curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
AddressesApi apiInstance = new AddressesApi (config );
try {
Address response = apiInstance .get ("adr_fa85158b26c3eb7c" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
AddressesApi apiInstance = new AddressesApi (config );
try {
AddressDeletion response = apiInstance .delete ("adr_43769b47aed248c2" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Harry - Office" \
-d " name=Harry Zhang" \
-d " company=Lob" \
-d " [email protected] " \
-d " phone=5555555555" \
-d " address_line1=2261 Market Street" \
-d " address_line2=Ste 5668" \
-d " address_city=San Francisco" \
-d " address_state=CA" \
-d " address_zip=94114" \
-d " address_country=US" \
AddressesApi apiInstance = new AddressesApi (config );
try {
AddressEditable addressEditable = new AddressEditable ();
addressEditable .setDescription ("Harry - Office" );
addressEditable .setName ("Harry Zhang" );
addressEditable .setCompany ("Lob" );
addressEditable .setEmail ("[email protected] " );
addressEditable .setPhone ("5555555555" );
addressEditable .setAddressLine1 ("2261 Market Street" );
addressEditable .setAddressLine2 ("Ste 5668" );
addressEditable .setAddressCity ("San Francisco" );
addressEditable .setAddressState ("CA" );
addressEditable .setAddressZip ("94114" );
addressEditable .setAddressCountry (CountryExtended .US );
Address result = apiInstance .create (addressEditable );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
AddressesApi apiInstance = new AddressesApi (config );
try {
AddressList response = apiInstance .list (
2 , // limit
null , // before
null , // after
includeList , // include
dateCreated , // dateCreated
metadata // metadata
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
PostcardsApi apiInstance = new PostcardsApi (config );
try {
Postcard response = apiInstance .get ("psc_5c002b86ce47537a" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
PostcardsApi apiInstance = new PostcardsApi (config );
try {
PostcardDeletion response = apiInstance .cancel ("psc_5c002b86ce47537a" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Demo Postcard job" \
-d " from=adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" \
--data-urlencode " front=<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 50;'>Front HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
--data-urlencode " back=<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 20;'>Back HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
-d " to[name]=Harry Zhang" \
-d " to[address_line1]=2261 Market Street" \
-d " to[address_line2]=Ste 5668" \
-d " to[address_city]=San Francisco" \
-d " to[address_state]=CA" \
-d " to[address_zip]=94114" \
-d " merge_variables[name]=Harry" \
Map <String , String > merge_variables = new HashMap <String , String >();
merge_variables .put ("name" , "Harry" );
PostcardsApi apiInstance = new PostcardsApi (config );
AddressEditable to = new AddressEditable ();
to .setName ("Harry Zhang" );
to .setAddressLine1 ("2261 Market Street" );
to .setAddressLine2 ("Ste 5668" );
to .setAddressCity ("San Francisco" );
to .setAddressState ("CA" );
to .setAddressZip ("94114" );
try {
PostcardEditable postcardEditable = new PostcardEditable ();
postcardEditable .setDescription ("Demo Postcard job" );
postcardEditable .setFrom ("adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" );
postcardEditable .setFront ("<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 50;'>Front HTML for {{name}}</html>" );
postcardEditable .setBack ("<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 20;'>Back HTML for {{name}}</html>" );
postcardEditable .setTo (to );
postcardEditable .setMergeVariables (merge_variables );
Postcard result = apiInstance .create (postcardEditable , null );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
PostcardsApi apiInstance = new PostcardsApi (config );
try {
PostcardList response = apiInstance .list (
2 , // limit
null , // before
null , // after
includeList , // include
dateCreated , // dateCreated
metadata , // metadata
sizeArray , // size
true , // scheduled
sendDate , // sendDate
, // mailType
sortBy // sortBy
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
SelfMailersApi apiInstance = new SelfMailersApi (config );
try {
SelfMailer response = apiInstance .get ("sfm_8ffbe811dea49dcf" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
SelfMailersApi apiInstance = new SelfMailersApi (config );
try {
SelfMailerDeletion response = apiInstance .delete ("sfm_8ffbe811dea49dcf" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Demo Self Mailer job" \
-d " from=adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" \
--data-urlencode " inside=<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 50;'>Inside HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
