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Releases: livepeer/go-livepeer

CLI Update, Local Database, Connection Update

05 May 01:17
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This release contains changes in:

  • Livepeer CLI - making the options more organized.
  • Adding a local sqlite database. This is useful for many things - for example, restarting a transcoder in the middle of a job.
  • Added a -initializeRound flag for transcoders.
  • Updated connection methods to Ethereum - only use websocket connections when the node is running as a transcoder. This improves the connection stability of broadcasting nodes.

Mainnet Alpha Release

01 May 14:59
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The first test release for the Ethereum mainnet. This release includes:

  • Many networking bug fixes and networking protocol upgrade
  • Changes in transcoder configuration (added a -publicIP flag requirement)
  • Log cleanup
  • Settling on a ffmpeg version
  • Upgrading major dependencies like libp2p, go-ipfs and go-ethereum

Small World Network

20 Apr 23:05
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This release attempts to scale the Livepeer video network by creating highly connected bootnodes, transcoding nodes, and gateway nodes.

CLI Update + Video Fixes

11 Apr 22:34
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This release contains a few updates to the livepeer_cli tool:

  • You no longer need to pass in -transcoder. The CLI will query the node and automatically do the right thing.
  • A new option to print out the latest jobs and their assignees.

It also contains some video bug fixes and some log cleanup.

Minor Update

29 Mar 23:49
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This release contains the following updates:

  • Removed -testnet. The node now only supports -rinkeby.
  • Reconnect logic for websockets. This accounts for the instability issues we are seeing with Infura.

Stability and Bug Fixes

12 Mar 23:22
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This release includes mostly bug fixes.

  • A fix in our libavcodec code - sometimes the node crashes for not getting a keyframe.
  • A few fixes for connecting to Rinkeby using websocket when the other side unexpectedly closes the connection.
  • A fix for transcoding local streams.
  • A fix for when the Livepeer network p2p message gets corrupted somehow.

The node should be more stable now, and we will continue to prioritize stability fixes for the next few weeks as we are getting ready to launch the network on the main net.

Rinkeby bug fixes + native libav support

04 Mar 03:10
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This release includes a few bug fixes to account for the migration to the Rinkeby network.

  • Retry logic for when requests to external Ethereum nodes time out.
  • Minor bug fixes to the p2p networking layer

Another important milestone included in this release is full native libav integration. With this upgrade, the livepeer node no longer has external dependency to a local ffmpeg installation, making it a lot easier to get livepeer running in a new environment.

Video Fix, New Testnet, and Rinkeby!

21 Feb 00:59
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This is a feature-packed release -

  • We've made changes to the video segmenter - now it's natively integrated with libav.
  • We've also updated / deployed a new set of smart contracts as a result of the internal security audit. This release contains changes for the new interface.
  • New network! Livepeer is now deployed on the public Rinkeby testnet. To talk to connect to the Rinkeby network, use -rinkeby instead of -testnet.

Special thanks to the Infura team for providing awesome Eth infrastructure!

ps - notice the size of the binary went from 200MB to 100MB, thanks to @j0sh removing unnecessary dependencies.

Protocol Update

23 Jan 23:10
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Breaking Change. This version of go-livepeer incorporates fixes we've discovered in running the testnet. Please upgrade.

  • Require that transcoders are bonded to themselves. (No more freeriding.)
  • View participation rate, total token supply, and total bonded token in the CLI.
  • Broadcasts via the CLI now play in more browsers than just Chrome. (Safari, Firefox.)
  • The client now detects if a job was assigned to you as a transcoder even if you aren't the transcoder with the most delegated stake (jobs for all!)

Memory Fix, CLI Change + Bug Fixes

15 Jan 22:02
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Version 0.1.10 fixes:

  • A major memory issue. We now discard old video segments from memory.
  • An issue that causes the node to crash when transcoding fails.
  • An status error issue that causes CDNs to cache segments for longer than they should.

It also contains some CLI improvements to print out more information about the protocol.