Lexer splits a source file into tokens called lexems. A complete list of lexems can be seen in lexer.hpp. In a nutshell, source file is split into identifiers, numbers and special sequences.
For example: fn test(a, b, c) { a = 10 };
is split into such sequence: fn keyword, identifier 'test', open parenthesis, identifier 'a', comma, identifier 'b', comma, identifier 'c', comma, compound begin, identifier 'a', assign, number 10, compound end, semicolon, program end.
More info about lexing process
Parser reads lexems sequence and builds an abstract syntax tree (e.g. AST) of a program. Each node have a type, left and right children. Tiny Compilier can show AST by passing --show-ast
command line option. This section provides information about AST nodes and describes how different language structures are translated into AST.
- Identifier -> AST_IDENTIFIER
- Indexed identifier -> AST_INDEX
- Left node is an identifier
- Right node is an expression
- Number -> AST_NUMBER
- Operators -> AST_OPER_***
- Left node is a left argument
- Right node is a right argument
- Function call -> AST_CALL
- Left node is a function name
- Right node is arguments glued with AST_COMPOUND
- Expressions
- Trees, where leaves are AST_IDENTIFIER, AST_NUMBER, AST_INDEX or AST_CALL. Non-leaf nodes are operators
- Classic expression trees
- Statements
- expresion statements -> AST_EXPR_STMT
- Left node is an expression
- if -> AST_IF
- Left node is a condition expression
- Right node is AST_IF_BRANCHES
- Left branch is an if body statement
- Right branch is an else body statement if present
- while -> AST_WHILE
- Left node is a condition expression
- Right node is an while body statement
- Variable declaration -> AST_VAR_DECL or AST_ARR_DECL
- AST_VAR_DECL if usual variable
- Left node is a variable name
- Right node is an initial value expression
- AST_ARR_DECL if array variable:
- Left node is an array name
- Right node is AST_NUMBER - size of the array
- AST_VAR_DECL if usual variable
- return -> AST_RETURN
- Left node is a return value expression
- Compound expression -> statements glued with AST_COMPOUND
- Also compound expressions declare scopes - AST_SCOPE
- Left node is a statement tree
- Also compound expressions declare scopes - AST_SCOPE
- expresion statements -> AST_EXPR_STMT
- Function definition -> AST_FUNC_DECL
- Left node is AST_FUNC_HEAD
- Left node is AST_IDENTIFIER (function name)
- Right node is chain of AST_IDENTIFIERs (arguments) glued with AST_COMPOUND
- Right node is a function body statement
- Left node is AST_FUNC_HEAD
- Program -> AST_FUNC_DECLs glued with AST_COMPOUND
- Universal glue
- Ordered
- Must be traversed from a left child to a right child
More info about parsing process
- All variables are stored on the stack
- There are a variable table which controls usage of stack space and handles scopes
- From this point, the most difficult task is evaluating expressions efficiently
- Tiny Compilier uses an approach similar to a register stack with stack usage when there are not enough registers
- Function calls are handled like this: all currently used registers are pushed, function is called, registers are restored
- Other constructions are compiled quite straightforward
- Stack frame contents (from higher addresses to lower)
- Saved caller-saved registers if used (r12-r14 uses for evaluating expresions whel all other scratch register are used, r15 used by division)
- Variables
- Temporary stack which for evaluating expresions (desribed before)
- Space for stack arguments for function calls
More info about code generation
- Translates AMD64 assembly to a native code and resolves symbols
- Small "linker" is embedded into binary emitter
- Puts generated code and standart library into ELF file
- Minimal ELF - no sections, only one program header