--data-urlencode " outside=<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 20;'>Outside HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
-d " to[name]=Harry Zhang" \
-d " to[address_line1]=2261 Market Street" \
-d " to[address_line2]=Ste 5668" \
-d " to[address_city]=San Francisco" \
-d " to[address_state]=CA" \
-d " to[address_zip]=94114" \
-d " merge_variables[name]=Harry" \
Map <String , String > merge_variables = new HashMap <String , String >();
merge_variables .put ("name" , "Harry" );
SelfMailersApi apiInstance = new SelfMailersApi (config );
AddressEditable to = new AddressEditable ();
to .setName ("Harry Zhang" );
to .setAddressLine1 ("2261 Market Street" );
to .setAddressLine2 ("Ste 5668" );
to .setAddressCity ("San Francisco" );
to .setAddressState ("CA" );
to .setAddressZip ("94114" );
try {
SelfMailerEditable selfMailerEditable = new SelfMailerEditable ();
selfMailerEditable .setDescription ("Demo Self Mailer job" );
selfMailerEditable .setFrom ("adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" );
selfMailerEditable .setInside ("<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 50;'>Inside HTML for {{name}}</html>" );
selfMailerEditable .setOutside ("<html style='padding: 1in; font-size: 20;'>Outside HTML for {{name}}</html>" );
selfMailerEditable .setTo (to );
selfMailerEditable .setMergeVariables (merge_variables );
SelfMailer result = apiInstance .create (selfMailerEditable , null );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
SelfMailersApi apiInstance = new SelfMailersApi (config );
try {
SelfMailerList response = apiInstance .list (
2 , // limit
null , // before
null , // after
includeList , // include
dateCreated , // dateCreated
metadata , // metadata
null , // size
true , // scheduled
sendDate , // sendDate
, // mailType
sortBy // sortBy
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
LettersApi apiInstance = new LettersApi (config );
try {
Letter response = apiInstance .get ("ltr_4868c3b754655f90" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
LettersApi apiInstance = new LettersApi (config );
try {
LetterDeletion response = apiInstance .cancel ("ltr_4868c3b754655f90" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Demo Letter" \
-d " from=adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" \
--data-urlencode " file=<html style='padding-top: 3in; margin: .5in;'>HTML Letter for {{name}}</html>" \
-d " color=true" \
-d " to[name]=Harry Zhang" \
-d " to[address_line1]=2261 Market Street" \
-d " to[address_line2]=Ste 5668" \
-d " to[address_city]=San Francisco" \
-d " to[address_state]=CA" \
-d " to[address_zip]=94114" \
-d " merge_variables[name]=Harry" \
-d " cards[]=card_c51ae96f5cebf3e"
Map <String , String > merge_variables = new HashMap <String , String >();
merge_variables .put ("name" , "Harry" );
LettersApi apiInstance = new LettersApi (config );
AddressEditable to = new AddressEditable ();
to .setName ("Harry Zhang" );
to .setAddressLine1 ("2261 Market Street" );
to .setAddressLine2 ("Ste 5668" );
to .setAddressCity ("San Francisco" );
to .setAddressState ("CA" );
to .setAddressZip ("94114" );
List <String > cards = new ArrayList <String >();
cards .add ("card_c51ae96f5cebf3e" );
try {
LetterEditable letterEditable = new LetterEditable ();
letterEditable .setDescription ("Demo Letter" );
letterEditable .setFrom ("adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" );
letterEditable .setFile ("<html style='padding-top: 3in; margin: .5in;'>HTML Letter for {{name}}</html>" );
letterEditable .setColor (true );
letterEditable .setTo (to );
letterEditable .setMergeVariables (merge_variables );
letterEditable .setCards (cards );
Letter result = apiInstance .create (letterEditable , null );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
LettersApi apiInstance = new LettersApi (config );
try {
LetterList response = apiInstance .list (
2 , // limit
null , // before
null , // after
includeList , // include
dateCreated , // dateCreated
metadata , // metadata
true , // color
true , // scheduled
sendDate , // sendDate
, // mailType
sortBy // sortBy
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
ChecksApi apiInstance = new ChecksApi (config );
try {
Check response = apiInstance .get ("chk_534f10783683daa0" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
ChecksApi apiInstance = new ChecksApi (config );
try {
CheckDeletion response = apiInstance .cancel ("chk_534f10783683daa0" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Demo Check" \
-d " bank_account=bank_8cad8df5354d33f" \
-d " amount=22.5" \
-d " memo=rent" \
--data-urlencode " logo=" \
--data-urlencode " check_bottom=<h1 style='padding-top:4in;'>Demo Check for {{name}}</h1>" \
-d " from=adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" \
-d " to[name]=Harry Zhang" \
-d " to[address_line1]=2261 Market Street" \
-d " to[address_line2]=Ste 5668" \
-d " to[address_city]=San Francisco" \
