go run deltafifo/main.go
# 返回结果,只可以取到最新的对象 pod1,旧值需要去 Indexer 里取
Added pod1 value: 1
Updated pod1 value: 1.1
Deleted pod1 value: 1.1
go run reflector/listwatch.go
# List
# Watch,一开始会打印所有的 Pod
ADDED : robusta-forwarder-5f65fd6fbb-s2trs , Status: Running
ADDED : wiremock-84d49c989c-zg4ls , Status: Running
ADDED : quickstart-es-default-0 , Status: Running
ADDED : robusta-runner-567655bf5b-v4xvj , Status: Running
# 创建一个新的 Pod,然后删除
# kubectl run nettool --image=cr7258/nettool:v1
# kubectl delete pod nettool
ADDED : nettool , Status: Pending
MODIFIED : nettool , Status: Pending
MODIFIED : nettool , Status: Pending
MODIFIED : nettool , Status: Pending
MODIFIED : nettool , Status: Running
MODIFIED : nettool , Status: Running
MODIFIED : nettool , Status: Running
MODIFIED : nettool , Status: Running
MODIFIED : nettool , Status: Running
DELETED : nettool , Status: Running
go run reflector/reflector.go
# 创建一个新的 Pod,然后删除
# kubectl run nettool --image=cr7258/nettool:v1
# kubectl delete pod nettool
# 注意删除 Pod 时并没有出现 Deleted 事件
# 在事件 Added, Updated 和 Deleted 时,informer 会从 DeltaFIFO 中 Pop 出对象,
# 同时还会把缓存同时存一份到 KnowObjects(indexer) 里,当更新或者删除时会取出 KnowObjects 的对象进行判断
# KnowObjects 是可以不设置的,一旦不设置,Deleted 事件就获取不到了
Added : nettool : Pending
Updated : nettool : Pending
Updated : nettool : Pending
Updated : nettool : Pending
Updated : nettool : Running
# 删除只出现 Updated
Updated : nettool : Running
Updated : nettool : Running
Updated : nettool : Running
Updated : nettool : Running
相关判断的代码在 client-go/tools/cache/delta_fifo.go 中:
// Delete is just like Add, but makes a Deleted Delta. If the given
// object does not already exist, it will be ignored. (It may have
// already been deleted by a Replace (re-list), for example.) In this
// method `f.knownObjects`, if not nil, provides (via GetByKey)
// _additional_ objects that are considered to already exist.
func (f *DeltaFIFO) Delete(obj interface{}) error {
id, err := f.KeyOf(obj)
if err != nil {
return KeyError{obj, err}
defer f.lock.Unlock()
f.populated = true
if f.knownObjects == nil {
// 当从 DeltaFIFO 中 Pop 出对象时,items 就没有该对象了,如果没有存到 knownObjects 中,就会忽略该事件
if _, exists := f.items[id]; !exists {
// Presumably, this was deleted when a relist happened.
// Don't provide a second report of the same deletion.
return nil
} else {
// We only want to skip the "deletion" action if the object doesn't
// exist in knownObjects and it doesn't have corresponding item in items.
// Note that even if there is a "deletion" action in items, we can ignore it,
// because it will be deduped automatically in "queueActionLocked"
_, exists, err := f.knownObjects.GetByKey(id)
_, itemsExist := f.items[id]
if err == nil && !exists && !itemsExist {
// Presumably, this was deleted when a relist happened.
// Don't provide a second report of the same deletion.
return nil
// exist in items and/or KnownObjects
return f.queueActionLocked(Deleted, obj)
上面小节提到在删除 Pod 时并没有出现 Deleted 事件,要想获取 Deleted 事件,需要在 DeltaFIFO 设置 KnownObjects。
df := cache.NewDeltaFIFOWithOptions(cache.DeltaFIFOOptions{
KeyFunction: cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc,
KnownObjects: store, // 实现了 indexer
并且在消费 DeltaFIFO 时,把缓存添加到 Indexer 中。
switch delta.Type {
case cache.Sync, cache.Added:
case cache.Updated:
case cache.Deleted:
go run reflector/indexer.go
# 创建一个新的 Pod,然后删除
# kubectl run nettool --image=cr7258/nettool:v1
# kubectl delete pod nettool
Added : nettool : Pending
Updated : nettool : Pending
Updated : nettool : Pending
Updated : nettool : Pending
Updated : nettool : Running
# 删除事件
Updated : nettool : Running
Updated : nettool : Running
Updated : nettool : Running
Updated : nettool : Running
Deleted : nettool : Running
go run myinformer.go
# 创建一个新的 Pod,然后删除
# kubectl run nettool --image=cr7258/nettool:v1
# kubectl delete pod nettool
OnAdd: nettool
OnUpdate: nettool
OnUpdate: nettool
OnUpdate: nettool
OnUpdate: nettool
# 删除事件
OnUpdate: nettool
OnUpdate: nettool
OnUpdate: nettool
OnDelete: nettool
sharedIndexInformer 相比普通的 informer 来说, 可以共享 reflector 反射器, 业务代码可以注册多个 resourceEventHandler 方法, 无需重复创建 informer 做监听及事件注册. 如果相同资源实例化多个 informer, 那么每个 informer 都有一个 reflector 和 store. 不仅会有数据序列化的开销, 而且缓存 store 不能复用, 可能一个对象存在多个 informer 的 store 里.
- 1.支持多个 EventHandler,可以认为是支持多个消费者。
- 2.内置一个 Indexer,有一个叫做 threadSafeMap 的 struct 来实现 (源码位置 cache/thread_safe_store.go)
- 3.多个消费者之间共享了 Indexer。
SharedIndexInformer 的结构如下:
// `*sharedIndexInformer` implements SharedIndexInformer and has three
// main components. One is an indexed local cache, `indexer Indexer`.
