x refactor modules (ui, model, analysis)
x end user documentation (README.md)
x web page
code comments documentation
user test
rewrite viewport/canvas plotting (canvas object with wrapped addLine, etc., functions)
wrap all unsafe / imgui
x rename to junction
x hotkeys (save,load)
x save/load config / colors
x better color defaults
change fonts+size
save/load with extension .junc
view (center/zoom) better preserved when opening/closing dispatch
polyline trains (and tracks, and tvd sections?)
more objects
- derailers?
- X pre-signalling (editor + simulator)
- atc? or something more low level or only rep.balise
- ertms?
- train starting velocity for concrete dispatch
- velocity signs / restrictions
mileage reversed detection / fix
X undo classification (avoid excessive undos)
track lengths
mileages on nodes / objects
pos on objects
specify signal sight distance, warn if not attainable because of facing switches
gradient (radius?)
X rename node references in model when "extending" boundary node
X rename object references in model when moving objects.
rename open end -> model boundary
- inspectable interlocking
- configurable interlocking
- datalog-based interlocking?
- overlaps
- flank protection
X better dispatch representation
X edit dispatch
X plan datastructure
X add new plan from infrastructure + dispatch menu
X add new train, show trains as rows
X add new visits to train from infrastructure context menu
X rearrange visits, merge visits, split visits
X add constraints
X topo sort view by constraints
X draw constraints
X bug: VisitKey invalidated by moving visit from one train to another
X delete constraints
x delete trains
X delete plans and dispatches
X rename trains, dispatches, plans
disallow bad constraints, drop non-working constraints when rearranging visits
x highlight visits location in infrastructure
X visit types: boundary vs. middle
dwell time
constraint maximum time diff
X gui for dispatch/auto-dispatch
copy autodispatch as manual
import railml 2.x
- schematic config
- X convert tracks
- convert objects
import railml 2.x nor?
import railml 3
export railml 2.x
export railml 2.x nor?
export railml 3
- auto-layout whole model
- auto-layout selection
- with given mileages / positions / fixed symbols
- code tests
- gui tests, including screenshots?
- X whole-station proof of concept
- suggestions proof of concept
- limit to selection
- datalog properties in errors window
- X can undo creation of manual dispatch, but still displayed and crashes when adding new commands.
- synthesis with multiple properties does not work?
- defined, versioned file format
- how to handle backwards compatiblity when using json/cbor serialization?
TOP pri
- planning: visits to signals etc. is not implemented
- close popup menus with escape key
- sort dispatches from planning so they are stable through minor changes
- add constraint -> then click a location fails (because the location is a button?)
- Show Error message if loading file fails (make vec of error messages)
- Synthesis example failed (remove detectors may be at fault)
- a delete all buttons (Edit menu bar)
- Minimize window crashed application
- user wants to pan view while the infrastructure context menu is open
- the box size is not the actual grip size in commands in dispatch view
- when highlighting a command in the dispatch, higlight not only the signal but the whole route
- the name of a new vehicle is the same as the default vehicle
- the add vehicle button at the bottom of the vehicles window may give the impression that clicking it is necessary to save changes made in the window
- the dispatch dropdown menu should close when clicking (add auto) or (add manual)
- playlist of dipatches (run through all dispatches)
- planning: locations look like buttons, but they are not
- plan: t1: a-> b->, t2: b<-, a<- with constraints only on the last two, force a crossing, but they probably should not.
- Save as type: *.junc
LOW pri
- draw trains as polylines
- (maybe) when hovering a signal in the infrastructure, highlight any routes starting from that signal