-d " to[address_state]=CA" \
-d " to[address_zip]=94114" \
-d " merge_variables[name]=Harry" \
Map <String , String > merge_variables = new HashMap <String , String >();
merge_variables .put ("name" , "Harry" );
ChecksApi apiInstance = new ChecksApi (config );
AddressDomestic to = new AddressDomestic ();
to .setName ("Harry Zhang" );
to .setAddressLine1 ("2261 Market Street" );
to .setAddressLine2 ("Ste 5668" );
to .setAddressCity ("San Francisco" );
to .setAddressState ("CA" );
to .setAddressZip ("94114" );
try {
CheckEditable checkEditable = new CheckEditable ();
checkEditable .setDescription ("Demo Check" );
checkEditable .setBankAccount ("bank_8cad8df5354d33f" );
checkEditable .setAmount (22.5f );
checkEditable .setMemo ("rent" );
checkEditable .setLogo ("" );
checkEditable .setCheckBottom ("<h1 style='padding-top:4in;'>Demo Check for {{name}}</h1>" );
checkEditable .setFrom ("adr_210a8d4b0b76d77b" );
checkEditable .setTo (to );
checkEditable .setMergeVariables (merge_variables );
Check result = apiInstance .create (checkEditable , null );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
ChecksApi apiInstance = new ChecksApi (config );
try {
CheckList response = apiInstance .list (
2 , // limit
null , // before
null , // after
includeList , // include
dateCreated , // dateCreated
metadata , // metadata
true , // scheduled
sendDate , // sendDate
, // mailType
sortBy // sortBy
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
BankAccountsApi apiInstance = new BankAccountsApi (config );
try {
BankAccount response = apiInstance .get ("bank_8cad8df5354d33f" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
BankAccountsApi apiInstance = new BankAccountsApi (config );
try {
BankAccountDeletion response = apiInstance .delete ("bank_3e64d9904356b20" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
BankAccountsApi apiInstance = new BankAccountsApi (config );
try {
BankAccountList response = apiInstance .list (
2 , // limit
null , // before
null , // after
includeList , // include
dateCreated , // dateCreated
metadata // metadata
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " amounts[]=25" \
-d " amounts[]=63" \
BankAccountVerify verification = new BankAccountVerify ();
verification .addAmountsItem (25 );
verification .addAmountsItem (63 );
BankAccountsApi apiInstance = new BankAccountsApi (config );
try {
apiInstance .verify ("bank_dfceb4a2a05b57e" , verification );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Test Bank Account" \
-d " routing_number=322271627" \
-d " account_number=123456789" \
-d " signatory=John Doe" \
-d " account_type=company" \
BankAccountsApi apiInstance = new BankAccountsApi (config );
try {
BankAccountWritable bankAccountWritable = new BankAccountWritable ();
bankAccountWritable .setDescription ("Test Bank Account" );
bankAccountWritable .setRoutingNumber ("322271627" );
bankAccountWritable .setAccountNumber ("123456789" );
bankAccountWritable .setSignatory ("John Doe" );
bankAccountWritable .setAccountType (BankTypeEnum .COMPANY );
BankAccount result = apiInstance .create (bankAccountWritable );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
TemplatesApi apiInstance = new TemplatesApi (config );
try {
Template response = apiInstance .get ("tmpl_c94e83ca2cd5121" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X DELETE "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
TemplatesApi apiInstance = new TemplatesApi (config );
try {
TemplateDeletion response = apiInstance .delete ("tmpl_df934eeda694203" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
TemplatesApi apiInstance = new TemplatesApi (config );
try {
TemplateList response = apiInstance .list (
2 , // limit
null , // before
null , // after
includeList , // include
dateCreated , // dateCreated
metadata // metadata
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Updated description" \
-d " published_version=vrsn_362184d96d9b0c9"
TemplatesApi apiInstance = new TemplatesApi (config );
TemplateUpdate update = new TemplateUpdate ();
update .setDescription ("update template" );
update .setPublishedVersion ("vrsn_362184d96d9b0c9" ;
try {
apiInstance .update ("tmpl_c94e83ca2cd5121" , update );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Test Template" \
--data-urlencode " html=<html>HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
TemplatesApi apiInstance = new TemplatesApi (config );
try {
TemplateWritable templateWritable = new TemplateWritable ();
templateWritable .setDescription ("Test Template" );
templateWritable .setHtml ("<html>HTML for {{name}}</html>" );
Template result = apiInstance .create (templateWritable );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
TemplateVersionsApi apiInstance = new TemplateVersionsApi (config );
try {
