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Home assistant add-on: Birdnet-Go

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BirdNET-Go is an AI solution for continuous avian monitoring and identification developed by @tphakala

This addon is based on their docker image.


Install, then start the addon a first time. Webui can be found at http://homeassistant:8080. You'll need a microphone : either use one connected to HA or the audio stream of a rstp camera.

The audio clips folder can be stored on an external or SMB drive by mounting it from the addon options, then specifying the path instead of "clips/". For example, "/mnt/NAS/Birdnet/"

Options can be configured through three ways :

  • Addon options
ALSA_CARD : number of the card (0 or 1 usually), see
TZ: Etc/UTC specify a timezone to use, see
COMMAND : realtime --rtsp url # allows to provide arguments to birdnet-go
  • Config.yaml Additional variables can be configured using the config.yaml file found in /config/db21ed7f_birdnet-go/config.yaml using the Filebrowser addon

  • Config_env.yaml Additional environment variables can be configured there


The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other add-on.

  1. Add my add-ons repository to your home assistant instance (in supervisor addons store at top right, or click button below if you have configured my HA) Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.
  2. Install this add-on.
  3. Click the Save button to store your configuration.
  4. Set the add-on options to your preferences
  5. Start the add-on.
  6. Check the logs of the add-on to see if everything went well.
  7. Open the webUI and adapt the software options

Integration with HA

Not yet available

Common issues

Not yet available


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