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Javascript functions that are needed repeatedly but are missing in NodeJS.

How to install and use

Run npm install missing-in-node or yarn add missing-in-node.

You can then use the module in your project as the example below illustrates:

const M = require("missing-in-node");

console.log(M.btoa("Encode this string")); // outputs: RW5jb2RlIHRoaXMgc3RyaW5n

Functions provided in this package

String functions

  • atob(input: string) : string decodes a Base64 string
  • btoa(input: string) : string encodes into a Base64 string
  • chr(num: int) : string an alias for String.fromCharCode
  • ord(char: string) : int an alias for String.prototype.charCodeAt
  • reverse(input: string) : string returns the reversed string without modifying the original one
  • startsWith(text: string, start: string) : bool returns true only if the first arg starts with the second arg
  • endsWith(text: string, end: string) : bool returns true only if the first arg ends with the second arg
  • occurences(haystack: string, needle: string) : int returns number of occurences of a string in another string
  • multiplyString(str: string, count: int) : string returns he original string repeated count times

Time functions

  • : float returns the milliseconds that passed since the process started
  • sleep(milliseconds) asynchronous function that sleeps the number of milliseconds provided in its argument

Random functions

  • randomInt(n1: int, n2: int) : int fast but cryptographically insecure function that returns an integer between 0 and (n1 - 1) if only n1 is provided, otherwise an integer between n1 and (n2 - 1)
  • randomIntWeighted(n1: int, n2: int, weight: float) : int same as ramdomInt but with weight parameter (between 0 and 1) that makes the random distribution leans towards n1 or n2
  • randomIntsInRange(n1 : int, n2: int, count: int) : array returns an array with count numbers of sorted random integers between n1 and (n2 - 1)
  • randomFloat(n1: float, n2: float) : float returns a float between 0 and n1 if only n1 is provided, otherwise a float between n1 and n2
  • randomBool() : bool returns true or false randomly
  • randomAlphaNumeric() : string returns a random alphanumeric character (from A-Z or a-z or 0-9)
  • randomAlpha() : string returns a random alpha character (from A-Z or a-z)
  • randomAlphaUpper() : string returns a random uppercase alpha character (from A-Z)
  • randomAlphaLower() : string returns a random lowercase alpha character (from a-z)
  • randomDigit() : string returns a random decimal digit character (from 0-9)
  • randomHexDigit() : string returns a random hexadecimal digit character (from 0-9 or A-F)
  • randomFromList(list: array) : any returns a random element from list
  • randomWithPercentage(obj: object): any returns a random key from an object with format {"option1": percentage1, "option2": percentage2, ...}
  • randomFromObject(obj: object): object returns a random key-value pair from an object
  • crypto.randomInt(n1: int, n2: int) : int cryptograhically secure random integer generator
  • crypto.getRandomValues(array) : array fills an array with random values similarly to its browser counterpart

Numerical functions

  • bin(num: int) : string an alias for .toString(2)
  • oct(num: int) : string an alias for .toString(8)
  • hex(num: int) : string an alias for .toString(16)
  • hex(text: string) : string converts a text or a binary string to hexadecimal string
  • hex(arr: array) : string converts an array of bytes to hexadecimal string
  • dec(num: string, base: int) : int an alias for parseInt(num, base)
  • round(number: float or string, decimalDigits: int) : float rounds a number to a particular number of decimal digits
  • reverse(input: number) : number returns the reversed number without modifying the original one
  • factorial(num: int) : int calculates the factorial of a positive integer
  • fibonacci(num: int) : int calculates the n-th number in fibonacci series using non-recursive method
  • isPrime(num: int) : bool determines whether an integer is prime or not

List functions

  • listEquals(list1, list2) : bool determines if two arrays or two sets are equal (for primitive type elements only)
  • objectEquals(object1, object2) : bool determines if two objects or are equal (for primitive type values only)
  • reverse(input: array) : array returns a reversed array without modifying the original one
  • shuffle(arr: array) : array returns a shuffled array (using Knuth method) without modifying the original one
  • union(set1: set, set2: set) : set returns the union of two sets
  • intersection(set1: set, set2: set) : set returns the intersection of two sets
  • difference(set1: set, set2: set) : set returns the difference of two sets
  • clone(obj: any) : any returns a shallow copy of an object or an array

function-related functions

  • repeatFunction(func: function, count: int, argsArray: array) : array executes a function count times and returns the function return values in an array
  • multiFunction(arg: any, funcArray: array, classObj: object) : any applies the functions in funcArray in order on the argument arg; elements in funcArray must be either funciton objects if classObj is not supplied, or strings that represent methods of classObj otherwise
  • runSequential(funcArray: array) : array executes functions in funcArray sequentially; each element in the array is an object in the form { func: funcObj, args: [] }; the return values are returned in the same order in an array
  • runConcurrent(funcArray: array) : array executes functions in funcArray concurrently; each element in the array is an object in the form { func: funcObj, args: [] }; the return values are returned in the same order in an array
  • benchmark(func: function, count: int, argsArray: array) executes a function count times and prints the to stdout the total execution time