TemplateVersion response = apiInstance .get ("vrsn_534e339882d2282" );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl -X GET "" \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc:
TemplateVersionsApi apiInstance = new TemplateVersionsApi (config );
try {
List response = apiInstance .list (
"tmpl_dadaaf7b76c9f25" , // tmplId
2 , // limit
null , // before
null , // after
null , // include
null // dateCreated
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " description=Second Version" \
--data-urlencode " html=<html>Second HTML for {{name}}</html>" \
TemplateVersionsApi apiInstance = new TemplateVersionsApi (config );
try {
TemplateVersionWritable templateVersionWritable = new TemplateVersionWritable ();
templateVersionWritable .setDescription ("Second Version" );
templateVersionWritable .setHtml ("<html>Second HTML for {{name}}</html>" );
TemplateVersion result = apiInstance .create (templateVersionWritable );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-d " address_prefix=340 Wat" \
-d " city=Summerside" \
-d " state=Prince Edward Island" \
-d " zip_code=C1N 1C4" \
-d " country=CA" \
IntlAutocompletionsWritable intlAutocompletionsWritable = new IntlAutocompletionsWritable ();
intlAutocompletionsWritable .setAddressPrefix ("340 Wat" );
intlAutocompletionsWritable .setCity ("Summerside" );
intlAutocompletionsWritable .setState ("Prince Edward Island" );
intlAutocompletionsWritable .setZipCode ("C1N 1C4" );
intlAutocompletionsWritable .setCountry (CountryExtended .CA );
IntlAutocompletionsApi apiInstance = new IntlAutocompletionsApi (config );
try {
apiInstance .autocomplete (intlAutocompletionsWritable , null );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d " zip_code=94107"
ZipEditable zipEditable = new ZipEditable ();
zipEditable .setZipCode ("94107" );
ZipLookupsApi apiInstance = new ZipLookupsApi (config );
try {
Zip response = apiInstance .lookup (zipEditable );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
Reverse Geocode Lookups Api
curl \
-d " latitude=37.777456" \
-d " longitude=-122.393039" \
ReverseGeocodeLookupsApi apiInstance = new ReverseGeocodeLookupsApi (config );
Location location = new Location ();
location .setlatitude (37.777456f );
location .setlongitude (-122.393039f );
try {
apiInstance .lookup (location , null );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-d " address_prefix=185 B" \
-d " city=San Francisco" \
-d " state=CA" \
-d " zip_code=94017" \
UsAutocompletionsApi apiInstance = new UsAutocompletionsApi (config );
UsAutocompletionsWritable autoCompletionWritable = new UsAutocompletionsWritable ();
autoCompletionWritable .setAddressPrefix ("185 B" );
autoCompletionWritable .setCity ("San Francisco" );
autoCompletionWritable .setState ("CA" );
autoCompletionWritable .setZipCode ("94017" );
try {
UsAutocompletions usAutocompletion = apiInstance .autocomplete (autoCompletionWritable );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
--header ' Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[0][primary_line]=2261 Market Street' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[0][city]=San Francisco' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[0][state]=CA' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[0][zip_code]=94114' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[1][primary_line]=185 BERRY ST STE 6600' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[1][city]=SAN FRANCISCO' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[1][state]=CA' \
--data-urlencode ' addresses[1][zip_code]=94017' \
MultipleComponentsList bulkVerify = new MultipleComponentsList ();
MultipleComponents bulkAddress0 = new MultipleComponents ();
bulkAddress0 .setPrimaryLine ("2261 Market Street" );
bulkAddress0 .setCity ("San Francisco" );
bulkAddress0 .setState ("CA" );
bulkAddress0 .setZipCode ("94114" );
bulkVerify .addAddressesItem (bulkAddress0 );
MultipleComponents bulkAddress1 = new MultipleComponents ();
bulkAddress1 .setPrimaryLine ("185 BERRY ST STE 6600" );
bulkAddress1 .setCity ("SAN FRANCISCO" );
bulkAddress1 .setState ("CA" );
bulkAddress1 .setZipCode ("94017" );
bulkVerify .addAddressesItem (bulkAddress1 );
UsVerificationsApi apiInstance = new UsVerificationsApi (config );
try {
UsVerifications bulkVerifyResponse = apiInstance .verifyBulk (bulkVerify , null );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
curl \
-d " primary_line=2261 Market Street" \
-d " city=San Francisco" \
-d " state=CA" \
-d " zip_code=94114" \
UsVerificationsWritable singleVerify = new UsVerificationsWritable ();
singleVerify .setPrimaryLine ("2261 Market Street" );
singleVerify .setCity ("San Francisco" );
singleVerify .setState ("CA" );
singleVerify .setZipCode ("94114" );
UsVerificationsApi apiInstance = new UsVerificationsApi (config );
try {
apiInstance .verifySingle (singleVerify , null );
} catch (ApiException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();