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Crypto Info

Crypto Info is a cryptocurrency app that shows informations about currency Application built with Jetpack Compose. The goal of this application is to showcase Material components, Android Views inside Compose, and UI state handling, MVVM clean architecture.



This application contains 3 screens:

  • Splash screen that fades out after 4 seconds then fade the main content in .
  • CoinsList screen where you can explore coins list, the rank of the currency, symbol, if the currency is active or not. Clicking on item will lead you to the coin detail screen.
  • CoinDetail screen cointain the details of a specific coin with a description, some tags and the creators

Crypto Info is a multi-activity app that showcases how navigating between activities can be done in Jetpack Compose.


Crypto Info uses Hilt to manage its dependencies. Hilt's ViewModel (with the @HiltViewModel annotation) works perfectly with Compose's ViewModel integration (viewModel() composable function) as you can see in the following snippet of code. viewModel() will automatically use the factory that Hilt creates for the ViewModel:

class CoinListViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val getCoinsUseCase: GetCoinsUseCase
) : ViewModel() {}

fun CoinListScreen(
    navController: NavController,
    viewModel: CoinListViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {

Status: 🚧 In progress

Crypto Info is still in under development, and some features are not yet implemented.