This page is a set of blog posts, notebooks and other files you might find interesting or fun.
A cheatsheet of some nomenclature stuff in computer graphics.
Contains a list of online tools to help with organization of your team/classroom/whatever.
Contains package inclusions and command definitions I use day-to-day.
A bunch of notebooks for learning maths.
My name is Juraj Fulir and I'm a doctoral student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. I work in the field of Computer Graphics (CG), currently looking into the problems of differentiable rendering and incorporating those techniques for various applications in CG.
I love singing in the Academic male choir of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (in short: AKMUZ FER). I'm a Tenor 1st and I think I'm real darn good, tho colleagues next to me might dissagree.
I also lead a small journal club at the Research Center of Youth (ICM) called JournalClub@FER where a couple of very enthusiastic students and colleagues from the industry come together to discuss scientific articles (usually from conferences) from various fields, with a strong preference for Machine Learning. If you are a student starting out, I definitely recommed you to join or start a club like this. It can be a lot of fun, you can learn a lot from your colleagues and significantly widen your exploration horizon.
You can find me at Shadertoy, Twitter and YouTube, or contact me at [email protected]. You can check out some of my older projects on my older website.