split. Select Output Folder Path: Click the "Choose Folder" button to select the directory where the split files will be saved. Chapter-based Splitting: Click the "Estimate Chapter Count" button to see the estimated number of chapters in the file. Click the "Split by Chapters" button to start splitting the file. The program will automatically split the file based on chapter titles and save each chapter as a separate TXT file. Quantity-based Splitting: Click the "Split by Quantity" button and enter the desired number of parts. Click the "Start: Quantity Split" button to begin splitting the file. The program will divide the file into the specified number of parts, ensuring that sentences are not broken mid-way.