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Amalgam8 Developer Guide


The Vagrantfile in this folder can be used to instantiate an Ubuntu VM that has all the dependencies (except Kubernetes). Just do a vagrant up in this folder, followed by vagrant ssh to get started.

If you plan on using Kubernetes for managing your containers, then a recent installation of kubernetes (v1.2.3 or higher) is needed. The accompanying helper script devel/ can be used to install Kubernetes inside the vagrant environment.

Once the prerequisites are installed or the Vagrant VM is up, source code related to Amalgam8 sidecar, controller and registry can be found under the $GOPATH/src/ folder. The a8ctl tool can be found under the $GOPATH/src/ folder.

Repository Structure

  • The source code is organized into Go packages for the sidecar, service registry and the route controller.

  • The examples folder contains the source code for the demo applications (helloworld and bookinfo).

  • The testing folder contains test scripts used for integration testing in Travis builds.

Building Docker Images

To build the docker image for the Amalgam8 Route Controller, Service Registry and the Amalgam8 Sidecar, run the following commands:

cd $GOPATH/src/
make build dockerize

You should now have three docker images, namely a8-controller:latest, a8-registry:latest and a8-sidecar:latest.

Demo Applications

From the $GOPATH/src/ folder, to build the docker images for the demo applications, run the following scripts:

#for the helloworld app
#for the bookinfo app

Building Executables

The Go-based components can also be run outside of a docker container as Go binaries. While this is not recommended for production, it can be useful for development or easier integration with your local Go tools.

The GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make build command builds linux binaries for the controller, registry and the sidecar irrespective of the host OS and architecture. The binaries can be found under the bin folder under the repository root directory ($GOPATH/src/

Running Local Integration Tests

End-to-end integration tests can be run using the following make target:

make test.integration

The above command would run the integration test for both Docker Compose and Kubernetes. To disable testing on kubernetes (i.e. test with just Docker compose), run

A8_TEST_K8S=false make test.integration

Similarlu, to disable testing with Docker Compose (i.e. test with just Kubernetes), run

A8_TEST_DOCKER=false make test.integration

Makefile Targets

The following Makefile targets are available for the amalgam8 repository.

Make Target Description
build (Default) invokes targets build.controller, build.registry, build.sidecar
build.controller builds the controller binary in the ./bin directory
build.registry builds the registry binary in the ./bin directory
build.sidecar builds the sidecar binary in the ./bin directory
dockerize invokes targets dockerize.controller, dockerize.registry, dockerize.sidecar
dockerize.controller packages the controller binary into a docker container with tag a8-controller:latest
dockerize.registry packages the registry binary into a docker container with tag a8-registry:latest
dockerize.sidecar packages the sidecar binary into a docker container with tag a8-sidecar:latest
release invokes targets release.controller, release.registry, release.sidecar
release.controller creates a tarball with the controller binary
release.registry creates a tarball with the registry binary
release.sidecar creates a tarball with the sidecar binary
precommit runs code formatting and checks. make precommit must be run before committing code changes and sending pull requests
test runs (short duration) tests using go test. You can also use make test.long to include long running tests.
test.integration runs end to end integration tests using docker-compose and kubernetes. The test scripts can be found under the testing folder relative to root of repository.
clean clean removes build artifacts. Note: this does not remove docker images

Building the CLI

To build the latest version of the a8ctl CLI, run the following command from $GOPATH/src/ folder:

export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/src/

# linux users
make build.cli.linux

# OSX users
make build.cli.darwin

# windows users

Alternatively, a pre-built CLI for your operating system can be downloaded from the releases page here


To remove locally-compiled Amalgam8 images and use the Amalgam8 images from Docker Hub:

docker rmi $(docker images | grep "amalgam8/" | awk "{print \$3}")