// The second main component is a Controller that pulls
// objects/notifications using the ListerWatcher and pushes them into
// a DeltaFIFO --- whose knownObjects is the informer's local cache
// --- while concurrently Popping Deltas values from that fifo and
// processing them with `sharedIndexInformer::HandleDeltas`. Each
// invocation of HandleDeltas, which is done with the fifo's lock
// held, processes each Delta in turn. For each Delta this both
// updates the local cache and stuffs the relevant notification into
// the sharedProcessor. The third main component is that
// sharedProcessor, which is responsible for relaying those
// notifications to each of the informer's clients.
type sharedIndexInformer struct {
indexer Indexer
controller Controller
processor *sharedProcessor
cacheMutationDetector MutationDetector
listerWatcher ListerWatcher
// objectType is an example object of the type this informer is
// expected to handle. Only the type needs to be right, except
// that when that is `unstructured.Unstructured` the object's
// `"apiVersion"` and `"kind"` must also be right.
objectType runtime.Object
// resyncCheckPeriod is how often we want the reflector's resync timer to fire so it can call
// shouldResync to check if any of our listeners need a resync.
resyncCheckPeriod time.Duration
// defaultEventHandlerResyncPeriod is the default resync period for any handlers added via
// AddEventHandler (i.e. they don't specify one and just want to use the shared informer's default
// value).
defaultEventHandlerResyncPeriod time.Duration
// clock allows for testability
clock clock.Clock
started, stopped bool
startedLock sync.Mutex
// blockDeltas gives a way to stop all event distribution so that a late event handler
// can safely join the shared informer.
blockDeltas sync.Mutex
// Called whenever the ListAndWatch drops the connection with an error.
watchErrorHandler WatchErrorHandler
其中包含 sharedProcessor,用于协调和管理处理器对象 processorListener (这是真正干活的对象),负责将事件通知转发给相应的 informer client。
// sharedProcessor has a collection of processorListener and can
// distribute a notification object to its listeners. There are two
// kinds of distribute operations. The sync distributions go to a
// subset of the listeners that (a) is recomputed in the occasional
// calls to shouldResync and (b) every listener is initially put in.
// The non-sync distributions go to every listener.
type sharedProcessor struct {
listenersStarted bool
listenersLock sync.RWMutex
listeners []*processorListener
syncingListeners []*processorListener
clock clock.Clock
wg wait.Group
processorListener 包含:
- 1.run --- 阻塞运行
- 2.pop() --- 好比不断从队列里取输出
- 3.lis.addCh --- 插入数据
// 可以看到添加事件很简单,直接通过 addCh 这个通道接收,notification 就是我们所说的事件,也就是前面我们常说的 DeltaFIFO 输出的 Deltas。
//上面我们可以看到 addCh 是定义成的一个无缓冲通道,所以这个 add() 函数就是一个事件分发器,从 DeltaFIFO 中弹出的对象要逐一送到多个处理器,如果处理器没有及时处理 addCh 则会阻塞住
func (p *processorListener) add(notification interface{}) {
p.addCh <- notification
cache 包中有些方法只能内部调用,因此我们将 client-go/tools/cache 目录拷贝到当前项目的根目录方便调用。
执行以下代码,启动手工模拟的 SharedInformer。
go run sharedinformer/simulate.go
# 输出结果
OnAdd:second pod0
OnAdd: pod0
OnAdd: pod1
OnAdd:second pod1
OnAdd: pod2
OnAdd:second pod2
OnAdd:second pod3
OnAdd: pod3
执行以下代码,启动手工模拟的 SharedInformer。
go run sharedinformer/list_watch.go
# 输出结果
OnAdd:second robusta-runner-567655bf5b-v4xvj
OnAdd: robusta-runner-567655bf5b-v4xvj
OnAdd: wiremock-84d49c989c-zg4ls
OnAdd: quickstart-es-default-0
OnAdd:second wiremock-84d49c989c-zg4ls
OnAdd: robusta-forwarder-5f65fd6fbb-s2trs
OnAdd:second quickstart-es-default-0
OnAdd:second robusta-forwarder-5f65fd6fbb-s2trs
Indexer 的构建函数如下:
// 构建索引,参考 MetaNamespaceIndexFunc
func LabelsIndexFunc(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
meta, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
if err != nil {
return []string{""}, fmt.Errorf("object has no meta: %v", err)
return []string{meta.GetLabels()["app"]}, nil
// 最终怎么展示 key 取决于这个函数
func myKeyFunc(obj interface{}) (string, error) {
if key, ok := obj.(ExplicitKey); ok {
return string(key), nil
meta, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("object has no meta: %v", err)
if len(meta.GetNamespace()) > 0 {
// 这里参考 MetaNamespaceKeyFunc 函数
return meta.GetNamespace() + "---" + meta.GetName(), nil
return meta.GetName(), nil
创建 Indexer 的代码如下:
indexers := Indexers{"app": LabelsIndexFunc}
myindex := NewIndexer(myKeyFunc, indexers)
执行以下代码,启动手工模拟的 SharedInformer。
go run sharedinformer/indexer.go
# 输出结果
map[app:map[l1:map[ns1---pod1:{}] l2:map[ns2---pod2:{}]]]
[ns1---pod1] <nil>
执行以下代码,启动手工模拟的 SharedInformer。
go run sharedinformer/indexer_run.go
访问 http://localhost:8080 可以得到 label 为 app=robusta-forwarder 的 Pod。
curl http://localhost:8080
# 返回结果
执行以下代码,启动手工模拟的 SharedInformerFactory。
go run sharedinformer/sharedinformerfactory.go