README for WaZP - 27/06/2022
WaZP content :
- call script :
- parameter file : wazp.cfg
- data config: data.cfg
- wazp/ :
- aux_data/ : auxiliary files + mag_star files for each survey/filter
- input_data/ : example of input galcat + footprint
- output_ref/ : example of output with verbose=1
Launch wazp in one line :
python wazp.cfg data.cfg default configuration to allow the generation of a folder output/ to be compared to output_ref/
Requirements :
- Python 3.6
- installation of SPARSE2D / mr_filter C++ code
Parallelization :
The natural multithreading comes in 2 different places of
for ith in np.unique(all_tiles['thread_id']): run_wazp_tile(config, dconfig, ith)
for ith in np.unique(all_tiles['thread_id']):
run_pmem_tile(config, dconfig, ith)
Here it comes as a loop that should be treated with your favourite multithreading fct or batch scheduler.
Note that the number of threads can be updated in the wazp.cfg file under : 'admin / nthread_max'
Note on the data.cfg file :
- this file describes various implemented surveys
- each survey contains 4 types of products
- a galaxy catalog
- a footprint
- a magstar file
- a photo z metric
- each product is described by
- its location on disc
- key names of the quantities used by wazp
- data structure (presented in tiles or single files)
Note on the wazp.cfg file :
- The header of this file specifies
- the survey being used
- the selected reference filter
- the level of verbosity
Scientific use of WaZP:
- Preparation of the wazp.cfg and data.cfg files
- install survey files and update data.cfg
- select survey and filter in wazp.cfg
Some basic properties of WaZP :
the tiling is done in healpix pixels so that it can operate at any RA-Dec Technically, detection is performed on a spherical cap that has an angular radius large enough to enclose the healpix tile + an overlap region between the tiles.
the divisision of the N tiles in P cores is done to optimize the distribution of the area to be analyzed (as equal area as possible).
there are 3 levels of verbose. With verbose = 0 no intermediate file is written on disc except those necessary for the code.
there are several re-entry points with the generation of numpy files (.npx). But this can be switched off if necessary
Main steps of :
- read the wazp.cfg
- from the selected survey and filter update the wazp.cfg and data.cfg to match the survey properties (z range..).
- compute global mean bkg densities in a subset of the survey in an area specified in wazp.cfg
- build the list of tiles and zp slices
- Exectute detection in each tile (parallel)
- combine all outputs, filter and rank by decreasing SNR
- Execute cluster membership (pmem) and richness computation in each tile
- combine all outputs and merge detection + pmem