The Great Leap Forward is an advanced agile method, which will truely take projects to the next level by essentially propelling each and every individual associated with it to web-scale capabilities. Intense supervision and mentoring as well as difficult tasks for the individual to solve will enable your team to tackle even the most advanced problems that exist today.
Invented by chinese thought-leader and major influencer 毛澤東, this agile method indeed is very highly rated in all over Asia, so simply announcing to employ it will give you and your company tremendous respect and initial, disruptive market interest from leaders all over this sky-rocketing economic landscape.
It does also comprise many further and especially advanced sub-methods, which can be employed to amplify the results of your agile project.
- lockable meeting room / camp (for headcount>10)
- armed guards (with intercom-capabilities and riot-gear)
- external control stand
- Lock your team in the meeting room / camp
- Send in armed guards
- Make them beat the shit out of everyone in the room
These sub-methods can be deployed only in additon to The Great Leap Forward methods.
- In course of project, cut all food supply
- Let them fight for food
- Survival of the fittest
- Cannibalism
- Fill room with water
- Watch them drown
- Set project goals completely detatched from reality and costumer needs
- Let single workers do the most part of the work
- Beat down any complaining staff